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结合承受扭转切应力和轴向正应力圆柱体的受力分析,讨论了圆柱螺旋弹簧发生的正应力断裂,纵向以及横向切应力断裂等3种疲劳断裂模式。结果指出,喷丸引入的残余正应力(即应力强化机制)只影响正应力而不影响纵/横向切应力断裂模式的疲劳强度(寿命)。但喷丸引起表面形变层内的组织结构改性(即组织结构强化机制)却能提高所有3种断裂模式的疲劳断裂抗力。  相似文献   

某型飞机发电机50CrVA花键轴发生断裂。采用金相显微及扫描电镜观察断口宏观及微观断裂形貌,利用能谱技术对断口元素进行分析。结果表明,花键轴工作时在扭转应力及较高工作温度下,工件表面的镀镉层中的镉渗入基体晶界之间,致使晶间结合力降低而导致发生沿晶脆性断裂。该型飞机发电机花键轴的工作条件因素决定了镀镉处理工艺的不合理,易引起工件的沿晶脆性断裂。建议更改处理工艺并替换全部的该零件。  相似文献   

某00Cr25Ni7Mo4N(2507)双相不锈钢材料的离心机锥转鼓在试车时爆裂,对爆裂零件的断口宏观形貌、显微组织、力学性能及化学成分进行检验。结果表明,该零件为脆性断裂,断裂原因是其在固溶处理时加热温度偏低产生大量网状、块状的σ相使材料脆性大增,在随后的生产过程中不断产生微裂纹所致。  相似文献   

AA6061-T6铝合金因较高的比强度、良好的可成型性广泛应用于汽车工业中,但较差的空蚀性能极大的降低了其使用寿命。利用超声波冲击技术在AA6061-T6表面制备了塑性形变强化层,研究塑性形变强化层的微观组织、残余应力及显微硬度分布和抗空蚀性能。结果表明,超声波冲击强化后铝合金表面择优取向由原始的(200)转变为(111),并形成约140μm塑性变形层。与未强化试样相比,强化试样表面显微硬度提高了80.7%,并形成140μm硬化层;表面植入残余压应力达到-259 MPa,残余压应力层深达到700μm。超声波冲击强化处理后的空蚀性能提高2.36倍;空蚀表面形貌分析表明强化后试样空蚀机制由韧性断裂转变为脆性断裂和疲劳破坏。研究表明超声波冲击强化后试样表面晶粒细化、择优取向转变、硬度提高以及较高残余压应力等增强了材料的抗空蚀性能。  相似文献   

为了提高TB6钛合金零件的疲劳抗力,研究了喷丸强化对TB6钛合金疲劳性能的影响,并采用白光干涉仪、x射线应力测量仪、显微硬度计及扫描电子显微镜等仪器对其表面完整性进行分析,探讨喷丸强化机制。结果表明:相比未处理的试样,喷丸处理试样的旋转弯曲疲劳寿命显著提高。喷丸强度对TB6钛合金的疲劳性能影响显著,随着喷丸强度的增加,残余压应力层和硬化层深度相应增大,对疲劳性能有利;而同时表面粗糙度也在增大,局部应力集中效应会抑制疲劳性能的改善。  相似文献   

采用紧凑拉伸C(T)试样测试7050-T7451铝合金厚板不同厚度、不同取样方向的断裂韧度,通过宏观断口形貌、扫描电镜微观断口形貌和能谱分析等手段研究材料平面应变断裂韧度K_(ⅠC)性能。结果表明:试样满足一定厚度要求时,虽然表面存在小范围平面应力层,亦可获得有效平面应变断裂韧度结果;不同取样方向的断裂韧度性能存在显著各向异性,L-T方向断裂韧度最大,为韧窝型韧性断裂;其次是T-L方向,为韧窝排列具有方向性的脆性断裂,S-L方向断裂韧度最小,主要为沿晶脆性断裂。  相似文献   

