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氧气底吹炉是一种类似诺兰达炉的卧式旋转反应器,但富氧空气从炉体底部喷入熔体。通过分析底吹熔炼特性,提出了氧气底吹炼铜机理。在机理模型中,底吹炉内由上到下分成7个功能层,分别是烟气层、矿料分解过渡层、渣层、造渣过渡层、造锍过渡层、弱氧化层和强氧化层;沿轴线方向分成3个功能区,分别是反应区、分离过渡区、液相澄清区。模型中所有的层和区分别具有不同的作用。氧气底吹熔炼过程处于非稳态的近似多相平衡状态,且炉内不同空间位点的氧势、硫势呈梯度变化;通过合理控制不同层、区的氧势、硫势,可进一步提高氧气底吹炉的熔炼能力。  相似文献   

为了减少铜熔炼渣中砷所带来的环境问题,提出一种基于气体喷吹脱除熔融铜渣中砷的方法,期望在铜回收工艺前将铜熔炼渣中的砷尽可能以粉尘的形式富集。对比惰性气体、氧化性气体和还原性气体对熔渣中砷脱除的影响。氧化性气体CO2氧化夹杂冰铜中的砷及砷硫化物,并充当气体载体将砷氧化物带出熔池。还原性气体CO可以将FeOx-SiO2熔渣中的砷氧化物还原,并使其挥发至气相,可以实现60%以上的砷脱除率。该研究为熔炼渣中砷脱除提供指导。  相似文献   

结合富氧底吹熔池熔炼机理模型和Cu-Fe-S-O-Si O2系氧势-硫势热力学优势图,研究底吹熔炼过程中的多相平衡状态及炉内不同空间位点的氧势-硫势分布规律。结果表明:铜富氧底吹熔池熔炼是烟气-炉渣-铜锍三相共存体系,随着连续加料、连续鼓氧及放渣和放锍操作的进行,体系远未达到平衡,而是处于动态的非稳态近似多相平衡状态,炉内不同空间位点的氧势-硫势不同,存在着梯度变化。反应区、分离过渡区及液相澄清区由下到上氧势逐渐降低,而硫势逐渐升高,其中反应区的氧势-硫势差梯度较大,氧和硫的传质较快。通过调节熔炼过程工艺参数,使炉内不同空间位点的氧势-硫势控制在更为合理的范围,可提高底吹熔炼能力。  相似文献   

一种无氧铜锭连续吹炼铸造方法,属金属熔炼铸造技术领域,按以下工艺步骤进行:首先,阴极铜先在熔炼炉内熔化,熔化后的铜液通过底吹流槽进入脱氧炉;其次,将一氧化碳气体或一氧化碳和氮气的混合气体,通过底吹流槽底部进入底吹流槽内的铜液中,并随之进入脱氧炉内,实现第一阶段的脱氧脱气;第三,在通过底吹炉头内的导流槽时,将一氧化碳气体或一氧化碳和氮气的混合气体进入导流槽内的铜液中,对导流槽内的铜液进行第二阶段的脱氧脱气;第四,第二阶段脱氧脱气后的铜液通过底吹炉头内的浇铸口进入结晶器。  相似文献   

基于氧气底吹工艺特性和最小吉布斯自由能原理,构建了氧气底吹铜熔炼热力学计算模型。模拟结果表明:在给定的稳定生产条件下,铜锍中Cu、Fe和S含量分别是71.08%、7.15%和17.51%,渣中Fe、SiO_2和Cu含量分别是42.17%、25.05%和3.16%。微量元素在底吹熔炼过程中气相、渣相和铜锍相三相间的模拟分配比例为:砷82.69%、11.22%和6.09%;锑16.57%、70.63%和12.80%;铋68.93%、11.30%和19.77%;铅19.70%、24.75%和55.55%;锌17.94%、64.28%和17.79%。将模拟结果和实际生产数据进行验证,结果一致,表明了该多相平衡热力学计算模型具有可靠性,可以指导氧气底吹铜熔炼生产实践,优化工艺操作参数。  相似文献   

提出一种基于FeO-SiO_2-Al_2O_3渣型废旧铝壳锂离子电池还原熔炼回收有价金属的新工艺,该工艺仅采用铜渣作造渣剂。研究表明:在造渣剂用量为铝壳锂离子电池质量的4.0倍、熔炼温度1723 K、熔炼时间30 min条件下,钴、镍、铜的回收率最高,分别为98.83%、98.39%和93.57%;还原熔炼合理的渣型组成为m(FeO):m(SiO_2)=0.58:1~1.03:1,Al_2O_3含量为17.19%~21.52%;熔炼产出合金主要由Fe-Co-Cu-Ni固溶体相和冰铜相构成,产出炉渣的主要矿物成分为铁橄榄石和铁铝尖晶石,铜在渣中损失的主要机制是板条状铁橄榄石对冰铜和金属铜的机械夹杂。  相似文献   

