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文章通过对全国部分城市驾驶员交通事故和儿童意外伤害事故的流行病学研究结果发现 :(1 )驾驶员交通事故和儿童意外伤害事故检出率不存在地区性差异 ;(2 )驾驶员交通事故和儿童意外伤害事故的检出率无显著性的年龄差异 ;(3 )不同年龄段驾驶员和儿童 ,男性事故检出率均高于女性事故检出率 ;(4 )极少数的事故人群具有事故倾向性 :在驾驶人群中有 6%~ 8%的事故倾性驾驶员 ,其引起的交通事故数占总事故数的 3 0 %~ 40 % ,在 1~ 1 4岁儿童中有 1 %~ 2 %的事故倾性儿童 ,其发生的意外伤害数占意外伤害总数的2 5 %~ 3 5 % ;(5 )事故倾性驾驶员和事故倾性儿童再发事故的比率均比对照组高。文章从流行病学角度证实了事故倾性人群的存在 ,并对事故倾性的本质作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

儿童非致死性意外伤害的流行病学研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
探索1~14岁儿童非致死性意外伤害的流行病学特征。采用分层整群抽样方法,抽取重庆、合肥、天津、锦州、舟山等5个地区(包括城乡)的1~14岁在册儿童15228名,用统一的调查表进行现况调查。儿童非致死性意外伤害总体发生率为11.34%。不同年龄、不同性别的儿童意外伤害发生率存在显著差异(P0.05)。儿童非致死性意外伤害存在地区性差异(P0.01)和城乡差异;时点分布主要集中在每天的9:00~11:00及15:00~17:00,一年中以夏、秋季最为多见。儿童非致死性意外伤害以跌伤最为多见,其次是体育运动伤、动物咬伤、打架伤、切割伤和烫伤等。  相似文献   

平面交叉口交通安全评价方法   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
平面交叉口交通安全评价方法刘小明段海林(北京工业大学100022)平面交叉口是道路交通网的重要枢纽点,也是交通事故的多发点。据资料统计,美国平面交叉口事故数占总事故的36%左右;联邦德国农村的交通事故36%发生在平交路口,城市的交通事故60%~80%...  相似文献   

目的:了解1~14岁儿童非致死性意外伤害造成经济损失情况。方法:2001年8—12月对合肥地区(包括城乡)的1~14岁儿童进行整群随机抽样,用统一的调查表进行调查。结果:(1)儿童非致死性意外伤害直接经济损失主要是门诊费和住院费,占经济损失总额的63.9%;(2)经济损失的高低与父母职业、父母化程度、母亲生育年龄有关。结论:儿童非致死性意外伤害经济损失大小受父母因素影响,在一定程度上是可以控制的。  相似文献   

本次研究我们采用Lj9101速度估计检测议、LJ9102复杂反应判断检测仪和LJ9l03操纵机能检测仪对事故倾性驾驶员和安全驾驶员.以及从杭州、西安、济南、齐齐哈尔4市长途客运公司、货运公司、公交公司三大汽车运输公司中整群抽取的1680名驾驶员进行了现场测试.结果表明:①速度估计、复杂反应判断、操纵机能3项指标异常可能是事故倾性驾驶员多发事故的原因之一;②性别因素对在职驾驶员的速度估计、复杂反应判断、操纵机能均救有显著影响.而年龄因素对其影响具有显著性,其中复杂反应时有随年龄增长而明显增加的趋势;③在职驾驶员和新考驾驶员比较,3项检测指标均无显著意义差异;④本次研究得出在职驾驶员3项指标的正常值范围:速度估计时间为l400~2600ms复杂反应时40岁以前≤1100ms,40岁以后≤1150ms:误反应次数≤4;操纵机能失误数40岁前≤110.40岁以后≤115;⑤3项指标联合对驾驶受判别的符台率为66.0%。  相似文献   

人的不安全行为分析及治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹琦 《人类工效学》1998,4(4):36-38
@曹琦¥西南交通大学1基本概念1.1不安全行为与事故(积伤)的关系统计表明,与人的不安全行为相关的事故(积伤)占事故(积伤)总数的80%~90%,人的不安全行为是触发事故(积伤)的主要原因。不论机具处于什么状态,只要作业者的行为不安全,都会肇发事故(积伤)...  相似文献   

