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飞行员良好的驾驶舱处境意识是有效操纵飞机并是其安全飞行的前提和基础,许多飞行事故就是由于驾驶舱处境意识丧失或降低引起的,它对飞行安全有着极其重要的意义。本文结合飞行学员对驾驶舱处境意识的理解和飞行经验,介绍了有关驾驶舱处境意识的涵义、分类及其重要作用,从飞行动作技能,飞行经验和训练水平、空间定向能力以及机组成员的身心健康状况与飞行态度等方面对影响驾驶舱处境意识的因素予以分析,提出建立、保持和提高飞行员驾驶舱处境意识的几点建议。  相似文献   

基于脑力负荷的通航飞机座舱显示界面测评研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在飞行过程中,飞行员需从座舱显示界面获取和处理很多视觉信息,大量的视觉信息会使飞行员脑力负荷过高,从而易导致飞行事故。为降低飞行员在飞行过程中的脑力负荷和提高飞行的安全性,需判断通航飞机座舱显示界面对飞行员脑力负荷的影响,并为通航飞机座舱显示界面优化设计提供依据。以塞斯纳172SP飞机为例,综合应用主观评价法、绩效评估法和生理测量法,对五边飞行过程中飞行员的脑力负荷进行评估。综合主观评分、飞行绩效、脑电(Electroencephalogram, EEG)指标、眼动指标的分析结果,得出了五边飞行不同飞行阶段的脑力负荷大小排序。采用眼动追踪技术对不同飞行阶段飞行员所关注的界面信息进行定位,确定飞机座舱显示界面上对脑力负荷影响较大的注视热区。结果显示飞行员在平飞阶段的脑力负荷较低,降落阶段的脑力负荷较高;显示界面侧滑指示器对脑力负荷的影响最大。综上可知结合脑力负荷测量和眼动指标可以有效地评价通航飞机座舱显示界面的性能。  相似文献   

研究基于职业价值观的民航飞行员激励问题,以期提高我国民航飞行员的工作积极性和飞行安全水平。综合运用文献检索、焦点访谈及问卷调查等方法对我国民航飞行员职业价值观结构进行研究。得到民航飞行员职业价值观的六个维度:工作报酬、公司环境、生活环境、工作特性、宏观环境和人际关系以及构成民航飞行员职业价值观的45个因素重要度与符合度之间的差距。根据民航飞行员职业价值观存在的问题提出合理的激励策略,有助于提高民航飞行员绩效。  相似文献   

民航飞行员是公共航空运输承运人最核心的人力资源,直接掌控航空运输安全的最后关口,在飞行员人力资源管理中树立以保证公共航空运输安全为宗旨的职业价值观尤为重要。本文采用因子分析方法,从公共航空运输安全角度探索民航飞行员职业价值观影响因素,设计了民航飞行员职业价值观调查问卷,根据问卷调查结果从飞行员职业价值观影响因素对职业发展的重要度和与实际情况的符合度两方面进行实证研究,通过信度和效度检验,验证了调查问卷设计的可靠性和因子分析的适用性,在提取民航飞行员职业价值观共性因子的基础上,梳理了民航飞行员职业价值观维度结构,为提升飞行工作绩效、保障公共航空运输安全提供有效的理论和决策支持。  相似文献   

近几年我国民航事业的快速增长促使民航对飞行员的需求也随之跳跃增长。作为民航飞行学院的一名飞行教员。我认为在确保提高飞行学员的训练质量的前提下来稳步提高训练总量才是我们的为师之道。注意力分配的能力对于飞行员来说至关重要,提高飞行学员的注意力分配能力对于一个飞行学员的驾驶舱管理能力和处境意识以及总体飞行技术的提高也是事半功倍的。同样也会提高飞行教员的训练效率以及学员的训练质量,并且对培养高素质高技能的民航飞行员具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

轮盘是航空发动机重要部件,承受高温负荷及大推力载荷,工作环境十分恶劣。轮盘断裂的碎片打穿机匣,可能破坏油路或控制系统,对飞行员及飞机造成严重威胁。为了确保飞行人员安全及发动机可靠运行,应从结构、材料、工艺、强度和振动等各方面采取积极措施,尽量防止轮盘裂纹故障的发生。本文从影响盘体寿命的多方面因素进行分析,阐述了影响轮盘寿命的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的探讨民航飞行员与管制员在执行飞行任务过程中快速信任建立以促进飞行任务更高效顺利地完成。方法采用文献检索、实地访谈法以及语音识别等方法对民航飞行员-管制员临时团队快速信任的建立的影响因素进行归纳总结。结果通过3个阶段构建了民航飞行员-管制员临时团队快速信任建立的路径:信任生成阶段、发展阶段和巩固阶段共包括7个影响快速信任建立的主要因子。结论根据影响民航飞行员-管制员临时团队快速信任建立的因素提出合理的解决对策,从而确保飞行任务安全顺利地完成。  相似文献   

