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光电平板显示屏电子源的研制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
光电平板显示屏对电子源发射均匀性的要求较高,而Cs3Sb的常规工艺不能满足要求,本文报告了制备均匀性较好的Cs3Sb电子源的基本过程和其光电特性的测试结果,目前,电子源的光电流还较小,但Cs3Sb膜的厚度均匀。经过微通道板的电流放大以及操作工艺的改进,预计该电子源可以在光电平板显示屏中使用。  相似文献   

为克服场发射电子源在平板显示屏中存在的不稳定性和不均匀性问题 ,研制了以光电发射源替代场致发射源的光电平板显示屏。本文介绍了光电平板显示屏的结构 ,并对显示屏的组成部分进行了分析讨论  相似文献   

光电平板显示屏的实验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为克服场发射电子源在平板显示屏中存在的不稳定性和不均匀性问题,研制了以光电发射替代场致发射源的光电平板显示屏,本介绍了光电平板显示屏的结构,并对显示屏的组成部分进行了分析讨论。  相似文献   

偏距对改进X-Y双轴式光电跟踪系统跟踪性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
天顶跟踪盲区是地平式光电跟踪系统的固有缺陷。X-Y双轴式光电跟踪系统(规则X-Y双轴式)可以解决过顶跟踪问题,但跟踪范围极为有限,把视轴沿X轴方向平移偏距D,形成一种改进的X-Y双轴式光电跟踪系统,即偏X-Y双轴式光电跟踪系统。偏X-Y双轴式光电跟踪系统可以解决过顶跟踪问题,其跟踪范围与规则X-Y双轴式光电跟踪系统相比有很大提高。由D引入的跟踪误差可以忽略或修正,但具有更大的地平面跟踪盲区。  相似文献   

夏傲  苗鸿雁  谈国强 《材料导报》2005,19(Z2):395-397
以K2O-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-F系统的微晶玻璃为基础,与不同量的Y-TZP粉体进行复合,制备出了用于牙科修复的新型全瓷材料.借助于DTA、XRD、SEM等研究了该材料的主晶相种类和显微结构,并测试了复合材料的抗折强度、体积密度、维氏硬度、热膨胀系数和耐酸(碱)性等理化性能.实验结果表明:复合材料的主晶相为氟金云母、t-ZrO2和少量的m-ZrO2;其具有优于天然牙齿和牙釉质的力学性能,化学性能稳定、审美效果良好,适用于制作前牙冠、贴面、嵌体等口腔修复体.  相似文献   

制备了与1Cr17不锈钢热膨胀相匹配的Ca-Al-Si系微晶玻璃,利用流延法将该微晶玻璃制成生瓷带.生瓷带在1Cr17不锈钢板表面热压烧结后形成金属/微晶玻璃复合基板.电气性能测试发现,介质层厚度为72.5μm时,击穿电压为1.26kV,泄漏电流小于0.04mA,满足国标中相关性能的要求.综合考虑到基板轻量化和降低生产成本的需要,本文以5层生瓷带在1Cr17不锈钢板上制备而成的复合基板作为最佳选择.  相似文献   

本文介绍用于大块永磁测量的大功率双极电磁铁扫描电源的工作原理和关键技术,并给出试验结果.实验结果表明:电源的输出范围为±200V/50A,输出电流稳定度优于2×10-5(1小时).  相似文献   

双峰式显示 (像 )管由一个小尺寸的后锥和一个较大的显示屏构成 ,后锥上附有两个装着电子枪的管颈 ,它采用低熔点玻璃粉封接工艺制成一个完整的显示管。与常规的显示管相比 ,双峰式显示管可具有进深小 ,分辨率较高和畸变失真较小等一些良好的特性。它也是多枪结构扁平显示管的经典模式之一。双峰式显示管采用了两组相互独立的磁偏转系统 ,因此它显示的整幅图像是由两幅单元图像拼接而成。在双峰式显示管的应用中 ,研究的主要内容之一是如何消除存在于单元图像之间的黑白接缝。本文简要介绍了双峰式显示管的基本结构及特点 ,并探讨了它的电路设计 ,该设计可有效地消除或减小单元图像之间的黑白接缝  相似文献   

进入21世纪,平板显示技术飞速进步,同时带动了上下游产业的迅猛发展.电子玻璃是平板显示产业的基础性核心材料,生产制造所涉及工艺技术和装备复杂,难度极大,代表着连续制备玻璃的最高工艺水平,其发展也是整个平板显示链的重要一环.  相似文献   

真空技术在航空工业发展中得到越来越广泛的应用,以满足新型飞机高速发展对航空机电部件制造提出的越来越苛刻的技术要求.本文初步探讨了真空技术在:纳米加工、微电子电路、平板显示器件、光电传感器和微机电系统制造等航空机电产品关键制造技术开发中的应用.  相似文献   

A magnesium oxide thin film deposition process based on reactive magnetron sputtering for plasma display panel applications has been developed. The sputtering system was manufactured with a vertical In-Line type of 1067 mm, which has a length of 563 mm and a width of 982 mm. Reactive magnetron discharge was generated using a 7.5 kW unipolar pulsed power supply. The power supply was operated at a maximum constant voltage of 500 V and a constant current of 15 A. The frequency and the duty were changed 10–100 kHz and 10–60%, respectively. Magnesium oxide films were prepared using various deposition conditions: 0.4–1.33 Pa pressure, the ratio of O2/(O2+Ar)=0.1–0.5, 50% duty and 0.5–1.7 kW peak power. The deposition rates of a static state and a moving state were measured to be approximately 45 nm/min and 6 nm/min at the distance of 50 mm between the target and the substrate, respectively. The texture of the sputtered magnesium oxide thin film was characterized by X-ray diffraction. Secondary electron emission coefficient was measured to be 0.1 at 100 V of ion acceleration voltage. The transmittance was observed to be approximately 90% at the wavelength of 300–800 nm. The density and hardness were measured as 93.2%, and 800–900 kg/mm2, respectively. When the prepared magnesium oxide film applied to the 6-inch plasma display panel, discharge phenomena of the plasma display panel occurred at 200 V.  相似文献   