2010年9月16日,中国恩菲工程技术有限公司氧气底吹熔炼技术开发和推广项目组获得“中央企业红旗班组标杆”奖。氧气底吹熔炼技术在世界炼铜工艺上第一次实现了真正意义的无碳熔炼,这种技术将终结我国单向引进重化工技术的历史。  相似文献   

通过分析氧气底吹铜熔炼过程产生的铁硅型工业铜渣中SiO2、Fe、S、Cu、CaO等组元含量变化趋势,结合冶金过程原理,研究上述各组元造渣行为及组元含量相互间的映射关系,并进行渣型优化。结果表明:SiO2、Fe、S、Cu及CaO等组元的造渣行为具有相互关联性,且各组元与Cu造渣行为的关联性由强到弱的顺序依次为S、m(Fe)/m(SiO2)、SiO2、Fe。同时,SiO2和Fe含量对Cu含量的耦合作用较明显,随SiO2含量升高,Fe含量降低,Cu含量呈降低趋势。通过渣型优化,渣中SiO2含量为26.5%~28%、Fe含量为38.5%~40%(质量分数),该渣型的流动性较好,理论上底吹熔炼渣含Cu可降低到2.5%(质量分数)以下。  相似文献   

通过试验研究及建立数学模型,从动态过程出发对铜熔池自热熔炼工艺参数进行了分析研究.结果表明,渣型选择SiO_2/Fe=0.80,CaO%=16,脱硫率低于80%,即冰铜品位约低于60%,既可抑制Fe_3O_4生成,又可保证高的脱硫速率;实现自热熔炼的临界鼓氧浓度随精矿含硫的增加而降低,在精矿含硫一定时,临界氧浓度随冰铜品位的增加而升高,冰铜品位为60%,精矿含硫为30%和35%,临界氧浓度分别为69%和48%;熔炼速率随鼓风强度线性增加,精矿含硫30%、鼓氧浓度70%,冰铜品位60%时,选择鼓风强度为700 Nm~3/m~2·h,熔炼速率为48.81 t/m~2·d.  相似文献   

据来自华锡集团的消息,3月29日,广西首台氧气底吹炉在佛子矿业公司6万吨电解铅项目氧气底吹炉车间安装成功。氧气底吹炉熔炼系统是中国恩菲公司具有自主知识产权的氧气底吹炼铅技术,被誉为我国有色行业最成功的技术开发项目。  相似文献   

The SKS furnace is a horizontal cylindrical reactor similar to a Noranda furnace, however, the oxygen enriched air is blown into the furnace from the bottom. Mechanism model of the SKS process was developed by analyzing the smelting characteristics deeply. In our model, the furnace section from top to bottom is divided into seven functional layers, i.e., gas layer, mineral decomposition transitioning layer, slag layer, slag formation transitioning layer, matte formation transitioning layer, weak oxidizing layer and strong oxidizing layer. The furnace along the length direction is divided into three functional regions, that is, reaction region, separation transitioning region and liquid phase separation and settling region. These layers or regions play different roles in the model in describing the mechanism of the smelting process. The SKS smelting is at a multiphase non-steady equilibrium state, and the oxygen and sulfur potentials change gradually in the length and cross directions. The smelting capacity of the SKS process could be raised through reasonably controlling the potential values in different layers and regions.  相似文献   

分析4种闪速连续炼铜炉型的本质特性,提出将闪速连续炼铜过程视为由相对独立的闪速造锍熔炼过程和连续吹炼造铜过程构成,分别建立闪速造锍熔炼多相平衡数学模型和连续吹炼造铜局域平衡数学模型,并通过中间物料的传递将两模型有机结合,从而构建完整的闪速连续炼铜过程热力学模型。运用此模型,考察炉型结构对闪速连续炼铜过程的粗铜生成条件、Fe3O4行为、铜在渣中损失以及铜直收率等因素的影响。结果表明:相对于其他3种炉型,甩渣吹炼双烟道D型炉是比较理想的连续炼铜炉体;对于闪速连续炼铜,造锍熔炼段和铜锍吹炼段宜在相对独立的分区进行,各自炉渣和烟气也应分开排出炉体。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONTheideaofrefiningcopperandnickelwithpyriticsmeltingprocessinoxygentop blownfurnacehascomeintobeingforitsachievementinoxygen converterofsteelmaking processfrom 196 0s.Thefirstpyriticsmeltingfurnacewithoxygentop blownsmeltingnickelhadbeenputintoproductionatNorthNickelCo .ofRussianin 1986 .Nowadays ,thistech nologyhasbeenimportedandemployedinJinchuanNonferrousMetalCo .ofChina .Inthepastdecades ,theutilizationofflashsmeltingfurnaceinnonferrous makinghasgotextensivedevelopmen…  相似文献   

