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采用离心铸造法制备了原位Mg2Si/Al梯度复合材料,研究了初生相Mg2Si的梯度分布,研究了离心转速和磷变质对Mg2Si/Al梯度复合材料组织的影响及作用机理。结果表明,经过离心铸造,原位Mg2Si/Al梯度复合材料的Mg2Si增强相具有明显的U型梯度分布。离心转速越高,梯度分布越明显,相应层Mg2Si尺寸减小或碎化明显,最内层的初生Mg2Si的体积分数随之增加。磷变质的复合材料中,Mg2Si增强相呈现为细小块状,同时发现磷变质后,中间层的宽度由230μm增加到900μm左右。干滑动磨损实验发现,Mg2Si/Al梯度复合材料比HT200具有更优的耐磨性。  相似文献   

Mg2Si颗粒增强自生铝基复合材料气缸套   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用离心铸造工艺制备初生Si与Mg2Si颗粒混合增强梯度自生铝基复合材料筒状毛坯,并将毛坯加工成气缸套零件,该零件的内壁有2~3 mm厚的颗粒增强层.微观组织显示,内壁增强层中混合颗粒的体积分数高达38%,而外壁没有增强颗粒;硬度与磨损试验表明,增强层具有较高的硬度与良好的耐磨性.磨损过程与复合增强机制表明,初生Si颗粒承担了主要的磨损载荷,Mg2Si相是提高增强效果必不可少的第二相颗粒.  相似文献   

对比研究了未处理、脉冲磁场处理及脉冲磁场-变质剂复合处理对20Mg2Si/Al复合材料中初生Mg2Si相形貌和分布的影响,同时研究了复合处理条件下,不同磁场电压和频率对初生Mg2Si相的影响。结果表明,磁场处理和复合处理条件下,Mg2Si相尺寸均有所减小;试样从心部到边部,Mg2Si相体积分数逐渐增加,呈梯度分布,但复合处理后,Mg2Si相的梯度分布效果减弱。当磁场电压在0~300V范围内或磁场频率在1~10Hz范围内,随着磁场电压或频率增加,Mg2Si相的尺寸均先增加后减小,转折点分别为200V和5Hz,其梯度分布效果总体上逐渐减弱。试样耐磨性和硬度的变化规律与Mg2Si相的体积分数基本保持一致。  相似文献   

采用重力铸造和离心铸造方法分别制备了Al-9Ni-19Si复合材料铸件。观察了两种铸造工艺成形铸件的微观组织特征,测试了铸件的硬度及耐磨性能。结果表明:重力铸造Al-9Ni-19Si铸件中,初生Al3Ni/Si颗粒在整体上呈现随机分布的状态;而离心铸造Al-9Ni-19Si铸件形成了3层组织,即聚集有大量初生Al3Ni/Si颗粒的外层,含有较多的初生Si/Al3Ni颗粒的内层以及不含颗粒的中间层。重力铸造铸件的初生Al3Ni/Si颗粒体积分数为19.8%32.0%,硬度值为4432.0%,硬度值为4451HRB,其耐磨体积损失量为19.78 mm3;而离心铸造筒状零件外层的初生Al3Ni/Si颗粒体积分数最高可达41%,硬度值为52.551HRB,其耐磨体积损失量为19.78 mm3;而离心铸造筒状零件外层的初生Al3Ni/Si颗粒体积分数最高可达41%,硬度值为52.572.0 HRB,外层的耐磨体积量为11.96 mm3。离心铸造Al-9Ni-19Si铸件获得了具有高颗粒体积分数的初生Al3Ni/Si,增强了复合材料,其硬度及耐磨性能优于重力铸造铸件。  相似文献   

采用离心铸造方法制备Ti Al Si/Al-Si复合材料筒状件,研究铸件沿径向方向的微观组织特征,测试铸件的硬度及耐磨性能。结果表明:复合材料铸件形成了外层聚集大量自生初生Ti Al Si颗粒、内层基本不含初生颗粒的两层组织结构。含有增强颗粒的铸件外层硬度值更大,体积磨损量更小。在离心场中,初生Ti Al Si颗粒的离心运动是形成外层增强复合材料的主要原因。自生颗粒形成了高体积分数颗粒增强区,有效提高了复合材料的硬度与耐磨性能。  相似文献   

