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在建筑工程的给排水施工过程中,经常会因各种原因导致施工时发生一些问题,而这些问题的出现,势必会影响给排水施工质量,为了有效地确保建筑工程给排水施工质量,必须对施工过程中常见的问题进行认真分析,并采取相应的措施加以处理解决,本文结合笔者多年来的施工经验,首先阐述了建筑工程给排水施工常见问题,总结探讨建筑工程给排水施工技术,旨在提高建筑工程给排水施工的质量.  相似文献   

众所周知,国际建筑工程项目一般都具有建设周期长、投入资金多、不确定性强、工程建设的规模大、风险因素多等特点。基于这些特点,国际建筑工程项目其利润也是非常的大。而对于我国来说,国际的建筑市场具有很大的诱惑力。但是,当前我国的国际工程的建筑商普遍存在风险的识别意识弱、风险管理不到位以及风险评估不完善等问题,导致在实施的过程中出现各种事故,给我国造成了巨大的损失。本篇文章笔者从国际建筑工程项目作为研究的对象,对风险管理进行了详细的分析,创建了一套科学合理的运行机制。  相似文献   

当前的建筑工程中,建筑结构设计对建筑工程有着重要的作用。建筑结构设计过程却是复杂而又不可缺少的部分。这对于建筑物的安全、性能、经济、外观等有着直接影响。现实工程设计过程里.经常出现建筑结构设计发生诸多错误。本文通过加深对建筑结构设计内容与原则的认识,注意结构设计中常见的问题,可以有效地提高结构设计水平。  相似文献   

在建筑工程结构设计中,建筑材料质量的好坏对工程结构及整体的建设质量均有直接的影响,例如既往设计人员多采用传统建筑材料进行工程结构设计,不仅难以确保工程设计和建设质量,且还会对室内居住人们的身体造成严重危害。对此,就需要积极探索新型的建筑材料,并将其应用于建筑工程结构设计中,才能全面提升建筑工程结构设计质量和水平。基于此,该文主要简述了新型建筑材料在建筑工程结构设计中的应用意义,总结了建筑工程结构设计中常见的新型建筑材料类型及应用,并分析和探究了新型建筑材料在建筑工程结构设计中应用存在的问题及解决对策。  相似文献   

建筑施工技术是我国建筑工程的重要技术,经济发展与我国建筑工程有着密切关系,因此需确保我国建筑施工技术工程顺利运行,以此来促进经济发展。在我国建筑工程发展过程中存在很多问题,严重制约了我国经济发展,对此,本文就建筑结构设计优化相关方法、优化技术的实际应用、提高房屋建筑结构设计中应用优化技术的方法措施等3方面进行了分析和研究,并提出了具体解决这些问题的措施和方法。  相似文献   

各种机床的电气设备在过程中会出现很多的故障,致使机床停止运行而影响生产,甚至还会造成人身或设备事故.纵观分析机外,有些故障则是由于维修人员操作方法不准确,还有许多的故障是因为忽视了对机床电气的日常维护和保养,结果出现问题,造成大的事故,或是因缺少配件凑合行事.  相似文献   

在建筑行业发展形势越来越好的情况下,人们对建筑工程质量提出了更高的标准。而建筑工程质量和效益的实现,很大程度上取决于工程造价预结算审核工作的准确性。建筑工程造价预结算审核可以实现建筑工程的成本控制、施工过程的有效管理以及预防各种以次充好、偷工减料行为的发生,促进建筑企业经济效益和社会效益的统一。然而预结算审核工作在实际执行过程中,也会受到技术和人员方面的影响而出现问题,影响工程造价预结算审核工作的质量,因此,需对工作中出现的各种问题及时纠正和解决,从而实现工程造价的有效管理。  相似文献   

当前各种机械设备在建筑工程中得到了广泛的运用,其优越的使用性能为建筑施工带来了巨大的方便。但随之也出现了不同的问题而影响到了机械的使用情况,给工程带来了较大的影响。本文从工程维修机械的技术这一方面进行研究,分析了在维修过程中需要采用的相关技术,以保证维修工作达到预期的效果。  相似文献   

采气工程中油、套管的腐蚀问题是关系到气井安全生产的重大问题。油、套管因腐蚀而造成井喷或泄漏事故时有发生,现在普遍的研究方向是采用不锈钢内衬技术,核心问题是解决管体与内衬间的密封防腐问题,本文介绍的方法是采用摩擦焊技术制造带有密封装置的油、套管。  相似文献   