This work investigated the reaction mechanism of Sb in copper smelting process. The difference of multi-phase distribution of Sb in four typical copper smelting processes was analyzed. A multi-phase equilibrium model of the oxygen-enriched bottom-blow copper smelting process was developed. The impacts of Cu, S, and Sb concentrations in raw materials on Sb distribution in multiphases were researched. This model was also used to investigate the effect of process factors such as copper matte grade, oxygen-enriched concentration, smelting temperature, and oxygen/ore ratio (ratio of oxygen flow rate under standard conditions to concentrate charge rate) on Sb distribution behavior. The results showed that calculation data were in good agreement with the actual production results and literature data. Increasing the Cu content and decreasing the S and Sb contents in the concentrate, increasing the copper matte grade, oxygen/enriched concentration, and oxygen-ore ratio, and at the same time appropriately reducing the smelting temperature are conducive to the targeted enrichment of Sb into the slag. Modeling results can provide theoretical guidance for the clean and efficient treatment of complex resources and the comprehensive recycling of associated elements.  相似文献   

To understand complex behavior in the smelting furnace of Mitsubishi continuous process for copper refining, comprehensive 3-D numerical simulation and field experiment were performed. The numerical simulation results showed that strong and complex velocity fields of gas, matte and slag were generated in the furnace and large amounts of matte and slag were splashed into the gas area. Temperature measurements at the lance during field operation revealed that wide range of temperature variation appeared depending on the injection condition of concentrates. Numerical simulation results provided good agreements with experiments results and showed that the chemical reaction induces temperature increase during gas injection period. On the other hand, lance temperature is decreasing because of cold concentrates during gas and particles injection period. From the FFT analysis results, the fluctuations of matte and slag volume fraction near the lance induce temperature fluctuations of the lance. Through these experimental and simulation results, it was revealed that the lances in the smelting furnace were exposed to severe conditions such as high temperature, repeated large temperature change and cyclic change of large temperature gradient across the thickness.  相似文献   

通过分析沉淀池内锍液滴的沉降机理,导出了渣中最大锍液滴直径的计算公式。根据闪速炉的实际生产条件,计算出渣中最大锍液滴直径的理论值为0.063 mm,并用矿相显微镜对沉淀池出口处的渣样进行了观察,渣中最大锍颗粒粒径为0.06 mm,两者结果一致。由此证明了沉降机理分析的正确性。在此基础上,进一步分析渣中锍夹带损失影响因素。结果表明:增大熔体中离散态分布的锍液滴直径是降低渣中铜夹带损失的重要措施;其次是升高渣温度有助于渣中锍的沉降;减小渣层厚度等措施对降低渣中铜夹带损失作用不大。  相似文献   

Flash smelting is a comparatively new method of smelting copper and nickel sulfide concentrates. It takes place when the concentrate, with or without additional fuel, is suspended in gases containing oxygen whereby the heat of oxidation reactions bring the suspended particles to a smelting temperature. From the suspended state the hot particles are separated and molten slag and matte are deposited on the furnace hearth.  相似文献   

The Mitsubishi process is a continuous copper smelting and converting process comprising three steps—smelting of raw materials by injection, separation of slag and matte, and direct converting of high-grade matte. Since commercial operation began in 1974, the hearth productivity has been doubled, and several other improvements have been made, including higher-grade matte smelting and the treatment of various secondary materials. Because the Mitsubishi process is superior to the conventional process, it was decided to construct a larger unit of the Mitsubishi furnaces to replace the two existing smelter lines. This article discusses various technical considerations.  相似文献   

A novel smelting reduction process based on FeO–SiO2–Al2O3 slag system for spent lithium ion batteries with Al cans was developed, while using copper slag as the only slag former. The feasibility of the process and the mechanism of copper loss in slag were investigated. 98.83% Co, 98.39% Ni and 93.57% Cu were recovered under the optimum conditions of slag former/battery mass ratio of 4.0:1, smelting temperature of 1723 K, and smelting mass ratio of time of 30 min. The FeO–SiO2–Al2O3 slag system for the smelting process is appropriate under the conditions of m(FeO):m(SiO2)=0.58:1–1.03:1, and 17.19%–21.52% Al2O3 content. The obtained alloy was mainly composed of Fe–Co–Cu–Ni solid solution including small amounts of matte. The obtained slag mainly consisted of fayalite and hercynite. Meanwhile, the mechanism of copper loss is the mechanical entrainment from strip-like fayalite particles in the main form of copper sulfide and metallic copper.  相似文献   

This paper presents mass balance calculations using genetic algorithms for copper smelting in an Outokumpu flash furnace. Based on the elemental composition of the copper concentrates being fed to the reactor, the mineralogical composition of the concentrate mixture is adjusted by means of genetic algorithms. The macroscopic mass balance equations for the species entering and leaving the furnace are solved and the compositions and flow rates of matte, slag, and the off-gas stream are computed. Good agreement between the predicted and plant data was obtained in terms of matte and slag flow rates, matte grade, and copper, iron, magnetite, and silica contents in the slag. Predictions are more suitable and faster to obtain with this method than a conventional method in which the mineralogical composition of the feed is not adjusted. Future applications of the formulation are discussed. For more information, contact V.M. Sanchez-Corrales, Universidad de Sonora, Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Metalurgia, Blvd. Luis Encinas y Rosales, Hermosillo, Sonora, 83000, Mexico; +662-259-2105; fax +662-259-2105; e-mail vsanchez@guaymas.uson.mx.  相似文献   

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