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在欧盟新的环保指令正式实施后,有关废旧家电回收的话题近日再次引起中国业界的强烈关注。废旧家电回收处理出路何在?  相似文献   

国家发展改革委在其网站公布了《废旧家电及电子产品回收处理管理条例》(征求意见稿),公开征求社会公众意见,征求意见的截止时间为10月底。目前,中国已经成为家电及电子产品的生产、消费大国。2003年,中国电视机、洗衣机、电冰箱、空调器、电脑的产量为1.82亿台,预计社会保有量9亿台、报废量2800万台,已到了淘汰报废的高峰期。由于没有对废旧家电及电子产品进行有效的回收处理,不仅浪费大量资源、对环境造成严重影响,而且给消费者带来安全隐患。近两年来,国家发展改革委会同有关部门着手研究建立中国废旧家电及电子产品回收处理体…  相似文献   

最近一段时间,国内许多媒体都十分关注即将出台的《废旧家电及电子产品回收处理管理条例》,其目光多集中在此条例在减少废旧家电对环境污染方面的作用上。但是,废旧家电回收的另一个重要意义在于将那些还可以使用的旧家电再次投入市场,这不但能够减少污染,还能够减少浪费。那么,如何才能保证“二次利用”的质量呢?  相似文献   

我国电子废弃物回收工艺研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
周蕾  许振明 《材料导报》2012,26(13):155-160
总结了处理电子废弃物的传统基本技术及其特点。针对传统工艺的缺陷综述了我国具有处理流程简单、成本低、资源利用率较高等优点的电子废弃物回收新工艺的研究进展,重点介绍了机械物理复合工艺处理废旧家电、废旧电池及废旧PCB板。同时提出了我国电子废弃物资源化方面的一些新动向和潜在的问题。  相似文献   

废旧家电具有资源浪费和环境污染的潜在性特点,建立规范的废旧家电回收体系是实现其专业化处理的重要前提。本研究以家电销售企业回收为主体,创新性地采用全球统一标识系统即GS1系统作为核心技术,以二维码为数据载体,提出建立基于GS1编码技术的北京市废旧家电回收体系的工作思路,阐释GS1编码技术在回收流程中应用的具体路线,并给出有利于完善该体系政策建议。  相似文献   

具有政府回收约束的闭环供应链回收再制造决策模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在回收和再制造的闭环供应链中,一个第三方替制造方从用户中买回废旧产品。为了激励废旧产品的回收再制造,政府对制造商设定一个最低回收率,并且对制造商的回收进行奖惩;同时考虑第三方的回收努力,建立了基于第三方负责回收的多级再制造闭环供应链模型,设计了政府与制造商之间的奖惩函数;讨论比较了制造商不回收废旧产品、没有政府奖惩时回收再制造废旧产品和考虑政府约束时回收再制造废旧产品等3种情形下的最优策略,并且分析了参数变化对回收率和供应链成员企业收益的影响;结合国内某家电制造商废旧家电回收再制造的运作情况进行了仿真计算与分析。  相似文献   

专家指出,我国绿色环保产业“钱”途无限,粉体技术与装备在节能减排、环境保护等领域大有可为。根据我国已经进入家电报废淘汰的高峰期,国家要加强对电子垃圾回收力度的信息,浙江丰利组织科技人员研发了FXS废旧电子线路板回收处理设备。该项目得到了国家科技创新基金支持,进入了《当前国家鼓励发展的环保产业设备(产品)目(2007年修订)》。利用该设备从废旧线路板中解析出的铜和贵重金属粉,可作为金属冶炼厂的原料;其他如玻璃纤维和树脂等非金属粉也可以作为纤维增强材料或填料使用;其废渣还可用于建材原料,真正实现了一条完整的“绿色回收产业链”。  相似文献   

