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基于曲率模态和支持向量机的结构损伤位置两步识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘龙  孟光 《工程力学》2006,23(Z1):35-39
支持向量机是一种基于统计学习理论的机器学习算法,能够较好的解决小样本的学习问题。介绍了支持向量机分类和回归算法,将其应用于梁结构的损伤诊断中。以曲率模态参数作为损伤识别指标,提出了基于支持向量机的结构损伤位置两步识别方法:首先根据支持向量机分类算法的概率估计找到可能的损伤位置,重新构造训练样本;然后利用支持向量机回归算法计算精确的损伤位置。通过对悬臂梁仿真计算进行了验证,结果表明:支持向量机在结构损伤诊断领域中具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

研究了数据挖掘的支持向量机的智能故障检测与诊断方法。通过对齿轮系统在不同的运转状态下的工作状况进行试验测试分析,获取了有关的测试信号,并对不同的故障振动特征信号进行了特征提取与分析研究。在此基础上将支持向量机引入到齿轮传动的损伤检测与诊断之中,建立了两分类和多分类分类器,研究了支持向量机的两分类和多类分类算法。通过分析处理、训练和测试仿真数据以及齿轮振动特征信号,对齿轮系统在各种不同转速下不同故障进行了预测、分类和诊断。研究表明, 支持向量机能够很好的区分不同运转状况下各种典型齿轮损伤与故障,低转速下识别率更高,为95%,特别是对各种复合类故障具有较高的识别精度、识别率在81%以上。它在齿轮故障诊断中具有较好诊断识别能力与发展前景,是一种有效地损伤检测与诊断新方法。  相似文献   

基于EEMD和SVR的单自由度结构状态趋势预测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为了解决结构早期损伤难以正确识别的问题,本文结合聚类经验模式分解(EEMD)解决随机不确定性问题和支持向量机(SVM)解决预测问题这两者的优势,提出了一种基于EEMD特征提取的支持向量机回归(SVR)结构状态趋势预测方法。先对单自由度结构渐进损伤的加速度振动信号进行EEMD,再进行希尔伯特变换(HT),计算瞬时频率,然后用回归支持向量机对反映结构健康状态的瞬时频率进行趋势预测。研究表明:对于渐变损伤该方法可以准确地、高精度地预测结构状态趋势。  相似文献   

提出了基于支持向量机的模拟电路软故障诊断新方法.该方法提取电路的频域响应为故障特征,利用支持向量机对故障进行识别分类.支持向量机具有结构简单、泛化能力强的特点,对小样本分类具有良好的识别效果.以Sallen-Key滤波电路为诊断例,实验结果表明该方法故障诊断准确率大于99%.  相似文献   

提出一种结合多层结构和稀疏最小二乘支持向量机(Sparse Least Squares Support Vector Machine,SLSSVM)的机械故障诊断方法。该方法构建了多层支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)结构,首先在输入层利用支持向量机对信号进行训练,学习信号的浅层特征,利用"降维公式"生成样本新的表示,并作为隐藏层的输入,隐藏层支持向量机对新样本训练并提取信号的深层特征,逐层学习,最终在输出层输出诊断结果。针对因多层结构带来算法的复杂度以及运行时间增加的问题,采用最小二乘支持向量机(Least Squares Support Vector Machine,LSSVM)技术,并将稀疏化理论与最小二乘支持向量机结合,通过构造特征空间近似最大线性无关向量组对样本进行稀疏表示并依此获得分类判别函数,有效解决了最小二乘支持向量机稀疏性缺乏的问题。最后,通过滚动轴承故障诊断实验验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于支持向量机的鼠笼式电机转子断条故障检测方法,通过对电机转子断条故障进行实验模拟,获取了采样信号,利用支持向量机(SVM)对故障样本进行训练,使得支持向量机(SVM)具有分类功能.最后,采用支持向量机(SVM)对电动机各种转子断条故障进行诊断分类,取得较满意的结果.  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的齿轮故障诊断方法研究   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7  
故障样本的不足从一定程度上制约了基于知识的方法在实际故障诊断中的应用,针对这一问题,利用支持向量机在小样本情况下具有较强分类能力的特点,提出了一种基于支持向量机的齿轮故障诊断方法。该方法采用小波变换对齿轮的振动信号进行处理来构造特征向量,并直接输入到支持向量机的多故障分类器中进行故障识别。试验结果表明该方法是有效、可行的,且在小样本情况下比BP神经网络具有更高的诊断精度。  相似文献   