Properties of excited xenon atoms in a plasma display panel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The luminance efficiency of a plasma display panel is directly related to the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) light that is emitted from excited xenon (Xe) atoms and molecules. It is therefore necessary to investigate the properties of excited xenon atoms. This study presents experimental data associated with the behavior of excited xenon atoms in a PDP discharge cell and compares the data with the theoretical results obtained using an analytical model. The properties of excited xenon atoms in the discharge cells of a plasma display panel are investigated by measuring the excited atom density through the use of laser absorption spectroscopy. The density of the excited xenon atoms increases from zero, reaches its peak, and decreases with time in the discharge cells. The profile of the excited xenon atoms is also studied in terms of the xenon mole fraction. The typical density of the excited xenon atoms in the metastable state is on the order of 1013 atoms per cubic cm.  相似文献   


In view of the potential advantages of using field‐emission cathodes as electron sources, a renewed interest in advanced IC technology utilizing silicon‐based coldcathode microelectronics is emerging. However, some etching results concerning emitter formation are still unknown. This paper presents a study of emitter formation by various wet and dry etching methods. Some geometrical models are given for the analysis of anisotropic etching results. The emission features from different emitter arrays are also given for comparison. Through understanding the emission characteristics of various emitter arrays, a novel design for Field‐Emission Flat Panel Display is proposed.  相似文献   

In order to improve the discharge characteristics of MgO thin film as a protective layer in an alternative current plasma display panel, Fe-doped MgO thin films was introduced. Both the surface characteristics of the deposited thin films and the electro-optical properties of 4 inch test panels were investigated. It has been demonstrated experimentally that ac PDP with Fe-doped MgO protective layer has lower discharge voltage than that of undoped MgO film, which corresponds to measured secondary electron emission coefficients. The crystallinity and surface roughness of thin films were determined by XRD patterns and AFM images.  相似文献   

It was reported that a plasma display panel with hump electrode in the long gap has improved discharge characteristics such as luminous efficacy, addressing jitter than long gap electrode structure. In this paper, as an extended study of previous work, we report properties of long gap discharge with hump electrode for various Xe concentration ratio in a Ne-Xe binary gas mixture. Due to the hump electrodes between long gap, discharge voltage is reduced by 20-30 V and high luminous efficacy is obtained at low voltages in high Xe percentage. For more detailed observation of discharge, ICCD images of infrared light emission from excited Xe in discharge cell are taken. The results show that the discharge is initiated between short gap of hump electrodes and the main part of the discharge is maintained between long gap electrodes. In addition, 3-dimensional simulation study shows that hump electrode shape has higher number of excited Xe and Xe2 than the conventional one. This is well correlated with the experimental result showing higher luminance in the hump structure.  相似文献   

针对加筋壁板结构中存在的模型难以精确确定和多模态外界干扰等问题,基于加速度传感器,提出了一种不依赖结构精确数学模型的多模态线性自抗扰振动主动控制(Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control)策略。由于加速度传感器和压电驱动器的异位配置不可避免地使得整个控制系统存在时延。为解决该问题,利用Smith预估器的原理,引入输出预估器来补偿时延,这样设计的自抗扰振动主动控制器能够很好地解决时延对结构振动性能的影响。基于dSPACE实时仿真平台、利用加速度传感器、压电片驱动器,设计并建立四面固支压电加筋壁板结构实验系统,对提出的控制方法进行试验比较研究。最后的试验结果表明,采用提出的具有输出预估功能的自抗扰振动控制器,能够快速有效地抑制结构的多模态振动。  相似文献   

H.K. Lee  S.J. Park 《Thin solid films》2007,515(12):5113-5117
In order to improve the discharge characteristics of MgO protective layer, SiO2 was added to MgO thin films. The MgO-SiO2 thin films were deposited by electron beam evaporation method. The crystallinity and surface roughness of thin films were determined by XRD and AFM. Discharge characteristics of MgO-SiO2 protective layers were observed by changes in discharging voltages and SEE and memory coefficients as a function of Si concentration in the protective layer. The discharge characteristics of MgO-SiO2 layer were mainly affected by changes in crystallinity and surface roughness of films with Si concentration in the range of present study. With addition of 12.5 Si at.% in MgO-SiO2 protective layer, the discharge voltages and memory and SEE coefficients were considerably improved in comparison to pure MgO protective layer.  相似文献   

Questions related to efforts aimed at decreasing the position error of the moving parts of measuring transducers when measuring displacements are considered. It is remarked that scanning by the indicator element of the measurement coupling is most effective in photoelectric transducers, since it makes it possible to optimize the measuring circuit of the system and mode of operation of the system’s transducers. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 3, pp. 13–14, March, 2008.  相似文献   

本文介绍了发动机检测仪检定装置的示波灵敏度电路设计。该电路由锁相环芯片CD4 0 4 6、十进制计数器CD4 5 18、低通滤波器MAX2 93和一些电阻、电容构成。电路设计合理 ,实际使用效果好  相似文献   

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