日前,浙江省经济贸易委员会下达了2005年浙江省重点技术创新项目计划,国家重点高新技术企业浙江丰利粉碎设备有限公司研发的FXS废旧电子线路板回收处理设备被列入其中的“工业可持续发展专项”。目前,我国已进入家电淘汰报废高峰期,每年进入更新换代期的冰箱、洗衣机、电视机和  相似文献   

我国的电解铝产量大,随之每年就会产生大量的废旧阴极,不恰当地处理废旧阴极会对环境带来了巨大的危害,然而废旧阴极中含有许多工业上有用的物质。本研究将废旧阴极中的有害物质氟化物分解,并将氧化铝、炭、冰晶石、氟化钠等有用物质分离回收,不仅减轻了环境压力,而且还可以回收利用其中的有用物质。  相似文献   

“作为全省首家、也是惟一一家实施循环经济的产业园区,一年时间来,我们的废旧家电回收拆解数量已达83328台,与去年同期相比回收量增长了46%。”5月18日,在静脉产业园区办公室内,一位工作人员说。目前,针对家电商家“以旧换新”举措,该园区已经先后与三友电器、国美电器、苏宁电器等企业签订了回收拆解合同。  相似文献   

我国电子废弃物处理处置技术路线选择研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国电子废弃物的处理处置正向产业化方向稳步推进。概述了国内外电子废弃物处理处置技术现状。遵照循环经济理念,基于我国国情,提出了我国在电子废弃物处理处置技术路线选择中应遵循的主要原则,建立了工艺流程的概念模型。分析了我国在实施该技术路线中可能遇到的障碍并给出了解决建议。[  相似文献   

In western Europe, as in other industrialised areas, there has been growing concern about the disposal of wastes of a hazardous or toxic nature. The increasing quantities and complexities of wastes from industrial processes, and the greater awareness of potential risks to health of present and future generations arising from indiscriminate or inadequate methods of disposal, are causing governments to undertake an intensive examination of the whole field of waste management.Reliable data on the types and quantities of hazardous wastes are very difficult to acquire and information available is generally based on estimates.Legislative and administrative measures are being proposed and developed, which will provide a framework for better control and improved standards for the handling, treatment and disposal of toxic and other hazardous wastes.In planning disposal systems, more attention will be given to methods of recovering and recycling materials which are becoming scarce or expensive. As stricter environmental controls raise disposal costs, there will be more incentive on industry to recycle wastes, where practicable.  相似文献   

目的 对常用的0201型瓦楞纸箱进行生命周期环境影响评价,并对不同回收处理方案所得的环境负荷进行比较。方法 应用生命周期评价理论和SimaPro 8.5软件,采用Eco-indicator99生态指数分析法对瓦楞纸箱从原料获取、生产、运输、使用到废弃处理整个过程进行环境影响评价。结果 当回收利用率达到70%时,每功能单位的瓦楞纸箱全生命周期产生的环境负荷的单一值为8.91,其中生产阶段所产生的环境负荷最大,约为3.39;运输阶段次之,约为2.89;废弃阶段为2.63。当回收利用率仅达45%时,每功能单位瓦楞纸箱的环境负荷增加至9.33,相较之下环境负荷增长了4.71%。结论 提高瓦楞纸箱的回收利用率将有助于降低对环境的负面影响。  相似文献   

Increasing environmental concerns about the disposal of mass produced products have resulted in efforts to recover value from components and materials before discarding such products. Methods include incineration, disassembly or de-manufacturing and bulk recycling. This paper investigates several cases of the problem of selecting the best sequence for recovery of materials by bulk recycling. A solution procedure for determining the optimal sequence for isolating all target materials present in a given batch based on dynamic programming is presented. A modification for targeting specific materials in a batch is discussed. Additional constraints arising from the operation of such facilities are also discussed. The general problem of target material identification is presented and a procedure for selecting a profitable target material mix, along with a numerical illustration, is documented. Finally, the integrated consideration of bulk recycling and disassembly for evaluating product disposal costs is presented.  相似文献   

