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Al-TiC中间合金的制备及对AZ91合金铸态组织的细化效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩辉  刘生发  吕亚清 《铸造》2007,56(4):341-344
采用铸造接触反应法制备Al-TiC间合金,EPMA和XRD分析显示,反应温度和保温时间是TiC颗粒原位合成的重要工艺参数,基于热力学计算和动力学分析探讨了原位TiC颗粒的形成机制。在AZ91镁合金熔体中加入0.3%的Al-10%TiC间合金可明显细化晶粒尺寸,由基体合金的107μm降至57μm,降低幅度约为47%。晶粒细化机制可归结为TiC颗粒作为初生α-Mg的异质晶核。  相似文献   

Al-Ti-C中间合金对Mg-Al合金的晶粒细化作用   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
制备了一种用于Mg-Al合金晶粒细化的Al-Ti-C中间合金。发现该Al-Ti-C中间合金可以有效地细化镁合金的晶粒,细化后的AZ61合金的抗腐蚀性能大大提高。分析认为,Al-Ti-C中间合金中起晶粒细化作用的是Al4C3和TiC的复合相。  相似文献   

任峻  陶钦贵  马颖 《铸造技术》2006,27(11):1223-1226
采用普通熔铸法制备Al-Ti-B-RE中间合金细化剂,并就稀土元素、保温温度、过热温度对合金组织及细化效果的影响进行研究。结果表明:稀土元素对TiAl晶粒大小、形貌及分布影响明显,增大了铝熔体与TiB2之间的湿润角,提高细化效果,而静置温度和过热温度的影响较小。  相似文献   

英国福士科公司的铝变质处理用中间合金MODALLOY~R3.5和铝晶粒细化用中间合金FINALLOY~ 51,可供我国生产中间合金的厂家参考,现介绍如下: MODALLOY3.5是对Al-Si合金作变质处理用的.AlSr3.5,以Sr(锶)对Al-Si合金变质处理.它制成条状,贮存、搬运方便,使用时无环境污染,几乎不产生渣,溶入熔体速度快,加入后即可铸造,效果延续性好.  相似文献   

AlTiC中间合金对Al-Si合金的细化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在试验室制出AlTi5C0 .3中间合金细化剂 ,该中间合金对纯铝有较好的细化作用。对Al Si合金进行细化时试验发现 ,较低的加入量对合金基本不起作用 ,当w(Ti)达 0 .15 %左右时 ,才能达到最佳细化效果 ,并且发生较早的细化衰退。Mg元素对其细化能力有促进作用  相似文献   

新型中间合金铝晶粒细化剂Al-Ti-B-RE的研制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了采用熔铸法制备Al-Ti-B-RE中间合金时,稀土、过热温度、静置温度等因素对中间合金制备的影响;并通过对中间合金组织的对比和细化试验,对Al-Ti-B-RE中间合金的性能进行了评定.结果表明:稀土的加入无论是对细化剂组织还是对细化结果影响是最大的,过热温度和静置温度的影响则较小.  相似文献   

细化铝晶粒AlTiB中间合金的质量要求(1)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于在铝材深度加工工业中对质量要求的增高,所以用AlTiB中间合金来细化塑性铝合金的工艺又被提到突出的地位.中间合金应根据各自的使用目的来满足规定的质量要求,藉此可将在进一步深度加工的产品中引起缺陷的危险性降到尽量小的程度.在本文的第一部分里,将围绕质量要求来报道有关标准规范.  相似文献   

TiC/Al和SiC/Al中间合金对Mg-Al系合金晶粒的细化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
柳延辉  刘相法  李廷斌  边秀房 《铸造》2003,52(7):472-475
研制出两种新型的Mg-Al系合金晶粒细化剂——Al-4%TiC和Al-10%SiC中间合金。结果表明:这两种中间合金对Mg-Al系合金均有良好的晶粒细化作用。向AZ63合金中加入1%的TiC/Al中间合金可使其晶粒由原来的约2mm减小至250μm左右;向AZ31合金中加入0.5%的SiC/Al中间合金可使其晶粒由原来的约600μm减小至200μm左右。分析认为,表面覆有Al4C3过渡层的TiC和SiC颗粒可以作为α-Mg的结晶核心,同时SiC颗粒本身也可以作为α-Mg的异质结晶核心。大量异质结晶核心的存在是导致α-Mg晶粒细化的主要原因。  相似文献   

