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欧盟的主要标准化组织欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)和欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC)不久前联合出版了一本面向中小企业的标准编写指南《CEN/CENELEC17号指南:中小企业标准编写指南》  相似文献   

欧洲标准化组织(CEN)和欧洲电子技术标准委员会(CENELEC)举行活动,庆祝推出了期待已久的欧洲标准EN16001:2009——能源管理体系——规范及使用指南。这部标准,已在2009年7月1日正式发布,在欧洲由CEN和CENELEC成员实施。  相似文献   

一、CEN 概况欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)是欧洲三大标准化机构之一〔其他2个机构是欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC)和欧洲电信标准学会(F7ST)〕,成立于1961年3月23日,当时称为欧洲标准协调委员会(CEN),创始成员国是欧洲经济共同体(CEN)和欧洲自由贸易联盟(EFTA)的十三个国家;1971年6月修改组织章程时改为现名。  相似文献   

<正>埃琳娜·圣地亚哥·希德自2010年1月1日起担任欧洲标准委员会(CEN)与欧洲电工标准委员会(CENELEC)总秘书长,负责两委员会管理中心的指导与管理工作,并为CEN和CENELEC大会与董事委员会活动提供执行支持。作为管理协调工作组(MCG)成员,她负责处理CEN、CENELEC及其姐妹组织欧洲电信标准协会(ETSI)之间的关系,并负责协调CEN和CENELEC  相似文献   

欧盟标准化机构欧洲标准委员会(CEN)及欧洲电工技术标准委员会(CENELEC)近日补充了玩具安全指令(第2009/48/EC玩具安全指令)附件二:所载的基本安全要求,涉及电动玩具安全标准,标准号为EN62115:2005/A11:2012。  相似文献   

10月9日,欧洲主要的标准化组织接受欧盟委员会的要求,正在筹备为或军民两用产品拟定技术标准,这将对军、民两用产品用户提供帮助。尽管任务实施的时间还不明确,但仍将是标准化组织首次进入军民两用产品领域。欧洲标准化委员会-欧洲电工标准化委员会管理中心(CEN/CENELEC)秘书长Elena Santiag oCid女士称,“我们已在标准化组织间成立了一个新的国防标准协调小组,旨在梳理工作分工,分配工作任务,以及如何共同完成工作。”  相似文献   

最近,得到欧洲委员会(EC)和欧洲自由贸易协会(EFTA)支持的三个欧洲标准化组织——欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)、欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC)和欧洲电信标准协会(ETSI)新任命了Klaus Ziegler先生为聘任的驻中国的欧洲标准化专家。Ziegler先生于7月1日到北京上任,任期3年。日益增长的中国进出口市场已使欧洲与中国的贸易合作成为重点关注关系。Ziegler先生将负责增进中欧在标准化和合格评定领域的合作,他的使命是开发在中国的标准化前景,以确定标准化的新需求,并加强中国企业与其欧洲合作伙伴之间的合作关系。为此,记者对他进行了采访…  相似文献   

正今年的欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)和欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC)年度大会选出了2022-2024年任期的CEN主席和CENELEC主席,分别是:来自意大利标准机构(UNI)的斯特凡诺·卡佐拉里(Stefano Calzolari)和来自德国电气电子信息技术协会(VDE)的沃夫冈·尼德瑞拉(Wolfgang Niedziella)。他们将从2021年1月1日起,分别就任CEN和CENELEC候任主席,与现任主席们并肩工作,确保过渡期顺畅度过。  相似文献   

正2019年11月13日,欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)和欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC)召开了主题为"标准促进创新"的会议,旨在利用标准化作为助推器,促进创新和科研成果在市场中的应用。在会议上,CEN和CENELEC启动了"标准创新奖"的评选工作,该奖项用于表彰研究人员、创新人员和企业家在标准化方面的重要贡献。候选人来自CEN和CENELEC的成员国。  相似文献   

上一讲中,笔者对标准与版权的结合以及国际、区域和国外其他国家标准化组织的标准版权保护措施作了简单的介绍,并就我国目前标准版权保护现状提出了一些改进建议。在本讲中,笔者将以ISO、IEC、CEN、CENELEC、ETSI等5个标准化组织为例,进一步具体阐述国际及区域标准版权保护政策。  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了欧洲三大标准化组织的标准版权政策,并首次系统性地阐释了欧洲标准化组织的撰稿使用权转让政策以及第三国转化和使用欧洲标准的政策,旨在为系统构建我国的标准版权保护体系、合规使用和转化欧洲标准提供理论指导。  相似文献   

This article gives a brief history of how the IEC became involved with R&M standards, and discusses the development of the existing IEC 706 series of Guides on Maintainability and Maintenance Support. It also discusses the work currently in hand to update the IEC range of standards on AR&M, or Dependability, which is the official IEC terminology. This work is intended to make the whole subject more cohesive and is linked with the work of other organisations including the ISO and the European CEN and CENELEC organisations. The article explains how these groups and their standards fit together and describes the new standards which are being produced to complete the new structure.  相似文献   

