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中国传统戏曲历史悠久,在公元11~14世纪的宋、元时代已趋成熟.传统戏曲演出的舞台形式特殊,多半为亭式建筑,三面敞开并伸入听众席.以虚拟时空为特点的传统戏曲表演形式,只需在一裸台上进行.因此不高的舞台顶棚(不少还是穹顶)和后墙组成的声反射罩,既有利于声音反射至听众,也可给演唱者获得声学上支持,使演唱更为舒畅.实测资料表明,传统式中型厅堂戏场的混响时间取1.0s左右是合适的.研究传统戏场的这些建筑声学特征,对于建造现代剧场也有参考价值.  相似文献   

李鸿宾 《音响技术》2006,(11):50-50
舞台艺术形式多种多样,对不同形式的艺术演出,也要采取不同种类的传声器进行拾音。一般的歌剧、话剧、戏曲文艺形式的演出,主要演员都佩戴领夹式无线传声器进行拾音,但是次要演员和群众演员不能都佩戴无线传声器,为了使次要演员和群众演员的声音也能被传声器拾取进来,一般在舞台的台口装3支强指向型传声器,舞台表演区的声音分布见图1。(1)强音区域:2号传声器可以拾取的区域,1号传声器、3号传声器也可以部分拾取的区域。(2)次强区域:1号传声器可以拾取的区域,2号传声器也可以部分拾取的区域。(3)次强区域:3号传声器可以拾取的区域,2号传声器…  相似文献   

刘兵兵 《包装工程》2012,33(8):27-30
以活字印刷形式为切入点,论述了其在标志设计、海报设计、书籍设计、产品造型设计、装饰背景设计、装置展示设计、舞台表演等现代设计领域的广泛应用。分析了活字印刷形式不再是印刷技术的体现,而具备了更多的象征意义和符号功能。提出了文化内涵的延续是继承传统文化的关键,而纯粹形式的沿用也是传承传统文化的手段之一。  相似文献   

唐锋 《照相机》2005,(4):10-11
去年,第七届中国艺术节期间,我拍摄了一些剧目的舞台片,感受了一次舞台片创作的乐趣.拍摄舞台片,不论是戏曲还是歌舞,如何在表演艺术的基础上,再现摄影艺术之美,是舞台片拍摄的重中之重.  相似文献   

唐健峰 《音响技术》2007,(10):49-50
根据演播室的声学特性和戏曲节目的艺术特性,在戏曲综艺演出时,拾取戏曲乐队声时采用A/B制立体声拾音技术,拾取舞台表演区效果声时采用DECCA TREE制立体声拾音技术,拾取观众区效果声时采用ABCDE制立体声拾音技术等,在现场主扩声达到较好的音色质量,观众在任何位置都能获得良好的听音效果;同时播出录制质量也达到较好的立体声效果。  相似文献   

京剧艺术的发展历史是在我国民族古老戏曲艺术创作成果的基础上成长起来的,在某种意义上已经成为中国文化艺术的图腾,它之所以取得今天的辉煌成就,是在其发展一百多年的历史过程中,经过几辈人悉心继承,努力创新的结果.在这段历史进程中,京剧舞台上涌现出的名家巨匠,势如河汉繁星、不胜枚举,其中,老旦行当的发展成熟,以及这些艺术家们所塑造的众多生动鲜活的艺术形象,有着宝贵的艺术价值,为我国民族戏曲艺术谱写了辉煌的篇章.  相似文献   

余斌 《声学技术》2014,33(3):250-254
当剧院兼用大型交响乐、室内乐或合唱音乐演出时,舞台上必须增设音乐反射罩,既有助于将乐队演奏声返送至听众席和平衡乐队演出,也可改善观众厅内的音质。音乐反射罩是多功能剧院舞台工艺的重要设施之一。主要介绍音乐反射罩的六个工程应用实例,并对增设乐罩前后观众厅的实测结果作分析总结。对比舞台上增设乐罩前后观众厅音质参量混响时间、早期衰变时间、明晰度和声场力度的变化,发现舞台增设乐罩后,显著降低了舞台空间和观众厅空间的耦合作用,两者形成一个整体使观众厅有效声学容积增大。由于乐罩对低频声能的吸收,低频混响时间不但没有提升,反而略有下降。单就混响时间的频率特性而言,增设乐罩的多功能剧院与专业音乐厅仍存在较大的差距。增设乐罩后,观众厅内明晰度降低,而声场力度得到了较大的提升。  相似文献   

李鸿宾 《音响技术》2006,(10):29-29,31
根据笔者多年演出中的调音经验,在适当场合下给演员加装监听扬声器是必要。演员演唱的要求在歌剧、话剧、戏曲等形式的演出中,当演员在舞台台口演唱时,可以听到剧场中的混响声。但由于舞台的表演区域比较大,演员因所饰角色和戏剧情节的要求,不太可能总处在舞台台口。而处在比较深入的舞台表演区时,演员听不到剧场中的混响声,常会感觉自己的演唱很干涩且声音很小,因而会要求音响师将其声音开大一些。这种情况多数音响师都曾碰到过。此时,需要音响师作出正确的判断,如果确实是演员演唱的声音过小,提升一下音量即可;但如果将演员的声音加大到演…  相似文献   