安全驾驶员与事故驾驶员视觉选择性注意的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用注意力测验量表,对132名公共汽车驾驶员的视觉选择性注意进行了测量。结果发现:(1)驾驶员的视觉选择性注意与交通事故关系密切.事故组驾驶员与安全组驾驶员的漏划数,完成时间和平均每秒正确删数存在显著差异.事故组驾驶员的漏划数较多.完成时间较长,平均每秒正确删数较少;(2)驾驶员视觉选择性注意的速度和准确性存在性别差异,女性驾驶员完成视觉选择性注意作业的时间较快、平均每秒正确删数较多。本研究结果为我国深入开展驾驶员的选拔、培训与安全教育提供一定的理论依据与技术手段。  相似文献   

卡车驾驶员的心理健康研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用症状自评量表(SCL-90)对151名男性卡车驾驶员的心理健康水平进行了测试。研究结果表明:①事故组、事故多发组与安全组驾驶员的SCL-90各因子均分及阳性项目数存在显著差异;②同一年龄组驾驶员,除50~60岁年龄组外,其他各年龄组的安全组和事故组驾驶员的SCL-90各因子均分及阳性项目数大部分差异显著;③不同年龄组驾驶员的SCL-90各因子均分及阳性项目数只有20~29岁与40~49岁年龄组驾驶员的偏执和精神病性两因子均分差异显著;④SCL-90的某些因子与Y-G的某些特质存在显著相关。  相似文献   

安徽省城乡居民交通事故死亡状况及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安徽省1990~1992年城乡居民死亡原因抽样调查结果显示,全省目前的交通事故死亡率年平均为9.20/10万,每年因交通事故死亡约5000人,城市的交通事故死亡率为10.05/10万,居意外死因的首位;农村的交通事故死亡率为9.03/10万。居意外死因的第3位,从死亡水平和死者的性别、年龄特征来看,城乡的死亡状况已十分相似。总体来看,男性交通事故死亡率明显高于女性;分年龄组看,随着年龄的增加,死亡率逐渐上升,但20~60岁的死亡人数占全部交通事故死亡的66.04%。结果表明,安徽省目前城乡居民的交通事故死亡状况是很严重的,大力加强全省交通安全管理。提高全民的交通安全意识是迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

在中国的机动车辆驾驶员中,有6%~8%的事故倾性驾驶员。本着“降低事故,造福人类”的宗旨,中国的驾驶适性检测工作正在蓬勃兴起。为适应工作需要,加快全国驾驶适性检测工作的科学化管理进程,切实了解全国驾驶适性检测机构岗位培训的现状与要求,我们对全国14个省52市的驾驶适性检测人员及行政领导进行了问卷调查。结果发现:有46%的来自学生及交通警察岗位工作人员;他们缺乏系统的驾驶适性检测知识,迫切需要学习。促进培训最有效的措施是资格上岗。因此,采取一切有力措施,对驾驶适性检测人员进行系统的培训,提高他们的驾驶适性检测知识与技能是十分必要的  相似文献   

机动车驾驶员身体素质条件及测评指标的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
筛检身体条件指标,为制定国家标准提供依据.在3个城市作车祸流行病学调查和病例对照研究以筛检与事故倾性有关的指标.在5个城市作整群分层随机抽样调查确定与事故倾性有关指标的正常值范围.以11和12病例对照研究对筛检出评价驾驶员的指标进行验证.从28项指标中筛检出身高、视力、听力、血压和肺活量为驾驶员必备条件.复杂反应、速度估计、操作机能、动视力、夜视力、深视力与驾驶员安全驾驶有高度联系(OR>3).用指标组合来评判驾驶员,经过验证,特异度为86.84%和88.16%,灵敏度为92.11%和91.23%,Kappa值达到0.789?5和0.765?3,Yuden指数等于0.789?5和0.793?9.研究表明筛检的指标和以指标组合法评价驾驶员具有较高的敏感性、特异性和一致性.  相似文献   

Frequent traffic accidents constitute a major danger to human beings. The accident-prone driver who has the stable physiological, psychological, and behavioral characteristics is one of the most prominent causes of traffic accidents. The internal link between the individual characteristics and the accident proneness has been a difficult point in the accident prevention research. The authors selected accident-prone drivers as cases and safe drivers as controls (case-control group) from 18,360 drivers who were enrolled from three public transportation incorporations of China using area stratified sampling method. The case-control groups were 1:1 matched. The authors performed genome-wide association study (GWAS) by 179 cases and 179 controls using the U.S. Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human Mapping SNP 6.0 Array. The authors observed that the gene frequencies of 34 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in three regions of cases were higher than those in the control (P<10−4). The authors then tested two independent replication sets for strong association 6 SNPs in 349 pairs of case-control drivers using the U.S. ABI 3730 sequencing method. The results indicated that SNP rs6069499 within linked CBLN4 gene are strongly associated with accident proneness (Pcombined=6.37×10−10). According to CBLN4 gene mainly involved in adrenal development and the regulation of secretion, the authors performed 12 biochemical parameters of the blood using radioimmunoassay. The levels of dopamine (DA) and adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) hormone showed significant differences between accident-prone drivers and safe drivers (PDA=0.03, PACTH=0.01). It is suggested that the accident-prone drivers may have the idiosyncrasy of susceptibility.  相似文献   

