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目的研究加载路径对空心双拐曲轴成形效果的影响。方法基于有限元分析软件,对304不锈钢双拐曲轴内高压胀形工艺进行有限元仿真,分析了加载路径对双拐曲轴胀形高度与壁厚的影响,并对开裂、起皱等缺陷产生的原因进行分析,最后,根据数值模拟结果,对双拐曲轴进行实际成形试验,并将数值模拟结果与试验结果进行对比。结果成形压力小于20 MPa时,管坯产生起皱;成形压力大于60 MPa时,管坯产生开裂。通过试验获得了壁厚分布均匀的双拐曲轴零件,并且数值模拟结果和试验结果基本一致。结论轴向进给大、内压不足容易导致过渡圆角处起皱;轴向进给小、内压过大容易导致拐部顶端开裂。只有设置合理的加载路径才能成形出壁厚均匀性好,胀形高度达到要求的双拐曲轴。  相似文献   

控制厚度分布的正反向超塑胀形的有限元分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为研究正反向超塑胀形工艺对厚度分布的影响,应用商业有限元软件MARC对带有凹槽的深盒形7475合金零件正反向超塑胀形过程进行了有限元模拟,并对不同工艺条件下成形后零件的壁厚分布结果进行了分析.研究表明:正反向超塑胀形工艺是控制成形零件壁厚的有效途径,通过优化压力-时间曲线和反向胀形模具形状,明显改善了零件的厚度分布,达到了零件的设计要求;后处理直观地显示了该零件正反向超塑胀形的全过程,为成形提供了合理的方案;零件变形各阶段的应变速率控制在7475合金的应变速率范围内,证明压力-时间曲线设计合理.  相似文献   

利用有限元软件和优化软件建立了T型管轴压胀形的加载轨迹优化集成,完成了T型管轴压胀形成形的加载轨迹优化.优化结果表明,利用集成优化后的加载轨迹获得的管成形件质量更好,即获取的成形件的支管高度更能满足要求,壁厚分布更均匀.  相似文献   

微成形技术是未来批量制造高精密微小零件的关键技术,但是,微小尺度下材料的塑性变形行为不仅表现出明显的尺度效应,而且零件尺度已经接近常规材料的晶粒尺寸,每个晶粒的形状、取向、变形特征对整体变形产生复杂的影响,难以保证微成形的工艺稳定性。本项目采用纳米材料进行微成形,制造微阵列,零件内部包含大量的晶粒,可以排除晶粒复杂性的影响,而且纳米材料具有超塑性,在超塑状态下,变形抗力和摩擦力都明显降低,从而显著降低微成形工艺对模具性能的苛刻要求,提高工艺稳定性和成形精度。目前,纳米材料超塑性微成形技术方面的研究极少,变形时纳米材料的力学行为、变形机理、尺度效应、位错演化、力学模型等关键问题还有待研究。采用电沉积技术制备晶粒尺寸可控的纳米材料,将工艺实验研究、性能测试、组织分析、力学性能表征、数值模拟相结合,深入探究了纳米材料微阵列超塑性微成形机理和成形规律,以促进该技术的广泛应用。  相似文献   

电磁胀形磁场力的有限元分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究电磁胀形过程中工件受到的磁压力沿长度方向和厚度方向的分布是工件变形分析的基础。采用有限元方法对电磁胀形过程中作用工件上的磁场力进行了数值模拟。在磁场特性理论分析的基础上确立了模型的边界条件,得到了磁场力沿工件长度和厚度方向的分布规律。模拟结果与测量值基本吻和。  相似文献   

目的 针对一种小曲率铝合金框形件成形后回弹大和起皱问题,对其进行弯胀复合成形工艺的数值模拟研究。方法 基于DYNAFORM软件对成形过程进行仿真,并通过对比分析零件的最大减薄率及圆角处的贴膜度,得出该零件最大液室压力的最优值为20 MPa,并基于该参数进行壁厚分布及回弹的模拟分析,最后,通过现场试验对该成形方案进行验证。结果 通过采用弯胀复合成形工艺方法,该零件的最大回弹量控制在2 mm以内,零件整体成形质量较好,无破裂、起皱现象。结论 该种成形方法较刚性模压弯及主动式充液胀形更具优势,能够有效解决小曲率框形件回弹大及起皱问题。  相似文献   

