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利用放电等离子烧结技术制备生物医用Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn合金,研究固溶时效处理对合金显微组织和力学性能(强度、塑韧性及弹性模量)的影响。结果表明:合金经850℃固溶处理后主要由β相、少量初生α相及淬火马氏体α″相组成;在450℃时效处理后,合金基体β相内析出大量细小无规则的针状次生α相,随着时效时间从4 h延长到48 h,次生α相趋于定向析出,含量和尺寸逐渐增大;与烧结态相比,固溶时效处理后合金抗压强度和弹性模量增大,而塑韧性呈先提高后降低趋势;经优化后固溶时效处理制度为(850℃,1.5 h,WQ)+(450℃,4 h,FC),此时合金抗压强度、屈强比和弹性模量分别为1701 MPa、0.69 GPa和42.8 GPa。  相似文献   

采用放电等离子烧结技术制备了Ti-35Nb-7Zr-XCPP生物复合材料,研究了焦磷酸钙(CPP)含量对复合材料致密度、微观结构、显微组织及其力学性能(压缩强度、压缩弹性模量)的影响。结果表明:复合材料组织主要由β-Ti相基体、少量残留α-Ti相及CPP相组成,CPP含量的增加会导致复合材料中残留α-Ti相含量增加,过高的CPP加入量会使得CPP发生分解现象;复合材料具有较低的压缩弹性模量(40~62 GPa)和较高的抗压强度(1000 MPa以上),显示了良好的力学相容性,过高的CPP加入量会导致复合材料压缩弹性模量出现明显增大现象,从而对复合材料力学相容性产生不利的影响。  相似文献   

利用放电等离子烧结技术制备了Ti-35Nb-7Zr-10CPP生物复合材料,研究了不同烧结温度(950~1150℃)对复合材料致密度、微观组织演变与力学性能的影响及机理。结果表明,复合材料主要由β-Ti相基体、少量残留α-Ti相及CaTiO_3、Ti_2O、CaO、CaZrO_3、Ti_xP_y等金属-陶瓷相组成;随着烧结温度升高,复合材料中残留α-Ti相逐渐减少,而金属-陶瓷相逐渐增多;复合材料的压缩弹性模量与抗压强度随烧结温度升高呈增大趋势,但是当烧结温度超过1050℃时,由于金属与陶瓷的剧烈反应导致金属-陶瓷相迅速增多,从而使得压缩弹性模量快速增大。因此,当烧结温度在1000~1050℃范围时,复合材料获得了较好的综合力学性能,其压缩弹性模量为42~45 GPa、抗压强度为1240~1330MPa;同时,在模拟人工体液中浸泡7 d后,复合材料表面能够获得一层致密的类骨磷灰石层,显示了良好的生物活性。  相似文献   

为了提高生物材料的生物活性并降低弹性模量,利用放电等离子烧结技术制备(Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta)-15HA生物复合材料,研究不同烧结温度(950~1150℃)对复合材料相对密度、微观组织演变、力学性能及生物活性的影响。结果表明:随着温度的升高,复合材料相对密度从87.6%提高到97.5%;复合材料主要由β-Ti相、α-Ti相及陶瓷相,如Ti2O、CaZrO3、CaO、Ti5P3和Ca3(PO4)2等组成;复合材料的弹性模量为30~95 GPa、抗压强度为593~1978 MPa,而且随着烧结温度升高呈增大趋势;同时,在模拟体液中浸泡14 d后,复合材料表面能够获得类骨磷灰石,显示出良好的生物活性,但随着温度的升高,类骨磷灰石含量不断减少。因此,950℃下烧结的(Ti-35Nb-7Zr-5Ta)-15HA生物复合材料是潜在的良好的生物植入材料。  相似文献   

利用放电等离子烧结技术(SPS)制备了Ti-24Nb-4Zr-8Sn合金,研究了烧结温度对合金相对密度、显微组织及力学性能的影响。结果表明:在1000~1200℃烧结温度范围内合金具有较高的相对密度和抗压强度,合金主要由β-Ti相和Ti-Nb固溶体组成的混合基体及少量α-Ti相组成;随着烧结温度的升高,合金相对密度和抗压强度呈增大趋势,合金中α-Ti相向β-Ti相逐渐转变,同时合金中Ti-Nb固溶体含量越来越少,且尺寸减小;合金压缩弹性模量在58~61 GPa之间,受烧结温度变化影响较小。  相似文献   

