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以菱镁矿为原料的铝热法炼镁试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭清富 《轻金属》1997,(1):39-42
以菱镁矿为原料,以铝粉为还原剂的热还原法炼镁试验,取得了令人满意的结果。试验证明,以铝粉还原剂可降低还原温度。节约能源,延长还原罐的使用寿命,缩短还原周期,提高设备的生产率,随着设备生产率的提高,生产成本中管理费,设备折旧费,工人工资等多项均相应的下降;该法不产生废物,还原渣是生产高级耐火材料的理想原料,价格可观,由此可见,该方法有可能成为较有发展前途的生产方法。  相似文献   

镁法海绵钛还原生产采用二次加镁的理论与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汤平 《轻金属》2003,(11):50-52
在海绵铁还原生产阶段,通过分阶段进行二次加镁还原,合理控制反应器内反应液面高度,促使Mg液面在整个还原反应期间始终处于加热炉的进出风口之间,确保还原期间产生的大量的多余反应热顺利散发,为稳定单炉毛产,减少致密铁,降低产品充装密度创造良好条件。  相似文献   

本文通过对电位控制还原工艺的原理及还原效果的分析、探讨,并在此基础上对电位控制还原工艺流程进行了改进、试验,使生产工艺大大简化,操作更方便,生产更趋于合理,且产品质量稳定、提高。  相似文献   

目前钛由Kroll工艺生产,即TiO2氯化成TiCl4后由镁还原为海绵钛。50年来,尽管生产设备和工序不断改进,但由于生产热回收困难、生产效率低、成本高,其低成本生产方法的研究工作一直没停止过。以人造金红石作为原料,将TiO2直接转变成金属钛,且能连续生产的高能效还原工艺是当前的研发热点。  相似文献   

主要介绍了国内外还原-锈蚀法生产人造金红石工艺技术特点,并对攀枝花钛资源采用还原.锈蚀法生产沸腾氯化钛原料——人造金红石的可行性进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

海绵钛结构致密,质硬是海绵钛生产中的一大难题,通过降低还原控制温度的试验,使海绵钛结构得到明显改善。使海绵钛还原生产工艺参数进一步优化。  相似文献   

由于脱磷过程中某些合金元素会被烧损,传统的氧化脱磷工艺不能应用于不锈钢生产,于是提出了还原脱磷工艺。简述了还原脱磷的基本原理,详述了氧分压、温度和熔体成分等因素对还原脱磷效果的影响,指出了预先脱氧和脱硫对还原脱磷的重要性,阐述了回磷与钢液氧化之间的关系。结合不锈钢冶炼流程,讨论了还原脱磷技术的应用和还原脱磷渣的处理技术。  相似文献   

铜火法精炼工艺自问世以来,一直采用传统氧化还原法,主要缺点是氧化和还原是对立作业过程,其生产效率低,能耗高,黑烟污染严重。金隆铜业有限公司打破了传统氧化还原理论,创造性地提出了无氧化新铜火法精炼理论,发明了混合气带硫还原一步铜火法精炼新工艺新技术。其特征为:取消阳极炉氧化作业,  相似文献   

尽管钛的资源丰富,但钛的应用仍很局限,产量也仅数万吨.主要原因是目前钛的生产工艺首先要把矿石变成高纯TiCl4,然后还原成钛,耗能大,不能连续生产,因此,其生产成本高.目前单位质量的生产成本是铁的20倍~40倍,铝和钢的5倍~10倍. 为了开发钛的生产新工艺,对现行的钛还原工艺进行了研究,以探索开发新的还原工艺. 现在钛的生产工艺为克劳尔法,金属镁与TiCl4在1100K温度下接触,生成的钛以海绵状在金属反应容器壁析出.这种方法生产不能连续化;一炉的还原工序约需180h,加上还原前后的处理时间,任…  相似文献   

在海绵钛的生产实践中,随着反应器逐渐向大型化发展,传统的单点加料工艺存在着一定的不足。而在大型反应器中采用多点加料工艺,可以降低还原反应温度,缩短还原周期,消除夹心氯化镁的存在,为提高海绵钛的产量和质量,提供了一条切实可行的生产途径。  相似文献   

含碳球团—铁浴熔融还原法关键技术的应用基础研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杜挺  杜昆 《金属学报》1997,33(7):718-728
系统研究了以非焦煤粉和铁精矿粉为基础的含碳球团-铁浴熔融还原新流程的关键技术。解决了冷固结含碳球团高温强度问题,提出了含碳球团自还原动力学模型,再氧化机理和提高球团预还原速度,抗氧公有力的技术措施和参数,研制出了具有高配碳量,高强度,高自还原速度,高预还原速度,高抗氧化能力的新型含碳球团。同时,研究了含碳球团在铁浴中熔化还原动力学参数,优化得到了控制还原速度,终还原率,熔渣中最低FeO含量,泡沫渣  相似文献   

谢涌堃  秦民生 《金属学报》1984,20(5):375-386
通过对铁矿石还原动力学特性较详细的实验研究,提出了一个移动床还原一维数学模型。模型描述了矿石还原度、气相成分、温度、压力等沿反应器轴向变化的规律。由实验室规模的移动床还原实验证明,此模型能正确反映铁矿石在移动床中的还原过程。实验测定值与模型计算值吻合很好。应用此模型能更正确地说明移动床还原过程的规律性。这对改进高炉和直接还原竖炉的操作及设计反应器均有参考价值。  相似文献   