在切削加工粉末高温合金过程中,严重的塑性变形导致已加工表面出现显微组织结构和力学性能的变化。在已加工表面出现的白层体现出加工表面显微结构和力学性能的变化,对高温合金加工表面质量的影响至关重要。为了揭示粉末高温合金已加工表面显微组织结构和力学性能的变化,开展了切削速度对粉末高温合金FGH95已加工表面白层形成影响的研究。研究发现随着切削速度的提高,FGH95高温合金已加工表面出现的白层厚度增大。对加工表面进行显微观察发现在表面覆盖着一层致密的、无明显组织特征的白层结构。通过对加工前后材料的XRD测试分析得出FGH95粉末高温合金基体材料以Ni基固溶体的形式存在,而加工之后表面的显微组织结构则明显与基体材料不同。这说明在切削过程中粉末高温合金已加工表面发生了Ni基固溶体组织结构的变化。对FGH95高温合金已加工表面进行晶粒度测量发现,切削速度越高晶粒细化现象越明显。对高温合金切削表面白层进行力学性能测试表明,白层的显微硬度随着切削速度的提高而增大;存在于高温合金已加工表面白层中的残余应力为拉应力,且随着切削速度的提高拉应力增大。粉末高温合金已加工表面显微结构和力学性能变化研究可以揭示高温合金表面完整性的形成机理,为已加工表面质量的预测和控制提供理论依据。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代前,汽车上使用的各种圆柱螺旋弹簧(以下称弹簧)承受较低的扭转疲劳载荷,在交变正应力作用下,绝大多数发生的是宏观正断型疲劳断裂,其形貌呈45°斜断口。因为喷丸强化弹簧表层引入的残余应力与外施交变正应力间存在交互作用,所以都利用喷丸强化工艺中的"应力强化机制"提高其疲劳断裂抗力。但21世纪伊始,随着轿车结构的迅速发展,设计者迫切要求弹簧承受的扭转疲劳载荷水平与日俱增,由此导致喷丸强化的弹簧除正断型的疲劳断裂外,时而出现纵向或横向切断型的疲劳断裂,由此引发疲劳断裂抗力发生显著下降,以往很少出现这种难以理解的现象。目前从事喷丸强化工艺技术的弹簧制造行业很少有文献关注这类问题。文中通过逻辑思维对弹簧的受力分析得出的诠释发现:在切断模式下,喷丸引入的残余应力与外施交变切应力之间不存在交互作用,表明"应力强化机制"在改善切断型疲劳断裂抗力中的强化作用已经基本消失。根据作者提出的喷丸强化工艺原理,喷丸同步引入弹簧表层的是由残余应力与循环弹塑性变形改性的组织结构组成的一对"孪生",通过分析作者发现,"孪生"中改性的显微组织结构形成的"组织结构强化机制"取代"应力强化机制"起到了改善切断型疲劳断裂抗力的作用。研究结果还表明,优化的喷丸强化工艺必须同时具备"组织结构强化机制"和"应力强化机制",才能够起到改善正断型和切断型疲劳断裂抗力的作用。  相似文献   

42CrMo钢等离子氮化和水射流喷丸复合处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用真空脉冲等离子氮化技术,探究等离子氮化处理的最佳工艺参数;而后利用高压水射流喷丸技术研究了氮化前进行水射流喷丸预处理对氮化层的组织和性能的影响。采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪等对氮化层的显微组织、形貌、含氮量、相成分进行检测和分析,采用XRD应力测定仪,表面粗糙度仪,显微硬度仪对渗氮层表面完整性进行了分析。结果表明:等离子氮化工艺最佳温度为530~540℃,等离子氮化后表面完整性(表面残余应力,粗糙度,表层硬度梯度,渗层形貌)得到改善。而经过复合处理使γ'相衍射强度增强,氮化层均匀,渗层厚度增加超过100μm,进一步改善了等离子渗氮层质量和性能。  相似文献   

前悬架螺旋弹簧在台架试验进行到9万次时发生断裂,为找出断裂原因,对断裂螺旋弹簧进行了断口分析、化学成分分析和显微组织分析;随后对同批次的弹簧进行疲劳性能试验和刚度性能试验;对制造螺旋弹簧同批次的钢丝进行了力学性能分析。结果表明,断裂螺旋弹簧的断裂属单向弯曲大应力疲劳断裂,裂纹起源于螺旋弹簧侧表面缺陷处。螺旋弹簧在成分、显微组织、力学性能、疲劳性能、刚度性能等方面均满足设计要求。分析表明,螺旋弹簧选材合理,制造工艺流程合理,设计余量充足,断裂的根本原因是弹簧侧表面缺陷存在导致应力集中,在外载荷作用下发生大应力疲劳断裂。  相似文献   