采用X射线衍射仪、光学显微镜、扫描电镜、硬度测试和拉伸试验等方法研究退火处理对TiZrAlV合金的显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:锻造态TiZrAlV合金由α相、β相以及少量fcc相组成;退火处理后,合金发生α+β+fcc→α+β的相变过程,并且β相含量随退火温度升高而增加;TiZrAlV合金锻造态和退火态的微观组织特点为典型的网篮组织,并且随着退火温度的升高,α相片层的厚度逐渐增大;锻造态TiZrAlV合金的屈服强度、最大抗拉强度、伸长率以及硬度分别为833、955 MPa、13.08%以及36.5 HRC;退火处理后合金的屈服强度得到提升,400℃退火的屈服强度为982 MPa,抗拉强度为1136 MPa,而伸长率和硬度变化不大;退火处理后合金的拉伸断口由大量大小不等的韧窝组成,呈现塑性断裂特征。  相似文献   

以TC4钛合金粉为基体,石墨烯(GNPs)为增强相,采用真空热压法制备了质量分数为0.3%的GNPs-Cu/Ti6A14V复合材料.通过正交试验探讨了烧结温度、压力、保温时间对复合材料相对密度、显微硬度和抗压强度的影响.结果 表明:烧结温度是影响复合材料相对密度、显微硬度和抗压强度的关键因素,压力和保温时间对其影响较小.最优的烧结工艺为温度1150℃、压力35 MPa和保温时间40 min,此时复合材料的相对密度、显微硬度和抗压强度最佳,分别为99.34%,585.4 HV0.1和2382 MPa.GNPs-Cu/Ti6A14V复合材料中主要除α-Ti和β-Ti外,还存在TiC和Ti2Cu相,在其压缩断口有较完整GNPs存在.  相似文献   

为了改善Ti-Nb-Zr合金的生物活性,采用放电等离子烧结(SPS)制备了Ti-35Nb-7Zr-xHA(羟基磷灰石,x=5,10,15,20,质量分数,%)复合材料。借助XRD、SEM、力学测试以及电化学测试手段研究了HA含量对复合材料显微组织、力学性能和腐蚀性能。结果表明,所有复合材料的物相主要由β-Ti基体、α-Ti和金属-陶瓷相(CaO,CaTiO_3,CaZrO_3,TixPy等)组成,此外,含15%HA和20%HA的复合材料中出现了少量残余的HA;随着HA含量的增加,复合材料的抗压强度均高于1400MPa,复合材料(5%-15%HA)的弹性模量呈较小变化趋势(46-52GPa),更加接近人骨的弹性模量。在Hank’s溶液中的电化学试验表明,HA含量为15%时,复合材料的钝化电流密度和腐蚀电流密度较低,显示了较好的腐蚀性能。因此,Ti-35Nb-7Zr-15HA复合材料可作为一种骨科植入手术中较好的替代材料。  相似文献   

采用低能球磨和放电等离子烧结原位制备(TiB+TiC)/Ti-6Al-4V复合材料,研究了烧结温度和B_4C添加量对复合材料组织性能的影响。结果表明,在1 000~1 150℃范围内,1 100℃烧结时增强相呈不连续网状,复合材料的屈服强度、抗压强度和工程应变均最好;基体合金组织为魏氏组织,复合材料基体为厚片状α相和片间β相组织,晶粒明显细化,显微硬度随增强相含量的增多而提高,而工程应变随之降低。强度在B_4C含量为2%时达到最高,屈服强度和抗拉强度分别为1 410.55MPa和1 771.65MPa。  相似文献   

通过微波烧结法制备TiC/TC4复合材料,研究不同质量分数增强相TiC(0%、5%、10%、15%)对钛基复合材料显微组织和性能的影响。结果表明:TiC/TC4复合材料只有TiC和基体α-Ti+β-Ti 3种物相组成。随着增强相TiC含量增加,TiC/TC4复合材料相对密度、显微硬度(HV)、室温抗压缩强度均提高,分别达到98.01%、6610 MPa、1789 MPa,其相对密度与有关文献中的真空烧结相比提高2%~6%,其抗压强度与熔铸法制备的铸态钛基复合材料相比提高5%~15%。随TiC含量增加,TiC/TC4复合材料耐磨性提高,摩擦系数在0.25~0.30之间,其室温磨损机制由磨粒磨损和粘着磨损转变为轻微的剥层磨损。  相似文献   