中间合金对A356.2合金细化的效果   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
采用铝业协会制订的TP-1型标准测试法,对Al-10RE、Al-5Ti-1B、Al-5Ti-1B-10RE等中间合金对A356.2合金的细化效果进行评价,以优化铝合金轮毂制造过程中合金熔体细化处理工艺。结果表明, Al-5Ti-1B-10RE中间合金中的RE不仅可以有效抑制晶粒尺寸的衰退,而且在一定程度上改善Ti、B、Sr对A356.2合金显微组织的细化和变质效果;TP-1型晶粒度检测法是一种简单、直观、准确的中间合金细化效果在线评价方法。  相似文献   

热爆法合成Al-Ti和Al-TiC晶粒细化剂及其晶粒细化效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用铝熔体热爆法直接合成了Al-Ti和Al-TiC两种晶粒细化剂,研究了这两种细化剂的相组成及对工业纯铝的晶粒细化效果.结果表明,合成的Al-Ti细化剂只含有第二相TiAl3相,Al-TiC细化剂只含有第二相TiC相,无其它杂相生成.TiC和TiAl3单独作为α-Al的形核相时,二者形核能力均较差,但TiC的形核、抗细化衰退能力优于TiAl3.当TiC和TiAl3共同作为α-Al的形核相时,其表现出较强的形核能力和抗晶粒细化衰退能力.这表明Al-Ti-C晶粒细化剂良好的细化效果离不开TiC和TiAl3的共同作用,适当的TiC和TiAl3组合是晶粒细化剂优良细化能力的保证.  相似文献   

Cyclic-oxidation behavior of TiAl and of TiAl alloys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cyclic-oxidation behavior of (in w/o) Ti-36Al, Ti-35Al-0.1C, Ti-35Al-1.4V-0.1C and Ti-35Al-5Nb-0.1C was studied between 800 and 1000° C in air. A few experiments were also performed in oxygen. Scale spallation after oxidation in air occurs during cooling on TiAl, TiAl-C, and TiAl-V at or close to the metal/scale interface when a critical scale thickness has been achieved. This process repeats and can lead to a stratified scale. These three materials form scales composed of an inward-growing fine-grain mixture of TiO2-Al2O3 and an outward-growing coarse-grain TiO2 layer or TiO2+Al2O3 mixture. The TiAl-Nb alloy had a significantly different behavior. The scale on this material grew very slowly because a protective Al2O3 layer formed at the metal/scale interface. This behavior resulted in much better resistance to spallation because the critical scale thickness was reached only after a much longer time, and is different from the behavior of the other three alloys. Oxidation in air leads to slight nitridation of the subsurface zone beneath the scale. In comparison to oxidation in air, oxidation in oxygen improves the cyclicoxidation behavior. Whereas the scale formed in air was uniformly thick over the entire surface, the scale grown in oxygen varied locally in structure and thickness. A large fraction of the surface was covered with a thin Al2O3 layer, while the remaining part formed a two-layer scale similar to that formed in air. The results are discussed briefly in the light of a recently published model for scale spallation under compressive stress, however, quantitative estimations are not possible due to a lack of relevant data.  相似文献   

The oxidation behavior of Ti36Al, Ti35Al-0.1C, Ti35Al-1.4V-0.1C, and Ti35 Al-5Nb-0.1C (mass-%) in air and oxygen has been studied between 700 and 1000°C with the major emphasis at 900°C. Generally an oxide scale consisting of two layers, an outward- and an inward-growing layer, formed. The outward-growing part of the scale consisted mainly of TiO2 (rutile), while the inward-growing part is composed of a mixture of TiO2 and -Al2O3. A barrier layer of Al2O3 on TiAl between the inner and the outer part of the scale was visible for up to 300 hr. Under certain conditions, the Al2O3 barrier dissolved and re-precipitated in the outer TiO2 layer. This shift leads to an effect similar to breakaway oxidation. Only the alloy containing Nb formed a longlasting, protective Al2O3 layer, which was established at the metal/scale interface after an incubation period of 80–100 hr. During this time, Nb was enriched in the subsurface zone up to approximately 20 w/o. The growth of the oxide scale on TiAl-V obeyed a parabolic law, because no Al2O3 barrier layer formed; large Al2O3 particles were part of the outward-growing layer. A brittle 2-Ti3Al-layer rich in O formed beneath the oxide scale as a result of preferential Al oxidation particularly when oxidized in oxygen. Oxidation in air can lead also to formation of nitrides beneath the oxide scale. The nitridation can vary between the formation of isolated nitride particles and of a metal/Ti2AlN/ TiN/oxide, scale-layer system. Under certain conditions, nitride-layer formation seemed to favor protective Al2O23 formation at the metal/scale interface, however, in general nitridation was detrimental with the consequence that oxidation was generally more rapid in air than in oxygen.  相似文献   

