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刘维尚  司亚丽  李柳澄  李子翔 《包装工程》2024,(6):197-209, 249
目的 利用科学知识图谱,对国内外文献进行分析对比,以客观数据和直观图谱分析为依据,对当前城市品牌的热点问题和发展趋势进行分析和总结。方法 运用可视化文献分析软件Cite Space 6.2R1,以中国知网数据库中的北大核心、CSSCI、SCI期刊文献和Web of Science核心集合数据库中收录的城市品牌相关文献为数据来源,对国内外城市品牌的发文量、作者及研究机构合作分布、相关研究热点、研究领域发展趋势等方面问题绘制科学知识图谱,并进行可视化分析。结论 国外城市品牌发文量呈现出波动上升态势;作者及研究机构合作密切,形成明显合作团队;city、impact、model为研究热点;reputation、engagement、mediating role、perceived value、experiences是较具影响的研究前沿领域;整体研究聚焦于城市品牌与外界因素的相互作用,如何通过品牌的塑造和传播提高城市在公众心中的地位,以及如何增加人们与城市品牌的互动和参与;研究趋势从理论研究到实践应用、从单一视角到多维度、从系统化到参与式研究。国内城市品牌发文量低于国外,整体发文量呈现出波动缓慢上升态势;作者及研究机构合作不密切,没有形成成熟的合作团队;城市品牌、城市营销、城市形象、品牌为研究热点;城市形象、城市发展、品牌形象是较具影响力的研究前沿领域;整体研究侧重于城市品牌本身,如何借助城市品牌推动城市形象的提升;研究趋势由自发到自觉、由个案到普遍、由地方探索到统筹推进。  相似文献   

武星廷  陈永康  刘梦非 《包装工程》2022,43(16):274-283
目的 利用文献计量学对UCD设计方法的研究现状进行可视化分析,探索UCD的研究热点及未来前沿趋势。方法 以Web of Science核心合集数据为分析样本,利用Citespace、VOSviewer将该研究主题的文献发文量、国家和组织合作、学科领域分布、  相似文献   

陈于书 《包装工程》2023,44(6):250-257
目的 对国际色彩调和领域的研究现状与进展进行梳理与分析,为后续研究、设计实践提供依据。方法 使用CiteSpace 5.8.R 3软件,以2001—2021年Web of Science数据库核心合集中的515篇文献为样本,采用科学知识图谱分析法,分析色彩调和的国际热点主题和研究趋势。结果 2001—2021年,每年发文量与被引频次均呈波动上升趋势;Lichen Ou与Antal Nemcsics同时是高发文作者、高被引作者以及高被引文献作者;匈牙利布达佩斯技术与经济大学、英国利兹大学、台湾成功大学与台湾科技大学为排名前四的发文机构;美国、中国、英国与中国台湾为排名前四的发文地区;研究领域的主题聚类效果明显,热点主题主要集中在色彩调和的数学模型、色彩情绪与色彩偏好、色彩调和的美度计算三个方面;2019年以前的研究前沿为色彩体系,色彩模型为最新研究前沿。结论 色彩调和领域逐渐受到学者关注;学术团队的组建对学术产出与学术影响力起到重要的推进作用;中国大陆在该领域的学术影响力有待进一步提升。  相似文献   

孙波  金燕  马宁 《包装工程》2024,45(2):14-24
目的 对可持续设计的研究现状进行可视化分析,从文献产出分布、研究热点等角度掌握研究进展,形成研究趋势结论。方法 主要采用文献计量学方法,从国内CNKI数据库和国外Web of Science 核心合集数据采集数据,通过有条件筛选得出有效结果,使用VOSviewer和Citespace可视化软件进行分析,分析内容是可持续设计相关的文献发文量、高被引文献、热点文献、  相似文献   

陆宁  李娟  金林轶 《包装工程》2023,44(4):393-405
目的 从学术文献的角度梳理、分析和归纳国内外工业协作机器人从1996年至2022年的研究发展历程、热点演化及研究趋势,为研究和创新提供参考。方法 采用CiteSpace软件,分别选取国际Web of Science核心合集数据库和中国知网CNKI数据库的文献样本,对协作机器人的发文量时空分布、  相似文献   

