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高应变率成形是一种在极短时间内释放高能量而使金属变形的成形方法,研究表明高应变率能显著提高多种金属材料的成形极限能力.通过高速杯突实验绘制成形极限曲线,可反映金属在高应变率下的成形能力,从而指导冲压设计.文中介绍了目前常用的几种高速杯突实验设备,包含气压、液压和电磁等驱动方式,并对高应变率下的成形极限图进行了分析和总结...  相似文献   

Magnesium alloys are an ideal candidate due to their low density in comparison to aluminum and steel alloys when designing a vehicle with lower weight and therefore, reduced fuel consumption. It is important to characterize the strain rate sensitivity of any material that will be used in a structure which can undergo high rate deformation (as in an automobile crash) as well as during high velocity forming processes such as electromagnetic or electrohydraulic forming. Tensile tests for AZ31B magnesium alloy sheet at different strain rates were carried out using different testing techniques: (i) quasi-static strain rates tests were conducted in a range between 10−3 and 10−1 s−1 using a conventional electro-mechanical tensile testing apparatus; (ii) intermediate strain rates tests at 4.0 × 101 to 102 s−1 using an instrumented falling weight apparatus; and (iii) high strain rates at 0.5 × 103 to 1.5 × 103 s−1 using a tensile split Hopkinson bar. Furthermore, quasi-static and high strain rate tests were also performed for different temperatures, from room temperature up to 250 °C. Strain rate and temperature effects are also discussed for rolling and transverse direction, to identify the variation of sheet properties with loading direction. Finally, the constitutive fitting of the stress-strain curves to the widely employed Johnson-Cook material model equation is evaluated and also a new model is proposed based on a modified J-C model to account for the variation of strain hardening with strain rate.  相似文献   

基于塑性理论建立了比例加载条件下双向拉伸应力应变关系,结合Swift分散性失稳准则,提出了一种建立板料成形极限应力图的方法。分别应用Hill 48和Hosford屈服准则以及单向拉伸性能参数,建立了铝合金板(r<1)和薄钢板(r>1)两种材料的成形极限应力图(FLSD),分析表明,不同的屈服准则的选取对于成形极限应力曲线有不同的影响,对于不同类型的材料屈服准则的影响程度也不同。与由通常的成形极限图(FLD)转换所得到的成形极限应力图(FLSD)进行了对比分析,结果表明,所提出的方法计算过程更为简便,并能较为准确地建立成形极限应力图,可以作为复杂加载路径下的成形极限破裂判据。  相似文献   

板料成形极限理论与实验研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
成形极限是板材成形领域中重要的性能指标和工艺参数。文章在阐述成形极限在板料成形中的意义的基础上,综述并分析了成形极限在理论和实验方面的研究进展。成形极限图受应变路径的影响,给工业生产应用带来极大不便。以极限应力构成的成形极限应力图不受应变路径的影响,作为复杂加载路径的成形极限判据更加方便和实用。FLSD研究与FLD相结合,成为精确地确定破裂判别准则的主要途径之一,是近来研究的热点。十字形双向拉伸是实现复杂加载路径有效实用的试验方法。最后对成形极限应力图和十字形双向拉伸试验需要解决的关键问题作了阐述。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the uniaxial tensile properties and formability of steel sheets in relation to the strain rate effect. The elongation at fracture for CQ increases at a high strain rate while the elongation at fracture for DP590 decreases slightly in relation to the corresponding value for a quasi-static strain rate. The uniform elongation and the strain hardening coefficient decrease gradually when the strain rate increases. The r-value of CQ and DP590 was measured with a high-speed camera in relation to the strain rate. The r-value is slightly sensitive to the strain rate. Static forming limit curves (FLCs) and high-speed FLCs were constructed with the aid of punch-stretch tests with arc-shaped and square-shaped specimens. In addition, a high-speed crash testing machine with a specially designed high-speed forming jig was used for the high-speed punch-stretch tests. Compared with the static FLC, the high-speed FLC of CQ is higher in a simple tension region and lower in a biaxial stretch forming region. The high-speed FLC for DP590 decreases in relation to the static FLC throughout the entire region. The elongation at fracture appears to be closely related to the simple tension region of the FLC. The shear fracture is observed from SEM images of specimens tested in the biaxial stretch forming region under the high-speed forming condition. The dimples indicating the shear fracture have elongated horseshoe shape. The high-speed FLC is lower than the static FLC in the biaxial stretch forming region because the shear fracture induces the decrease of ductility. The results confirm that the strain rate has a noticeably influence on the formability of steel sheets. Thus, the forming limit diagram of high-speed tests should be considered in the design of high-speed sheet metal forming processes.  相似文献   

