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目的 针对现有快递包装普遍使用胶带封箱及生命周期短等问题,提出一种免胶带封箱可自锁且可多次使用的新型瓦楞纸箱设计方案.方法 首先确定包装材料;接着进行创新性包装结构设计,重点设计免胶带封箱及自锁结构的可靠性;在此基础上确定纸箱多次使用的工艺流程;最后利用验证试验及有限元仿真对纸箱进行性能分析.结果 自由跌落试验结果表明提案纸箱在多次使用过程中具有良好的封箱强度;跌落仿真结果表明提案纸箱可吸收约40%的外部冲击载荷,具有良好的缓冲性能;空箱抗压仿真可知提案纸箱的最大抗压强度为3236 N,较普通开槽箱抗压性能提升约42%.另外,提案纸箱较普通开槽箱可降低约60%的生产成本.结论 提案纸箱具有免胶带封箱、自锁防盗启、生命周期长、保护性能好、生产成本低等优点.  相似文献   

折叠纸盒锁底结构承载力实验研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
袁毅  肖颖喆  陈琳璋  谭海湖  谢勇 《包装工程》2014,35(7):29-33,85
目的研究锁底结构形式对纸盒承载力的影响。方法选取3种常用的锁底结构(插口式、1-2-3锁底式、典型自锁底式)进行压缩试验和跌落试验。结果进行压缩试验时,插口式盒底被破坏时仪器显示的峰值为31.2 N;压缩试验无法破坏后2种锁底结构,因此采用跌落实验,获知1-2-3锁底式被破坏时砝码质量为180 g,典型自锁底式被破坏时砝码质量为205 g。结论综合比较得知,相较于插口式,典型自锁底结构和1-2-3锁底结构的纸盒承载力优势明显,典型自锁底结构表现最强。  相似文献   

影响瓦楞纸箱抗压强度的因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李雨田 《中国包装》2011,31(1):40-45
瓦楞纸箱抗压强度是指瓦楞纸箱空箱立体放置时,对其两面匀速施压,箱体所能承受的最大压力值。抗压强度试验的检测方法是将样箱立体合好,用封箱胶带上、下封牢,放入抗压试验机下压板的中间位置,  相似文献   

巩桂芬  刘雨杉 《包装工程》2019,40(13):172-176
目的 在不同形状的压痕条件下,对瓦楞纸箱进行抗压试验,研究纸箱的变形情况和抗压能力。方法 首先设计无压痕纸箱、一字型压痕箱、八字型压痕箱以及菱形压痕箱;其次将各种压痕形状下的纸箱,利用纸箱抗压试验机进行空箱抗压实验,记录各自的最大压溃力;最后对实验数据进行分析,明确抗压强度与压痕形状的关系。结果 不同压痕形状对瓦楞纸箱的抗压强度有不同程度的影响,其中菱形影响最大。菱形压痕通过阻碍纸箱变形趋势可提高瓦楞纸箱的抗压强度。结论 在瓦楞纸箱侧板上通过施加阻碍纸箱工字型变形的压痕(如菱形压痕),可以增加瓦楞纸箱的抗压强度,对瓦楞纸箱的生产设计具有参考意义。  相似文献   

可多次使用的免胶带快递包装设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的针对目前快递包装箱使用一次便退出流通过程,以及普遍使用胶带封箱的问题,提出可多次使用的免胶带绿色快递纸箱设计方案。方法首先通过市场调研明确现有快递包装需要改进的问题;其次通过创新性包装结构设计提出可多次使用的免胶带快递包装方案,并明确新设计的使用流程;最后进行包装性能测试试验和实际运输测试,以检验方案的可行性。结果等效跌落高度为80 cm的自由跌落试验结果表明,提案纸箱第1、第2及第3次底面跌落的峰值加速度分别为26.0g,29.6g,17.5g,第2及第3次的峰值加速度分别比第1次增加了13.7%和降低了32.8%,3次重复试验后密封效果仍良好;由空箱抗压试验知,提案纸箱的最大抗压强度为2558 N,优于同规格的标准开槽瓦楞纸箱;实际运输测试证明,提案纸箱在国内相对恶劣的运输环境下,仍具有良好的密封性及保护性。结论该设计方案不仅能够实现纸箱的可多次使用功能和免胶带封箱功能,还具有良好的保护性能、密封性能、环保性能。  相似文献   