绿色包装领域核心文献、研究热点及 前沿的可视化研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为直观揭示国际绿色包装领域核心文献、研究热点与前沿趋势,对2006—2015年Web of Science核心合集收录的1 247篇以"green package"或"green packaging"为关键词的文章进行梳理和分析,利用Citespace III软件,对绿色包装领域的核心文献、研究热点与前沿趋势进行可视化分析。研究结果表明:被引量前10名的核心文献内容多为包装材料研究;研究热点为以film(薄膜)、nanocomposite(纳米复合材料)为代表的包装材料研究、以满足mechanical property(机械性能)、reduction(简约)等要求的包装设计发展、以达到sustainable development(可持续发展)而建立的包装制度研究等;研究前沿可归纳为3个发展阶段,即2006—2010年,对包装物绿色特性研究力度高于对包装绿色特性研究力度,2010—2012年,侧重于包装物对环境的危害研究,针对某一类产品进行特定包装或设计,2012—2015年,则侧重于研发绿色包装材料,重点研发多类产品通用包装。  相似文献   

王原  李昭昶  周艳 《包装工程》2023,44(12):420-429
目的 利用知识图谱的可视化方法,对光照疗法治疗抑郁症的研究发展脉络与热点进行了总结,并从分析的结果推断出未来的发展方向。方法 以Web of Science核心数据库为基础,结合CiteSpace技术,对发文量、核心作者、研究领域、研究脉络、研究热点等方面进行知识图谱绘制,并进行可视化分析。结果 光疗是一种操作简便的非药物治疗手段,可与药物治疗同时使用,无论是医院还是家中皆可进行治疗,有着积极的治疗意义和广阔的治疗前景。结论 研究发现,国际上对该领域的发展热度不断增长,从1986年开始出现,而后保持相对稳定,至2017年开始陡升,尤其是近年来的发文量呈指数级增长。北美在国家发文量方面处于领先地位,欧洲在个人发文量方面处于领先地位,我国的发文量也在世界前列。目前国际上没有光疗的统一的治疗方案与标准,未来的研究空间仍然很大。  相似文献   

常鑫 《包装工程》2023,44(4):358-367
目的 利用科学知识图谱,考察我国设计赋能乡村振兴研究热点与趋势,明晰设计赋能乡村振兴领域的研究特征及未来发展方向。方法 应用 CiteSpace 文献计量工具,将2018—2021年知网数据库收录的以“乡村振兴设计”为主题的708条文献作为研究对象,对其发文量、核心作者、研究机构、热点  相似文献   

张月美  韩炬  宁皓月 《包装工程》2019,40(23):75-84
目的研究食品包装领域的主要研究方向、发展态势以及前沿热点。方法利用核心期刊引文索引数据库Web of Science检索主题为"Food Packaging"的文献数据;筛选、剔重后导出文献至CiteSpace引文分析软件,从时间分布、作者分布、地域分布、期刊分布多个角度对食品包装领域概况进行研究;再利用引文分析、词频探测、突发词检测等方法研究食品包装的重大意义文献、不同时段的研究热点及领域前沿趋势,并通过突发词检测验证前沿热点分析结果的准确性。结果 2019年食品包装领域的研究论文预计不低于2000篇;2009—2019年间食品包装领域重要影响文献的研究方向分别为纳米材料、壳聚糖薄膜、香精油、食品包装系统、乳酸、活性包装,中心度较高的重要影响文献有6篇;有食品包装的主要技术、包装材料的主要成分、被包装食品的种类共计22个主要的研究热点种类;近3年,食品包装领域的研究前沿呈现出由单一的包装性能研究(力学性能、抗菌性能)到丰富的包装需求研究(人体健康、灭菌性能),再到创新性的包装材料研究(壳聚糖、纳米材料、可降解材料)的变化趋势。结论基于CiteSpace的科学知识图谱挖掘覆盖了食品包装领域的研究概况、研究热点和前沿发展趋势。  相似文献   

王姿 《包装工程》2023,44(18):109-119
目的 对国内外博物馆体验研究的文献进行计量可视化分析,以便客观真实地了解现阶段博物馆体验研究的重点和动态。方法 运用Citespace可视化分析工具对CNKI核心数据库中2000—2022年博物馆体验及Web of Science数据库中核心合集期刊进行量化分析和质化论述,内容包括发文时间、关键词聚类、发文刊物分布、国内外研究侧重点论述、研究共性及差异解读。结论 检索范围内国内外博物馆体验研究发文数量呈快速上升趋势,中文发文刊物主要分布在艺术设计领域,国外发文刊物集中在博物馆学研究领域;国内外研究热点都涉及新媒体技术、文化旅游发展、观众研究方面,但国内主要围绕新媒体技术在展示设计中的应用、观众体验的跟踪调查研究和文旅融合下的游客研究,国外研究主要侧重于数字媒体技术对博物馆休闲娱乐氛围的营造、博物馆中的集体学习体验、文化旅游中博物馆的真实性表达。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the structure of computer science research articles published in the Lecture Notes of Computer Science series. While it is clear that most articles start with an Introduction and end with a Conclusion, the structure of text between these two sections is rather diverse. We studied the positions of different section types, and analysed dependencies between them. As a result, we present a number of common patterns used by writers, and make suggestions on how to improve the presentation of research in computer science.  相似文献   

