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0引言在噪声中听辨纯音的能力,是衡量人耳听力的一个重要指标。对于噪声掩蔽纯音的听力检查一方面可以了解听力损失的程度、性质甚至病变的部位。另一方面,可以挑选出在噪声中觉察纯音能力超常的样本从事与听觉有关的特殊职业。本文对一青年男性群体(18-25岁)进行了双耳噪声掩蔽纯音的听力检测,对其掩蔽特性进行了分析。  相似文献   

郭天葵 《声学技术》2010,29(3):306-308
运用网络问卷调查和主观听音测试两种方法,对大学生群体的听力损失问题进行了研究。网络调查结果表明,相比听音习惯良好的人群,具有不良听音习惯人群的听力损失比例更高,而高年级人群也比低年级人群的的听力损失比例要高。由听音实验测出的等响曲线进一步印证了上述结果。结果表明,应重视对大学生群体的听力保护,养成良好的听音习惯和定期上医院做听力检查将有助于消除或降低大学生群体听力损失的风险。  相似文献   

预先暴露低强度噪声对噪声损伤听力保护作用的观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
强噪声暴露可致听力损伤,产生暂时性或永久性听阈偏移。听力损伤程度除和噪声暴露参数有关外,还和听觉系统本身的生理和代谢状态有关[1]。实验证实,外毛细胞在声刺激后有类似耳肌收缩样作用[2],但这种收缩作用对听力的生物效应还不清楚。低强度无损害性噪声暴露对后来的强声刺激是否有保护作用,国内尚未见有报导。本实验以豚鼠为实验动物,预先暴露低剂量安全噪声,随后暴露能产生听觉损害的强噪声,观察前者对后者的听力损伤有无保护作用。  相似文献   

周国柱  焦风雷  孙艳  康健 《声学技术》2009,28(4):518-523
为了调查城市居民对公共场所噪声的群体性反应,以北京市为样本,通过两次问卷调查得到市民对公共场所噪声的群体性反应数据.测量得到各个调查地点的客观声学数据.并且分别建立了烦恼度与等效A声级、感觉噪度、感觉噪度级之间的关系曲线.调查结果表明,城市居民普遍认为公共场所的噪声比较吵闹;大多数市民对这些噪声感到一定程度的烦恼:受到噪声干扰时,大多数人倾向于采取比较消极的应对措施,也有部分居民能够采取积极的应对措施.非声学因素在人们评价公共场所噪声烦恼度时起到了明显作用.研究还表明感觉噪度和感觉噪度级可以被用来评价公共场所噪声的烦恼度.  相似文献   

本文报导了全国骨导听力计量标准装置由骨导计量基准(GJJ0401)进行量值传递的实验方法.以及由此产生的国内省市级仿真■突装置的准确值。这套数值不仅将作为骨导听力标准的传递依据,且为我国骨导听力零级标准网的长期稳定性考核奠定了基础。  相似文献   

许欢  白滢  牛锋  何龙标  钟波 《声学技术》2015,34(1):54-57
仿真耳是听力计量的主要仪器之一,为满足听力计在8~16 k Hz高频范围内的计量需求,须对仿真耳进行高频校准。通过适配器的使用,解决了仿真耳高频校准中存在的测量结果不稳定的问题。同时,针对仿真耳中传声器声压灵敏度级和仿真耳声耦合腔声学特性这两项主要技术指标,建立了8~16 k Hz频率范围内的自动测量系统,对其进行测量。测量结果表明声压灵敏度级的标准偏差小于0.2 d B,表征耦合腔声学特性的频响测量标准偏差小于0.3 d B。  相似文献   

听说读写四个方面的技能在语言学习中相辅相成,相得益彰。然而听力教学长期以来一直是英语教学中的一个薄弱环节。而且《新课程标准》对学生听力技能的培养提出了较高的要求,细化了分级目标。因此如何通过有效的教学方法来提高听力教学就成为一个很现实合紧迫需要解决的问题。本文从以下方面对新课程下高中英语听力教学现状进行了分析。  相似文献   