冷却速度对过共晶铝硅合金凝固组织和耐磨性能的影响   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:22  
试验研究了在不同的冷却速度下凝固的Al-20%Si和Al-30%Si(质量分数,下同)合金的组织和耐磨性。实验结果表明,冷却速度对过共晶铝硅合金的凝固组织和耐磨性能有显著的影响。随着冷却速度的增加,Al-20%Si和Al-30%Si合金的凝固组织组成,初生硅的形貌和尺寸都发生明显的变化:冷却速度小于0.1K/s 的炉冷试样和冷却速度小于1K/s耐火砖型铸造试样的凝固组织由(α+Si)共晶和初生Si相组成,初生Si相呈粗大的片状,共晶Si呈针状;冷却速度约10K/s的金属型铸造试样的凝固组织由(α+Si)共晶,枝晶状α相和初生Si相组成,初生Si相为块状或长条状,共晶Si呈细小的针状,并且凝固组织中出现的枝晶状α相;凝固速度为(10^3-10^5)K/s的过喷粉末的凝固组织也是由(α+Si)共晶,枝晶状α相和初生Si相组成,初生Si相为块状,而喷射沉积快速凝固Al-20%Si和Al-30%Si合金的沉积组织都是由Si相和α相组成,细小的Si相均匀分布在α基体中。随着冷却速度的增加,Al-20%Si和Al-30%Si合金的凝固组织中初生硅的尺寸明显减少,磨损机制发生变化,合金的耐磨性显著增加。  相似文献   

利用预涂NiCr-Si复合粉末对TiAl合金进行激光熔覆处理,分析了涂层的显微组织及其形成机理,并讨论了显微组织与预涂合金粉末成分的关系。结果表明:涂层的显微组织由初生块状Ti5Si3相及点状γ-NiCrAl/TiSi共晶组织组成,随着预涂合金粉末中Si含量的增加,涂层中初生Ti5Si3块状相的体积分数增大,显微硬度提高,涂层与基体之间为良好的冶金结合。  相似文献   

采用原位反应法制备了20Mg_2Si/Al-Si复合材料,研究了P对该复合材料微观组织和力学性能的影响。结果发现,未添加P时,复合材料中的初生Mg_2Si相呈现出粗大的树枝晶和多边形块状;当加入P后,初生Mg_2Si相转变为细小的颗粒状,其实质是P与Al形成了AlP化合物,并充当了初生Mg_2Si相的异质形核核心。未变质时,复合材料的硬度(HB)和抗拉强度约为71.5和102.1 MPa,而加入P后,复合材料的硬度(HB)和抗拉强度分别增加至97.2和133.6 MPa。  相似文献   

以Al-14Si-6Ni合金为坯料,采用电磁离心铸造制备了一种自生初生Si颗粒及NiAl_3颗粒共同增强的铝梯度复合材料筒状试样。该复合材料外层含有较高体积分数的初生Si与NiAl_3颗粒形成的增强层;内层含有少量初生Si颗粒并夹杂有大量的气孔和氧化夹渣物。进一步对材料的硬度与摩擦因数进行测定,包括对不同工艺参数下复合材料的微观组织进行分层观察,检测材料各分层的宏观硬度,并对各分层在相同载荷条件下与Si_3N_4的摩擦因数进行研究。结果表明,由于材料的外层存在大量的NiAl_3以及初生Si,不同工艺参数的材料外层的硬度均表现出高于内层的硬度。特别是通过微观压痕比较,发现NiAl_3可以提高初生Si的宏观硬度;同时,通过各层摩擦因数的定量对比分析,发现初生Si和NiAl_3颗粒均可以降低铝合金材料与Si_3N_4之间的摩擦因数。  相似文献   

