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A surprising feature of liquid crystals is that rapid changes in alignment in these anisotropic liquids can induce significant flow, termed backflow, which in turn influences the alignment. A recent paper has suggested that such backflow may be the mechanism behind the fast switching observed in certain bistable nematic cells on the application of electric fields. In these experiments a weakly chiral nematic with unequal monostable surface anchorings is switched rapidly between a uniform and a -twist configuration, and it is conjectured that the backflow induced initially at the more strongly anchored surface plays a crucial role in the switching process. In this paper continuum theory is employed for nematic liquid crystals to investigate this phenomenon, and confirms that backflow can play an important role in the switching.  相似文献   

In this work, we demonstrate the fabrication of a transparent and flexible memory device in the simple structure of metal/dielectric/metal (MIM). Here, the MIM structure consists of gold electrode/200 nm Parylene-C/20 nm gold nanoparticles/100 nm Parylene-C/indium-tin-oxide (ITO) coated polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The use of parylene as the dielectric layer is important to ensure that there is no thermal stress induced on the flexible ITO/PET substrate compare to other reported works using various organic dielectrics that require high temperature curing. In addition, parylene deposition does not disturb the drop-casted gold nanoparticles. Hence, the use of parylene will be the right step forward in the fabrication of mechanically flexible and optically transparent devices. Current versus voltage (IV) plot shows the presence of hysteresis suggesting the charge storage capability as a memory device. In the IV plot, three distinct regions based on the slope have been identified and the transport mechanisms are discussed and explained. The fabricated device shows similar behavior as write-once-read-many memory device and can be programmed with either positive or negative bias voltage. However, the memory device shows unstable current state when being bent under different curvature diameters.  相似文献   

Semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) have received much interest for their optical and electronic properties. When these NCs dispersed in polymer matrix, brightness of the light emission is enhanced due to their quantum dot size. The CdCuS NCs have been synthesized by chemical route method and then dispersed in PMMA matrix. These nanocomposite polymer films were irradiated by swift heavy ion (SHI) (100 MeV, Si+7 ions beam) at different fluences of 1 × 1010 and 1 × 1012 ions/cm2 and then compared their structural and optical properties by XRD, atomic force microscopy, photoluminescence, and UV-Vis spectroscopy before and after irradiation. The XRD spectra showed a broad hump around 2θ ≈ 11·83° due to amorphous PMMA and other peaks corresponding to hexagonal structure of CdS nanocrystals in PMMA matrix. The photoluminescence spectra shows a broad peak at 530 nm corresponding to green emission due to Cu impurities in CdS. The UV-Vis measurement showed red shift in optical absorption and bandgap changed from 4·38–3·60 eV as the irradiation fluency increased with respect to pristine CdCuS nanocomposite polymer film.  相似文献   

Homogeneous distribution of semicrystalline ceria in polymethylmethacrylate has been reported. The ceria has been prepared by sonochemical method, in situ. The as-prepared composite was characterized by XRD, TEM, DSC and TGA methods. An average size of the ceria is found to be  5 nm by XRD and TEM measurements. The photonic band gap has been measured as 3.55 eV, which is in well agreement with the ceria crystals, indicating absence of a quantum size effect.  相似文献   

In the present work successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method has been employed for the growth of SnS films on chemical bath deposited CdS thin films. The as-grown and post annealed CdS/SnS heterostructures were investigated under dark and illuminated conditions. It has been observed that annealing improves the quality of the device. This paper presents the attempt towards realizing SnS based heterostructured devices using SnS films grown by SILAR technique.  相似文献   

The energy release rate G is a measure of the elastic energy causing crack propagation whereas the fracture heat Q indicates the amount of energy dissipated in the fracture zone. As long as any change in structure and energy losts by elastic waves can be neglected, the fracture heat represents the energy consumption of the crack and should be equivalent with G. If this can be proven one could use Q-measurements as an alternative method for investigating running cracks and dynamic fracture criteria, which in some cases may be a more appropriate measurement of the dynamic energy release rate Gdyn or the dynamic stress intensity factor Kdyn.  相似文献   

Electrospinning technique was used to fabricate poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) fibres incorporating CdS and CdSe quantum dots (nanoparticles). Different nanoparticle loadings (2, 5 and 10 wt% with respect to PMMA) were used and the effect of the quantum dots on the properties of the fibres was studied. The optical properties of the hybrid composite fibres were investigated by photoluminescence and UV-vis spectrophotometry. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction and FTIR spectrophotometry were also used to investigate the morphology and structure of the fibres. The optical studies showed that the size-tunable optical properties can be achieved in the polymer fibres by addition of quantum dots. SEM images showed that the morphologies of the fibres were dependent on the added amounts of quantum dots. A spiral type of morphology was observed with an increase in the concentration of CdS and CdSe nanoparticles. Less beaded structures and bigger diameter fibres were obtained at higher quantum dot concentrations. X-ray diffractometry detected the amorphous peaks of the polymer and even after the quantum dots were added and the FTIR analysis shows that there was no considerable interaction between the quantum dots and the polymer fibres at low concentration of quantum dots however at higher concentrations some interactions were observed which shows that QDs were present on the surfaces of the fibres.  相似文献   

