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设计约束知识是支持并行设计知识的重要组成部分,通过设计约束知识管理与并行设计的有效集成,可以提高并行设计的效率和效果。分析了并行设计约束知识的组成,以约束网建立了设计约束知识之间的关系,支持并行设计活动中设计约束知识的使用。对设计约束知识管理相关技术进行了总结,构建了支持并行设计的约束知识管理框架,讨论了知识管理系统的主要功能,为系统的开发提供了基础。  相似文献   

介绍了利用三维设计软件SecoMAN设计插装阀集成块的优势。SecoMAN是在二维图中进行油路设计并通过三维透视图观看设计,因此可以得到快捷、合理的设计。缩短了设计时间,保证了设计准确性,提高了设计效率。  相似文献   

焊管轧辊设计新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用KBE(基于知识的工程)技术,将轧辊设计的相关知识和设计人员在长期工作中积累的经验运用到轧辊设计中,建立了基于知识的轧辊设计系统的框架体系和轧辊设计的知识库,开发了基于知识的焊管轧辊设计系统。提高了轧辊设计的智能化程度以及设计的质量和效率,减少了设计对设计人员经验的依赖。  相似文献   

邓建新  邵明 《铸造》2010,59(12)
将公理设计理论引入到铸造设备的设计开发中,系统地分析了挤压铸造设备的公理设计过程.建立了挤压铸造设备公理设计的框架和原则,阐述功能域和物理域的映射分解过程,得到了设计矩阵方程,在此基础上提出了一种挤压铸造设备主要部件的设计顺序.设计结果应用到2500kN的挤压铸造设备开发过程中,改善了设计,提高了设计效率.  相似文献   

为了在产品设计开发过程中能有效地预防和控制设计缺陷,对设计缺陷因素进行了总结并根据设计缺陷因素的属性和对设计缺陷影响性质和方式的差异对其进行了分类;根据硬件产品设计开发过程,定性地分析了设计缺陷因素对设计过程的影响.以此为基础,构建了硬件产品设计缺陷因素与设计缺陷类型的关系网模型;运用logistic回归理论,建立了硬件产品设计缺陷因素的回归分析模型,实现了设计缺陷因素对设计缺陷影响的定量化分析.研究成果也为进一步深入研究设计缺陷的形成机理做了有益的尝试.  相似文献   

介绍了玻璃器皿压机中气液联动冲压装置CAD系统的设计与开发,应用了模块化设计方法、参数化设计方法和自顶向下技术,以Pro/E软件为开发平台,利用Pro/TOOLKIT、VC++6.0和Access 2003实现了参数化模型库的建立、参数数据库的建立、用户交互界面的设计和Pro/TOOLKIT应用程序的设计,从而实现了智能化的自动设计,提高了设计效率和设计质量,缩短了产品设计制造周期,降低了设计成本。  相似文献   

阐述了企业实施供应链管理的重要性,介绍了供应链管理所面临的挑战.提出了基于公理化设计理论的供应链设计方法,降低了供应链设计的复杂性,给出并分析了供应链设计步骤.应用公理化设计方法,供应链设计目标和策略之间的"之"字映射与层次化分解过程保证在设计过程中以适当的顺序作出合理决策.公理化设计为供应链设计开发提供了基本原则和指导框架.  相似文献   

基于UG的参数化设计方法及程序设计技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了冲压模具中三维模型参数化设计方法,基于UG三维软件阐述了3种参数化设计方法及程序设计技术,并提供了设计实例。最后提出了3种参数化设计方法综合应用的设计思想。  相似文献   

采用面向对象技术对压铸模系统进行了分析和设计,提出了面向对象的压铸模设计模型,将压铸模设计域中的对象进行了提取、划分和抽象,得到了压铸模设计对象,并以此来设计压铸模CAD系统.  相似文献   

马龙  宋龙  贾志欣 《锻压技术》2015,40(4):97-101
针对目前大型曲柄压力机设计任务繁重、重复劳动多等现状,结合Solid Works系统、模块化设计、参数化设计和Excel设计表,提出了大型曲柄压力机参数化变型设计的方法。并给出了利用Visual C++、Excel开发大型曲柄压力机参数化变型设计系统的思路,以机身设计模块为例,演示了所提出的方法和系统的实际应用。曲柄压力机变型设计系统将零部件三维模型的建立与设计校核过程相结合,提高了设计人员的工作效率并保证了零部件设计的可靠性。  相似文献   

It has been established empirically that microarc coatings, which are produced on the surface of aluminum alloys in electrolytes that contain relatively small concentrations of chemical components (which, after plasma-chemical and thermochemical transformations, form oxides that enter into the coating), contain metalloceramic layers. The latter fact confirms that one of the main mechanisms of the growth of such coatings is the exothermal oxidation of the metallic bottom of the microarc channels leading to the evaporation of metallic components of the alloy and their transfer into the coating or onto its surface. Therefore, the color of coatings at the relatively early stage of the process of microarc oxidation is a function of the phase composition of the bottom of channels of the microarc discharge. Original Russian Text ? A.G. Rakoch, Yu.V. Magurova, I.V. Bardin, G.M. El’khag, P.M. Zharinov, V.L. Kovalev, 2008, published in Korroziya: Materialy, Zashchita, 2007, No. 12, pp. 36–39.  相似文献   

用楔形加载试样测定了裂纹顶端区正电子湮没多普勒加宽谱的S参数,并确定了试样充氢以后S参数的变化。经过标定,定出塑性区内的等应变曲线。充氢以后,使塑性内的等应变曲线向外扩展,在最大切应力方向发展最快。作者认为氢使塑性区内的位错增殖或可动位错滑移,同时产生空位。  相似文献   