近些年来,各大传统戏曲发展式微,黄梅戏也面临窘境。随着新媒体的兴起,作为中国传统文化重要组成部分的戏曲如何与新媒体相结合,是新世纪以来戏曲发展面临的一个重要课题。本文分析新媒体时代黄梅戏发展和传播的优势及劣势所在,探究如何借助新媒体实现戏曲的可持续发展。  相似文献   

李鸿宾 《音响技术》2006,(12):39-39
在歌舞晚会中,尤其是一些中小型舞台演出,舞台台口的3支强指向型传声器距离大幕比较近。大幕在开启和关闭时,传声器容易被刮倒或者拾音方向被刮偏,破坏演出的音响效果。所以,有一些歌舞团选用强指向型压力区(PZM)传声器,也称反射型传声器。它是一个黑板擦大小的平板,可以平放在舞台台口上。其优点是可以避免大幕开启和关闭时被刮倒、刮偏,  相似文献   

A method is proposed for estimating the parameters of a mixture of exponential and Weibull distributions for which the accuracy of preliminary estimates obtained by graphical analysis is refined in accordance with the criterion of maximum likelihood. The efficiency of the proposed method is supported by the results of statistical modeling.  相似文献   

Australia has several uranium mines and a large number of mineral sand mines, with associated processing facilities. Exposures resulting from these mining and processing operations usually involve intakes of mixtures of radionuclides. This work describes the development of a suite of first order, linear compartment models, based on the ICRP Publication 66 respiratory tract model, and an analytical solution to the decay equations, for assessing the consequences of such intakes. The computer programs based on these models directly compute excretion, organ retention and organ and whole-body doses for intakes of either single radionuclides or any mixture of radionuclides belonging to the same radioactive decay chain. The intake can be via inhalation, ingestion or injection, and can be acute, chronic or of limited duration. The starting concentration and degree of secular (dis)equilibrium can be specified for each radionuclide. No assumptions need to be made about the relative magnitudes of the radioactive half-lives of the different nuclides.  相似文献   

本文根据多年的实践检定经验 ,参照JJF1 0 59- 1 999《测量不确定度评定与表示》以及《测量不确定度表达 1 0讲》 ,对卧式金属罐容量的测量结果不确定度进行了评定。  相似文献   

盐酸浓度不确定度的评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对盐酸浓度标定的过程分析,找出影响结果的各个分量,进行不确定度的评定,按照计量技术规范给出标准的表示法。  相似文献   

An approximate analytical expression is derived for the velocity of the front of the wave of change of boiling modes on a rod and on a plate. The impact of the Thomson effect and of the heater orientation in the gravity field is included. Adequate agreement is demonstrated between the derived relations and experimental data.  相似文献   

A novel method for the determination of the optical properties of tissue from time-domain measurements is presented. The data analysis is based on the evaluation of the first moment and the second centralized moment, i.e., the mean time of flight and the variance of the measured distribution of times of flight (DTOF) of photons injected by short (picosecond) laser pulses. Analytical expressions are derived for calculation of absorption and of reduced scattering coefficients from these moments by application of diffusion theory for infinite and semi-infinite homogeneous media. The proposed method was tested on experimental data obtained with phantoms, and results for absorption and reduced scattering coefficients obtained by the proposed method are compared with those obtained by fitting of the same data with analytical solutions of the diffusion equation. Furthermore, the accuracy of the moment analysis was investigated for a range of integration limits of the DTOF. The moment analysis may serve as a comparatively fast method for evaluating optical properties with sufficient accuracy and can be used, e.g., for on-line monitoring of optical properties of biological tissue.  相似文献   

Different constructions of the sensing elements of radio-frequency level sensors based on sections of long lines are numerically investigated by means of the Matlab program for the purpose of minimizing the measurement error caused by the nonlinearity of the output characteristic. It is shown that the nonlinearity is lowest for U-shaped designs. The nonlinearity factor KN may be regulated by varying the capacitance of a correcting capacitor connected to the input of the sensing element and (or) the length of one of the sections of the long line. In selecting an optimal capacitance of the correcting capacitor KN ≤ 0.15% for control media with dielectric permittivity in the range 2.2–30.  相似文献   

We analyze the possibilities of decreasing the errors of measuring the height of the pole of a sessile drop of melt above its equator by determining the position of the equator according to the midpoints of vertical chords of the image of the drop. The optimal distance between these chords and the edge of the image of the drop is chosen within 10–20% of the radius of the equator. The proposed method guarantees the same level of errors of evaluation of the height of the pole and the radius of the equator, which enables one to substantially increase the accuracy of evaluation of the capillary constant and the surface energy of the melt according to the geometric parameters of the sessile drop.  相似文献   

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