飞行员工作负荷的大小与飞行安全息息相关,因此有必要对飞行员的工作负荷进行深入研究。文章针对安全事故发生最多的着陆阶段作为研究对象,设计飞行试验,采用生理机能测量与主观评价相结合的方法对飞行员在着陆阶段的工作负荷情况进行分析,验证了飞行员呼吸率数据与工作负荷的相关性,得出着陆阶段工作负荷变化的规律和影响工作负荷的一些特殊因素,为安全飞行提出建议。  相似文献   

本文旨在获得一种自行火炮驾驶员多种工作负荷综合评价方法。针对驾驶员高作业负荷、高认知负载、热负荷、心理应激等情况,运用工效学原理和主观负荷评价技术法构建影响驾驶员工作负荷的指标体系,基于网络分析法建立复杂电磁环境下驾驶员多种工作负荷评价模型,以JD1825和JD2532型号底盘为例进行验证。结果表明,本评价方法能有效评价驾驶员多种工作负荷各种因素之间的关联影响,可为自行火炮驾驶舱改进设计、优化驾驶舱资源配置提供参考依据。  相似文献   

民航飞行员安全意志研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文兴忠 《人类工效学》2009,15(3):51-53,F0003
通过民航飞行员安全意志调查问卷,对920名民航飞行员进行调查。研究发现,民航飞行员安全意志总体水平良好,其中53.9%的人员达到良好以上水平;自觉性、果断性、坚韧性与自制性4个维度水平发展不平衡;民航飞行员的安全意志水平与单位的安全教育、安全状况水平成正比。  相似文献   

Sixteen participants performed a military operations simulation directing loading of helicopters to weight capacity within an allotted timeframe and subject to a set of decision rules. The participants stood, walked or jogged on a treadmill while performing the simulated cognitive task. Task performance was measured in terms of helicopter loading rate and accuracy. Situation awareness (SA) was measured using a simulation freeze technique and SA queries. Subjective workload was measured using the NASA-TLX. Results indicated a general trend of decreasing SA with increasing physical workload for perceptual knowledge, comprehension and overall SA. Results also revealed higher subjective workload during jogging than during the walking and standing conditions. However, the physical workload manipulations did not appear to affect cognitive task performance. This study has practical implications for defining physical and cognitive workloads in specific dynamic, complex work environments to support operator SA and performance.  相似文献   

时间长短对脑力负荷强度影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
文章通过实验的方法探讨了工作时间长短对脑力负荷强度的影响。在实验中,被试者被要求做一项脑力要求非常高的工作,心算三位数乘一位数加四位数的算术。被试者被分为两组,一组必须在20s之内完成计算一道算术题,另一组计算时间不受限制,但一题算完下一题将马上出现。两组被试者都进行了一整天8h的计算。实验结果表明,工作时间长短对脑力劳动负荷强度有一定的影响,但影响值比我们预计的要小得多。  相似文献   

Book review     
Workload control (WLC) is a leading production planning and control (PPC) solution for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and make-to-order (MTO) companies, but when WLC is implemented, practitioners find it difficult to determine suitable workload norms to obtain optimum performance. Theory has provided some solutions (e.g., based on linear programming) but, to remain optimal, these require the regular feedback of detailed information from the shop floor about the status of work-in-process (WIP), and are therefore often impractical. This paper seeks to predict workload norms without such feedback requirements, analysing the influence of shop floor characteristics on the workload norm. The shop parameters considered are flow characteristics (from an undirected pure job shop to a directed general flow shop), and the number of possible work centres in the routing of a job (i.e., the routing length). Using simulation and optimisation software, the workload norm resulting in optimum performance is determined for each work centre for two aggregate load-oriented WLC approaches: the classical and corrected load methods. Results suggest that the performance of the classical approach is heavily affected by shop floor characteristics but no direct relationship between the characteristics and norm to apply could be established. In contrast, results suggest that the performance of the corrected load approach is not influenced by shop floor characteristics and the workload norm which results in optimum performance is the same for all experiments. Given the changing nature of MTO production and the difficulties encountered with the classical approach, the corrected load approach is considered a better and more robust option for implementation in practice. Future simulations should investigate the influence of differing capacities across work centres on the workload norm while action research should be conducted to apply the findings in practice.  相似文献   