Highly-aligned sulfur (S)-doped ZnO nanorods have been grown using the hydrothermal approach at 90 °C for 2 h onto quartz substrate pre-coated with ZnO seed layer deposited by radio frequency magnetron sputtering system. The morphology, crystal structure, and transmittance of the S-doped ZnO nanorods grown with varied sulfur concentration have been investigated. The scanning electron microscope images showed that the S-doped ZnO nanorods dimension is affected by sulfur doping. The nanorods doped with sulfur concentration of ~1, 1.5, and 2 at.% found to show nanorods with an average diameter of ~130, 170, and 270 nm respectively. X-ray diffraction measurements revealed that the sulfur-doped ZnO nanorods have hexagonal-wurtzite crystal structure and grown vertically in the (002) plane along c-axis perpendicular to the substrate. The nanorods doped with 1 at.% sulfur showed ~70 % transmittance in the visible region while the nanorods doped with 2 at.% sulfur showed transmittance of ~77 % and exhibited blue shift in the fundamental absorption edge.  相似文献   

Flower-shaped zinc oxide (ZnO) structures have been synthesized in a microwave at 180 °C for 20 min using zinc nitrate and KOH. Detailed structural and morphology observation showed that the micron-sized ZnO nano-pencils grow out of the base of the flower-shaped ZnO structures. Photoluminescence spectrum measured at room temperature showed a sharp UV emission band around 390 nm which is attributed to the radiative annihilation of excitons. The synthesized PDMA and ZnO nanopencils are highly crystalline materials with one-dimensional morphology which improves the electron charge transport in the device. A distinctive photoluminescence quenching effect was observed indicating a photo-induced electron transfer. The solar cell devices fabricated from these materials demonstrated a short circuit current density of about 0.93 μA/cm2, open-circuit voltage 0.58 V, and efficiency of 0.16 %.  相似文献   

ZnO nanorods were produced by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). Drops of nanoparticle colloid (gold or silver) were placed on silica substrates to form growth nuclei. All nanoparticles were monocrystalline, with well-defined crystal surfaces and a negative electrical charge. The ZnO nanorods were produced in an off-axis PLD configuration at oxygen pressure of 5 Pa. The growth of the nanorods started from the nanoparticles in different directions, as one nanoparticle could become a nucleus for more than one nanorod. The low substrate temperature used indicates the absence of a catalyst during the growth of the nanorods. The diameters of the fabricated 1-D ZnO nanostructures were in the range of 50-120 nm and their length was determined by the deposition time.  相似文献   

We demonstrated unipolar organic bistable memory devices with 8 x 8 cross-bar array type structure. The active material for the organic non-volatile memory devices is poly(styrene-co-styrenesulfonic acid Na) (PSSANa). From the electrical measurements of the PSSANa organic memory devices, we observed rewritable unipolar switching behaviors with a stable endurance and narrow cumulative probability. Also the PSSANa memory devices exhibited a uniform cell-to-cell switching with a high ON/OFF ratio of approximately 10(5) and good retention time of approximately 10(4) seconds without significant degradation.  相似文献   

We developed a straightforward method to produce hexagonal ZnO nanorods and microrods using a novel biocatalyst, Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum. ZnO nanorods were synthesized homogeneously on growth substrates when the bacterial catalysts were deposited uniformly on substrates whereas ZnO microrods were formed when the catalysts were introduced to selective areas of growth substrates using microcontact printing. X-ray diffraction measurements reveal that these ZnO structures exhibit Wurtzite structures with preferential growth along [0001] direction. Room-temperature photoluminescence spectra of the as-synthesized ZnO nanorods and microrods show extremely strong and sharp UV emission at 390 nm and negligible green emission at 510 nm. Our results demonstrate that Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum is an effective catalyst for the growth of nanometer- and micrometer-sized ZnO structures with exceptionally high-quality optical properties. These defect-free ZnO nano-and micro-materials, when combined with microcontact printing techniques to achieve patterned growth over large areas of substrates, can facilitate their photonic-based applications as optoelectronic devices and chemical/biological sensors.  相似文献   