Risk factors for fatal road traffic accidents in Udine, Italy.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In the Province of Udine, Northeast Italy, mortality from road accidents is 37% higher than in the country as a whole. To identify the major risk factors for fatal crashes in this area, we analyzed the Police reports of 10,320 road traffic accidents that occurred from 1991 to 1996. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the association of characteristics of drivers and accidents with accident severity. The risk of involvement in fatal rather than non-fatal accidents was lower among females than among males (odds ratio (OR) = 0.65; 95% confidence interval (95% CI), 0.53-0.80). Compared with subjects < 30 years of age, subjects aged > or = 65 had a significantly increased risk of fatal injury as pedestrians (OR = 10.87; 95% CI, 4.45-26.54), car drivers (OR = 1.85; 95% CI, 1.08-3.18), moped riders (OR = 3.53; 95% CI, 1.42-8.78), and bicycle riders (OR = 7.72; 95% CI, 2.56-23.29). In accidents that occurred from 1:00 to 5:00 h the risk of death was higher than from 6:00 to 11:00 h among pedestrians (OR = 8.88; 95% CI, 2.58-30.52), car drivers (OR = 4.95; 95% CI, 3.09-7.95), motorcycle riders (OR = 13.44; 95%CI, 2.54-71.05) and moped riders (OR = 8.76; 95% CI, 2.42-31.69). Risk of death among pedestrians, car drivers, moped, and bicycle riders was also significantly increased on roads outside the urban center. Driver's injury was strongly associated with lack of use of seat belts (OR = 13.27; 95% CI, 9.39-18.74, for fatal injury; OR = 2.49; 95% CI, 2.17-2.86, for non-fatal injury). Simple interventions focused on protecting the weakest road users and based on law enforcement, behavioral change and environmental modification might result in reducing the significant excess of road traffic accident mortality found in the study area.  相似文献   

This study used workers' compensation data from Oregon from 1990 to 1997 to examine workers' compensation claims from vehicular accidents by truck drivers, and to calculate claim rate estimates using baseline data derived from the US Bureau of Census' Current Population Surveys. During this period, 1168 valid injury claims due to vehicular accidents were filed representing an accident claim rate of 50.3 (95% CI: 45.1-55.5) per 10,000 truck drivers annually. There were 19 work-related vehicular accident fatalities recorded in the data over the 8-year period. Of all claimants, males constituted the majority (80.7%), most were 35 years of age or younger (51.4%) and had less than 1 year of job tenure (51.0%). Truck driver claim rates due to vehicular accidents were lowest during the 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. period. The average amount of compensable lost work days per injury claim was 57.8 days (S.D.=124.7) and the median claim time was 16.0 days with the inter-quartile range being 53.5 days. The amount of lost work reported increased with the claimant's age. A total of US$ 11,642,635 was paid in claims for vehicular accidents of truck drivers in Oregon over the time examined, which averaged US$ 9966 per claim, with a median claim amount of US$ 2590 and inter-quartile range of US$ 7670. Claims citing sprains were the most frequently recorded injury experienced from vehicular accidents.  相似文献   

Accident related health problems have been suggested to cluster within persons. This phenomenon became known as accident proneness and has been a subject of many discussions. This study provides an overview of accident proneness. Therefore, 79 articles with empirical data on accident rates were identified from databases Embase, Medline, and Psychinfo. First, definitions of accidents varied highly, but most studies focused on accidents resulting in injuries requiring medical attention. Second, operationalisations of accident proneness varied highly. Studies categorised individuals into groups with ascending accident rates or made non-accident, accident, and repetitive accident groups. Third, studies examined accidents in specific contexts (traffic, work, and sports) or populations (children, students, and patients). Therefore, we concluded that no overall prevalence rate of accident proneness could be given due to the large variety in operationalisations. However, a meta-analysis of the distribution of accidents in the general population showed that the observed number of individuals with repeated accidents was higher than the number expected by chance. In conclusion, accident proneness exists, but its study is severely hampered by the variation in operationalisations of the concept. In an effort to reach professional consensus on the concept, we end this paper with recommendations for further research.  相似文献   

