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针对水面船舶直线航迹控制系统的非线性数学模型,文中基于输入输出线性化技术给出了一种重定义输出变量和采用该输出变量的状态反馈控制律,同时给出了保证系统全局渐近稳定的充分条件.数值仿真和模拟试验结果证明了所提出充分条件的正确性.  相似文献   

基于非线性模型研究船舶航向自动舵的离散变结构控制设计问题。通过状态反馈精确线性化方法设计了二次型最优滑模面,采用离散趋近律方法求得变结构控制律。研究结果表明,所设计的离散变结构控制器能够快速准确地跟踪设定航向,并对参数摄动和外界风浪干扰具有很强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

本文介绍用EPROM存贮器实现线性化处理的数字式电阻真空计,这种线性化方法抗干扰能力强,线路简单,通用性强,可用于其它非线性传感器的线性化,是一种值得推广的好方法。  相似文献   

将等效线性化方法与统计线性化方法分别应用于简谐激励下与随机风场下的气屏刚性无渗漏雨幕墙的压力传递分析以获得频域分析方法,并与原非线性系统时域分析所得结果进行对比,探讨了两种线性化方法的适用性.结合高斯闭合法对统计线性化方法所得频域信息的有效性作了讨论.研究发现:等效线性化方法与统计线性化方法的精度随系统阻尼的增加而减小.一般情况下,两种线性化方法的精度是较高的.系统阻尼较小时,统计线性化方法所得的频谱信息能理想地反映原非线性系统的频率结构.此时压差系数传递函数频谱曲线的偏差主要集中在自振频率附近.且当线性迭代系统的阻尼比达到27%时,结果仍然理想.统计线性化方法所得的响应均方根都有所偏小,对压差系数均方根的计算结果要进行放大,可乘以1.15加以修正.  相似文献   

热电偶传感器的一种非线性补偿方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本介绍最小二乘法在热电偶传感器线性化中的应用。编写应用程序,给出拟合表达式,最后根据拟合表达式给出用线性放大器、平方放大器及加法器等实现利用热电偶进行温度测量的线性化处理的电路结构。结果表明此方法较好地解决了热电偶传感器非线性误差问题。  相似文献   

非对称阻尼会使车辆车身振动的平衡位置会发生变化,受此现象启发,提出一种控制半主动悬架可调阻尼的不对称切换,利用悬架分段线性非线性系统振动升降车体的思想方法,此思想方法为汽车高速转向、紧急避让等情况下的车高和姿态控制提供了新的理论和方法。实施这种高度控制需要确定在不同行驶工况下车体升降高度与不对称阻尼、车速及路面输入的对应关系。根据分段线性非线性系统传递率对于外界激励振幅具有独立性的特点,在一种阻尼不对称工况下进行正弦扫频激励,将此非线性系统线性化并获得其传递函数,采用线性系统的求解方法求得车体升降高度的功率谱密度,进而求得其均方根值。在不同车速、路面输入及不对称阻尼的工况下分别将系统线性化并求得其传递函数,进而求得在随机或简谐路面激励下车体的升降高度,通过优化拟合的方法建立车体升降高度和相关工况参数的数学模型,通过仿真验证了此数学模型具有较高准确性。  相似文献   

提出一种用于求解确定性周期与非平稳随机激励联合作用下,单自由度非线性系统非平稳响应的统计线性化方法。将系统响应分解为确定性周期和零均值随机分量之和,则原非线性运动方程可等效地化为一组耦合的、分别以确定性和随机动力响应为未知量的非线性微分方程。利用统计线性化方法将非平稳随机激励作用下的非线性随机动力方程化为等效线性方程,得到关于线性随机响应二阶矩的李雅普诺夫方程。联立李雅普诺夫方程与谐波激励作用下的确定性微分方程,并利用数值算法对其进行求解。以蒙特卡洛模拟验证了此方法的适用性和精度。  相似文献   

为了克服焊接电弧弧长波动的影响,提高焊接效率和质量,在分析熔化极气体保护焊(GMAW)焊接工艺的基础上,建立了GMAw过程的非线性动态数学模型.在存在孤长扰动的情况下,应用基于微分几何的反馈线性化方法,将GMAw系统等价为完全可控的线性系统,使复杂的非线性控制问题转化为线性系统的控制问题,降低了控制器设计的复杂程度,控制效果明显优于对非线性系统的直接控制.把简单自适应控制方法(SAC)应用于GMAw系统控制中,并进行了Matlab仿真.仿真结果表明,该方法能够精确控制GMAw的电弧弧长,并对系统外部扰动具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

着重介绍如何从航向控制的模糊规则扩展到航迹控制的模糊规则,并应用此模糊控制规则实现对舰船航迹的控制。仿真表明,在此模糊控制器的控制下,船舶转向动态性能、抗干扰性能以及船舶参数发生变化时的鲁棒性均明显优于PID控制器。  相似文献   

热电偶非线性特性的开环补偿方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文介绍了一种用五段折线逼近热电偶的非线性特性从而实现热电偶特性线性化的开环补偿方法 ,并给出了S热电偶的线性化结果及应用  相似文献   