Kinetics of isothermal reduction of stainless steelmaking dust pellets   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The stainless steelmaking dust pellets were reduced in isothermal temperature condition simulating the direct recycling practice in the stainless steel production and the kinetics of the reduction process was investigated.The pellets were formed after mixing the dust with carbon as the reducing agent and dolomite as the binder and smelting flux. An electric furnace was used to heat the pellets and an electrical microbalance was used to check the mass of the pellets in the reduction process. The reduction rate was calculated according to the data of pellet mass change in consideration of the evaporation of moisture, zinc and lead at high temperature. The results of the experi-ments show that the reduction process is in two consecutive stages. The reduction kinetic models were set up for each stage and the kinetic parameters such as activation energy and frequency factor were determined. The apparent activation energy of the first stage is 21.69 kJ/mol, and this stage is controlled by chemical reaction. The apparentactivation energy of the second stage is 17.35 kJ/mol, and this stage is controlled by the diffusion of carbon monox-ide through the resultants of reaction.  相似文献   

1. Introduction Iron carbide has some advantages over products of direct reduction iron and has been put into production in industrial scale[1,21, however, the present process only uses natural gas and hematite as material to prepare iron carbide, which has a great limit to the source of kind of reactant gas and iron ore. In recent years, people have done some investigations on preparation of iron carbide using other kind of reactant gas. For example, Hayashi et al[~1 made some investigation …  相似文献   

The reduction behavior of iron ore pellets containing carbon under non-isothermal condition in the temperature range from 573 to 1373K has been investigated in a laboratory scale setup. The test results show that carbon content has no obvious effect on reduction degree of composite pellets (C/O mole ratio=1.0) by CO in the temperature range from 575 to 1373K under linear temperature-rising program; reduction degree of iron ore pellets containing carbon is larger in 90%CO-10%CO2 mixture than that of in 100%CO atmosphere or in 80%CO-20%CO2 mixture; the s type temperature-rising program has a better effect than that of linear one to increase the reduction degree; and reduction degree of slower linear temperature-rising program is greater than that of faster one, but the final reduction degrees, i.e., those at the highest temperature are about same for various CO partial pressures or temperature-rising programs. The kinetic analysis also shows that the reduction of iron ore-carbon composite pellets by CO or CO-CO2 mixture under non-isothermal condition should be controlled 6y surface reaction, and the apparent reduction activation energy changes with the reduction progress under various test conditions.  相似文献   

对球团简化处理,通过理论计算得到球团的温度分布;通过类比填充床的传热规律,分析球团在还原罐内的传热及还原罐径向传热情况,提出加强罐内的对流传热,可有效的提高罐内传热效果、缩短球团的加热时间.  相似文献   

固体透氧膜法与熔盐电解法制备金属铬的对比   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈朝轶  鲁雄刚 《金属学报》2008,44(2):145-149
利用固体透氧膜(SOM)法电解Cr2O3制取了金属铬并与熔盐电解(FFC)法进行了对比. SEM,EDX和XRD分析表明: SOM法电解2 h,Cr2O3阴极片完全被还原成金属Cr,电流效率为83%,电流密度为0.35 A/cm2;FFC法电解6 h,Cr2O3阴极片只有外层被还原成金属Cr,内层为未还原物相,其电流效率为22%;分析两种方法电流随时间变化的规律表明, SOM法电解速度快,电流效率高,电流密度大、无副反应发生.  相似文献   

Powder compacted and sintered Nb_2O_5 pellets were cathodically polarised against graphite anode in calcium chloride melt at 1173 K to study the influence of various factors on the electrochemical reduction of the oxide.The parameters were;duration and temperature of electrolysis,open porosity of pellets,nature of anode,mode of electrolysis and configuration of the oxide cathode.The experiments were also conducted in KC1,KC1-25 mol%CaCl_2 and NaCl melts to understand the effect of melt composition on the electroreduction.Different Ca-Nb-O and Nb-O intermediates were found in the pellets electrolysed for different durations of time in CaCl_2 melt which eventually reduced to Nb.The current efficiency of the process decreased with increasing duration of electrolysis.Decrease in electrolysis temperature from 1173 to 1073 K led to the decrease in the rate of reduction of the oxide pellets.Pellets with high open porosity reduced faster.Carbon contamination of the melt was relatively less when pyrolytic graphite was used as anode.Of all the melts studied,the reduction was found to be better in calcium chloride melt,that too when alumina crucible was used as container of the melt.  相似文献   

周取定  郭春泰 《金属学报》1986,22(6):95-102
本文研究了碱金属和氟或两者综合,以及它们的不同存在状态对球团矿还原膨胀的影响。在模拟包钢工业球团的碱金属和氟含量的条件下,通过分步还原,发现球团矿的异常还原膨胀主要发生在第一还原阶段,并出现了严重的铁氧化物晶体开裂。只有在含碱金属特高的样品中在第三还原阶段出现严重的铁须。此外还研究了碱金属和氟对球团矿渣相热稳定性的影响.采用x射线衍射及Mossbauer谱分析了碱金属在铁氧化物不同还原阶段的赋存状态及其对它们的晶体结构的影响,借助于TDA对含碱金属铁氧化物的还原进行动力学分析,提出了碱金腻导致铁氧化物晶体开裂及铁须生长的机理模型。  相似文献   

电弧炉粉尘球团直接还原的热传导模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对电弧炉炼钢粉尘加上还原剂碳混合制粒成的球团还原过程的热传导行为进行了研究,根据实验推导了球团导热模型的结构参数,并试图建立热传导模型。  相似文献   

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