406 drivers over 60 years of age with automobile licences issued in Gothenburg, Sweden, were asked by a questionnaire about their driving habits in 1971. 126 drivers around 40 years of age have constituted a comparison group. A large proportion of the older drivers declared that they no longer drove their cars. More than half the number of drivers over 75 years of age and a quarter of the drivers between 65 and 69 years of age had given up driving voluntarily because of age and illness. Self-selection thus seems to be one of several factors of great importance when judging the traffic safety risks of elderly drivers. The annual distance driven by the older driver groups was shorter than in the younger age-group. The older drivers used their cars for other purposes than younger drivers and they also avoided driving in darkness, on icy roads, and in unknown cities to a far greater extent than younger drivers. The total number of accidents and offences during the older drivers' whole life-span as drivers was lower than the corresponding figures in the younger age-group. In our opinion this may depend on the shorter annual distance driven by the older drivers, the change in traffic density in the investigation area, but also to a great extent on the older drivers awareness of their reduced capacity. Their accident and offence rate during a three-year-period is quite similar to the rate in the comparison group.  相似文献   

Road traffic accidents resulting in group deaths and injuries are often related to coach drivers’ inappropriate operations and behaviors. Thus, the evaluation of coach drivers’ fitness to drive is an important measure for improving the safety of public transportation. Previous related research focused on drivers’ age and health condition. Comprehensive studies about commercial drivers’ cognitive capacities are limited. This study developed a toolkit consisting of nine cognition measurements across driver perception/sensation, attention, and reaction. A total of 1413 licensed coach drivers in Jiangsu Province, China were investigated and tested. Results indicated that drivers with accident history within three years performed overwhelmingly worse (p < 0.001) on dark adaptation, dynamic visual acuity, depth perception, attention concentration, attention span, and significantly worse (p < 0.05) on reaction to complex tasks compared with drivers with clear accident records. These findings supported that in the assessment of fitness to drive, cognitive capacities are sensitive to the detection of drivers with accident proneness. We first developed a simple evaluation model based on the percentile distribution of all single measurements, which defined the normal range of “fit-to-drive” by eliminating a 5% tail of each measurement. A comprehensive evaluation model was later constructed based on the kernel principal component analysis, in which the eliminated 5% tail was calculated from on integrated index. Methods to categorizing qualified, good, and excellent coach drivers and criteria for evaluating and training Chinese coach drivers’ fitness to drive were also proposed.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of accidents in a Swedish municipality   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Total population injury surveillance was implemented in a geographical area with a population of over 41,000. All accidents taking place over one year that required medical care were noted. A total of 4,926 were registered, for a rate of 118.9 per 1,000. They consisted of accidents in the home (35.0%), sports accidents (18.9%), accidents at work (13.7%), traffic accidents (12.8%), and "other" accidents (19.5%). Men were involved in 62.2%, and were overrepresented in all age groups but 70 years and over. The commonest cause of injury was falling (36.4%), followed by injuries due to falling objects or blows (17.7%), cutting or piercing objects (15.0%), and physical overexertion (12.9%). Half of the victims covered by health insurance were put on sick leave in connection with the accident, and 12.6% of these were admitted to the hospital. The age group 13-19 years, and also men 20-29 years of age, showed the highest accident rate. The risk of accident was four times the average in mining and quarry workers. The number of accidents per resident for people living in single-family houses was almost twice that for people living in flats, a phenomenon not previously reported. Sports caused many serious injuries. In some respects the accident pattern in this study differed from that in another, comparable study and from official statistics. The difference is especially great concerning the number of accidents in the home.  相似文献   

In Canadian Provinces and in several states of the United States the minimal legal age to drive a motor vehicle is 16 years old and in some, it is 15. The excess mortality and morbidity registered by 15 to 24-year-old drivers is well known. Several studies have reported that accident rates decrease with experience, but the effect of the age of new drivers has not been well documented. The objective is to study injury accident rates in terms of the age and experience factors. The data sources are computer files of the Government Insurance Corporation (Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec), which covers all Quebec drivers. For each driver, the file contains birth date, sex, year and month of first license, involvement in accidents, and other parameters. The yearly rates (1970-1984) of new permits per age last birthday and sex show an increase over time, particularly for 16-year-old men. For the period 1979-1984, injury accident involvement rates were computed for all Quebec drivers by age, sex, and driving experience. An experienced driver has been defined as a person who has been licensed for at least one year. The results show, for experienced as well as inexperienced young men (16-18), a high injury accident rate that decreases with age. For women, the rates are much lower and decrease more gradually than for men. This study does not take into account the kilometers driven. Since young drivers (16-18) have the highest accident rates, the question of regulating access to first licensing for such drivers must be examined as a possible strategy for injury prevention.  相似文献   

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