目前对于变电站自动化系统的可靠性研究鲜有涉及人为因素的定量影响,而许多电网事故是由人为失误引起的,因此提出了一种计及人因可靠性的变电站自动化系统失效风险评估方法。首先根据工作人员所处场景采用层次分析法-成功似然指数法评估人为失效概率以此修正设备故障概率,其次基于IEC-61850的功能分解对自动化系统各种功能的失效风险进行评估,最终融合为系统失效风险,以此描述当前系统可靠性,为调度部门决策提供指导。算例结果表明,人为因素对于系统失效风险有着较大的影响,计及人因可靠性可更为客观地描述系统风险,为调度操作人员提供风险预警。  相似文献   

The use of tower cranes can cause critical accidents during large building construction projects. Failure of the tower crane results in critical injuries to crane operators and other workers at the construction site. Issues that often cause the fatal collapse of tower cranes include the damage and fracture of the mast (or tower) and turntable parts, and the tower crane slewing‐unit‐support fleeing. Without systematic investigations and proper prevention procedures in place, this type of crane accident, which often leads to worker fatalities, will continue to occur. Therefore, more proactive, specialized and systematic research needs to be performed in terms of forensic engineering to minimize the occurrence of similar disasters. In this research, the tower crane collapse accidents are thoroughly investigated and the exact cause of the damaged crane parts is also identified using fractography and mechanical/chemical characterizations techniques, including visual inspections, field research, scanning electron microscopes and optical microscopes. Specifically, instrumented indentation technique is employed to evaluate the material properties, and energy spectrum analysis is used to determine the chemical characteristics. Based on thorough investigations, it has been identified that the connecting bolts of the tower crane are very vulnerable. It is recommended to improve the reliability of the bolts and to implement additional regulations to check their maintenance and safety. This research clearly provides guidance for investigating crane collapse accidents and contributes to the prevention of similar types of accidents. Several corrective actions and recommendations are suggested to reduce the risk of the tower crane failures.  相似文献   

尹利  杨祖一 《爆破器材》2009,38(1):35-37
新型粉状工业炸药以及连续化生产工艺取代铵梯炸药和间断式生产工艺后,防止重特大燃烧爆炸事故发生,减少事故损失,已经成为工业炸药生产工程建设和科研生产管理的当务之急和重大课题。文章结合国内粉状工业炸药连续化生产工艺的现状,提出了具有应用价值的对策。  相似文献   

It is a well-known fact that experience is important for safe driving. Previously, this presented a problem since experience was mostly gained during the most dangerous period of driving-the first years with a licence. In many countries, this "experience paradox" has been addressed by providing increased opportunities to gain experience through supervised practice. One question, however, which still needs to be answered is what has been lost and what has been gained through supervised practice. Does this method lead to fewer accidents after licensing and/or has the number of accidents in driving practice increased? There were three aims in the study. The first was to calculate the size of the accident problem in terms of the number of accidents, health risk and accident risk during practising. The second aim was to evaluate the solution of the "experience paradox" that supervised practice suggests by calculating the costs in terms of accidents during driving practice and the benefits in terms of reduced accident involvement after obtaining a licence. The third aim was to analyse conflict types that occur during driving practice. National register data on licence holders and police-reported injury accidents and self-reported exposure were used. The results show that during the period 1994-2000, 444 driving practice injury accidents were registered, compared to 13657 accidents during the first 2 years with a licence. The health risk during the period after licensing was 33 times higher and the accident risk 10 times higher than the corresponding risk during practice. The cost-benefit analysis showed that the benefits in terms of accident reduction after licensing were 30 times higher than the costs in terms of driving practice accidents. It is recommended that measures to reduce such accidents should focus on better education of the lay instructor, but not on introducing measures to reduce the amount of lay-instructed practice.  相似文献   

In 2011, water conservation projects construction in China entered a stage of rapid growth. In February 2013 three dam safety accidents occurred due to improper participant subject behaviors. Improving security and risk management of water conservation projects is therefore considered as imminent. It is urgent to research the risks of the participant subject behaviors. This article takes each participating subject in the whole life-cycle of water conservation projects as the research object, analyzes the risk behaviors and risk evolution processes, dissects the cause of the risks of the participating subject behaviors on the basis of the theory of risk effect, and puts forward that reinforcing the penalties, improving criminal cost and strengthening the engineering ethics education is an effective way to solve safety problems of the current projects.  相似文献   