Standards are a double edge sword and have come to be the main technical tariff and a window for market access to international trade. Standards are closely related to intellectual property, especially patents. The essence of intellectual property in standardization lies in the fact that standards are a kind of quasi-public good, while patents are essentially private property. The absorption of patents into standards creates an opportunity for a patent holder to take advantage by making a profit. To prevent the abuse of patents in standards by the patent holder, SDOs (Standards Development Organizations) have to adjust the disclosure policies of the standards in patents.  相似文献   

Since nearly a decade ago, Iranian policy circles have declared innovation and development of science-based industries as a priority area. This paper utilizes the emerging Iranian patent stock in the USPTO to ascertain progress on this front. Results indicate that there are policy traces in the emerging patent portfolio as proxied by sponsorship statements in 28% of all patents. However, there is little evidence of technological specialization. Breaking down the portfolio into foreign-assigned, Iranian-assigned, unassigned and Iranian-sponsored patents, indicates that foreign-assigned, followed by Iranian-assigned patents are of higher quality and potential value. Nearly half of the patents are unassigned and 40% are assigned to foreign entities. Lack of ownership assignment can be a hurdle to effective exploitation, defense and maintenance of patents. The analysis is concluded by relevant policy lessons.  相似文献   

标准必要专利是标准实施过程中必不可少的专利,对标准的制定、实施、市场竞争和产业结构均有显著的影响.本文在介绍标准必要专利内涵及其形成过程基础上,对"及时专利"这种标准必要专利申请行为的新动向进行了系统分析,总结了及时专利出现的原因、现象及结果,并针对此现象从标准制定组织、国家和区域政策以及企业标准战略等方面提出了对策建议.  相似文献   

Scientific publications cited in patents are fundamental elements to assess the transfer of science to technology. Numerous studies evaluate the impact of references in patents and scientific publications and various measurement methods and indicators are proposed. This article reviewed the existing literature on the indicators used to date to determine their suitability and effectiveness to evaluate the impact of patent citations. For this purpose, we analyzed the characteristics of the studies examined and proposed a qualitative classification of indicators from both a technological (patents) and scientific-academic (scientific articles) perspective. Among the results we find that the use of scientometric indicators is primarily focused on analyzing their relevance for patents through the inclusion of scientific citations. Conversely, the same is not true from the academic point of view where gaps still persist in terms of what the impact is when scientific articles are cited in patents. Among the key conclusions is the diversity of proposals to measure scientific citations in patents, though these are conditioned on bibliographic standardization and metadata management of the patents themselves, making it possible to quantify aspects similar to the immediacy index, impact index, or h-index for authors/inventors, albeit from a technological dimension.  相似文献   

The quarterly Literature Listing is intended as a current awareness service for readers indicating newly published books, journal and conference articles on: patent search techniques, databases, analysis and classifications; patent searcher certification; patents relating to a) life sciences and pharmaceuticals and b) software; patent policy and strategic issues; trade marks; designs; domain names; and articles reviewing historical aspects of intellectual property or reviewing specific topics/persons. The current Literature Listing was compiled end-February 2020. Key resources used are Scopus, Digital Commons, publishers’ RSS feeds, and serendipity! Please feel free to send the author details of newly published reports/monographs/books for potential inclusion.  相似文献   

The quarterly Literature Listing is intended as a current awareness service for readers indicating newly published books, journal and conference articles on: patent search techniques, databases, analysis and classifications; patent searcher certification; patents relating to a) life sciences and pharmaceuticals and b) software; patent policy and strategic issues; trade marks; designs; domain names; and articles reviewing historical aspects of intellectual property or reviewing specific topics/persons. The current Literature Listing was compiled end-May 2020. Key resources used are Scopus, Digital Commons, publishers’ RSS feeds, and serendipity! Please feel free to send the author details of newly published reports/monographs/books for potential inclusion.  相似文献   

The quarterly Literature Listing is intended as a current awareness service for readers indicating newly published books, journal and conference articles on: patent search techniques, databases, analysis and classifications; patent searcher certification; patents relating to a) life sciences and pharmaceuticals and b) software; patent policy and strategic issues; trade marks; designs; domain names; and articles reviewing historical aspects of intellectual property or reviewing specific topics/persons. The current Literature Listing was compiled end-November 2019. Key resources used are Scopus, Digital Commons, publishers’ RSS feeds, and serendipity! Please feel free to send the author details of newly published reports/monographs/books for potential inclusion.  相似文献   

The quarterly Literature Listing is intended as a current awareness service for readers indicating newly published books, journal and conference articles on: patent search techniques, databases, analysis and classifications; patent searcher certification; patents relating to a) life sciences and pharmaceuticals and b) software; patent policy and strategic issues; trade marks; designs; domain names; and articles reviewing historical aspects of intellectual property or reviewing specific topics/persons. The current Literature Listing was compiled end-August 2020. Key resources used include Scopus, Digital Commons, publishers’ RSS feeds, and serendipity! Please feel free to send the author details of newly published reports/monographs/books for potential inclusion.  相似文献   

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