基于光纤Bragg光栅和支持向量机的冲击损伤识别研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对常用无损检测的局限性,基于光纤Bragg光栅传感器搭建了冲击损伤实时主动监测系统,结合支持向量机算法对碳纤维飞行器壁板进行了冲击损伤位置及程度的识别研究,并与传统的BP神经网络识别结果进行了对比。结果表明:支持向量机算法具有较好的函数回归能力,且该系统能实时有效地从冲击前后的信号中识别出冲击损伤的位置及程度,对冲击损伤识别具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于支持向量机的坦克识别算法。在对图像预处理之后,运用颜色和纹理信息进行分割,采用基于数学形态学的算法求得边缘像素,提取具有RST不变性的轮廓特征向量,输入支持向量机进行训练和识别。将支持向量机与传统的人工神经网络的算法进行了对比实验,实验表明基于支持向量机的坦克识别算法具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

一种新型回归支持向量机的学习算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
支持向量机(SVM)是一种基于结构风险最小化原理的学习技术,也是一种具有很好泛化性能的回归方法,本文对标准支持向量机稍作改动,提出了一种新型回归支持向量机,并推导出它的对偶表达方式,随后利用一个优化定理设计了一个多变量更新学习算法,该算法能单调收敛于极值点,并具有简单的迭代方式,仿真实例说明所提出的回归支持向量机及其训练算法具有较好的学习性能.  相似文献   

应用支持向量机理论并结合路堑开挖爆破特点,提出路堑开挖爆破中临近民房安全性评价的支持向量机回归模型。考虑爆破参数、地质条件和民房结构状况因素,选取最小抵抗线、孔距、排距、炸药单耗和民房的自振周期等16个影响较大的因素作为该模型的输入参数,房屋安全等级系数作为模型输出,利用网格搜索寻优方法对支持向量机模型的参数进行了优化。以19组路堑开挖爆破实测数据作为学习样本进行训练,对另外3组待判样本进行判别,并与多元回归、BP神经网络回归和实测结果进行对比。研究结果表明:建立的支持向量机回归模型对路堑开挖爆破中临近民房安全性评价效果良好,具有较高的预测精度。  相似文献   

邵晓宁  徐颖 《工程爆破》2013,(Z1):44-49
应用支持向量机理论并结合路堑开挖爆破特点,提出路堑开挖爆破中临近民房安全性评价的支持向量机回归模型。考虑爆破参数、地质条件和民房结构状况因素,选取最小抵抗线、孔距、排距、炸药单耗和民房的自振周期等16个影响较大的因素作为该模型的输入参数,房屋安全等级系数作为模型输出,利用网格搜索寻优方法对支持向量机模型的参数进行了优化。以19组路堑开挖爆破实测数据作为学习样本进行训练,对另外3组待判样本进行判别,并与多元回归、BP神经网络回归和实测结果进行对比。研究结果表明:建立的支持向量机回归模型对路堑开挖爆破中临近民房安全性评价效果良好,具有较高的预测精度。  相似文献   

Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are kernel-based learning methods, which have been successfully adopted for regression problems. However, their use in reliability applications has not been widely explored. In this paper, a comparative analysis is presented in order to evaluate the SVM effectiveness in forecasting time-to-failure and reliability of engineered components based on time series data. The performance on literature case studies of SVM regression is measured against other advanced learning methods such as the Radial Basis Function, the traditional MultiLayer Perceptron model, Box-Jenkins autoregressive-integrated-moving average and the Infinite Impulse Response Locally Recurrent Neural Networks. The comparison shows that in the analyzed cases, SVM outperforms or is comparable to other techniques.  相似文献   

任能  谷波 《制冷学报》2007,28(3):40-44
针对结霜过程因具有明显的非线性特征,采用传统方法难以精确预测的问题。建立了基于支持向量机的冷壁面霜成生长的预测模型,应用实验数据对模型进行验证、评估,并与基于最小二乘法的非线性多元回归模型进行了对比、分析。结果表明,基于支持向量机的预测模型能够很好的解决非线性预测问题。在已建立的预测模型基础上,以霜层生长过程中传热率预测为例,分别在测试集中的自变量与因变量加入不同噪声信号对模型预测性能影响进行了研究。结果表明,基于支持向量机的模型具有良好的抗干扰能力。  相似文献   