佘聪  魏华 《中国科技博览》2013,(31):461-461
工程地质工作的质量,对工程方案的决策和工程建设的顺利进行至关重要。由于地质问题引起的工程事故时有发生,轻则修改设计延误工期,严重时造成工程失事给人民生命财产带来重大损失。近年来,工程地质勘察质量有下滑现象,工程地质分析不够深入,有的甚至出现工程地质评价的结论性错误。本文主要分析在工程地质相关过程中存在的主要问题及有效解决对策。  相似文献   

Most helicopter accidents are due to problems concerning flight operations, ground duties (mission planning and preparation), training and instructions. These are key issues within the current (European) strategies for greatly reducing the number of accidents in the next few years. However, when accidents occur the subsequent investigations should include or at least consider forensic engineering, even if only to eliminate possible causes like material defects, component and systems failures, and design deficiencies. To illustrate this, the present paper discusses five helicopter accidents with evidence of material and/or design deficiencies. The accidents concerned a Sikorsky S-61N (1974), an Aérospatiale Alouette III (1990), a Westland Lynx SH14D (1998), and two AgustaWestland EH101s (2004, 2006).  相似文献   

泰州大桥为国内外首座千米级三塔两跨悬索桥,中塔首次采用全钢结构,工程实践经验少,猫道系统作为悬索桥上部结构安装工程最为重要的临时施工设施,其设计和施工尤为重要。在分析三塔两跨悬索桥猫道设计与施工中存在的关键问题的基础上,泰州大桥猫道设计选择了不设抗风缆的四跨连续构造。叙述猫道结构的总体设计以及猫道承重索及扶手索、锚固系统、猫道面层、横向通道等细部设计,并分别描述了猫道牵引系统施工、承重索施工、面层系统施工等猫道施工工序,为今后三塔连跨悬索桥猫道设计与施工提供有力的参考依据。  相似文献   


Many uncertainties and cost variations occur in the work activities of a project, thereby causing many possibilities of under-estimating or over-estimating for a bid price. A comprehensive study for each process of risk management should be investigated to achieve project objectives. However, a limited number of studies have a comprehensive viewpoint to indicate the benefits of risk management and the effect on project performance for the engineering design stage of engineering–procurement–construction (EPC) projects, especially in the basic design stage. This research was conducted to identify and analyze the risks associated with a Basic Design Engineering (BDE) project for a high value-added petrochemical plant in Taiwan. First, a project risk management work flow was proposed as an effective tool to minimize the project risks and maximize the management capacity of practitioners. Second, the cost effect of project risks was described by conducting a case study for the design process of a high value-added petrochemical plant using a Monte Carlo simulation. A risk register was identified to support the data required for conducting simulation analysis. The results of this paper provide reference points for risk management planning of project execution and help project managers evaluate particular risks at the engineering design stage of EPC projects to avoid cost overruns.  相似文献   

曹先升 《工程爆破》2007,13(2):25-28
介绍了燕山水库电站采用深孔爆破开挖反导井的施工技术及爆破设计,并对反导井的爆破设计、施工技术中存在的难点进行了探讨。成功地利用压缩空气吹孔、钻机通孔的方法,解决了炮孔卡孔疏通中的难题,采用锥形柔形堵塞物,从下向上拉紧的方法,解决了炮孔下部堵塞的难题,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

多级递阶工程结构系统抗地震设计的全局优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱靖华  王光远 《工程力学》2002,19(6):171-180
多级递阶工程结构系统是复杂工程项目的主要工程结构依照功能逻辑关系所构成的多层次分支结构系列,表征了常见建设项目的一般性分布。以结构设防烈度为决策变量、地震灾害的多级设防为工程背景,建立了该系统全局优化的数学模型;考虑到系统的结构特点和目标函数的离散性,提出二个层次的优化计算方法,其中递级凝聚法用于大系统建模分析,改进的离散型共轭梯度法和改进的离散型 Lagrange 直接法分别执行具体的最优或次优化计算;算例讨论了复杂项目在抗震设防标准、工程造价和总投资分配方面的优化决策。上述概念、原则与方法为复杂工程的系统化设计、土木工程问题的科学决策提供了理论分析的基础。  相似文献   

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