采用反应铸造法制备了含VC、TiC颗粒的Fe3Al基合金 ,并研究了颗粒相的加入对Fe3Al合金组织结构和力学性能的影响。研究表明 ,TiCp 可以细化Fe3Al合金铸锭组织 ,而VCp 的作用不明显 ,但可以细化热加工后的再结晶组织 ;同时发现 ,颗粒相的加入提高了Fe3Al合金在室温和 6 0 0℃下的屈服强度 ,而延伸率有稍许下降 ,并改变了合金的断裂模式  相似文献   

电场激活原位合成(TiC)pNi/TiAl/Ti功能梯度材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用电场激活压力辅助合成(FAPAS)和原位合成技术制备了(TiC)pNi/TiAl/Ti功能梯度材料,研究了电场对材料合成及层界面扩散连接的作用。采用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、能谱和X射线衍射仪分析了梯度材料各层及界面微观组织、相组成和元素分布。结果表明,电场的施加以及TiAl的燃烧反应是合成材料的关键;经原位合成的TiC颗粒均匀细小;金属陶瓷层/TiAl/Ti基板的界面区产生了成分的互扩散并形成了良好的冶金结合。钛板到金属陶瓷层的显微硬度呈梯度变化且具有较好的抗热震性。  相似文献   

将Al、Ti和TiC 粉末预涂在AA6063铝合金表面,采用激光熔覆法制备了TiC/Al_3Ti复合材料涂层,分析了激光熔覆层的显微组织和硬度分布.结果表明,采用合适的激光工艺可获得无裂纹和孔洞且表面平整的熔覆层.熔覆层由枝晶状Al_3Ti、枝晶间α-Al和均匀分布的TiC颗粒组成,TiC颗粒在激光辐照过程中未发生熔解,熔覆层与基材的界面结合良好.随与熔覆层表面距离的增加,Al_3Ti枝晶的尺寸变大,α-Al的含量减少.激光熔覆层的硬度可达700 HV0.2,显著改善了AA6063铝合金的表面硬度.  相似文献   

借助透射电镜观察和分子动力学计算,对3D打印Ti-6Al-4V合金的变形行为及其温度相关性进行了系统研究。结果表明,温度在TiAl纳米多晶体变形机制的竞争中起关键作用。当温度低于800 K,平均晶粒尺寸低于8.3 nm的单相TiAl纳米多晶合金首先出现位错运动,且层错保留在晶粒中并形成交错结构。同时,大尺寸晶粒(≥8.3 nm)为位错运动提供了足够的空间,很少在晶粒中形成层错。在双相TiAl+Ti3Al纳米多晶合金中,层错的交割是低应变(ε<18.0%)TiAl晶粒的主要变形机制,并且Ti3Al晶粒保持其初始结构。当ε≥18.0%时,Ti3Al晶粒中的位错开始运动并形成层错交割。当温度高于800 K时,Ti和Al原子处于高能状态,主要的变形机制与具有非晶结构的滑移边界有关。非晶滑移边界及再结晶结构是双相TiAl+Ti3Al纳米多晶合金组织变形的最重要特征。  相似文献   

以单质粉末Ti,Al和碳黑为原料,研究了添加金属间化合物TiAl3对燃烧合成Ti3AlC的影响。实验结果表明,仅以单质粉末Ti,Al和碳黑为原料,按Ti3AlC化学计量比配料,燃烧产物主要物相是Ti2AlC和TiC,无Ti3AlC。但在保持原料配比不变的情况下,在反应物原料中添加金属间化合物TiAl3(0~23.5%,质量分数)后,可得到Ti3AlC相物质,其含量随TiAl3的增加而显著增多,成为燃烧产物的主要物相之一。从动力学和热力学角度探讨了TiAl3对燃烧合成Ti3AlC的影响机理。  相似文献   

Crystal growth of TiAl alloys   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The growth of TiAl alloys over a range of Al concentrations has been considered for ingots processed by the floating zone technique. For Al-rich alloys, single crystals of γ-TiAl cannot be grown for compositions below Ti-54 at% Al since a banded microstructure forms due to the limitations imposed by the L + → γ peritectic reaction. However, near stoichemetric TiAl crystals can be grown by the traveling solvent method when using a TiAl---Co flux, although optimum processing conditions have not yet been realized. For Ti-rich alloys, evidence of a growth morphology consisting of β-phase dendrites embedded within a continuous matrix of the peritectic -phase is found for ingots processed up to 200 mm h−1. The final lamellar orientation of the ingot is then determined by the orientation of the peritectic -phase and not by that of the leading β dendrites.  相似文献   

Recent advances of wrought TiAl alloys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTIONTwo phase gammaTiAlalloyshavegoodstrengthretentionabilityathightemperatureswhich ,incombinationwithlowdensity ,makest  相似文献   

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