目的 精确控制铝合金壳体成形回弹角度,对铝合金壳体成形工艺进行优化。方法 针对影响回弹角度的多个成形工艺参数(保温成形温度、模具间隙、摩擦因数和压边力)进行单变量逐步优化研究。结果 随着保温成形温度的升高,壳体回弹角度因流变应力的降低和校正力的升高而逐渐降低;随着模具间隙的增大,可变动模具的圆角半径增大,板材贴合模具程度降低,壳体回弹角度逐渐增大;随着摩擦因数的增大,板材加工的形状与模具更契合,成形后回弹的角度降低;随着压边力的增大,板材内/外表面间的应力差大大降低,回弹角度逐渐降低。结论 通过多个参数的逐步优化,获得最终优化工艺参数如下:保温成形温度为310℃,摩擦因数为0.15,模具间隙为1.1 mm,压边力为12 kN,对应的回弹角度为7.027°。  相似文献   

目的 探究波纹管液压胀形成形技术及液压成形过程,优化波纹管成形效果和减薄率.方法 基于正交试验方案,利用有限元技术对成形过程进行数值模拟分析,研究成形内压、轴向进给路径以及保压力对成形效果和减薄率的影响.结果 综合考虑成形高度、减薄率2个指标,得到的较优工艺参数为成形内压为2 MPa,保压力为1.25 MPa,轴向进给路径为在前0.1 s进给5 mm、后0.9 s匀速进给至模具闭合,此时成形高度为12.01 mm,减薄率为9.9%.结论 通过正交试验设计分析,轴向进给路径既是成形高度的显著性影响因素,又是减薄率的显著性影响因素;同时,单独优化一个指标(成形高度、减薄率)时,另一个指标性能会下降,根据正交试验优化结果选取最优参数组合进行模拟验证,得到的试验结果其综合成形质量较高.  相似文献   

目的探究液室压力和拉深速度以及温度场分布规律对成形性能的影响。方法在通用有限元软件MSC.Marc中建立5A06铝镁合金温热介质充液成形有限元模拟的专用平台,对典型零件温热介质充液成形进行有限元模拟。结果在液室压力为5 MPa、拉深速度为5 mm/s的情况下成形效果最好,最佳温度场分布为凹模与板料温度250℃、凸模温度20℃、压边圈温度300℃,在此条件下,凸模直径为100 mm时极限拉深深度可达到161.4 mm。结论液室压力和拉深速度以及温度场的分布对成形性能有着显著影响。  相似文献   

目的基于有限元数值模拟软件Dynaform对三通管的成形工艺进行优化。方法分析不同的初始压力、成形压力、轴向进给力、背压平衡力和合模力等对三通管成形的影响。根据成形过程进行模拟,得到分布应力图、厚向应变图、成形极限图等结果,根据模拟结果对零件的成形性进行分析,预测减薄破裂、起皱和回弹等缺陷。结果初始压力在防止侧推头将管坯推皱的前提下,取值应越小越好。成形压力和最大压力能保证减薄率、增厚率和成形度的要求即可。轴向进给对最终的成形质量影响较大。随着摩擦因数的增大,零件的减薄率不断增加,但是增厚率是先减小后增大。结论根据数值模拟的结果能够很好地优化三通管的成形工艺方案。  相似文献   

Superplastic forming is a slow forming process. The forming time can be minimized by optimizing the pressure profile applied to the forming sheet. The optimization of the superplastic forming pressure is usually done such that a target strain rate at a high strain rate sensitivity is maintained. Careful consideration of the strain rate is required, since localized thinning can occur when the material is strained too quickly. This paper demonstrates that it is essential to explicitly include strain rate sensitivity data, obtained from strain rate jump tests, during the calibration of material model used for superplastic forming simulations. Conventional calibration methods only consider stress–strain data at different strain rates. Such an approach implicitly assumes that a material model that matches the stress–strain data at the different strain rates, will automatically match strain rate sensitivity data. However, by explicitly including the strain rate sensitivity data, the selected material model is more susceptible to localized thinning as the applied strain rate is increased. It is essential for the selected material model to exhibit this behaviour to prevent superplastic forming simulations at high strain rates from predicting stable deformation, when in fact localized thinning will occur.  相似文献   

Various near net shape items have been produced by superplastic forming and thixoforming magnesium alloys. Fine grained EA+55RS magnesium alloy has been superplastically formed to produce sabot petals and various other items without obvious increase in grain size. Although the laminated appearance of the starting material was less pronounced after processing, the microstructure of superplastically formed material varied throughout any particular piece. ZC71 magnesium alloy has been thixoformed to produce items with a finer grained microstructure than that of the start material. The thixoformed items had an average grain size of about 25 µm and exhibited only a little local variation in their microstructures.  相似文献   