Fe-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) was sprayed through the kinetic spraying process using different conditions. By using helium as the process gas and a preheating system for the powder, it was possible to form a dense coating. This study focused on the deposition characteristics and tribological behavior of Fe-based BMG coating in comparison to the bearing materials (bearing steel and steel-backed sintered bearing) for industrial applications. Observations of the worn surface of the coating revealed that the plastic deformation with grooves and some debris were prominent with no visible cracking or fracture. Fe-based BMG coating showed a good wear resistance with a low friction coefficient.  相似文献   

Surface finishing treatments such as shot blasting and wire brushing can be beneficial in improving the integrity of machined surfaces of austenitic stainless steels. These operations optimize in-service properties such as resistance to pitting corrosion and stress corrosion cracking (SCC). In this study, ground steel surfaces were subjected to a series of sand blasting and wire brushing treatments. The surfaces were then characterized by their hardness, surface residual stress state, and resistance to stress corrosion and pitting corrosion. Some samples were selected for depth profiling of residual stress. It is found that surface hardening and the generation of near-surface compressive residual stress are the benefits that can be introduced by sand blasting and brushing operations.  相似文献   

Layered composite materials significantly improved the mechanical process of fracturing, which means better fracture strength, while preserving surface properties such as hardness, resistance to wear and resistance to high temperatures. The properties are significantly influenced by the interphase mass transfer at the surface matrix-fiber reinforcement. We developed a mathematical model to determine the molar flux at the interface in stationary and in a nonstationary regime. The technological parameters are: hydraulic pressure, reinforced material, alloy type, fiber diameter, mass ratio between the reinforcement and the composite masses and mould preheating temperature. A mould patented in Romania was mounted on a hydraulic press to obtain the samples. We studied the material structure, matrix and fiber element distribution, metallic matrix element distribution and matrix and fiber element content variation. The results recorded revealed a 75% to 120% increase of the fracture strength, which means an improvement of the mechanical process of fracturing. We concluded that the reinforcement material, mass ratio and fiber diameter have a significant influences on the fracture strength.  相似文献   

The primary corrosion mitigation of the external surface of high pressure steel gas pipelines is protective coatings with secondary protection usually by cathodic protection. Adhesion and resistance to cathodic disbondment of the coating is critical for its integrity and grit blasting is an important process in achieving this adhesion. The effect of surface roughness, from grit blasting, on the intergranular stress corrosion cracking resistance of X70 gas pipelines was investigated using slow strain rate testing in carbonate/bicarbonate solution at 75 °C. The effect of orientation of test pieces with respect to the axial direction of pipes was also investigated.Time to failure ratios decreased with increasing surface roughness indicating reduced stress corrosion cracking resistance. The reduced resistance to cracking with increasing roughness would be predominantly associated with stress concentration effects related to the surface roughness resulting from the grit blasting. Crack concentration decreased with increasing roughness, which is likely to be associated with the concentration of surface damage from the grit blasting using varying sized grit. As formed pipe surfaces, with no grit blasting, resulted in some of the lowest time to failure ratios and hence some of the lowest resistances to stress corrosion cracking. These also showed some of the deepest cracks. The influence of roughness and residual stresses on threshold stress is currently being investigated.Time to failure ratios indicated a greater resistance to stress corrosion cracks for circumferentially orientated test pieces compared to those longitudinally orientated. Whilst further testing would be required for confirmation, the current results suggest that flattening the test pieces had only a minor, if any, effect on stress corrosion cracking susceptibility as measured by slow strain rate testing to fracture.  相似文献   

Alumina/alumina–zirconia ceramic laminated composites produced by tape casting present a compressive residual stress at the alumina surface due to the thermal expansion mismatch between layers developed during processing. Because of this residual stress, the mechanical properties at the surface, such as wear or surface fracture, have proven to be better than the properties of a monolithic stress-free alumina. In a previous work, it was shown that this laminate composite has better resistance to the development of a ring crack when loaded with a spherical indenter, under both cyclic and static loads below the critical load for cone cracking. In this work, cyclic Hertzian indentations with subcritical loads are performed on the same laminate ceramic and a monolithic alumina, but with a higher number of cycles than the necessary to provoke the first damage (ring crack). Results show that for low and intermediate number of cycles, the laminated composite presents better resistance to damage than the monolithic alumina. However, for high number of cycles, spalling at the surface of the laminate material appears, whereas the monolithic alumina develops secondary cone cracking. This difference is attributed to the fact that laminate ceramics present an enhanced apparent fracture toughness of the material, which implies a higher quasi-plasticity due to shear driven microcracking. For a high number of cycles, these microcracks grow until coalescence at the surface, provoking exfoliation of the material at the contact area, enhanced by the fact that the indented and the indenter material have different elastic properties.  相似文献   