测定钢板成形极限的三种方法与应用比对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近邻破裂点离线测量法是成形极限试验用来观察成形极限应变的最常用方法。随着光学视频技术在成形试验中的应用,通过测量网格临界破裂时应变的临界破裂点原位测量法,以及ISO12004标准中新推荐的破裂区截面线拟合法,均已进入到成形极限的测量领域。这两种测定成形极限的新方法弥补了紧邻破裂点测量法带来的近似效应和误差,极大提高了成形极限曲线的可信度。文章运用3种不同的方法,对一种高强度冷成形用钢进行成形试验,测定其在近似平面应变状态下的成形极限,并对结果进行比较。  相似文献   

The formability of a material depends upon the strain hardening and strain rate hardening of the material. In this study, constitutive parameters using the power law constitutive equation are determined for six different strength steels and two aluminum alloys over different strain ranges, including approximations of the postuniform elongation range. Constitutive parameters are found to be different at different strain ranges. The strain hardening of steels increases with strain at low strain levels (less than 5%) and decreases at high strain levels (greater than 10%). Strain rate hardening decreases with strain for all steels and aluminum alloys. Uniform elongation depends only on strain hardening, and postuniform elongation depends only on strain rate hardening. However, the total elongation depends on both strain hardening and strain rate hardening.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is twofold: first, to revisit the forming limit diagram (FLD) in the light of fundamental concepts of plasticity, damage and ductile fracture mechanics and, second, to propose a new experimental methodology to determine the formability limits by fracture in sheet metal forming. The first objective makes use of the theory of plasticity applied to proportional strain loading paths, under plane stress conditions, to analyze the fracture forming limit line (FFL) and to introduce the shear fracture forming limit line (SFFL). The second objective makes use of single point incremental forming (SPIF), torsion and plane shear tests to determine the experimental values of the in-plane strains at the onset of fracture. Results show that the proposed methodology provides an easy and efficient procedure to characterize the formability limits by fracture in sheet metal forming. In particular, the paper shows that the FFL determined by means of tensile and conventional sheet formability tests is identical to that determined from SPIF tests on conical and pyramidal truncated specimens. The new proposed approach is expected to have impact in the established methodologies to outline the formability limits on the basis of the forming limit curves (FLC's) at the onset of necking.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to study the cryogenic sheet metal forming behaviour of precipitation hardening AW-6016-T4. In this regard, the flow curves and forming limit curves were obtained by tension and Nakazima experimental testing methods in the temperature ranges from ?196 to 25 °C. It was found that strength and elongation increase with decreasing temperature. Small but perceived differences between microstructure of the material deformed at the room and cryogenic temperatures respectively were identified by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) analysis. However, no significant difference in the precipitation kinetics during continuous heating in the DSC has been observed. This study has demonstrated the potential of cryogenic forming by manufacturing a B-pillar part with 8 mm depth of side design element as compared to 6 mm at room temperature.  相似文献   

In this paper, potentials that analytically describe the plastic behavior of orthotropic metals are reviewed. These potentials, yield functions or strain rate potentials were expressed in six-dimensional stress or strain rate spaces, respectively. Some of the recently developed potentials that are consistent with polycrystal plasticity models are briefly discussed and applied to computational analysis and design of sheet metal forming processes.  相似文献   

To predict accurately the forming limit in sheet metal forming, the combination of FE simulation with tension tests is adopted in this paper to determine the material constants p and C in a ductile fracture criterion (DFC), which is advanced by the author. Forming limits of bore-expanding, hemispherical punch bulging and deep drawing (cylindrical, square-cup parts) are predicted by means of the DFC. Comparison of the results predicted by the DFC with experimental values shows that the precision of forming limit predicted by material constants obtained by the combination method is more accurate than that predicted by material constants obtained by the tension method, and that the critical punch stoke and the fracture initiation position in forming processes above mentioned are predicted accurately by the DFC.  相似文献   

Few previous attempts have been made to analyze numerically the strain path and the forming limit in complex lubricated sheet metal forming. Since usual approaches of solving the lubrication model are limited to axisymmetric and plane strain cases only, this paper developed a unified procedure for combining the finite element code of sheet metal forming, the current lubrication/friction model and forming limit theory, to predict the strain path and fracture strains for either a steady or an unsteady three-dimensional process including both axisymmetric and plane strain cases. The availability of the method must be proved by a published problem, and an axisymmetric stretch forming process was therefore adopted as a benchmark. Numerical results showed that the present analysis provides good agreement with the experimental data of the strain path and the fracture strain for various tribological parameters such as lubricant viscosity and composite roughness of tooling and workpiece, and the advantage of the developed model is that it can be applied to solve the complicated 3D geometric problems.  相似文献   