研究了脉冲磁场参数和冷却条件对Mg_2Si/Al复合材料中初生Mg_2Si相尺寸、形态及分布的影响。结果表明,在脉冲磁场作用下,初生Mg_2Si相表现为粗化、偏聚及梯度分布。在多数试验条件下,初生Mg_2Si相沿试样心部到边部体积分数总体上逐渐增加,可制备初生Mg_2Si相呈连续变化的梯度材料;当脉冲电压为100V,脉冲频率为10Hz或模具温度为400℃时,试样中心区域基本不含初生Mg_2Si相,Mg_2Si相主要分布在试样边部,可制备表面增强自生梯度复合材料。在0~300V范围内,随着脉冲电压增加,初生Mg_2Si相的尺寸先增大后减小,转折点为200V;当浇注温度在670~760℃范围内或模具温度在200~600℃范围内,随着浇注温度的增加或模具温度的降低,初生Mg_2Si相的尺寸逐渐减小。  相似文献   

离心铸造法制备陶瓷颗粒增强Al合金基功能梯度复合管   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用熔融Al合金基体与颗粒增强相(SiC及Al2O3颗粒)在离心铸造条件下所受的离心力的不同,再通过调整其它的工艺参数,利用水平式离心铸造机制备了3种具有不同强化部位(外层强化、内层强化以及内外层同时强化)的功能梯度复合管,颗粒的3种分布方式使复合管的微观组织及显微硬度呈现了相应的梯度变化,强化部件的多样化可为功能梯度复合管的应用开辟新的领域。  相似文献   

采用离心铸造法,用TiO2粉末与纯铝熔液原位反应生成Al3Ti颗粒增强相,获得了组织和性能在径向上呈梯度分布的Al3Ti/Al功能梯度复合材料。考察了材料的显微组织和硬度,Al3Ti颗粒和材料硬度在径向上由外向内呈梯度分布。研究分析了离心和转速、TiO2加入量和激冷强度对复合材料组织和硬度的分布梯度的影响。结果表明,这些因素对复合材料组织和性能分布梯度的影响较大。  相似文献   

Biaxial strength testing of functionally graded Al2O3/ZrO2 discs revealed that the strength of such discs, prepared by electrophoretic deposition, was almost doubled from 288 MPa for pure Al2O3 to 513 MPa for the graded discs; this was due to the compressive surface residual thermal stresses in the Al2O3 surface layer caused by the graded compositional profile. The surface compressive stress measured by means of X-ray diffraction was compared with the analytically calculated stress distribution in the graded component.  相似文献   

以单晶WC陶瓷粉末(WC particles-WCp)作为增强颗粒,采用激光熔注技术在Ti-6Al-4V表面制备了WCp/Ti-6Al-4V梯度复合材料层.在对梯度复合材料层宏观特征和形成机制分析的基础上,采用XRD和SEM对复合材料层的微观组织结构进行了分析.结果表明,WC颗粒在复合材料层中分布比较均匀,而且在深度方向上梯度分布.复合材料层中形成了新相TiC和W2C.TjC的数量和尺寸在复合材料层不同区域存在较大差异.在复合材料层上部,Tic的数量较多而且尺寸较大;在复合材料层下部,TiC的数量和尺寸均明显减少.WC/Ti界面反应层由W2C和TiC两层组成,WC颗粒注入位置对反应层尺寸有很大影响,WC颗粒从熔池后部"拖尾"注入可以有效减小反应层尺寸.  相似文献   

In this study, functionally NCZ (electroless nickel plated ZrO2) content graded Ni-NCZ composite coating has been successfully co-electrodeposited from a bath with gradually increasing of stirring rate. For this, different composite coatings were electroplated in the same bath with different stirring rates to find the optimum condition. SEM, XRD, EDX and electrochemical studies showed that co-electrodeposition in a bath with stirring rate of 250 rpm results in the maximum co-electrodeposited particle content and the best particle distribution and corrosion resistance. Also, this sample had the highest wear resistance with respect to the other samples. To produce NCZ content graded Ni-NCZ composite coating, the stirring rate was continuously increased from 0 to 250 rpm. The electroplated coating had a continuous gradient increasing of co-electrodeposited NCZ content from substrate toward the surface. This distribution of NCZ particles results in a gradient increasing of the microhardness in the cross section of the coating. Bend test revealed that the functionally graded composite coating shows better adhesion to the substrate compared with the uniformly distributed Ni-NCZ on the same substrate. This result has been attributed to lower mechanical mismatch between coating and substrate in the functionally graded composite coating with respect to the uniformly distributed one.  相似文献   