论事务性脑力劳动者工作量的测定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
首先论述了在现代社会中确定脑力劳动者一天合理的工作量的必要性,然后对脑力劳动者按事务性和决策性进行了分类,最后介绍了几种确定事务性脑力劳动者工作量的方法及应用。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate how singing while driving affects driver performance. Twenty-one participants completed three trials of a simulated drive concurrently while performing a peripheral detection task (PDT); each trial was conducted either without music, with participants listening to music, or with participants singing along to music. It was hypothesised that driving performance and PDT response times would be impaired, and that driver subjective workload ratings would be higher, when participants were singing to music compared to when there was no music or when participants were listening to music. As expected, singing while driving was rated as more mentally demanding, and resulted in slower and more variable speeds, than driving without music. Listening to music was associated with the slowest speeds overall, and fewer lane excursions than the no music condition. Interestingly, both music conditions were associated with slower speed-adjusted PDT response times and significantly less deviation within the lane than was driving without music. Collectively, results suggest that singing while driving alters driving performance and impairs hazard perception while at the same time increasing subjective mental workload. However, singing while driving does not appear to affect driving performance more than simply listening to music. Further, drivers’ efforts to compensate for the increased mental workload associated with singing and listening to music by slowing down appear to be insufficient, as evidenced by relative increases in PDT response times in these two conditions compared to baseline.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in rail human factors. The sometimes conflicting requirements of safety, reliable performance, quality of operations and effective use of limited capacity have meant that managers and engineers across all companies in the rail network have realized the importance of understanding and designing for human factors in train driving, signalling and control, maintenance, planning, etc. One key concern has been with workload, particularly mental workload, and especially in signalling and driving. This paper is concerned with a fundamental examination of what workload means in relation to the railways and especially signalling work and with a need to develop an appropriate suite of tools for the practical assessment of workload. In order to do this, the basic literature has been revisited in order to propose a conceptual framework of mental workload in the rail industry. Subsequently, a suite of workload tools has been proposed and is being used in practice; this is also described in this paper.  相似文献   

对事务性脑力劳动的一种定量测量方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
廖建桥 《工业工程》1998,1(2):48-52
确定脑力劳动者的工作量问题一直是工业工程师试图解决的问题。本文介绍了一种非常实用的定量确定脑力劳动工作量的方法,该方法曾在我国一大型企业应用,收到了比较好的效果。  相似文献   

Workload transitions present individuals with sudden changes in workload. These transitions may affect stress and coping behaviour. Two experiments were performed using a digit detection task that shifted between low and high workload levels to examine transition effects on performance, stress, and effort. The first experiment used a large magnitude transition and resulted in decreased estimates of task engagement and effort. Over time, the levels of subjective stress observed in the transitioned groups approached those of the non-transitioned control groups. The second experiment used a transition more moderate in magnitude. The results were similar to those from the first experiment except that the transition resulted in higher, sustained task engagement and effort. These findings indicate that over time, the perceived stress of transitioned individuals will approach those of non-transitioned individuals; however, the magnitude of the transition may influence individuals to either increase or decrease task-oriented, effortful coping.

Relevance to human factors/ergonomics theory

Previous research on the effect of workload transitions on experienced stress has produced conflicting results. Drawing upon transactional stress theory and motivational intensity theory, two experiments were conducted which resolve some of those conflicting findings. This research adds to our understanding of how workload transitions may affect individuals' experienced stress.  相似文献   

Workload control concepts are advocated as one of the new production planning and control methods. In its elaborated form, workload control includes three major decision levels: job entry, job release and priority dispatching. In each decision level, several decision points which have significant impact on the effectiveness of the production planning and control are defined (i.e., acceptance/rejection, due date assignment, etc.). Workload control systems should consider all of these decision points simultaneously in order to improve the effectiveness of production planning and control. In addition to these decision levels, flexibility of the shop can also be included as the fourth decision level which allows the shop capacity to be adjusted as new orders enter the system and as they are released to the shop floor. In this study, simulation models which enable the effect of each decision level within a workload control concept to be explored are developed and tested. The results reveal that simultaneous consideration of decision levels is critical and can improve the effectiveness of production planning and control.  相似文献   

Many engineering faculty believe that when students perceive a course to have a high workload, students will rate the course and the performance of the course instructor poorly. This belief can be particularly worrying to engineering faculty since engineering courses are often perceived as uniquely demanding. The present investigation demonstrated that student ratings of workload and of overall instructor performance in engineering courses were not correlated (e.g., Spearman's rho = 0.068) in data sets from either of two institutions. In contrast, a number of evaluation items were strongly correlated (Spearman's rho = 0.7 to 0.899) with ratings of overall instructor performance across engineering, mathematics and science, and humanities courses. The results of the present study provide motivation for faculty seeking to improve their teaching and course evaluations to focus on teaching methods, organization/preparation, and interactions with students, rather than course workload.  相似文献   

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