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检测设备的量值溯源方式包括检定和校准,实验室认可准则规定对检定/校准证书进行确认,为什么需要对检定/校准证书进行确认,确认的内容包括哪些方面,本文论述了检测实验室对检测设备检定/校准证书确认的必要性,以及确认时应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

本文依据GB/T19022-2003《测量管理体系测量过程和测量设备的要求》和国家相关计量技术规范,从测量设备的计量校准/检定过程、计量验证过程、决定和措施等环节对计量确认过程的实现进行了阐述。  相似文献   

重点介绍了型号科研生产单位测量设备的计量确认,通过案例分析重点描述检定、校准结果与预期使用要求的比较方法,并对计量确认环节中容易产生的错误做法进行举例说明,对于企业计量管理工作有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

对仪器检定校准结果的确认,是从事检验检测活动一项重要的技术工作,是影响检测数据科学性和准确性的重要环节。本文阐述了检定和校准的区别、仪器的分类、证书的组成,在此基础上提出了检定校准结果确认的一般流程。特别是对校准证书的结果确认,针对不同的校准结果采取不同的确认和处理方式进行了详细地阐述。  相似文献   

将两套标准金属容器并行使用,解决了检定速度慢和检定过程中前后仓不平的问题。将传统容量比较检定方法与现代化控制技术结合,充分发挥PLC和组态软件的特长,实现了检定过程自动化;进行装置测量不确定度评定,验证了装置的测量能力。与传统手动装置进行比较,结果表明双路并行装置快速、准确、可行。  相似文献   

本文介绍了检定和校准的概念及区别,指出了检测实验室在检测设备校准结果确认方面存在的问题,结合多年实验室技术管理的经验,举例说明了检测设备校准结果的确认步骤和方法。  相似文献   

一、测量设备确认间隔控制的合理化 目前,请计量部门进行检定,校准的测量设备,大部分在检定室、检测室和实验室,工作环境比较好.而且这其中一部分测量设备还是进口的精密仪器,性能稳定。对于这些测量设备确认间隔的控制,我们一直认同证书上给出的间隔。然而,对于那些非强制检定的测量设备.国家新颁布的标准是允许使用者根据企业实际情况自行认定的。为此,我们组织有关人员进行了专题讨论.并核查了以上测量设备历年的检定,校准数据,通过对检测数据的分析.  相似文献   

从事计量工作的人员常常会遇到计量确认、校准和检定这三个计量名词,正确理解计量确认、校准和检定以及三者之间的关系,对从事计量检测工作的人员是非常必要的。计量确认、校准和检定既有区别又有联系。从范围上看:计量确认包括校准、调整或修理、再校准、封印和标记;校准:确定计量器具的示值误差;检定:评定计量器具的计量特性。从目的上看:计量确认、校准是确保测量设备符合本单位预期使用的要求;检定是确保全国量值统~,确保全国量值的溯源。从执行部门看:计量确认、校准由本单位(或委托方)进行;检定由法定计量检定机构(或…  相似文献   

本文介绍了"仪器设备的校准和/或检定(验证)、确认的总体要求"的内容及形式,对照<实验室资质认定评审准则>(国认实函[2006]141号)、<检测和校准实验室能力认可准则>(CNAS-CL01:2006)要求,阐述了制定和实施仪器设备校准和/或检定(验证)、确认要求、期间核查、授权使用、控制等方面的要求.  相似文献   

针对目前在对装运轻质燃油汽车油罐车容量值的检定或校准中,常运用的容量比较法和流量计法进行的比较分析,容量法存在着检定时间长,耗费人力大的问题,流量计法存在着不确定度分量多,测量不确定较大的问题,鉴于上述情况笔者认为采用质量法实现对汽车油罐车容量的校准并编制出容量表。且测量不确定度满足规程要求的效果。同时能够有效减少检定或校准的人力和时间,大大提高检定效率。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型电子秤自动检定装置.该装置采用LabVIEW作为软件开发平台,通过OPC与下位机PLC的通讯,以加载或卸载不同位置的标准砝码,同时采用摄像头读取电子秤的读数,实现电子秤的自动检定.该装置检测精度高、检定时间短,具有较好的应用前景.  相似文献   

潘洋  施豪  耿骥  秦毅  周力任  朱力  林艳 《计量学报》2021,42(12):1643-1648
局部放电电荷量是国际计量局电磁计量领域校准测量能力的关键参数。在进行高压试品局部放电量的检测中,需首先用局部放电校准器对整个高压回路进行标定,局部放电校准器所复现的电荷量是局部放电测量准确与否的重要保证。通过理论推导和测量线路仿真,分析了局部放电校准器源内阻、连接电缆和积分电阻对积分波形和测量结果的影响。通过修正测量系统各档位积分系数,独立开发了自动化测量软件并将测量系统整体溯源到直流电流和时间参数。能力验证结果表明该测量系统满足参考电荷量测量仪准确度等级的要求。  相似文献   