章玮 《声学技术》1997,16(1):39-43
目前,我国有170余万听力和语言障碍的残疾儿童,这些聋儿中绝大多数都存在可利用的残余听力,尽早对他们进行听力-语言培建训练,就完全有可能使这部分聋儿走出无声世界。在此项工作中,听务康复设备起着至关重要的作用,而当前尚无一种功能全面,性能稳定,且适合国情的系统能提供给社会。  相似文献   

听力是其他交际活动的基础.本文在分析影响听力水平提高的几个因素和听力理解三大基本过程基础上提出:听力训练是一种综合技能,如果掌握一定的技巧,形成音、形一体.就能大大提高听力水平.  相似文献   

听在语言习得中相当重要,是信息输入之一。听力教学在高校英语教育中存在着教法单一、步骤机械、内容枯燥等问题,为了解决这些问题,本文从解释听力理解这一过程入手,结合英语听力教学与测试,探讨行之有效的方法,以达到提高听力理解水平的结果。  相似文献   

对于长期佩戴护听器的人员,护听器不仅要求隔声效果好,而且舒适性也要很好。这样在考虑不同噪声频段和多技术参数的情况下,利用聚类理论对噪声护听器的多技术参数(噪声单值评价值、高频衰减值、中频衰减值、低频衰减值、加紧力、重量等)进行筛选分类研究,对于护听器的多参数综合选择具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了优化人工中耳悬浮式压电振子的植入效果,设计了一种位移放大结构用于改善振子的输出特性。首先采用微CT扫描和逆向成型技术建立了包括外耳道、中耳和简化耳蜗的人耳有限元模型,通过与文献的实验数据比对验证模型的有效性。然后建立人耳与悬浮振子的耦合力学模型,通过有限元的耦合场分析研究加入位移放大结构前后的人工中耳植入效果。研究结果表明,采用位移放大结构后,振子于中高频段的等效声压级得到明显提升,可以有效降低压电振子的功耗。  相似文献   

Audiometric test is an ongoing task in almost all human activities. It presents a fundamental demand related to safety and health. Due to that, there is a need for sophisticated instrument to measure accurately the hearing loss within the human activities, especially for the people who work in noisy fields. The objective of this work is to develop the hearing loss screening system by involving the computer software based audiometer. A friendly user interface has been designed to guide the users in operating the audiometer, and then the practical of hearing loss test to the patients has been conducted in order to evaluate the performance of audiometer software. From the practical results, it can be said that the designed computer based audiometer has performed a satisfactory results. Wherein, all functions of audiometer which are displayed on graphical user interface have been working as expected. Thus, the audiometric test result was automatically plotted in the audiogram curves. The calibration of audiometer was done by utilizing artificial ear, standard microphone and frequency analyzer. The calibration result for computer based audiometer is reported in this paper.  相似文献   

文章应用形态学检查、听觉诱发电位测定及铺片技术和扫描电镜观察,研究了不同的增压速率引起的豚鼠听觉损伤特征。研究表明,较低的增压速率主要引起鼓室和圆窗的病变以及内耳外毛细胞的损伤,部分动物出现前庭功能障碍;较高的增压速率主要引起鼓膜破裂,而鼓室、圆窗及内耳的损伤均较轻。根据实验结果对不同的损伤机制进行了讨论。研究认为,尽管增压速率低,不致产生鼓膜破裂,但也会引起较重的听觉损伤。  相似文献   

为治疗感音神经性听力损伤,设计的中耳植入式助听器,近年来已成为国内外研究的热点。提出一种砧骨激励式中耳植入助听装置,设计时综合考虑植入位置、空间、手术过程等,并对加工出的装置进行了相关实验。该装置采用压电式作动器,结构简单,作动器产生的力能够高效地传送至听骨链。在设计过程中使用有限单元法(FEM)对装置的共振频率和输出位移进行预估,仿真及实验结果说明该作动器具有良好的动态响应特性,谐波失真度小于1 %,在6.9 Vrms电压驱动下能够提供相当于鼓膜处90 dB SPL激励的效果,可以激励镫骨产生足够的位移以补偿听力损失,是一款有效的助听装置。  相似文献   

