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针对应力变化较大的碳纤维增强复合材料层合板,提出削层结构铺层分级优化模式。通过将结构分解为若干子铺层并对各子铺层的位置、尺寸、铺层数以及铺层顺序进行优化,得到了满足强度和可制造性要求且质量最小的结构设计方案。该模式的第1、2级优化利用参考层对各子铺层位置及尺寸进行优化,第3级优化通过引入3次样条插值参数化方法对各子铺层层数和铺层顺序进行优化。参考层的引入可减少设计变量的数量,3次样条插值参数化方法可解决以铺层角为设计变量时设计变量数目不确定的问题。利用有限元方法对结构进行力学分析计算,并依据Tsai-Wu准则确定结构强度。在第2、3级优化中利用遗传算法对优化问题进行求解。算例计算表明:削层结构铺层分级优化模式结果合理可信。与均匀铺层方法结果比较可知:削层结构可有效减少结构质量。  相似文献   

研究了外载荷作用下的复合材料结构振动响应和声辐射问题。在此基础上, 分析了复合材料的结构-声辐射优化设计模型, 基于遗传算法进行了对称型复合材料板结构的结构-声辐射铺层几何优化分析。数值算例表明, 复合材料板结构的铺层数、 铺层厚度和铺层角度等参数优化, 可以有效降低结构的振动和声辐射。数值算例结果验证了优化方法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于瞬态动力学理论和遗传优化算法,以提高抗冲击损伤能力为优化目标对复合材料气瓶的铺层顺序进行优化.遗传算法利用MATLAB软件实现,复合材料气瓶冲击损伤分析采用ANSYS进行,通过两个软件之间的信息传递,实现优化计算.以铝内胆复合材料气瓶为算例进行优化,结果表明,在同一冲击能量下,优化后的气瓶基体破裂面积和基体破裂层数...  相似文献   

对工程中常用复合材料带加强筋板结构的优化方法进行研究。由于优化变量较多且变量类型涉及离散型和连续型两种类型,因此优化中引入了分级优化方法。在结构质量一定的前提下,确定各加强筋最优的位置、截面尺寸、铺层数及铺层顺序,以提高整体结构的抗屈曲性能。代理层的引入使优化问题可以在先不考虑铺层顺序的情况下对其余变量进行优化,通过析因实验设计方法确定剩余变量中影响结构屈曲载荷的主要变量和次要变量,并分别在第1、2级优化中独立对两类变量进行优化,在优化过程中根据变量的类型及取值范围,对部分变量建立径向基代理模型以提高优化效率。第3级优化采用遗传算法对铺层顺序进行优化。优化结果表明:优化后方案比原方案的抗屈曲能力提高了3.21倍。  相似文献   

黄海  王伟 《复合材料学报》2012,29(5):196-202
为了提高复合材料叶片承担载荷的能力, 尤其是承受最大弯矩的叶片根部的承载能力, 研究了遗传算法的优化原理并将遗传算法应用到复合材料叶片根部铺层的优化设计中。针对复合材料层压结构遗传算法优化设计中, 层压结构参数具有离散型的特点, 提出了适合复合材料层压结构遗传算法优化设计的整数编码策略, 以整数来表征层压结构参数。在分析层压结构强度的基础上, 针对结构强度优化的目标构造了可用于遗传算法的适应度函数。同时参考了一定的铺层规则, 在铺层角度限制为工程中常用的四种角度的前提下, 应用遗传算法对叶片根部进行了铺层优化设计。结果表明, 由于遗传算法特有的处理离散型问题的优势, 在叶片根部的铺层优化设计中应用遗传算法是可行和可信的。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种用于组合优化的译码方式和遗传算子.对给定铺层的复合材料层压板在满足固有频率的要求下,采用遗传算法进行了铺层顺序的优化.算例的计算表明:采用本文所述方法,只要搜索解空间的一小部分就能收敛到组合优化问题的最优解.   相似文献   

基于改进模拟退火算法的复合材料层合板频率优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对复合材料层合板频率优化问题,结合可行规则法和直接搜索模拟退化算法,提出了一种自适应模拟退火(SA)改进算法。层合板优化目标是基频、频率带隙以及给定基频和带隙约束的层合板厚度。设计变量包括铺层角度和铺层数两种离散变量。改进算法的自适应新点产生模块采用依赖温度的动态调整搜索半径,改善了直接搜索模拟退化(DSA)算法易陷入局部极值的缺陷,而可行规则法的引入提高了SA算法求解约束问题的效率和简易性。采用Ritz法进行频率响应分析以考虑弯扭耦合影响。不同铺层数、角度增量和长宽比时的层合板3类算例结果显示:改进算法能有效求解层合板频率优化,可获得更多或更好的铺层顺序全局优化解。  相似文献   