Minimum-variance controllers provide an essential link for integrating concepts of statistical process control and engineering process control. These controllers are specifically designed to minimize a quadratic loss function. In some problems, however, other loss functions may be more appropriate. In this article, controllers that are optimal for nonsymmetric and nonquadratic loss functions are derived. In many cases, these controllers retain the basic simplicity of the minimum-variance controller. Additionally, for process disturbances driven by normal white noise, the minimum-variance controller is shown to be optimal for a broad class of objective functions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general concept for the linearization of impedance bridges with circuit components changing in only one polarity. A feedback loop using a transadmittance amplifier, which is properly designed and matched to the nominal value of the bridge components, reduces nonlinearity from 9% to 0.4% over$pm$20% of bridge imbalance. The method can be applied for dc or ac bridges, and the linearization can conveniently be integrated with the readout circuit, resulting in a highly linear sensor readout. In addition to the linearization of the bridge transfer function itself, the method can be applied for the linearization of a range of transducers with a hyperbolic transfer function.  相似文献   

顶管计算机控制系统及其纠偏自动化的实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据顶管施工的实际情况设计了一套顶管计算机控制系统,整个分散式计算机控制系统主要由工控机和各个智能控制器组成,相互之间用CAN串行总线进行通信,智能控制器都挂在同一条总线上;详细论述了水泥管顶进过程的纠偏自动化的实现,并给出了纠偏总流程和计算机程序流程。  相似文献   

结构模型与控制器降阶的主动控制试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土木工程结构模型的自由度数目较大,从而导致主动控制和半主动控制实施过程中时滞效应十分突出,本文采用均衡截断技术研究了结构和控制器降阶的两种方法。第一种方法是首先采用均衡实现技术得到内部均衡系统,再根据Hankel矩阵奇异值的大小对结构模型进行降阶.对降阶的结构系统设计低阶的线性二次调节(LQ)和H∞控制器;第二种方法是对原结构模型设计LQ和H∞控制器,再采用均衡实现技术对控制器进行降阶,得到低阶控制器模型。通过大量的仿真和地震模拟振动台试验,研究了所建立方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

设计了一种超弹性形状记忆合金(Shape Memory Alloy, SMA)阻尼器。在SMA丝的Graesser本构模型基础上, 建立了SMA阻尼器的常规力学模型, 进而提出了其简化力学模型。采用随机等价线性化法建立了单自由度SMA阻尼结构在高斯白噪声激励下的平稳随机振动分析公式。算例比较了随机等价线性化法和蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)模拟法计算的结构振动响应, 证明了随机等价线性化法的有效性;比较了无控结构和SMA阻尼结构的动力特性和振动响应, 说明了SMA阻尼器能增加结构的刚度和阻尼比, 因而可有效抑制结构的振动。  相似文献   

通过理论分析和数值试验,研究了由连续帐篷微分方程离散化所得新非光滑离散混沌系统在参数小于1时的动力学性质,设计了压缩反馈控制和非线性脉冲反馈控制两种混沌控制方案.结果表明:该系统在参数小于2时具有不同于倍周期分岔机制的混沌突发现象.设计的控制器能把该系统由混沌态稳定到1,2,4,5,6,8,10,12等周期态.控制器的可行性、有效性及鲁棒性通过数值试验得到证实.  相似文献   

Ship drivers have long understood that powerful interaction forces exist when ships operate in close proximity to rigid boundaries or other vessels. Controlling the effects of these forces has been traditionally handled by experienced helmsmen. The purpose of this study is to apply modern optimal-control theory to such maneuvering scenarios in order to show that helmsmen may some day be replaced by modern controllers. The maneuvering equations of motion are cast in a linear state-space framework, permitting the design of a linear quadratic (LQ) controller. The hydrodynamic effects are modeled using potential-flow theory in order to simulate the interaction forces and test the performance of the controller. This study demonstrates that the linear quadratic regulator effectively controls ship motions due to the presence of a boundary or other vessel over a broad range of speeds and separation distances. Viscous effects are modeled by equivalent linearization and, when compared to the effective damping introduced by the controller, are shown to be insignificant.  相似文献   

本文对一类离散非线性互联时滞系统,给出了模糊分散状态反馈和基于观测器的分散输出反馈模糊控制方法。设计中,首先采用模糊T-S模型对非线性互联时滞系统进行模糊建模,在此基础上,给出模糊分散状态反馈和基于观测器的模糊分散控制的设计。应用Lyapunov函数方法和线性矩阵不等式方法给出和证明了模糊分散控制系统稳定的充分条件。仿真结果进一步验证了所提出的模糊分散控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The operational control of complex systems such as power control and air traffic control is increasingly relegated to advanced technology devices with the expectation that operations controllers will maintain oversight of system and intervene where appropriate. Moreover, the centralisation of operations control has resulted in the oversight of systems remotely, typically through a human–machine interface. This article discusses the principles that underlie the design of interfaces for remote systems, drawing on theories of skill acquisition to address the needs of less experienced operators who are increasingly being engaged as operations controllers. Specifically, adaptive interfaces are advocated that are designed to facilitate the progression to expertise. Using cue utilisation as an underlying theoretical perspective, interfaces can be designed to extract and emphasise the relationship between features and events that eventually form the basis of the cues employed by expert practitioners.  相似文献   

The non-floating switches, zero-current–zero-voltage-transition (ZCZVT) soft-switching DC/DC boost power converter is proposed in this article. The AC small-signal mathematical model for the ZCZVT boost converter is then derived. It shows that the ZCZVT boost converter exhibits better dynamical behavior than the conventional PWM boost converter. The accuracy of theoretical results is verified by experiments and simulations. In addition, a classical and a modified integral variable structure controllers are designed to achieve output voltage regulation. They are used to eliminate the effect of the variations of input voltage and load on the output voltage. The performances of the proposed converter with these controllers are also validated by experimental results.  相似文献   

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