钛的α相选区电子衍射花样(SADP)标定的实践表明,现有的方法,包括标准图表和计算机程序在标定时只能对h.c.p.结构晶体部分的SADP实现正确的标定。运用纯hkl法和根据h.c.p.结构衍射条件及二次衍射规律编制的分析用计算机程序,可实现h.c.p.结构晶体全部SADP的正确标定  相似文献   

Conclusions As a result of alloying with niobium, the thermal stability of the ribbons investigated increased by 100–150°C over the value for the standard R6M5-type steel containing the same amount of boron. At the same time, the transition temperature of the ribbons to the plastic state almost did not change upon alloying with niobium.Based on an analysis of the thermal stability of the alloys investigated, we may assume that simultaneous introduction of niobium and boron into them increases the stability of the structure which, in turn, leads to an increase in the thermal stability. This is, apparently, caused by the homogeneous and uniform distribution of the carbides and carboborides of niobium. For an explanation of the mechanism of the thermal stability of the alloys investigated, we need further detailed investigations. However, the generation of a combination of properties of these alloys attained by combined alloying makes them promising for practical applications.Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences. V. I. Lenin Moscow Pedagogical State University. Institute of Solid-State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences. A. A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy. Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 4, pp. 23–26, April, 1993.  相似文献   

The character of the adsorption isotherm of a mixture of o-hydroxyazomethine derivatives at an iron electrode is insensitive to the total polarity of the substituents in their molecules. The surface coverage of the electrode by adsorbed compounds of this reaction series (RS) does not depend on the number and concentrations of the components of the mixture, provided that their total concentration and the total polarity of the substituents in their molecules are constant. According to the Linear Gibbs Energy Relation, the overall and partial inhibition factors of the acid corrosion of iron in the presence of mixtures of compounds of this RS are determined by the total polarity of their substituents. Original Russian Text ? V.P. Grigor’ev, V.M. Kravchenko, V.V. Boginskaya, 2006, published in Zashchita Metallov, 2006, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 383–387.  相似文献   

Methodic problems of calculating the parameters of cathodic protection of the inner surface of cylindrical tanks are considered. The procedure is based on the exact calculation of the potential and current distributions for different schemes of the arrangement of anodes. The effectiveness of the procedure is illustrated by thethe example of the cathodic protection of a hot water storage tank. Original Russian Text ? E.A. Ivliev, A.V. Polyakov, 2008, published in Fizikokhimiya Poverkhnosti i Zashchita Materialov, 2008, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 530–536.  相似文献   

周廷熙 《贵金属》2020,41(S1):114-119
近年来,稀贵金属二次资源的回收快速发展。分析了稀贵金属二次资源回收的发展趋势,介绍了大型铅铜冶炼厂高效协同处理二次资源、侧吹熔池熔炼和密闭富氧负压熔炼处理稀贵金属二次资源的优势,介绍了等离子炉处理失效铂族金属催化剂的产业化应用情况。比较了侧吹熔炼处理铅阳极泥的优势,简述了铅阳极泥预脱砷、砷固化的生产实践。对典型的电接触合金废料分离新工艺进行分析;对稀贵金属二次资源冶炼引入低浓度二氧化硫无废处理技术做了评估,介绍了银电解废液的旋流电解净化。倡导新技术的使用,促进稀贵金属二次资源回收工艺的转型升级。  相似文献   

周期超声对铝合金TIG焊缝成形影响机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超声可以影响铝合金TIG焊熔池结晶与焊缝成形,文中对超声场下铝锂合金TIG焊缝成形的机制进行了分析.文中分析了超声作用下焊缝宏观形貌及熔池上表面振动的变化,并通过有限元分析了超声对熔池流动的影响.周期超声使焊缝出现周期性的凸起,焊缝熔宽有变小趋势.超声使熔池上表面振动幅度增大,周期超声使熔池上表面产生周期性的振动.对焊缝周期性凸起产生的机制进行分析.结果表明,声流使熔池流动速度增大,熔池边缘熔体流动状态变化,熔池凝固后在熔池边缘产生凸起.周期超声周期性地影响熔池的流动及凝固,因此熔池边缘产生周期性凸起.  相似文献   

Ta—10W衬管与钢管段的爆炸复合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了Ta-10W全金衬管与CrNiMo钢管段的爆炸复合,观察了爆炸复合界面,讨论了装药量与管段变形量的关系。分析了爆炸复合对管段力学性能的影响,结果表明,取相同条件下平板复合炸药厚度的60%左右作为圆内复工艺参数的方法是可行的,在装药质量比R=0.8条件下,已将0.4mm厚Ta-10W合金衬管可靠地内复在CrNiMo钢管段内,结合界面是波状结合。  相似文献   

The mechanism of attachment and leaching of thiobacillus ferrooxidans (T. f. ) on chalcopyrite were studied. The shaking flasks with bacteria were observed by SEM. The process of T. f attached to the surface of the mineral sample and the biofilm forming were described. The promoting role of the biofilm for bioleaching was discussed. The existence of Fe^2 in the exopolysaccharide layer of T. f was demonstrated by EM(electronic microscope)cell-chemistry analysis. These results show that under the proper growth condition of bacteria, bioleaching of chalcopyrite results in the formation of complete biofilm after 2 - 3 weeks. There are iron ions in the outer layer polymer of T. f. , which provides the micro-environment for themselves, and can guaruntee the energy needed for the bacteria growth in the blofilm. At the same time, Fe^3 ions produced oxidize sulfide which brings about the increase of both growth rate of the bacterial and leaching rate of sulfide minerals.  相似文献   

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