To improve the bioactivity of Ti-Nb-Zr alloy, Ti-35Nb-7Zr-xHA (hydroxyapatite, x=5, 10, 15 and 20, mass fraction, %) composites were fabricated by spark plasma sintering. The effects of the HA content on microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties of the composites were investigated utilizing X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), mechanical tests and electrochemical tests. Results show that all sintered composites are mainly composed of β-Ti matrix, α-Ti and metal–ceramic phases (CaO, CaTiO3, CaZrO3, TixPy, etc). Besides, some residual hydroxyapatites emerge in the composites (15% and 20% HA). The compressive strengths of the composites are over 1400 MPa and the elastic moduli of composites ((5%–15%) HA) present appropriate values (46–52 GPa) close to that of human bones. The composite with 15% HA exhibits low corrosion current density and passive current density in Hank's solution by electrochemical test, indicating good corrosion properties. Therefore, Ti-35Nb-7Zr-15HA composite might be an alternative material for orthopedic implant applications.  相似文献   

To alleviate the bio-inert of Ti alloys as hard tissue implants, Ti–35Nb–7Zr–xCPP(calcium pyrophosphate,x = 5, 10, 15, 20 wt%) composites were prepared by mechanical alloying(MA) and following spark plasma sintering(SPS). Mechanical behaviours and in vitro bioactivity of these composites were investigated systematically. Results showed that the composites consisted of β-Ti matrix, α-Ti, and metal–ceramic phases such as CaO, CaTiO_3, CaZrO_3, and Ti_xP_y. With increasing CPP content, the composites had higher strength(over 1500 MPa) and higher elastic modulus, but suffered almost zero plastic deformation together with lower relative density. When the CPP contents were 5 and 10 wt%,the compressive elastic moduli were 44 and 48 GPa, respectively, which were close to those of natural bones. However, the compressive elastic modulus of the composites increased significantly when CPP contents exceed 10 wt%, thus deteriorating the mechanical compatibility of the composites owing to more α-Ti and metal–ceramic phases. Besides, the surface of Ti–35Nb–7Zr–10CPP composite was deposited as a homogeneous apatite layer during soaking in simulated body fluid(SBF). It indicates a good bioactivity between the implant materials and living bones.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和X射线衍射仪研究Ti-27Nb-8Zr(质量分数, %)医用钛合金固溶后在不同时效温度下组织的变化规律,重点讨论不同显微组织对合金弹性模量和强度的影响。结果表明,固溶处理后,合金组织由β+α”两相构成,具有相对低的弹性模量和强度;时效后,组织中包含β、α、ω三相,弹性模量和强度显著升高,随着时效温度的升高,组织长大,弹性模量和强度降低  相似文献   

利用真空自耗电弧炉+电子束冷床炉熔铸了Ti-6Al-3Nb-2Zr-1Mo(TA31)钛合金圆锭,通过铸坯直接斜轧穿孔制备出ø178 mm×12 mm大口径无缝管,研究了不同退火温度(800、850、900、950 ℃)对TA31钛合金组织演变和力学性能的影响。结果表明:轧制态无缝管为变形的魏氏组织,主要由片层状α相集束和原始β相晶界组成;退火处理后,片层状初生α相减少,原始β相晶界消失,组织逐渐均匀化,但当退火温度超过900 ℃后,α相集束粗化并转变为网篮组织;随退火温度的升高,抗拉强度与屈服强度先略微降低后缓慢增大,而伸长率呈先增大后减小趋势,断口形貌由韧性+准解理混合型断裂逐渐变为韧性断裂再转变为韧性+准解理混合型断裂。综合分析认为,短流程制备的TA31钛合金大口径无缝管适宜退火温度为900 ℃左右,此时抗拉强度、屈服强度和伸长率平均值分别为873 MPa、785 MPa和12.8%。  相似文献   

An amorphous Ti-37.5Zr-15Cu-15Ni (wt.%) ribbon fabricated by vacuum arc remelting and rapid solidification was used as filler metal to vacuum braze TiAl alloy (Ti-45Al-2Mn-2Nb-1B (at.%)). The effects of brazing temperature and time on the microstructure and strength of the joints were investigated in details. The typical brazed joint major consisted of three zones and the brazed joints mainly consisted of α2-Ti3Al phase, α-Ti phase and (Ti, Zr)2(Cu, Ni) phase. When the brazing temperature varied from 910 °C to 1010 °C for 30 min, the tensile strength of the joint first increased and then decreased. With increasing the brazing time, the tensile strength of the joint increased. The maximum room temperature tensile strength was 468 MPa when the specimen was brazed at 930 °C for 60 min. All the fracture surfaces assumed typical brittle cleavage fracture characteristic. The fracture path varied with the brazing parameter and cracks preferred to initiate at (Ti, Zr)2(Cu, Ni) phase and propagation path were mainly determined by the content and distribution of α-Ti phase and (Ti, Zr)2(Cu, Ni) phase.  相似文献   