Effect of lubrication on deformation behaviour of a superplastic material has been given little attention, although it is important for industrial application. In this paper, a superplastic 5083 Al alloy under biaxial deformation was investigated by deforming the sheet into a cylindrical die cavity with and without lubrication. Several interrupted tests were performed to bulge the sheets to various depths for two different strain rates, the formed parts were then utilised to evaluate the effect of lubrication on metal flow, thickness distribution and cavitation. It was found that reducing the interfacial friction by use of a lubricant improved the metal flow after the deformed sheet had made contact with the bottom surface of die. Changes of the metal flow during forming not only developed a better thickness distribution of the formed part, but also reduced cavitation levels.  相似文献   

The work is devoted to the development of the production of three‐layered hollows structures made of VT6 titanium alloy by means of superplastic forming (SPF). Based on the numerical results the pressure cycle was determined to satisfy the superplastic flow condition in the stiffening ribs and to minimize the forming time.  相似文献   


Blow forming is a commonly used production method to deform superplastic sheets. Several papers have appeared to analytically predict the pressurization sequence needed to control the inflation process at a desired strain rate. Some of them, however, are based on an over‐simplified assumption of uniform thickness reduction during the inflation, which often leads to non‐conservative prediction of pressure‐time path. Others have been more rigorous in the formulation, which on the other hand, results in more extensive equations requiring iterative method with a computer program. This paper presents a modified approach. Ignoring the assumption of uniform thinning, a set of physically sound yet easy‐to‐use equations for obtaining pressure‐time curves, heights of the deforming dome, and thickness variations both in space and time, are derived. The analytical results compare favorably with the experimental data and more elaborate finite element solutions.  相似文献   

本文从超塑成形原理出发,介绍了超塑成形的过程以及超塑成形的优势;简述了国内外快速超塑成形材料制备方法、超塑成形设备和超塑成形技术在轨道交通领域的研究应用现状;提出了超塑成形民用化,尤其是在轨道交通领域推广应用尚需解决的问题.  相似文献   

为研究7050T451铝合金蠕变时效本构模型,在160℃、不同应力条件下进行单轴拉伸蠕变试验,分析了蠕变应变、屈服强度和微观组织随时间的变化规律.基于高强铝合金析出强化理论,建立了能描述蠕变时效成形宏观及微观变化的本构方程,并运用遗传算法对材料常数进行拟合优化.研究表明,该模型在不同应力水平下与试验结果吻合良好,能够用来模拟分析蠕变时效成形过程.  相似文献   

Quick superplastic forming is a new technology, which combines hot drawing preforming and superplastic forming. It makes full use of the high speed of hot drawing and good formability of superplasticity. This article uses this method to have an experiment of the side wall outer panel of metro vehicle. The results show that the production efficiency is high, the cost is low and the method is feasible. For aluminum alloy complex components, it can solve the difficulties of stamping and low speed of superplasticity.  相似文献   

为了成功超塑成形GH4169高温合金集合器并降低研制成本,采用有限元分析对GH4169合金集合器超塑成形过程进行了数值模拟,并采用拉深成形工艺对集合器超塑成形所需的预成形进行了研究.结果表明:超塑成形需筒形预成形件,且聚料工步是超塑成形出满足设计要求的零件所必需的一道工序;成功地拉深出集合器超塑成形预成形件;合金经预拉深成形后,在超塑成形温度(950℃)下保温30 min后仍是ASTM 10级以上的细晶组织,能够满足超塑成形所需的细晶组织的要求.  相似文献   


Decreasing the cycle time for superplastic forming of a commercially available superplastic 5083 aluminium alloy has been studied in the present work by use of an inverted pressurisation profile. A right cylindrical cup with a depth/ diameter ratio of 0·5 could be superplastically gas pressure formed in less than 100 s. The deformation behaviour was similar to that of constant strain forming during the free bulging stage. In this stage, a stress state gradient from the pole to the edge of the formed dome was observed. Plasticity controlled growth of cavities was thought to be the mechanism for the increase of cavity volume fraction during forming. After the centre point of the deformed sheet touched the die surface, the metal flow pattern was found to be different from that of the traditional approach. The minimum thickness was not located at around the bottom corner of the cylindrical cup rather it was located ~ 7.5 mm away from the bottom centre of the cup with radius 20 mm. Significant cavity nucleation and coalescence caused higher cavity growth rates at large strains, owing to the continuous increase in strain rate resulting from the imposed pressurisation profile.  相似文献   

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