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研究了磁性液体在有、无外加磁场作用时磁性液体中纳米磁性颗粒的微观排列结构, 发现无外加磁场作用时磁性颗粒随机均匀分布在载液中, 有外加均匀磁场作用时, 磁性颗粒沿磁场方向排列成均匀链状结构。当外加均匀磁场强度为11.1 kA/m, TEM照片清晰显示磁性颗粒排列成一条链状结构, 随着外加均匀磁场强度逐渐增强到28.6 kA/m, 更多磁性颗粒沿磁场方向紧密排列成链状结构。在外加梯度磁场作用下, 铁芯中心处磁场强度为28.7 kA/m时, 大量磁性颗粒聚集于线圈中心轴附近形成复杂链状团簇结构; 沿r轴方向磁场强度较弱的地方, 较少磁性颗粒排列成链状结构。当磁场梯度从1.73 kA/m2逐渐增加到5.11 kA/m2时, 磁场梯度轴线上的磁性颗粒团簇结构由稀疏逐渐变成为密集。磁场诱导磁性颗粒链状排列结构的研究对磁性液体在机械工程、生物工程、热力工程等领域的应用有重要意义。  相似文献   

磁性智能混合体MAGIC(magnetic intelligent compounds)是一种含有磁性颗粒、磨粒以及粘结剂的可固化的磁性抛光材料,其抛光性能很大程度受其中颗粒分布的影响.MAGIC颗粒分布的研究是MAGIC抛光体制备及其抛光性能研究的基础,通过试验方法深入研究外加磁场、颗粒浓度、颗粒大小对磁性智能混合体中颗粒分布的影响.研究发现,当外加磁场强度大、磁性颗粒粒径小、磁性颗粒浓度高时,磁性颗粒容易形成交叉链和团簇链分布;而外加磁场强度小、磁性颗粒粒径大、磁性颗粒浓度低时,磁性颗粒容易形成短链分布.  相似文献   

采用扫描电子显微镜、能谱分析和X射线能谱等方法,研究了电场作用对膜相渗透化学镀NiCo/聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)磁性复合膜结构参数、膜孔中金属粒子的含量以及粒径大小的影响.结果表明,外加电场,可使还原反应主要发生在孔中,得到的复合膜厚度最薄,孔径分布曲线向孔径减小的方向移动最多,膜孔中的金属粒子也最多;同时膜孔中NiCo金属粒子的粒径分布范围由没有外加电场作用下的0.28~0.78μm变为外加电场作用下的0.25~0.31 μm,金属颗粒粒径变得更小,粒径分布更均匀.  相似文献   

基于链化分析的磁流变弹性体剪切模量模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
磁流变弹性体是一种磁流变材料,由高分子橡胶基体掺杂微米级的铁磁性颗粒固化而成.基于磁性物理学理论,从磁流变弹性体在磁场作用下铁磁性固体颗粒极化成链的微观结构出发,探讨磁流变流体中固体颗粒间的相互作用机理,分析研究颗粒间的相互作用力,建立了一种微观力学模型,可用于分析磁流变流体在外加磁场作用下剪切模量及其影响因素的作用效果,揭示磁流变效应的微结构机理,为磁流变弹性体的性能优化、工程开发及应用提供理论依据.  相似文献   

依据Heisenberg模型,利用Monte Carlo方法模拟了磁性多层膜系统的自旋重取向行为,研究了各向异性、偶极相互作用以及外磁场对系统自旋取向的影响。通过模拟计算,获得了系统组态、磁分量等随偶极相互作用、外加磁场和温度的变化规律,重点研究了磁性多层膜系统在外磁场作用下的磁滞现象。  相似文献   

聚氨酯泡沫(PUFs)被广泛应用于飞机、车辆和许多其他设施中的噪声控制。本文研究的磁性聚氨酯泡沫(MPUFs)是一种新型智能泡沫,其力学和声学特性可通过磁场控制。采用一步全水法制备了添加羟基铁粉颗粒的磁性聚氨酯泡沫(CIPs/MPUFs),在发泡过程中施加一定强度的磁场,磁颗粒沿着外加磁场方向排列成链状有序结构,得到各向异性磁性泡沫。在外加磁场作用下,CIPs/MPUFs内部磁性颗粒发生迁移,材料的力学和声学性能发生改变。实验研究了外加磁场对CIPs/MPUFs力学性能和吸声性能的影响。实验结果表明:在外加磁场条件下,CIPs/MPUFs的储能模量和损耗模量随磁性颗粒含量的增加而增加;CIPs/MPUFs的平均吸声系数变化幅度在1%~7%之间,当颗粒含量为5wt%、制备磁场为200 mT、测试施加1.5 A电流时,CIPs/MPUFs的平均吸声系数增加幅度最大,为6.5%。   相似文献   