复合材料火箭定向管铺层角度优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用ABAQUS的二次开发语言对复合材料定向管进行参数化建模,通过火箭弹发射过程的瞬态动力学分析对复合材料定向管的铺层角度进行优化设计,以提高其结构强度。设计过程中利用优化软件iSIGHT集成有限元分析软件ABAQUS,采用多岛遗传算法和序列二次规划法相结合的优化算法,进行瞬态动力学的优化。经过优化设计,得到了合理的铺层角度,使复合材料定向管的强度性能有了显著提高。  相似文献   

根据复合材料工字型加筋壁板的工艺铺设特点,建立了一种特殊的有限元模型,将工字型筋条按照凸缘顶板、[形腹板、凸缘底板、以及蒙皮四个层合板进行建模。针对工字型加筋壁板的铺层特征,本研究采用二级优化策略对工字型加筋壁板进行以静强度、刚度和稳定性为约束条件的轻量化设计,与一级优化(铺层厚度和弯曲刚度系数的调整)相比,二级优化采用改进的自适应遗传算法优化层合板的铺层顺序,优化设计结果可以直接用于工程应用,有限元模型和优化方法对复合材料工字型加筋壁板的设计具有指导意义。  相似文献   

层合阻尼结构各向异性设计之阻尼特性分析   总被引:17,自引:7,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
将各向异性设计引入层合阻尼结构中,从理论上分析了各向异性层合阻尼结构的阻尼特性及其控制机理,从而验证了建立约束阻尼层合结构各向异性优化设计新体系的可行性。文中衡量结构阻尼减振效果的重要指标是结构系统的损耗因子,采用半无限简支板为例,对各种铺层形式作了大量的计算;并以最大损耗因子为目标函数,以铺层角度、频率、厚度等为约束条件进行结构优化设计。分析研究表明,该结构内部柔性层对阻尼的影响要比应力耦合对其影响大得多;在高于基本模式的固有频率下,能显著地提高损耗因子。  相似文献   

任明法  常鑫 《复合材料学报》2016,33(5):1111-1118
为预测含孔隙复合材料单层板的弹性常数,以单向纤维增强复合材料单层板为研究对象,首先,基于细观力学方法,提出了一种基于两尺度代表体元的含孔隙复合材料单层板弹性常数预测方法;然后,基于纤维排列和孔隙特征,建立了纤维-基体尺度的代表体元模型和含孔隙复合材料单层板的代表体元模型,并采用有限元方法求解弹性常数;接着,采用周期对称边界条件,在纤维-基体尺度先进行第1步等效,得到不含孔隙复合材料单层板的弹性常数;最后,在含孔隙复合材料单层板的代表体元模型上进行第2步等效,完成了含孔隙复合材料单层板弹性常数的预测。结果显示:应用该方法得到的计算结果与试验数据吻合较好;结合纤维、基体弹性常数及孔隙形态的模型,该方法可以反映各因素对复合材料单层板弹性常数的影响。   相似文献   

Most composite structures are orthotropic with respect to the major structural loading direction, i.e. the 0 ° fibres are along the principal bending axes of an aircraft wing (the spar line). The laminate stiffness properties are given with the laminate orthotropic axes aligned with the structural axes. If the orthotropic axes are not aligned to the structural axes, then the laminate stiffness properties are generated from classical laminated plate theory with individual ply angles rotated through the appropriae angle of transformation. In this discussion, the transformation of a laminate's stiffness from the on-axis position to an off-axis position is accomplished in one step. Two typical examples are shown to illustrate where and why such a transformation is used.  相似文献   

光滑与含孔复合材料压-压疲劳实验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本文新设计了光滑与含孔两种复合材料试样的抗失稳装置, 简述了这两种试样的压-压疲劳实验概况, 分析和讨论了其疲劳破坏机理, 提出复合材料疲劳损伤的“转捩点”概念。  相似文献   

For a composite structure the damage of low-velocity impact is a common potential danger. In the current study condition, a quantitative index is adopted to describe different damages. The relations between the damage and modulus degradation of laminate, and between the damage and buckling of laminate are given preliminarily. Then, a method of reliability analysis for a composite structure with damage is presented. In illustrative examples the result of changes in reliability of structures with different damages are given.  相似文献   

The advent of advanced fiber placement technology has made it possible, through the use of fiber steering, to exploit the anisotropic properties of composite materials to a larger extent than was previously possible. Spatial variation of stiffness can be induced by steering composite fibers in curvilinear paths to give beneficial load and stiffness distribution patterns. Buckling of composite panels is one area where fiber steering has been proven to be very effective. Fiber angles and predefined fiber angle variations are used in most of the research on fiber steered composites reported in the literature, however, from an optimization point of view it is attractive to design such variable stiffness (VS) structures in terms of lamination parameters (LPs). This results in a two-step design approach. In the first step a VS composite is designed in terms of LPs, and in the second step the LPs are converted into fiber angle distributions for each layer in the laminate. A methodology is proposed to convert a known LP distribution for a VS composite laminate into a realistic design in terms of fiber angles, with minimum loss of structural performance, whilst satisfying a constraint on in-plane fiber angle curvature. The proposed conversion process is formulated as an optimization problem and can be used for any number of equi-thickness plies. The methodology was tested by converting a known optimal LP design for a sample structure, a square plate under bi-axial compression into a fiber angle design. The effect of the in-plane curvature constraint, the number of layers in the laminate, and the choice of objective function for the conversion process were studied for a balanced symmetric lay-up.  相似文献   