Human hearing is sometimes exposed to such high levels at modern musical events that the danger of acute damage cannot be ruled out for musicians, disc jockeys and listeners, even if the exposure time is limited. In order to examine at least basically the hypothetically expected different effects of various musical styles, 10 volunteer test subjects were exposed to three types of music with equally loud lower levels. In a change-over test design over several days, quite different exposures (European and Chinese classical music, house music) with a mean level of 94 dB(A) and a limited exposure time of 1 hour were chosen for ethical as well as for pragmatic reasons. Pieces by Bach and Handel, with passages that are dominated by wind instruments, and pieces of the culturally different Chinese music were selected that are fairly similar to European classical music in terms of rhythm and melody, yet completely different with regard to pitch and instrumentation. Since nowadays, many young people prefer music with an emphasis on rhythm to classical music, a medley of monotonous, downright hammering and penetrating house music was used. After the exposures, the maximum hearing threshold shifts (TTS2) were measured and the entire restitution course was recorded audiometrically. With regression-analytically determined 13.5 dB (house music), 12.1 dB (classical music) and 9.8 dB (Chinese classical music), the TTS2 values were not substantially different between the three exposures. Based on these results, the aural effects of house music would have been comparable to classical music. However, the restitution of the hearing after house music (with more than 2.5 hours) required a substantially longer time period. After both types of classical music, the resting hearing threshold was once again reached within less than 1 hour. Moreover, the accumulated hearing threshold shifts were substantially (more than three times) lower than the overall physiological costs associated with house music.  相似文献   

Given the unsurpassed sound sensitivity of mosquitoes among arthropods and the sound source power required for long-range hearing, we investigated the distance over which female mosquitoes detect species-specific cues in the sound of station-keeping mating swarms. A common misunderstanding, that mosquitoes cannot hear at long range because their hearing organs are ‘particle-velocity’ receptors, has clouded the fact that particle velocity is an intrinsic component of sound whatever the distance to the sound source. We exposed free-flying Anopheles coluzzii females to pre-recorded sounds of male An. coluzzii and An. gambiae s.s. swarms over a range of natural sound levels. Sound levels tested were related to equivalent distances between the female and the swarm for a given number of males, enabling us to infer distances over which females might hear large male swarms. We show that females do not respond to swarm sound up to 48 dB sound pressure level (SPL) and that louder SPLs are not ecologically relevant for a swarm. Considering that swarms are the only mosquito sound source that would be loud enough to be heard at long range, we conclude that inter-mosquito acoustic communication is restricted to close-range pair interactions. We also showed that the sensitivity to sound in free-flying males is much enhanced compared to that of tethered ones.  相似文献   

Hearing loss impacts a large proportion of the global population. Damage to the inner ear, in particular the sensitive hair cells, can impact individuals for the rest of their lives. There are very limited options for interventions after damage to these cells has occurred. Targeted gene delivery may provide an effective means to trigger appropriate differentiation of progenitor cells for effective replacement of these sensitive hair cells. There are several hurdles that need to be overcome to effectively deliver these genes. Nanoencapsulation technology has previously been used for the delivery of pharmaceuticals, proteins and nucleic acids, and may provide an effective means of delivering genes to trigger appropriate differentiation. This review investigates the background of hearing loss, current advancements and pitfalls of gene delivery, and how nanoencapsulation may be useful.  相似文献   

This study is to determine whether design improvement and further study is required to improve the conditions in Nigeria tertiary institutions. The supplied standard government issued furniture was measured and anthropometrics measurements data were collected from 720 students of three randomly selected tertiary institutions in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, covering the age group of between 17 and 27 years. The data collected indicates a substantial degree of mismatch between the student anthropometric dimensions and the furniture they used. The chair is either too high or too deep for the students. The data also reveals that the desk is too high for most of the students. The variability between gender and age has profound impact on the mismatch level. The result is of great concern which could affect students in other institutions throughout Nigeria. Further investigations are suggested in order to provide better understanding of the problem and improve it.  相似文献   

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