目的针对传统电商中小型盆栽包装存在的问题,提出全纸质包装结构设计方案。方法分析中小型盆栽产品特点,进而提出内、外箱整体嵌套的包装结构,其次进行自由跌落试验,以验证设计方案的保护性能,并针对实验过程中暴露的设计不足提出改进措施。对改进后设计分别进行跌落、振动和抗压试验,全面验证方案的可行性,还对设计方案进行成本核算,以验证其经济性。结果跌落高度为60 cm的自由跌落试验结果表明,角跌落的冲击最为强烈,其峰值加速度接近25g,但远小于盆栽产品脆值范围(90g^120g)。60 min模拟公路运输的随机振动试验证明,包装件具有良好的减振性能。空箱抗压试验表明,包装件的平均最大压溃力为727 N,可满足电商物流环境的堆码要求,而包装件实箱抗压试验的平均最大压溃力为2117 N,约为空箱最大压溃力的3倍。成本核算表明,该设计方案单套成本不高于产品总价值的5%。结论该包装方案符合绿色包装理念,具有良好的缓冲、减振和堆码性能,成本合理。  相似文献   

正随着制造业服务意识的逐步强化,业内人士普遍认为纸箱在其完成包装、堆码、储存及运输、保护内容物这一使命的整个流程中,抗压能力这一特定的指标可视为其体现自身功能方面的"生命"。这一指标在生产控制过程中以成型的空箱(堆码方向)所能承受均匀增加最大压力的公斤数来衡量,俗称空箱抗压力值,常用单位为kg·箱。如今,越来越多的纸箱用户对于空箱抗压力值这一指标提出了不同程度  相似文献   

目的针对长方体(正方体)自锁底纸盒成型过程中粘合余角底面容易出现卡滞、破损的现象,研究其自锁底纸盒粘合余角底面的切点轨迹。方法集中研究长方体(正方体)自锁底纸盒的粘合余角底面在成型过程中的切点在三维坐标中的轨迹问题,确定参数轨迹方程为正弦函数曲线。结果不论长方体的长和宽是否相等,自锁底纸盒粘合余角底面的切点轨迹都是正弦函数曲线。结论该正弦函数曲线的设计可以避免自锁底纸盒成型过程中出现的卡滞和破损现象,同时使自锁底粘合纸盒的盒底设计更加合理。  相似文献   

高强度冷冻防潮瓦楞纸箱研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
徐雪萌  任宁  唐静静 《包装工程》2015,36(13):32-34,46
目的利用新型经纬线纸研制高强度冷冻防潮瓦楞纸箱,以适应冷链食品低温贮藏、运输的物流环境。方法实验测试经纬线纸包装特性,确定其适合瓦楞纸板的组分;应用Ansys分析软件,建立经纬线瓦楞纸箱和普通瓦楞纸箱的有限元模型,模拟实际流通环境对纸箱模型施加载荷,求出2种瓦楞纸箱的抗压强度;进行空箱抗压实验,比较2种方法下经纬线纸箱与普通纸箱的抗压强度大小。结果用预应力经纬线纸作为瓦楞纸箱的面纸,在低温流通环境中其空箱抗压强度比相同芯纸和里纸的普通瓦楞纸箱高约30%,并且经纬线纸纸箱的质量比普通瓦楞纸箱的质量低12%。结论在实际生产中,可以利用经纬线纸制造高强度的低温防潮箱,以适应冷链流通环境,也可以制作低克重高强度纸箱,以节约纸箱用纸量。  相似文献   

张书彬 《包装工程》2018,39(5):132-135
目的研究EPE材料包装电商物流鸡蛋的缓冲结构。方法采用EPE材料,设计圆形、方形和梅花形等3种蛋托缓冲结构,外包装采用瓦楞纸箱,利用跌落试验机对包装件进行模拟跌落试验。结果通过对3种包装进行跌落试验,得到最大响应加速度分别为31.26g,43.76g,46.25g,均小于鸡蛋的脆值50g,其中圆形蛋托跌落的最大响应加速度最小,对鸡蛋的保护性最好。结论只要EPE缓冲结构设计合理,完全能够满足蛋类产品的电商物流包装要求。  相似文献   

目的研究管式预粘合纸箱结构参数与抗压强度的相关关系,为优化纸箱结构设计以及提高其抗压强度提供依据。方法首先设计普通、四棱台、花形锁等3种代表性管式预粘合纸箱,进而确定3种纸箱影响抗压强度的关键结构参数。其次将各结构参数依次作为自变量,其余结构参数作为常量,利用纸箱抗压试验机进行空箱抗压试验,记录各自的最大压溃力。最后对实验数据进行分析,明确抗压强度与结构参数间的相关关系。结果 3种纸箱的抗压强度均随着周长的增大而增大,其抗压强度并非全部随高度的增大而降低。考虑周长因素时,普通箱的抗压强度最佳;考虑高度因素时,花形锁箱的抗压强度最佳;考虑箱型因素时,当普通箱长宽比接近1.0,四棱台箱下上底比在1.2~1.4范围内,花形锁箱的啮合点和花形锁圆心的连线与水平线所成夹角接近30°时,抗压强度最佳。因结构参数的影响,管式预粘合纸箱的抗压强度整体上显著优于标准开槽纸箱。结论预粘合纸箱的关键结构参数对其抗压强度有显著影响,在设计时应给予足够的重视。  相似文献   