To evaluate fatigue life of composite laminate with hole under random loading, a random fatigue life prediction model is established by hybrid time-frequency domain method in this paper. Firstly, dynamic response of composite laminate is obtained from FE model in frequency domain. Secondly, root mean square of stress of six stress components of critical damage point in frequency domain are transferred to stresses in time domain. At last, 3D Tsai–Hill static failure criterion is adopted to convert the multiaxial stress into the uniaxial equivalent stress. Fatigue life is predicted by equivalent stress fatigue life code. The method is validated with the random vibration fatigue test of carbon fibre-reinforced composite laminate. Numerical results are compared with random fatigue experiments which show good agreement with numerical results.  相似文献   

本文借助复合材料的微观特性建立了宏观物理模型,并把空间有限元离散模型和时问-空间有限元离散模型应用于具有任意结构参数和边界条件的复合材料的非定常温度场的有限元计算。计算结果表明,采用集中质量热容矩阵可以得到比采用一致质量热容矩阵更高的计算精度;采用时间-空简有限元可以得到比采用空间有限元更高的计算精度。计算结果还表明,由于复合材料的导热性能极差,因此它是作为航天飞机和空间飞机的热保护装置的理想材料之一。   相似文献   

In the autoclave process, resin flow is a primary mechanics for the removing of excess resin and voids entrapped in the laminate and obtaining a uniform and void free composite part. A numerical method was developed to simulate the resin flow in the laminate and the bleeder, and the effects of ‘bleeder flow’ on the resin flow and fiber compaction were conducted. At the same time, fiber distribution in the cured laminates was investigated by both experiments and simulations for the CF/Epoxy and CF/BMI composites. The data of the experiments and simulations demonstrated that fibers consolidated and reconsolidated in the laminate and it was impacted by the viscosity and gel time of the resin system. Compared to the post study in which only resin flow in the laminate are considered, these results will deepen the understanding of the consolidation process, resin pressure variation and void control during the autoclave process, which is valuable for the study of the performance of composite parts, provided that fiber distribution does affect some properties of composite material.  相似文献   

This paper explores the metaheuristic approach called scatter search for lay-up sequence optimisation of laminate composite panels. Scatter search is an evolutionary method that has recently been found to be promising for solving combinatorial optimisation problems. The scatter search framework is flexible and allows the development of alternative implementations with varying degree of sophistication. The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scatter search algorithm for the combinatorial problem like stacking sequence optimisation of laminate composite panels. Preliminary investigations have been carried out to compare the optimal stacking sequences obtained using scatter search algorithm for buckling load maximisation with the best known published results. Studies indicate that the optimal buckling load factors obtained using the proposed scatter search algorithm found to be either superior or comparable to the best known published results.

Later, two case studies have been considered in this paper. Thermal buckling optimisation of laminated composite plates subjected to temperature rise is considered as the first case study. The results obtained are compared with an exact enumerative study conducted on the problem to demonstrate the effectiveness and performance of the proposed scatter search algorithm. The second case study is optimisation of hybrid laminate composite panels for weight and cost with frequency and buckling constraints. The two objectives are considered individually and also collectively to solve as multi-objective optimisation problem. Finally the computational efficiency of the proposed scatter search algorithm has been investigated by comparing the results with various implementations of genetic algorithm customised for laminate composites. It was shown in this paper through numerical experiments that the scatter search is capable of finding practical solutions for optimal lay-up sequence optimisation of composite laminates and results are comparable and sometimes even superior to genetic algorithms.  相似文献   

《Composites Part B》2002,33(6):425-432
An inverse procedure is presented to determine the transient line loads on a surface of composite laminate. The procedure recovers the time history as well as the distribution functions of the line loads based on the displacement responses at one receiving point. It is assumed that the time and spatial dependencies of the loading function are separable. The hybrid numerical method is used to obtain two kernel functions, dynamic Green's function as well as the response function of Heaviside step excitation of the composite laminates. The displacement response to a load with an arbitrary force function is expressed in a form of convolution, where the continuous convolution functions are spatially and temporally discretized. The loading functions are recovered by optimizing a set of proposed error (objective) functions. Numerical verifications were performed to identify loads on composite laminate for both concentrated and extended cases. Very good agreements have been obtained in terms of both load distribution and its magnitude, where calculation converged within a small number of iterations.  相似文献   

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