The ultrahigh-strength steels used in aerospace applications are primarily alloys developed 25 or more years ago, which would seem to illustrate the conservatism of alloy producers. However, the now widespread use of AF1410, which was developed in the mid-1970s, suggests that new alloys will be adopted for aerospace applications if their mechanical properties are markedly superior to incumbent alloys. Given the excellent properties of the secondary hardening steels such as AF1410, it would appear that the greatest need is for alloys with yield strengths of 1,725 MPa and higher, which have improved fracture toughness and resistance to stress-corrosion cracking. Control of sulfide-type inclusions, coupled with low sulfur levels, may be a means of achieving quite reasonable toughness at high strength levels. Improving resistance to stress-corrosion cracking appears to be a more difficult problem, but it is hoped that a general solution for the case of intergranular fracture by stress-corrosion cracking will arise from ongoing fundamental studies of the effects of segregating impurities and alloying additions on grain boundary cohesion.  相似文献   

对发动机压气机转子叶片试验件裂纹进行失效分析。通过对故障叶片进行外观检查、断口分析、表面形貌检查、截面金相检查、材质分析及断口区域成分分析,并对叶片振动应力分布进行计算,确定叶片裂纹性质和产生原因。结果表明:故障压气机转子叶片裂纹为高周疲劳性质,导致叶片过早出现疲劳裂纹的主要原因是叶身表面振动应力最大区域抛光、喷丸效果差,存在原始机械加工痕迹;最后提出避免叶身表面残留原始机械加工痕迹的改进建议。  相似文献   

孔挤压强化对Inconel 718高温合金疲劳性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了提高Inconel 718高温合金螺栓连接孔的疲劳抗力,研究了孔挤压强化对Inconel 718高温合金中心孔试样疲劳寿命的影响,并采用扫描电镜、粗糙度仪、X射线应力测量仪及金相显微镜等仪器对孔壁表面完整性进行分析,探讨了孔挤压强化机制。结果表明:1.90%挤压过盈量的中心孔试样的中值疲劳寿命是未强化试样中值疲劳寿命的1.16~4.79倍。与2.85%挤压过盈量的试样相比,1.90%挤压过盈量试样取得了更优的疲劳寿命增益效果。分析发现:经1.90%挤压过盈量的孔挤压强化后,孔壁表面完整性得到了显著改善,孔壁表面粗糙度下降了64.2%,孔边形成了较深的残余压应力场,孔边晶粒组织发生了明显的塑性变形,形成了组织强化层。表面完整性的改善对疲劳寿命的增益具有重要作用。  相似文献   

The strain-rate dependence of low cycle fatigue behavior of ASTM A533B low-alloy steel was investigated in a simulated BWR environment. Fatigue resistance of the steel was found to be closely dependent on cyclic strain rate in high-temperature water. A tortuous cracking morphology was dominant at high strain rate and typical fan-like or quasi-cleavage cracking patterns were frequently observed on the corresponding fracture surface. An entirely straight cracking morphology, however, became dominant at low strain rate. Evidence of crack arrest was found on the fracture surface rather than fan-like or quasi-cleavage cracking patterns. The above cracking behavior in simulated BWR water may be attributed to a strain-rate-induced change in the dominant environmentally assisted cracking (EAC) mechanism from hydrogen-induced cracking to film-rupture/slip-dissolution-controlled cracking.  相似文献   

A new elastic wave (EW) or acoustic emission (AE) monitoring and signal processing system has been developed and used to elucidate the fracture behavior of sprayed and laser-glazed ceramic coatings. The system measures the minute surface displacements excited by the propagation of elastic waves. It enables elucidation of the fracture dynamics (fracture mode and kinetics) of stressed coatings. The surface displacement at the sensor position was computed by the convolution integral of an assumed source wave with the dynamic Green’s function until signals resembled the measured wave. This new signal processing method was used to determine the fracture strength and dynamics of microcracks in sprayed and laser-glazed titania subjected to four-point bending. It was found that mode II shear cracking along the interface between the coating and substrate occurred prior to mode I cleavage cracking. The fracture strength of laser-glazed titania was higher than that of as-sprayed titania in most cases; however, this depended on the coating structure. This article introduces the principle of source inversion processing of elastic waves, the monitoring system, laser glazing of sprayed titania, and experimental work on the fracture behavior of titania coatings.  相似文献   

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