During unitized shipment, the components of unit loads are interacting with each other. During floor stacking of unit loads, the load on the top of the pallet causes the top deck of the pallet to bend, which creates an uneven top deck surface resulting in uneven or asymmetrical support of the corrugated boxes. This asymmetrical support could significantly affect the strength of the corrugated boxes, and it depends on the top deck stiffness of the pallet. This study is aimed at investigating how the variations of pallet top deck stiffness and the resulting asymmetric support affect corrugated box compression strength. The study used a scaled-down unit load compression test on quarter-scale pallet designs with different deckboard thicknesses using four different corrugated box designs. Pallet top deck stiffness was determined to have a significant effect on box compression strength. There was a 27%–37% increase in box compression strength for boxes supported by high-stiffness pallets in comparison with low-stiffness pallets. The fact that boxes were weaker on low-stiffness pallets could be explained by the uneven pressure distribution between the pallet deck and bottom layer of boxes. Pressure data showed that a higher percentage of total pressure was located under the box sidewalls that were supported on the outside stringers of low-stiffness pallets in comparison with high-stiffness pallets. This was disproportionately loading one side of the box. Utilizing the effects of pallet top deck stiffness on box compression performance, a unit load cost analysis is presented showing that a stiffer pallet can be used to carry boxes with less board material; hence, it can reduce the total unit load packaging cost.  相似文献   

A crippling analysis method has been utilized to estimate the compression strength paperboard boxes. Crippling analysis is typically utilized in the aerospace industry to predict the compressive failure strength of thin, slender structures with complex cross‐sectional geometry. This type of analysis is investigated, because crippling is a simple, predictive method that can provide very good estimates of the compressive failure strength of thin, slender structures. This preliminary study investigates the possibility of applying crippling analysis to estimate paperboard box compression strength by comparing experimental and theoretical results for box compression tests of milk and cigarette boxes in various loading scenarios and with various materials. This preliminary study shows that the crippling method provides results which are almost as accurate as pre‐existing methods, although significant work remains to verify the validity and applicability of the crippling approach for paper‐based boxes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

冷冻食品包装用瓦楞纸箱结构设计研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据冷冻食品用瓦楞纸箱在冷库中易出现的塌箱现象,介绍了塌箱原因。从瓦楞纸箱结构设计的角度,研究了提高瓦楞纸箱抗压强度的方法。实验数据分析表明:按照纸板理论边压强度的1.25倍进行配纸,所得到的瓦楞纸板抗压强度可满足储运环境要求;此外,将常用02型箱型改为套合型箱型,也可明显提高纸箱的抗压强度。  相似文献   

The paper evaluates the adsorption of water vapor and compression strength of three types of commercially made corrugated cardboard boxes for packing strawberry, mizuna and broccoli. The experiments were conducted on the specimens and empty cardboard boxes at constant temperature and 95% relative humidity (RH). The samples were stored under the environments of two types of mists, namely nanomist and ultrasonic-mist over a period of 7 days. Nano-sized mist, which are called nanomists and defined as particles of about 60 nm in diameter, easily evaporate and are considered not to damp the corrugated boxes in comparison with the larger size ultrasonic-mists. The change in moisture content of the samples was first measured at intervals of 6, 12 and 24 h and then daily over 7 days. Compressive strength test was measured by the means of using a tensile and compression testing machine. The results revealed that moisture content of both specimen and cardboard box tests exposed to the nanomist and ultrasonic-mist at the end of experiments was 19.9% d.b. and 30.4% d.b., respectively (dry basis: g-water in material/ g-dry weight) although temperature and relative humidity were almost the same for both cases. Furthermore, the strength of cardboard specimens conditioned with nanomist after 7 days at 5.8 °C and 94.2% RH decreased by 44.3–56.9% whilst under ultrasonic-mist condition it reduced by 66.5–70% depending on the types of cardboards. Similarly, maximum compressive load of corrugated cardboard boxes exposed to nanomist and ultrasonic-mist decreased gradually over the time. It was analytically predicted that the boxes exposed to nanomist maintained its maximum compressive load at 28%, whereas those exposed to ultrasonic-mist remained at 14% after 7 days. The maximum compressive load of corrugated cardboards exponentially decreased with an increase in moisture content.  相似文献   

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