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Stress corrosion crack growth rates of 304L stainless steel after one-directionally warm-rolled along the longitudinal (L) direction were measured in oxygenated and deoxygenated pure water at 288 °C. The fracture mode is mainly intergranular in the Transverse-longitudinal (T-L) orientation specimen, while it is occasionally intergranular in the Longitudinal-transverse (L-T) orientation specimen. The crack growth rates in the T-L orientation are higher than those in the L-T orientation in both oxygenated and deoxygenated environments, which is related to the effective cracking growth path as the result of microstructural anisotropy and applied loading direction.  相似文献   

The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) growth rate of a warm-rolled (WR) 316L stainless steel contoured double cantilever (CDCB) specimen was measured in high purity water at various temperatures and under various loading patterns. An alternating current potential drop (ACPD) technique was used to monitor the crack growth kinetics throughout the tests. The fracture surface exhibited typical intergranular SCC characteristics. Depending on the test conditions, three kinds of crack growth kinetics, i.e., increasing with time then becoming steady, being constant during the whole period, decreasing with time then becoming steady, were identified and are described. The steady state crack growth rate (CGR) values are used to quantify the effects of the loading pattern and the environmental temperature. A moderate increase in the crack growth rate was encountered by employing periods of unloading and reloading to form a trapezoidal loading pattern and the enhancement factor was found to depend on the holding time and the times for unloading and reloading. It was found that the crack growth is thermally activated; however, the apparent activation energy is not constant but seems to be greater at higher temperatures. Several types of temperature-dependent crack growth kinetics are proposed based on the rate-determining step for the crack growth. The present experimental results can be rationalized by considering multiple element processes such as aqueous mass transport and solid-state mass transport in the crack growth. The cracking mode, the temperature dependence of the crack growth rate, and the transient crack growth behavior for WR 316L SS after changing the environmental temperature are quite similar to those for a cold-worked(CW) 316L SS tested in the same environment, despite their different absolute crack growth rate values. The effect of yield strength on CGR is more significant at lower temperatures and the apparent activation energy for the crack growth rate seems to be lower in the material with a higher yield strength. Time-lag crack growth behavior was found at points during several test steps on WR 316L SS, for example, just after in situ pre-cracking and after increasing or decreasing the temperature, which is quite consistent with the results obtained with CW 316L SS. The importance of in situ monitoring of the crack growth for obtaining steady state crack growth rates is emphasized, especially for those steps for which a nonlinear crack growth period occurs after changing the test condition.  相似文献   

The effect of prior deformation on stress corrosion cracking (SCC) growth rates of Alloy 600 materials in a simulated pressurized water reactor primary water environment is studied. The prior deformation was introduced by welding procedure or by cold working. Values of Vickers hardness in the Alloy 600 weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) and in the cold worked (CW) Alloy 600 materials are higher than that in the base metal. The significantly hardened area in the HAZ is within a distance of about 2-3 mm away from the fusion line. Electron backscatter diffraction (EPSD) results show significant amounts of plastic strain in the Alloy 600 HAZ and in the cold worked Alloy 600 materials. Stress corrosion cracking growth rate tests were performed in a simulated pressurized water reactor primary water environment. Extensive intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) was found in the Alloy 600 HAZ, 8% and 20% CW Alloy 600 specimens. The crack growth rate in the Alloy 600 HAZ is close to that in the 8% CW base metal, which is significantly lower than that in the 20% CW base metal, but much higher than that in the as-received base metal. Mixed intergranular and transgranular SCC was found in the 40% CW Alloy 600 specimen. The crack growth rate in the 40% CW Alloy 600 was lower than that in the 20% CW Alloy 600. The effect of hardening on crack growth rate can be related to the crack tip mechanics, the sub-microstructure (or subdivision of grain) after cross-rolling, and their interactions with the oxidation kinetics.  相似文献   

A theoretical equation for stress corrosion crack growth rate of austenitic alloys in high temperature water is reformulated based on crack tip asymptotic fields and crack tip transient oxidation kinetics. A general oxidation kinetic law is introduced, emphasizing the role of mass transport through solid oxide film at the crack tip. The effects of several parameters on crack growth rate are evaluated. The results are compared with available experimental data and other equations. A good prediction of the effect of K on stress corrosion cracking growth rate of typical austenitic alloys in simulated light water reactor environments has been achieved.  相似文献   