A new methodology is proposed to obtain forming limit diagrams (FLDs) of sheet materials using gas blow forming process at elevated temperatures. Tension–tension side of the forming FLD is achieved by using circular as well as elliptical dies of different aspect ratios. To achieve tension–compression side of FLD un-bonded bi-layer specimen with slots are utilized. The widths between the slots are varied to achieve different strain paths. A correlation is established between the hemispherical punch-based tests and GBF tests of samples with slots to achieve different strain paths. FLDs for automotive AZ31 magnesium sheet at 300 °C and 400 °C in two different orientations are determined. Increase in forming limits of AZ31 with increase in temperature is observed.  相似文献   

Fundamental studies on the incremental sheet metal forming technique   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The idea of incremental forming technique has been investigated for production of sheet metal components. With this technique, the forming limit curve (FLC) appears in a different pattern, revealing an enhanced formability, compared to conventional forming techniques. In the present study, the formability of an aluminum sheet under various forming conditions was assessed and difficult-to-form shapes were produced with the technique. By utilizing knowledge and experience obtained during the present study, it became possible to produce some free surfaces.  相似文献   

为研究应变速率对汽车钢板冲压成形性能的影响,采用单向拉伸实验,对3种不同强度级别的典型汽车用钢板进行应变速率敏感性研究。结果显示,电镀锌BSUFD+Z钢板的屈强比对应变速率的敏感性最大,其次是烘烤硬化BH220钢板,敏感性最小的是双相DP600钢板;双相DP600钢板的硬化指数具有较大的应变速率敏感性,而电镀锌BSUFD+Z钢板和烘烤硬化BH220钢板的硬化指数对应变速率的敏感性较低;3种钢板的应变速率敏感指数,电镀锌BSUFD+Z钢板最大,烘烤硬化BH220钢板次之,双相DP600钢板最小。研究结果为汽车钢板快速冲压生产工艺设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

陈军  梁晋  胡浩 《锻压技术》2013,38(4):18-23
针对目前材料成形极限无法实现在线动态测定的不足,本文将数字图像相关法和双目立体视觉技术相结合,提出一种基于三维全场应变摄影测量的动态在线测定材料成形极限的方法,并研制了快速在线动态测定板料成形极限的实验装置。通过平面金属试件的成形极限测定实验,验证了该方法用于动态在线快速建立材料成形极限图FLD的有效性。  相似文献   

通过胀形试验和以沟槽法为基础获取普通板料渐进成形极限图的方法,分别获取TRIP590板料的传统成形极限图和渐进成形极限图。为了直观地比较TRIP590板料在不同成形方式中具有的成形性能以及验证获取的渐进成形极限图是否满足于TRIP590板料成形,设置了变角度圆锥台和变角度方盒进行验证。两组试验证明:TRIP590板料在渐进成形中的成形性能远强于传统成形,并且获取的线性方程为ε2=0.525 4ε1+0.989 1的渐进成形极限图也适用于TRIP590板料的成形。  相似文献   

Formability of sheet metal is usually assessed by the useful concept of forming limit diagrams (FLD) and forming limit curves (FLC) represent a first safety criterion for deep drawing operations. The level of FLC is strongly strain path dependent as observed by experimental and numerical results and therefore non-proportional strain paths need to be incorporated when analyzing formability of sheet metal components. Simulations using finite element method allow accurate predictions of stress and strain distributions in complex stamped parts. However, the prediction of localized necking is a difficult task and the combination of forming limit diagram analysis with finite element simulations often fail to give the right answer, if complex strain paths are not included in these predictions.  相似文献   

In this paper,a slow bending speed varestraint test method with con-tinuously adjustable deformation rate for testing hot cracking sensitivity is de-veloped and its working principle is described.From great amounts of tests,itis known that strain rate affects the sensitivity of solidification crack because ofits influnce on material ductility in BTR directly.The smaller the strain rate,the better the ductility and the lower the solidification crack sensitivity.The ex-tent of this effect varies with different materials,for LF-6 aluminum alloy,it isgreat,but for 16Mn,19Mn5 and 20G steels,it is small.Through systematicinvestigation,it is concluded that strain rate of a metal during welding can belowered and the resistance to solidification crack can be enhanced by reducingstructrual restraint and by adjustment of welding parameters.  相似文献   

基于椭圆热态胀形试验的板材成形极限图建立方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用长轴直径为Φ100 mm、短轴直径分别为Φ100,Φ90,Φ80,Φ60和Φ40 mm的椭圆形胀形模具,在300,210和150℃、RT(常温)4个不同温度梯度,0.0045和0.045 MPa·s-1两个不同压力率条件下进行了铝合金板材的热态胀形试验,得到了胀形试验件,并获取了基础试验数据。利用极限应变计算公式,对胀形试验数据进行计算和整理,获得试验材料拉-拉变形区的成形极限曲线及成形极限图。结合等效条件下单向拉伸试验获取的基础试验数据,建立了完整的铝合金板材成形极限图。  相似文献   

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