Three new Ni-free Ti alloys Ti-16.2Hf-24.8Nb-1Zr, Ti-5.2Hf-31.2Nb-0.4Zr, and Ti-16Hf-36.2Nb-1Zr (wt.%), were designed and produced in order to obtain shape memory and/or low elastic modulus materials for the use in the load transfer implant field. For that, a method based on the molecular orbital theory was implemented to design the three new Ti-Nb-Hf system alloys. A vacuum arc-melted button of each alloy was treated at 1100 °C for 1.5 h and quenched in a mixture of ethanol/water at 0 °C. Finally, the alloys were microstructurally and mechanically characterized. Special attention on studying the elastic modulus and the thermoelastic martensitic transformation was given by means of nanoindentation tests using a Berkovich and a spherical tip, respectively. X-ray diffraction results showed the presence of β-phase in the three studied alloys. Moreover, one of the alloys exhibited reversible phase transformation due to the presence of thermoelastic martensitic α′′-plates inside the β-grains observed by transmission electron microscopy. Results showed a low elastic modulus in all the studied alloys with values between 70 and 90 GPa, which are lower than those of the commercial alloys used in load transfer bone implants.  相似文献   

Electrochemical corrosion of Ti-35Nb-5Ta-7Zr alloy fabricated by arc melting and heat treatment process was studied in 0.9% NaCl at (37±1) °C. Phase and microstructure of the fabricated alloy were investigated using X-ray diffractometer and scanning electron microscope. Mechanical properties such as yield strength and elastic modulus of the alloy were determined by tensile test. Potentiodynamic polarization technique and impedance spectroscopy were employed to study the corrosion behavior. The results of the study were compared with those obtained for Ti-6Al-4V commercial alloy. The result of the study supports feasibility of Ti-35Nb-5Ta-7Zr alloy for implant applications.  相似文献   

TC4-DT钛合金热机械处理后的组织特征和力学性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究热机械处理(两相区变形加普通退火、双重退火、固溶时效以及三重退火)对 TC4-DT 钛合金组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,热机械处理对显微组织参数影响显著,随着退火和时效温度的升高及冷却速度的降低,初生α相的体积分数和原始β晶粒的尺寸降低,而晶界α和次生α相的宽度却升高。由于固溶时效处理获得了大量的β转变组织和细小的晶界α相和次生α相,合金强度最高,但伸长率不及其它条件的,其断裂强度、屈服强度、伸长率和断面收缩率分别为1100 MPa、1030 MPa、13%和53%,双重退火获得了良好的强度和塑性匹配,合金力学性能分别为940 MPa、887.5 MPa、15%和51%。组织参数和性能的关系表明,随着β转变组织的增多和原始β晶粒尺寸的增大,材料的强度和断面收缩率升高,而晶界α相和二次α相的宽度对力学性能的影响却呈相反趋势。此外,晶界α相含量的减少和原始β晶粒尺寸的降低有助于塑性的提高。  相似文献   

The effect of Mn content on the evolution of microstructure and the enhancement of mechanical properties in Fe-Nb-Mn hierarchical composites consisted of ultrafine eutectic and primary dendrite has been studied by using X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microcopy and compression test. Fe-11Nb-5Mn hierarchical composite consisted of α′-Fe dendrite and urtrafine α′-Fe + Fe2Nb eutectic, and exhibited a reasonably good combination of mechanical properties, i.e. yield strength of 1283 ± 10 MPa and compressive plastic strain of 7.75 ± 5%, while Fe-11Nb-15Mn composite consisted of ?-Fe dendrite and ?-Fe + Fe2Nb eutectic structure with some retained γ phase, and exhibited a far better combination of mechanical properties, i.e. higher yield strength of 1462 ± 10 MPa and larger compressive plastic strain of 11.28 ± 2%. The origin for the simultaneous enhancement of high strength and large plastic strain is attributed to ?-Fe martensite formation and strain-induced martensitic transformation from ? to α′ during deformation.  相似文献   

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