This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of articles from the Republic of Serbia in the period 2006–2012 that are indexed in the Thomson Reuters SCI-EXPANDED database. The Republic of Serbia is a small country in Europe with about seven million citizens that became an independent country in 2006. Since 2006, Serbian science has achieved some recognition. Analysis included 14,293 articles with authors all from Serbia. Distribution of published articles in the Web of Science categories, journals, scientific-research institutions and researchers were analysed. Most cited independent research articles from Serbia were also analysed. The Y-index indicator for rating the productivity of researchers and institutions was used. This indicator takes into account the contribution of the researcher to the published results. The results showed that the productivity of articles from Serbia is significant compared to neighbouring Serbian countries, taking into account the number of researchers in these countries, their GDPs and the percentages of GDPs spent on research.  相似文献   

This study investigated the external contributors of library and information science (LIS) knowledge who were unaffiliated with LIS-related institutions but published their research results in LIS journals. Differences between the contributors to library science (LS) and contributors to information science (IS) were considered. Articles published in 39 strongly LIS-oriented journals indexed in the Web of Science database between 2005 and 2014 were analyzed. The results demonstrated that 46.5% of the LIS articles were written by at least one non-LIS author; authors’ backgrounds ranged across 29 disciplines. An increasing trend was observed in degrees of interdisciplinarity of LS and IS. An increase in proportion of articles by LIS and non-LIS authors was identified in LS and IS as well. Those with medical backgrounds were the primary non-LIS authors contributing to the LS field and collaborated the most frequently with LIS authors. Those with computer science backgrounds were the most prevalent non-LIS contributors to the IS field and preferred to publish individually. A critical difference was also identified in research topics between LS and IS. The foundations of LIS and scientometrics were the largest research topics in LS and IS, respectively.  相似文献   

To delineate the intellectual structure of Antarctic science, the research outputs on Antarctic science have been analyzed for a period of 25 years (1980–2004) through a set of scientometrics and network analysis techniques. The study is based on 10,942 records (research articles, letters, reviews, etc.), published in 961 journals/documents, and retrieved from the Science Citation Index (SCI) database. Over the years interest in Antarctic science has increased, as is evident from the growing number of ratified countries and research stations. During the period under study, the productivity has increased 3-times and there is a 13-fold increase in collaborative articles. Attempt has been made to identify important players like scientists, organizations and countries working in the field and to identify frontier areas of research that is being conducted in this continent. The highest 41% scientific output is contributed by the USA and the UK, followed by Australia and Germany. British Antarctic Survey (BAS), UK and Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar & Marine Research, Germany are the most productive institutes in Antarctic science. Maximum number of research articles on Antarctic science, have been published in the journal Polar Biology, indicating substantial work being done on the biology of this continent. The journals — Nature and Science — are the highly-cited journals in Antarctic science. The paper written by J. C. Farman et al., published in Nature in 1985, reporting depletion of ozone layer, is the most-cited article. Semantic relationships between cited documents were measured through co-citation analysis. J. C. Farman and S. Solomon are co-cited most frequently.  相似文献   

Song  Choong-Han 《Scientometrics》2003,58(1):129-141
Interdisciplinary research has been encouraged through the policies of many governmental and institutional funding agencies in Korea. This paper measured the degrees of interdisciplinarity in individual and collaborative researches and analyzes the factors affecting it. This paper also examined flow of knowledge among different disciplines in science and engineering research using a database obtained from research proposals submitted to Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF). The analysis indicated that 54.6% of collaborative research proposals were interdisciplinary, while 35.8% of individual research proposals were interdisciplinary. The analysis of knowledge inflow/outflow structure showed that Natural science served as a link between Life science and Engineering. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The institutionally independent publications of Tsinghua University and Peking University were compared by two main indicators namely peak-year citations per publication and h-index, based on the data extracted from the Science Citation Index Expanded, Web of Science from 1974 to 2011. Analyzed aspects covered total publication outputs, annual production, impact, authorships, Web of Science categories, journals, and most cited articles. Results shows that the two universities were in the same scale based on the peak-year citations per publication, the h-index, and top cited articles with no less than 100 citations. Publication of the top three most productive Web of Science categories differed between these two universities. Tsinghua University published more articles in applied science and engineering fields, while Peking University had more basic science articles. In addition, article life was applied to compare the impact of the most cited articles and single author articles of the two universities.  相似文献   