A thorough requirements analysis is indispensable for developing and implementing safety-critical software systems such as nuclear power plant (NPP) software systems because a single error in the requirements can generate serious software faults. However, it is very difficult to completely analyze system requirements. In this paper, an effective technique for the software requirements analysis is suggested. For requirements verification and validation (V&V) tasks, our technique uses software inspection, requirement traceability, and formal specification with structural decomposition. Software inspection and requirements traceability analysis are widely considered the most effective software V&V methods. Although formal methods are also considered an effective V&V activity, they are difficult to use properly in the nuclear fields as well as in other fields because of their mathematical nature. In this work, we propose an integrated environment (IE) approach for requirements, which is an integrated approach that enables easy inspection by combining requirement traceability and effective use of a formal method. The paper also introduces computer-aided tools for supporting IE approach for requirements. Called the nuclear software inspection support and requirements traceability (NuSISRT), the tool incorporates software inspection, requirement traceability, and formal specification capabilities. We designed the NuSISRT to partially automate software inspection and analysis of requirement traceability. In addition, for the formal specification and analysis, we used the formal requirements specification and analysis tool for nuclear engineering (NuSRS).  相似文献   

周期检定是保障计量器具能够准确可靠地开展测量活动的重要手段.检定周期的长度影响计量器具测量活动的可靠性和计量工作的经济性.本文通过建立电子测量设备测量可靠性与使用时间关系的数学模型提出了利用可靠性模型确定电子测量设备检定周期的可靠性评估法.该方法可以有效地保证电子测量设备检定周期制定的科学性.  相似文献   

介绍了专用瞄准设备自动检定系统的系统配置、工作原理及软件设计,并对系统的测量不确定度进行了分析和评定。  相似文献   

Watterson  C. Heffernan  D. 《Software, IET》2007,1(5):172-179
Ensuring the correctness of software applications is a difficult task. The area of runtime verification, which combines the approaches of formal verification and testing, offers a practical but limited solution that can help in finding many errors in software. Runtime verification relies upon tools for monitoring software execution. There are particular difficulties with regard to monitoring embedded systems. The concerns for arranging non-intrusive monitoring of embedded systems in a way that is suitable for use in runtime verification methods are considered here. A number of existing runtime verification tools are referenced, highlighting their requirement for monitoring solutions. Established and emerging approaches for the monitoring of software execution using execution monitors are reviewed, with an emphasis on the approaches that are best suited for use with embedded systems. A suggested solution for non-intrusive monitoring of embedded systems is presented. The conclusions summarise the possibilities for arranging non-intrusive monitoring of embedded systems, and the potential for runtime verification to utilise such monitoring approaches.  相似文献   

工业化安全验证制度是一项旨在提高民爆物品生产新工艺新装备工业化生产安全性的新制度。目前,国内已有4项民爆物品生产新工艺新装备通过了工业化安全验证,但存在的主要问题是验证指标由项目专家组确定,未形成统一的验证方法和标准。在回顾工业化安全验证制度建立和实践应用基础上,设计了一种民爆物品生产新工艺新装备工业化安全验证方法,它是一个由4个一级指标、9个二级指标和19个三级指标组成的量化验证指标体系,实例应用效果表现出较高的科学性和适用性。  相似文献   

VVS Sarma  D Vijay Rao 《Sadhana》1997,22(1):121-132
In today’s competitive environment for software products, quality is an important characteristic. The development of large-scale software products is a complex and expensive process. Testing plays a very important role in ensuring product quality. Improving the software development process leads to improved product quality. We propose a queueing model based on re-entrant lines to depict the process of software modules undergoing testing/debugging, inspections and code reviews, verification and validation, and quality assurance tests before being accepted for use. Using the re-entrant line model for software testing, bounds on test times are obtained by considering the state transitions for a general class of modules and solving a linear programming model. Scheduling of software modules for tests at each process step yields the constraints for the linear program. The methodology presented is applied to the development of a software system and bounds on test times are obtained. These bounds are used to allocate time for the testing phase of the project and to estimate the release times of software.  相似文献   

期间核查是保证测量设备在两次检定/校准间隔期间具备良好置信度的有效方法,是对检定、校准和检测过程实施控制的有效手段。文章主要探讨了实施期间核查过程中的几类关键要素,对期间核查的策划进行了阐述,列出了几类常用的核查方法,提出了核查过程中需要注意的问题,为实验室做好期间核查提供一定参考。  相似文献   

Optical Security System with Fourier Plane encoding   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Javidi B  Ahouzi E 《Applied optics》1998,37(26):6247-6255
We propose a new technique for security verification of personal documents and other forms of personal identifications such as ID cards, passports, or credit cards. In this technique a primary pattern that might be a phase-encoded image is convolved by a random code. The information is phase encoded on the personal document. Therefore the information cannot be reproduced by an intensity detector such as a CCD camera. An optical processor based on the nonlinear joint transform correlator is used to perform the verification and the validation of documents with this technique. By verification of the biometrics information and the random code simultaneously, the proposed optical system determines whether a card is authentic or is being used by an authorized person. We tested the performance of the optical system for security and validation in the presence of input noise and in the presence of distortion of the information on the card. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by use of a number of metrics. Statistical analysis of the system is performed to investigate the noise tolerance and the discrimination against false inputs for security verification.  相似文献   

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