Utilizing support vector machine in real-time crash risk evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Real-time crash risk evaluation models will likely play a key role in Active Traffic Management (ATM). Models have been developed to predict crash occurrence in order to proactively improve traffic safety. Previous real-time crash risk evaluation studies mainly employed logistic regression and neural network models which have a linear functional form and over-fitting drawbacks, respectively. Moreover, these studies mostly focused on estimating the models but barely investigated the models’ predictive abilities. In this study, support vector machine (SVM), a recently proposed statistical learning model was introduced to evaluate real-time crash risk. The data has been split into a training dataset (used for developing the models) and scoring datasets (meant for assessing the models’ predictive power). Classification and regression tree (CART) model has been developed to select the most important explanatory variables and based on the results, three candidates Bayesian logistic regression models have been estimated with accounting for different levels unobserved heterogeneity. Then SVM models with different kernel functions have been developed and compared to the Bayesian logistic regression model. Model comparisons based on areas under the ROC curve (AUC) demonstrated that the SVM model with Radial-basis kernel function outperformed the others. Moreover, several extension analyses have been conducted to evaluate the effect of sample size on SVM models’ predictive capability; the importance of variable selection before developing SVM models; and the effect of the explanatory variables in the SVM models. Results indicate that (1) smaller sample size would enhance the SVM model's classification accuracy, (2) variable selection procedure is needed prior to the SVM model estimation, and (3) explanatory variables have identical effects on crash occurrence for the SVM models and logistic regression models.  相似文献   

M. Naresh  S. Sikdar  J. Pal 《Strain》2023,59(5):e12439
A vibration data-based machine learning architecture is designed for structural health monitoring (SHM) of a steel plane frame structure. This architecture uses a Bag-of-Features algorithm that extracts the speeded-up robust features (SURF) from the time-frequency scalogram images of the registered vibration data. The discriminative image features are then quantised to a visual vocabulary using K-means clustering. Finally, a support vector machine (SVM) is trained to distinguish the undamaged and multiple damage cases of the frame structure based on the discriminative features. The potential of the machine learning architecture is tested for an unseen dataset that was not used in training as well as with some datasets from entirely new damages close to existing (i.e., trained) damage classes. The results are then compared with those obtained using three other combinations of features and learning algorithms—(i) histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) feature with SVM, (ii) SURF feature with k-nearest neighbours (KNN) and (iii) HOG feature with KNN. In order to examine the robustness of the approach, the study is further extended by considering environmental variabilities along with the localisation and quantification of damage. The experimental results show that the machine learning architecture can effectively classify the undamaged and different joint damage classes with high testing accuracy that indicates its SHM potential for such frame structures.  相似文献   

Predicting motor vehicle crashes using Support Vector Machine models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crash prediction models have been very popular in highway safety analyses. However, in highway safety research, the prediction of outcomes is seldom, if ever, the only research objective when estimating crash prediction models. Only very few existing methods can be used to efficiently predict motor vehicle crashes. Thus, there is a need to examine new methods for better predicting motor vehicle crashes. The objective of this study is to evaluate the application of Support Vector Machine (SVM) models for predicting motor vehicle crashes. SVM models, which are based on the statistical learning theory, are a new class of models that can be used for predicting values. To accomplish the objective of this study, Negative Binomial (NB) regression and SVM models were developed and compared using data collected on rural frontage roads in Texas. Several models were estimated using different sample sizes. The study shows that SVM models predict crash data more effectively and accurately than traditional NB models. In addition, SVM models do not over-fit the data and offer similar, if not better, performance than Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) models documented in previous research. Given this characteristic and the fact that SVM models are faster to implement than BPNN models, it is suggested to use these models if the sole purpose of the study consists of predicting motor vehicle crashes.  相似文献   

Support vector machines (SVMs) have shown strong generalization ability in a number of application areas, including protein structure prediction. However, the poor comprehensibility hinders the success of the SVM for protein structure prediction. The explanation of how a decision made is important for accepting the machine learning technology, especially for applications such as bioinformatics. The reasonable interpretation is not only useful to guide the "wet experiments," but also the extracted rules are helpful to integrate computational intelligence with symbolic AI systems for advanced deduction. On the other hand, a decision tree has good comprehensibility. In this paper, a novel approach to rule generation for protein secondary structure prediction by integrating merits of both the SVM and decision tree is presented. This approach combines the SVM with decision tree into a new algorithm called SVM/spl I.bar/DT, which proceeds in three steps. This algorithm first trains an SVM. Then, a new training set is generated through careful selection from the output of the SVM. Finally, the obtained training set is used to train a decision tree learning system and to extract the corresponding rule sets. The results of the experiments of protein secondary structure prediction on RS126 data set show that the comprehensibility of SVM/spl I.bar/DT is much better than that of the SVM. Moreover, the generalization ability of SVM/spl I.bar/DT is better than that of C4.5 decision trees and is similar to that of the SVM. Hence, SVM/spl I.bar/DT can be used not only for prediction, but also for guiding biological experiments.  相似文献   

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