Using 17 fully open access electronic journals published uninterruptedly during 2000–2004 in the field of Library and Information Science the present study investigated the trend of LIS Open Access e-journals’ literature by analysing articles, authors, institutions, countries, subjects, & references. Quantitative content analysis was carried out on the data, data were analysed in order to project literature growth, authorship pattern, gender pattern, cited references pattern and related bibliometric phenomena. The analysis indicates that there were as many as 1636 articles published during 2000–2004 with an average increment of 23.75 articles per year. The authorship pattern indicates that team research has not been very common in LIS OA publishing and male authors were keener than female authors. Authors from academic institutions were paid more interest in OA publishing and most of them were from developed nations. The subject coverage of these OA e-journals was very vast and almost all facets of information and library science were covered in these articles. There were 90.10% of articles of these e-journals contained references and on an average an article contained 24 references. Of these, 38.53% of references were hyperlinked and 87.35% of hyperlinked references were live during investigation. The analysis of data clearly indicates that OA e-journals in LIS are rapidly establishing themselves as a most viable media for scholarly communication.  相似文献   

Taking articles written by mainland China scholars from management related 258 journals indexed by Web of Science database as the data sets, this paper analyses the output of scientific research of Chinese scholars. It studies the structure, characteristics and development trend of collaboration network of Chinese scholars in management research area through scientometrics and social network analysis approaches. We found that the accumulated number of Chinese authors and the accumulated number of articles published by Chinese authors in the 258 journals increases by exponential form, most of which focus on Operations research & Management science. About half of the articles come up through international collaboration and the accumulated number of articles written through collaboration between Chinese and overseas scholars display an exponential increase. The evolution studies of the collaboration network indicate that the collaboration of Chinese scholars in the field of management is on a sharp rise. However, the collaboration network has not yet stepped into a mature and steady stage. Nonetheless, a tendency towards the stable stage is unveiled.  相似文献   

Seglen  Per O.  Aksnes  Dag W. 《Scientometrics》2000,49(1):125-143
To analyse the relationship between research group size and scientific productivity within the highly cooperative research environment characteristic of contemporary biomedical science, an investigation of Norwegian Microbiology was undertaken. By an author-gated retrieval from ISI's database National Science Indicators on Diskette (NSIOD), of journal articles published by Norwegian scientists involved in microbiological research during the period 1992–1996, a total of 976 microbiological and 938 non-microbiological articles, by 3,486 authors, were obtained. Functional research groups were defined bibliometrically on the basis of co-authorship, yielding a total of 180 research groups varying in size from one author/one article to 180 authors/83 articles (all authors associated with a group during the whole five-year period were included, hence the large group size). Most of Norwegian microbiological research (73% of the microbiology articles) appears to be performed by specialist groups (with 70% of their production as microbiology), the remainder being published by groups with a broader biomedical research profile (who were responsible for 95% of the non-microbiological articles). The productivity (articles per capita) showed only moderate (Poisson-distributed) variability between groups, and was remarkably constant across all subfields, at about 0.1 article per author per year. No correlation between group size and productivity was found.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contribution of Indian universities to the mainstream scientific literature during 1987–1989 along two distinct, but inter-related dimensions of quantity and quality of research output. The quantity of output is assessed through the number of articles published in journals covered byScience Citation Index, while the quality of output is assessed through the impact factors of journals in which the articles are published. The impact factors are normalized to eliminate the confounding effects of their covariates,viz. the subject field and the nature of journal. A number of relative indicators are constructed for inter-field and inter-institution comparisons,viz. publication effectiveness index,1 relative quality index,2 activity index3 and citability index4. Inter-field comparisons are made at the level of eight macrofields: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Earth & Space Sciences, Agriculture, Medical Sciences and Engineering & Technology. Inter-institution comparisons cover thirty three institutions which had published at least 150 articles in three years. The structure of correlations of these institutions with eight macrofields is analyzed through correspondence analysis of the matrices of activity and citability profiles. Correspondence analysis yields a mapping of institutions which reveals the structure of science as determined by the cumulative effect of resource allocation decisions taken in the past for different fields and institutions i.e. the effect of national science policy.  相似文献   

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