The stress corrosion cracking (SCC) growth rates of 316L weld heat-affected zone (HAZ) and weld metal materials in high temperature pure water at 288 °C were measured using contoured double cantilever beam (CDCB) specimens and an alternating current potential drop (ACPD) in situ crack-length monitoring system. The effects of loading mode and dissolved oxygen and hydrogen on crack growth rate (CGR) were experimentally quantified. Typical intergranular SCC was found in the HAZ specimen and interdendritic SCC was identified in the weld metal specimen. The HAZ specimen and the weld metal specimen showed quite a similar response to the applied loading modes and the water chemistry, even though their absolute CGR values were different. The crack growth rates under trapezoidal loading were moderately higher than those under constant loading by several tenths percent. Switching the water chemistry from the oxygen-bearing water to the hydrogen-bearing water drastically decreased the electrochemical potential and the crack growth rate, and vice versa. A time-lag period for crack growth was observed after switching the water chemistry back to the oxygen-bearing water, where the crack growth rate was low even the dissolved oxygen concentration and the electrochemical potential had become high. Strain hardening and the resultant uneven distribution of deformation contribute to the enhanced intergranular SCC growth behavior in the HAZ area. The crack growth kinetics is analyzed based on the deformation/oxidation interaction at the crack tip, considering the importance of the electric-charge transfer, mass transport kinetics and the crack tip strain rate.  相似文献   

Stress corrosion cracking growth rate of uni-directionally cold-rolled 316L stainless steel was monitored in simulated PWR primary water with different dissolved hydrogen (DH) concentrations at 320 °C. Crack growth rate at a DH of 0.16 cm3 (STP) H2/kg H2O is close to that at 5 cm3 (STP) H2/kg H2O. Crack growth rate at 30 cm3 (STP) H2/kg H2O is about one fourth of that at 5 cm3 (STP) H2/kg H2O or two times of that at 50 cm3 (STP) H2/kg H2O. Electron back scattering diffraction results show typical intergranular SCC along high angle boundaries with high levels of deformation.  相似文献   

The effects of electrode potential, stress intensity factor and loading history on stress corrosion cracking growth of a cold-rolled 316NG stainless steel in 288 °C pure water were investigated. Crack branching and intergranular stress corrosion cracking along random grain boundaries were observed by electron-back scattering diffraction. A strong dependence of crack growth rate on stress intensity factor is observed. A single-cycle overloading produced a retarded transient cracking growth period. The mild inhibiting effect of decreasing electrode potential on crack growth of cold-rolled 316NG SS is analyzed based on the interaction between crack tip mechanics and crack tip oxidation kinetics.  相似文献   

F.M. Song   《Corrosion Science》2009,51(11):2657-2674
A fundamentally based mathematical model was developed with the goal to predict, as a first step, the crack growth rate (CGR) of high pH stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of buried steel pipelines. Two methods were used to predict CGRs and for both methods the model has included the film rupture and repassivation mechanism. The two methods are distinguished by the expression used to determine the active anodic current density at the crack tip. In the first method, this current density is expressed by the anodic polarization curve with a large peak current density and the prediction tends to yield a larger CGR and a lower pH at the crack tip. By contrast, when the Butler–Volmer equation is used to express the crack tip anodic current density, with a predicted low CGR the chemistry at the tip does not appear to have any significant change due to the high buffer of the solution.The predicted mechanism responsible for the steady-state crack growth is shown to be the balance between the increasing stress intensity factor as the crack grows, which tends to increase the crack tip strain rate and thus the CGR, and the change of the crack tip condition, which, for large CGRs, is the significant shift in the more negative direction of the crack tip potential, and for low CGRs, the increase of ferrous ion concentration, and either tends to decrease CGR.Limitations currently existing in the model and proposal for further development of the model are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of an intergranular stress corrosion crack initiation site in thermally sensitised type 304 austenitic stainless steel has been observed in situ in high temperature oxygenated water using digital image correlation of time-resolved optical observations. The grain boundary normal stresses were calculated using the Schmid-Modified Grain Boundary Stress (SMGBS) model of Was et al., applying three-dimensional data for the grain boundary planes and grain orientations. The initiation site coincided with the most highly stressed sensitised boundary, demonstrating the importance of the combined contributions to crack initiation of grain boundary structure and plastic strain incompatibility.  相似文献   

Linearly Increasing Stress Tests conducted in 30 °C aerated distilled water using as-quenched 4340 and 3.5NiCrMoV turbine rotor steels indicated that stress corrosion cracking occurred at all applied stress rates for 4340 steel, whilst only at applied stress rates less than or equal to 0.002 MPa s−1 for the turbine rotor steel. The crack velocity increased with increasing applied stress rate for both steels with the maximum crack velocity for 4340 steel corresponded to vII in fracture mechanics tests in room temperature water. The fracture surface morphology was mixed mode consisting of intergranular and transgranular fracture regions.  相似文献   

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