Atmospheric plasma spraying of duplex and graded ZrO2 (8% Y2O3) thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) on Inconel 617 substrate with a NiCrAlY bond coat is described in terms of a deposition process of con-trolled coating structure. Special attention is devoted to the dominant spray parameters and the injector configuration for powder feeding, which play a fundamental role in graded coating deposition with con-trolled formation of a graded metal-ceramic (GMC) intermediate zone. The results of the graded coating spraying allow: (a) suppression of step-interface effects, (b) suppression of large differences (misfit) be-tween physical and mechanical constants of the coating and those of the substrate material, and (c) favor-able intergrowth of crystallites for a microstructurally integrated structure. Sprayed TBCs were investigated and compared with regard to their thermal cycling, oxidation behavior, and mechanical properties. The influence of crystal anisotropy changes on the resulting coating structure and properties is shown. On the basis of finite element (FE) calculations, the stress distribution within thermally cycled coating systems was analyzed. It is confirmed that the graded coating structure relaxes considerably the stresses resulting from the internal constraint due to thermal expansion difference between both metallic and ce-ramic materials. This stress distribution also decreases the gradient of elastic deformation and/or resid-ual stresses between the metal bond coat and top ceramic coating, and hence leads to a better thermal cycling behavior of the graded TBC systems. However, this advantage is not practical in every case, since the rapid oxidation of the metallic lamellae causes the ceramic phase in the GMC zone to undergo tensile stresses within a short thermal exposure time. The lifetime of duplex TBC systems that are under steady-state thermal load conditions is much higher than that of graded ones.  相似文献   

To obtain a strong bond between W coatings and the substrate, a novel graded tungstenised layer on Ti-Al-Nb alloys was produced using a double glow plasma surface alloying technology and a special graded tribological coating was designed. The microstructural results showed that the tungstenised layer was distributed in a graded manner and was mainly comprised of W- or Ti-rich TixW1?x phases. Varying the friction conditions indicated that an increase in the load and sliding speed led to an increase of the friction coefficient and wear rate of the tungstenised layer at room temperature. These changes were mainly caused by the graded distribution of the W composition and the change in surface contact status. The results indicated that the friction and wear properties of Ti-Al-Nb alloys were greatly improved by the surface tungstenising.  相似文献   

SiC_P/Cu梯度复合材料的制备及性能研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
采用粉末冶金方法制备了SiCP/Cu均质复合材料及梯度复合材料,并对复合材料的显微组织、硬度、导电率和耐磨性进行了研究。结果表明:均质复合材料中SiC颗粒含量越多,导电率越小,耐磨性越好;梯度复合材料基体连续,组织及硬度呈梯度分布且其耐磨性优于基体Cu材料;磨损机理是微切削磨损和磨粒磨损的复合作用。  相似文献   

Pre-alloyed and plasma spheroidized composite powders were used as the feedstock in the plasma spraying of functionally graded yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ)/NiCoCrAlY coatings. The ball milling parameters of the composite powders and the plasma spraying parameters for preparing functionally graded materials (FMGs) coatings were optimized to obtain the best performance for the thermal barrier coatings (TBCs). Microstructure, physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of YSZ/NiCoCrAlY FGMs coatings were investigated and compared with those of traditional duplex coatings. Results showed that the advantages of using pre-alloyed composite powders in plasma spraying were to ensure chemical homogeneity and promote uniform density along the graded layers. Microstructure observation showed the gradient distribution of YSZ and NiCoCrAlY phases in the coating, and no clear interface was found between two adjacent different layers. Oxidation occurred during plasma spray and the resultant aluminum oxide combines with YSZ in a wide range of proportions. The bond strength of functionally graded coatings was about twice as high as that of the duplex coatings because of the significant reduction of the residual stresses in the coatings. The thermal cycling resistance of functionally graded coating was much better than that of duplex coating.  相似文献   

Five-layered Al/Al-Cu functionally graded material (FGM) was prepared by powder metallurgy technology, and the subsequent heat treatment was carried out for the graded material. The microstructures and distribution of Cu element under pressure sintering (F), solution treatment (T4) and artificial aging treatment (T6) were investigated, and the Vickers hardness and flexural properties of different states were tested. The results showed that sintered compact with dense structure and compositional continuous c...  相似文献   

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