The concept of an analytic signal is used to show that the stochastic synchronization of bistable systems corresponds to locking of the instantaneous phase of the oscillations in complete agreement with the classical theory of phase synchronization. Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 24, 12–19 (August 12, 1998)  相似文献   

Generation of circular dichroism (CD) beyond the UV region is of great interest in developing chiral sensors and chiroptical devices. Herein, we demonstrate a simple and versatile method for fabrication of plasmonic oligomers with strong CD response in the visible and near IR spectral range. The oligomers were fabricated by triggering the side-by-side assembly of cysteine-modified gold nanorods. The modified nanorods themselves did not exhibit obvious plasmonic CD signals; however, the oligomers show strong CD bands around the plasmon resonance wavelength. The sign of the CD band was dictated by the chirality of the absorbed cysteine molecules. By adjusting the size of the oligomers, the concentration of chiral molecules, and/or the aspect ratio of the nanorods, the CD intensity and spectral range were readily tunable. Theoretical calculations suggested that CD of the oligomers originated from a slight twist of adjacent nanorods within the oligomer. Therefore, we propose that the adsorbed chiral molecules are able to manipulate the twist angles between the nanorods and thus modulate the CD response of the oligomers.  相似文献   

Original nanocomposites have been obtained by direct incorporation of pre-synthesized oleic acid capped TiO(2) nanorods into properly functionalized poly(methyl methacrylate) copolymers, carrying carboxylic acid groups on the repeating polymer unit. The presence of carboxylic groups on the alkyl chain of the host functionalized copolymer allows an highly homogeneous dispersion of the nanorods in the organic matrix. The prepared TiO(2)/PMMA-co-MA nanocomposites show high optical transparency in the visible region, even at high TiO(2) nanorod content, and tunable linear refractive index depending on the nanoparticle concentration. Finally measurements of nonlinear optical properties of TiO(2) polymer nanocomposites demonstrate a negligible two-photon absorption and a negative value of nonlinear refractive index, highlighting the potential of the nanocomposite for efficient optical devices operating in the visible region.  相似文献   

A facile synthesis of silver nanoparticles (with a diameter of 5 nm)/polymer hybrid films was studied through auto-reduction of silver nitrate (AgNO3) in poly(1H,1H-dihydroperfluorooctyl methacrylate-b-ethylene oxide) (poly(FOMA(10k)-b-EO(10k micellar thin films at ambient temperature. Silver nanoparticles well dispersed in the block copolymeric micellar films were prepared by rendering the silver precursor AgNO3 to interact favorably with PEO blocks. With annealing of the micellar film containing AgNO3 in supercritical CO2, the domains and continuous phase of the micellar film morphology were inverted and silver nanoparticles with a diameter of 10 nm were produced in PEO domains. The synthesis of silver nanoparticles in the copolymeric films was confirmed by transmission electron microscope and UV-visible spectrophotometric analysis.  相似文献   

We present our results on a newly synthesized bis-phenylazo derivative, namely bisperfluoroalkylsulfonylamino- arylazomethylene-triphenyl-phosphorane (BAM-TPP). Thin films of BAM-TPP in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) matrix were prepared. The films (thickness, d < 60 μm) were exposed to UV-vis light with variable intensity in order to stimulate the photochromic reaction of BAM-TPP. The resulting absorption changes of the BAM-TPP/PMMA films were investigated by spectrophotometry. The absorption spectra reveal that BAM-TPP molecules in PMMA undergo photoisomerization with resulting decrease of absorbance in the range 500–700 nm. Finally, the time response of film transmittance at 514 nm under increasing CW light intensity was recorded, showing that the reverse photochromic process brings the absorbance back to its pristine value. The obtained films thus proved to be suitable for optical switching applications.
Maria Cristina Larciprete (Corresponding author)Email:
Danilo DiniEmail:
Michael ScaloraEmail:

A distinct unipolar but single-polarity resistive switching behavior is observed in a TiO(x)/Pt/TiO(x) trilayer structure, formed by thermal oxidation of a Ti/Pt/Ti stack. As a comparison, a memory device with a single TiO(x) active layer (without addition of Pt midlayer) is also fabricated but it cannot perform resistive switching. Energy band diagrams are illustrated to realize the modulation of Schottky barrier junctions and current conduction in TiO(x)-based devices under various biasing polarities. Introduction of the Pt midlayer creates two additional Schottky barriers, which mediate the band bending potential at each metal-oxide interface and attains a rectifying current conduction at the high-resistance state. The rectifying conduction behavior is also observed with an AFM-tip as the top electrode, which implies the rectifying property is still valid when miniaturizing the device to nanometer scale. The current rectification consequently leads to a single-polarity, unipolar resistive switching and electrically rewritable performance for the TiO(x)/Pt/TiO(x) device.  相似文献   

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