论中国包装工业的可持续发展   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
中国包装工业可持续发展面临包装废弃物处理、水环境污染、大气污染、持久性有机物污染等严重问题,目前国内外有许多企业和组织通过包装减量化、包装的重复使用、材料循环再生与能量回收利用、包装废弃物的生物降解和堆肥等途径努力开发和实现了绿色包装,实际上这也是中国包装工业最终实现可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

This paper introduced a procedure which integrates economical factors into the scheduling of disassembly operations for Material Recovery Opportunities (MRO). MRO are defined as opportunities to reclaim post-consumer products for recycling, remanufacturing and reuse. Traditionally, recyclers have resorted to using heuristics for analysing the breakdown of products and the associated costs. In this paper, a quantitative method of disassembly analysis is developed. Its aim is to improve the efficiency of the disassembly planning process and to generate an optimal disassembly sequence which maximizes profit. Three economic indices are used to evaluate the trade-off between reclamation and disposal of individual components. A systematic procedure of generating an optimal disassembly sequence based on maximizing the profits of material recovery is presented. Three criteria are established to reduce the search space and facilitate recovery opportunities: (1) material compatibility, (2) clustering for disposal, and (3) concurrent disassembly operations. An example is provided on a product being disassembled for recycling at a local recycling plant in Canada.  相似文献   

废旧高分子材料回收利用的进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了目前高分子材料的回收利用情况,在列举原有废旧聚合物回收途径的同时,详细说明了废旧聚合物回收利用的新进展,如生物侵蚀法回收废橡胶.回收橡胶与热塑性塑料的共混体,废胶粉粒子添加到水泥中,热解废塑料,塑料“再生木材”,废塑料和玻璃复合商用砖等等。  相似文献   

Models for recycling electronics end-of-life products   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Increasing environmental concerns about the disposal of mass produced products have resulted in efforts to take back end-of-life consumer products. Legislation aimed at forcing manufacturers to take back electronics products at the end of their useful lives has either been adopted or is impending in many countries. This, along with shrinking landfill capacity and the reluctance of communities to open new waste sinks underscores the importance of developing methods and models for the management of end-of-life materials and products. This paper reports a study of the reverse channels for recycling of electronics products. The economics of electronics recycling are modeled from the viewpoints of the generators, recyclers, and material processors separately. A variety of mathematical programming models, representative of the many ways in which the recycling industry currently operates, have been proposed along with numerical illustrations. Models integrating disassembly and material recovery decisions are also presented. These models can be used by recyclers and processors for optimizing recycling operations and thus contribute towards the economic sustainability of electronics recycling.  相似文献   

Solid-waste management, and in particular the disposal of used packaging, is currently the subject of much topical debate. This is driven by both consumer and legislative pressures. Consumers see used packaging as a highly visible element of municipal solid waste, complaining of excessive packaging and low levels of recycling. Legislators, perhaps in pandering to the views expressed by consumer bodies, have been active within the CEC and individual Member States by introducing (or proposing) legislation or similar regulatory tools and targets to facilitate a greater diversion of used packaging from disposal by landfill to alternative solid-waste management practices, in particular recycling, which are widely accepted to have a lower impact on the environment. In this paper the relative environmental profiles of pursuing alternative solid-waste management practices to disposal by landfill are explored, focusing not just on solid waste per se but also on associated considerations of energy consumption and emissions, which are invariably overlooked as factors contributing to the environmental impact of solid-waste management practices.  相似文献   

为了便于电子企业在开展电子设备回收业务前定量决策回收网络的规模,在分析现有回收过程特点和决策模型的基础上,提出了四阶段电子设备回收过程模型,并以此为基础,构建了相应的回收网络决策模型.该模型以最低费用为目标构建目标函数,重点考虑物料平衡以及废弃率和翻新率.该模型包含了网络的五项运输费用,七项新建回收中心或外协费用,以及三项政府资助费用,二十二项限制条件.最后通过一个实际算例验证了其有效性.  相似文献   

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