观察并分析了金刚石磁性对复合镀层的负面影响.通过对比三种金刚石颗粒(分别经过增磁、退磁和未处理)得到的复合镀层的微观结构,发现金刚石磁性对镀层有以下影响:粗化镀层晶粒,使镀层表面起伏不平并出现节瘤和金刚石表面的过度包镶,更为严重的是降低金刚石在胎体中的机械镶嵌状态(颗粒与沉积物之间出现间隙).对金刚石颗粒的增磁和消磁处理可以分别强化和减弱这些危害.根据Lorentz理论,以上现象可以解释为电沉积过程中磁性金刚石和运动阳离子之间电磁相互作用的结果.  相似文献   

利用化学液相共沉淀法制备出不同尺寸、具有超顺磁性的纳米磁性Fe3O4/BSA颗粒,经分散后包覆蛋白使其具备良好的生物兼容性,该颗粒可长期、稳定地分散在溶液中。在外加交变磁场(414kA/m,50Hz)下纪录不同颗粒的浊度变化率,并利用光透射性可即时测得介质中浑浊程度与时间的关系,结合浊度-浓度拟合曲线,计算出在外加磁场作用下,磁性纳米复合颗粒对外加磁场的响应程度,半定量计算出相同时间下不同尺寸的微粒吸附在管壁上的质量百分比。结果显示,稳定在介质中的纳米磁性颗粒在外加磁场后,磁响应性随颗粒尺寸增大而增大,颗粒大小分别为10、108和210nm,所对应的磁响应性分别为6%、10%和12%;在外加磁场30s后,该磁性纳米复合颗粒在管壁附着的质量百分比分别为39.9%、70.4%及86.7%。  相似文献   

目的 介绍磁性纳米颗粒的性质和生物医学应用,以及通过磁性纳米颗粒介导的电磁神经刺激治疗的最新进展.为今后优化刺激参数、提高磁神经刺激效率提供参考.方法 总结近年来国内外对磁性纳米颗粒的研究进展,并重点分析基于磁性纳米颗粒的神经磁刺激方法及效果.结果 磁性纳米颗粒具有成像、靶向给药、磁热疗等生物医学应用,以磁性纳米颗粒为基础进行神经磁刺激的类型可分为磁热刺激、磁电刺激及磁机械力刺激三种.这种刺激方式安全、高效且精准性高,能够改善传统磁刺激方式的缺陷.结论 磁性纳米颗粒性质独特,是近年来研究最多、发展速度最快的纳米材料之一.利用磁性纳米颗粒介导的神经磁刺激具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

阳极氧化铝膜的制备和磁性纳米阵列   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 为了获得一定的纳米孔排列结构。方法 采用了电化学阳极氧化法制备氧化铝纳米结构。可以得到具有不同参数的密集排列的六角形结构膜,其中的纳米孔具有高绘横比。结果 我们制备了阳极氧化铝膜,而后得到了Fe纳米阵列,从磁滞回线讨论了它的垂直磁化特性。结论 以阳极氧化铝膜为模板,在其中沉积磁性纳米颗粒,可以得到了磁性纳米阵列,它具备高的垂直磁化特性。  相似文献   

The magnetic field and the seal capacity of ferrofluid seals are calculated and analyzed by numerical methods. Based on the magnetic filed calculations, the isobars in the ferrofluid and the cross sections of the fluid sealing ring are described. The relations of the seal capacity to the ferrofluid amount and the magnetic circuit parameters are analyzed. The action of the centrifugal force on the seal is indicated  相似文献   

铁磁流体互易性磁致旋光效应的传输特性及数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王士彬  孙才新  杜林  林森  杨勇 《功能材料》2011,42(Z1):126-128,140
对水基铁磁流体在外加磁场作用下的磁致旋光效应的传输特性进行实验和数值模拟研究.在构建铁磁流体纵向磁光效应测试平台的基础上,对铁磁流体在恒定磁场、单个脉冲磁场以及连续方渡脉冲磁场作用下的磁致旋光效应进行了研究.结果表明,铁磁流体对偏振光振动方向的旋转与纵向调制磁场的方向无关;铁磁流体对于快脉冲磁场的响应是一个双指数弛豫过...  相似文献   

谭美军  陈洪  汤建新 《包装工程》2002,23(4):60-61,66
描述了磁流体的特性,不同种类磁流体的生产方法及应用状况,并着重阐述了磁流体在防伪印刷油墨中的应用前景,对提高磁性印刷的性能和拓展磁性印刷的应用提出了建议。  相似文献   

磁流体薄片中聚焦激光束对交流磁场的相位独立响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
报导了磁流体薄片中聚焦激光束在探测50Hz交流磁场时产生与磁场相位无关响应的效应。聚焦于并通过磁流体薄片的633nm激光束的偏转角仅与交流磁场的幅度相关。为了探寻其机理,还研究了磁流体中聚焦激光束对开/关磁场或激光的瞬态响应。提出了基于磁熵守恒的磁流体中磁性粒子密度再分布正反馈模型来解释这一效应。这一模型也可以预 磁流体中一种磁-热失稳现象。  相似文献   

A Mn-Zn ferrite ferrofluid is produced by chemical synthesis. Two different types of ferrofluids, according to the type of carrier liquid, are synthesized: an aqueous cationic ferrofluid and a surfacted hydrocarbon-based one. Ferrite particles are characterized by using several techniques: X-ray diffraction, transmission electronic microscopy, IR-spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, magnetization measurements and chemical analysis. Particles size depends on the synthesis parameters and can be partly controlled by choosing the type of the coprecipitating base. Increasing of the Zn concentration leads to smaller size of synthesized particles, as well as effects the content of associated water. Magnetization of the ferrofluid significantly decreases when the degree of Zn substitution exceeds 0.5.  相似文献   

The design of intelligent gating in nanoscale is the subject of intense research motivated by a broad potential impact on science and technology. However, the existing designs require complex modification and are unstable, which restrict their practical applications. Here, a magnetic gated nanofluidic is reported based on the integration of superhydrophilic membranes and reconfigurable ferrofluid, which realizes the gating of the nanochannel by adjusting the steric configuration of the ferrofluid. This system could achieve ultrahigh gating ratio up to 10 000 and excellent stability up to 130 cycles without attenuation. Experiments and theoretical calculations demonstrate that the switch is controlled by the synergy of magnetic force and the interfacial tension. The introduction of ferrofluid and superhydrophilic nanochannels in this work presents an important paradigm for the nanofluidic systems and opens a new and promising avenue to various developments in the fields of materials science, which may be utilized in medical devices, nanoscale synthesis, and environmental analysis.  相似文献   

用化学共沉淀法合成了Fe3O4纳米微粒,并用双层表面活性剂对其进行表面修饰,得到了以水和乙醇为分散介质的磁流体。在磁流体的存在下,用改进的乳液聚合方法合成了Fe3O4/聚苯乙烯磁性微球。X射线衍射研究表明,Fe3O4纳米微粒的平均粒径约为10 nm;在透射电镜下观察磁性微球的粒径在140 nm左右;并用红外光谱和热失重方法表征了复合微球的化学成分及其所含Fe3O4的百分数。阐述了双层表面活性剂改性的机理,并对聚合过程中单体、磁流体及引发剂的用量的影响进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The effect of field-induced aggregation of particles on the magnetization property of ferrofluids is investigated. From the viewpoint of energy, magnetizability of ferrofluids is more complicated than predicted by Langevin theory because the aggregation, i.e., the transition of ferrofluid microstructure, would consume the energy of the applied magnetic field. For calculating the effect of aggregates on the magnetization of ferrofluids, a model of gaslike compression (MGC) is proposed to simulate the evolution of the aggregate structure. In this model, the field-induced colloidal particles aggregating in ferrofluids is equivalent to the “gas of the particles” being compressed by the applied magnetic field. The entropy change of the ferrofluid microstructure is proportional to the particle volume fraction in field-induced aggregates øH. On the basis of the known behavior of ferrofluid magnetization and the aggregate structure determined from the present experiments, øH is obtained and found to depend on the aggregating characteristic parameter of ferrofluid particles γ in addition to the particle volume fraction in ferrofluids ø and the strength of applied magnetic field H. The effect of the nonmagnetic surface layer of ferrofluid particles is also studied. The theory of MGC conforms to our experimental results better than Langevin theory.  相似文献   

The effect of field-induced aggregation of particles on the magnetization property of ferrofluids is investigated. From the viewpoint of energy, magnetizability of ferrofluids is more complicated than predicted by Langevin theory because the aggregation, i.e., the transition of ferrofluid microstructure, would consume the energy of the applied magnetic field. For calculating the effect of aggregates on the magnetization of ferrofluids, a model of gaslike compression (MGC) is proposed to simulate the evolution of the aggregate structure. In this model, the field-induced colloidal particles aggregating in ferrofluids is equivalent to the “gas of the particles” being compressed by the applied magnetic field. The entropy change of the ferrofluid microstructure is proportional to the particle volume fraction in field-induced aggregates φH. On the basis of the known behavior of ferrofluid magnetization and the aggregate structure determined from the present experiments, φH is obtained and found to depend on the aggregating characteristic parameter of ferrofluid particles γ in addition to the particle volume fraction in ferrofluids φ and the strength of applied magnetic field H. The effect of the nonmagnetic surface layer of ferrofluid particles is also studied. The theory of MGC conforms to our experimental results better than Langevin theory.  相似文献   

裴宁 《真空》2002,(4):53-55
简要介绍了磁性液体组成,磁性液体密封件的基本元件及各元件的作用,说明了密封件的密封原理、耐压能力计算和实际测试结果,重点介绍 密封件的故障分析及采取的整改措施,以供有关人员参考。  相似文献   

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