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对AZ31镁合金挤压棒材在循环扭转变形过程中的力学性能和织构演化进行了研究。循环扭转变形分别在298,373,443,503和573 K下进行。镁合金循环变形的力学性能测试结果表明,循环扭转变形过程的应力应变滞回线呈现严格的对称性,意味着微观变形模式以滑移为主。变形过程的热效应使应力应变曲线中的峰值应力随着周期数的增加而降低。变形过程中柱面滑移系启动使晶粒取向发生改变,由变形前的{11■0}⊥ED织构转变为变形后的{10■0}⊥ED织构,变形过程中拉伸孪晶启动使晶粒取向产生两种变化。  相似文献   

AZ31镁合金不同温度挤压后组织性能研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
研究不同模具温度挤压变形对细晶AZ31镁合金力学性能和织构演变的影响.结果表明,挤压变形显著地细化AZ31镁合金的晶粒,大幅度地提高了材料的抗拉强度和屈服强度,而材料的延伸率变化不大.室温挤压时,材料的抗拉强度和屈服强度分别为322和233 MPa,延伸率为21%.随着模具温度的升高,变形后材料组织中的大角度晶界所占的比例逐渐变大,表明挤压过程中的动态再结晶越来越充分.挤压变形后,形成{0002}基面环形织构,织构强度较原始状态显著减弱.通过综合分析材料的力学性能以及织构分布,发现AZ31镁合金的力学性能取决于材料的晶粒大小与织构分布.  相似文献   

变形镁合金中的织构及其优化设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对变形镁合金存在的典型织构以及织构优化设计方面的研究工作和进展进行综合评述。镁合金由于基面滑移和{1 012}孪生是最容易开动的变形模式,在变形镁合金中容易形成挤压丝织构及轧制板织构。通过引入剪切变形,改变成型过程中外加应力的取向,能够有效地改变变形镁合金的织构,同时通过添加微量稀土元素Nd、Ce和Y等,能够明显弱化或随机化变形镁合金织构。织构随机化后的镁稀土合金具有较好的强韧性,合金的变形各向异性得以改善。添加稀土元素后会改变稀土元素与Mg原子间的键能,改变稀土元素周围Mg-Mg原子之间的结合能等,增加非基面滑移的可能性,减弱基面滑移及{1 012}孪生所占的比率,有效地弱化镁合金的织构。  相似文献   

张亚萍  艾娟  靳丽 《热加工工艺》2012,41(11):116-118
对轧制镁合金中的板织构及其控制工艺的研究进展进行评述。镁合金在轧制过程中形成(0001)平面平行于轧制平面的基面织构,其主要原因是基面α滑移及{10-12}孪生变形。通过弱化织构,可显著提高变形镁合金的塑性和成形性。弱化镁合金织构的手段有2种:添加稀土元素和设计特殊成型工艺。添加少量稀土就可对织构弱化起到明显效果。通过异步轧制、等径角轧制等引入剪切变形,改变再结晶晶粒基面取向,从而弱化变形镁合金织构。镁合金板材多道次轧制过程中或者轧制后一般都需进行退火,退火工艺对变形镁合金的织构有一定弱化效果。  相似文献   

变形镁合金受限于成形工艺,致使其室温成形性较差并且具有较强的各向异性。通过在不同变形条件进行预变形结合退火处理能够有效弱化镁合金织构从而改善镁合金的力学性能。总结并评述了3种预变形方式结合退火处理对镁合金微观组织与力学性能的影响,并对未来的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

研究了轧制方式对ZK60镁合金组织与织构的影响规律,同时通过对退火后板材进行室温拉伸试验研究了其力学性能。经过交叉轧制的镁合金板材由于二次孪晶的生成及非基面滑移系的启动促使再结晶程度增大,晶粒细化效果显著,退火后平均晶粒尺寸达到6.43μm。同时交叉轧制会迫使晶粒向TD方向旋转,从而降低织构强度,改变织构类型。相比于单向轧制,交叉轧制后板材的平均抗拉强度和伸长率分别提高到321 MPa和25.7%,伸长率提高了近50%;塑性应变比、平面各向异性指数、屈强比等指标也得到了改善。结果表明,交叉轧制可有效调控镁合金板材组织及其均匀性、提高力学性能和成形性能。  相似文献   

挤出和退火工艺对AZ31镁合金组织和织构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了挤压比、挤压温度及电场退火对AZ31镁合金组织和织构的影响。结果表明:挤压比达到16时动态再结晶基本完成,挤压比为25时形成平均晶粒尺寸为7.3μm的均匀组织;随着挤压比由小到大,以{01^-10}面织构为代表的变形织构由增强到减弱;而{02^-21}、{12^-3^-1}面的再结晶织构由弱到强;提高挤压温度,有利于合金元素扩散和动态再结晶,阻碍低温析出物Mg17Al12和MnAl的不连续析出,组织趋于均匀,织构组分由低温变形的{01^-10}面织构向高温变形的{06^-61}面织构转变;电场退火推迟了再结晶进程因而抑制再结晶晶粒长大,增加了退火织构的漫散度。  相似文献   

采用AZ61镁合金挤压态预成形坯材,通过不同变形程度的模锻成形试验制备AZ61镁合金拉伸试样,运用金相观察、电子背散射衍射(EBSD)取向成像技术,分析了AZ61镁合金在挤锻复合成形过程中晶粒尺寸与织构对其室温力学性能的影响。结果表明,挤压态预成形试样存在强烈的基面织构,晶粒处于硬取向,基面滑移难以启动,AZ61镁合金具有较高的屈服强度。在基面织构强度相似的情况下,晶粒细化可提高试样的屈服强度和伸长率,但不能通过变形的无限增加改善合金的组织与性能。  相似文献   

利用电子背散射衍射(EBSD)取向成像技术,分析AZ31镁合金热挤压棒材和轧制薄板的织构特点;对具有不同初始织构的镁合金棒材和薄板进行力学性能分析,并从织构角度分析棒材的拉压不对称性和薄板的力学各向异性。结果表明:挤压镁合金棒材具有主要以(0001)基面平行于挤压方向的基面纤维织构,存在严重的拉压不对称性,其原因在于压缩时的主要变形方式为{1012}1011孪生;热轧镁合金薄板具有主要以(0001)基面平行于轧面的强板织构,具有显著的力学性能各向异性,其原因在于拉伸时不同方向的基面滑移Schmid因子不同。  相似文献   

挤压及退火对Mg-0.6Zr系合金力学性能及阻尼行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了挤压及退火对Mg-0.6Zr系合金力学性能及阻尼行为的影响。结果表明,挤压变形可以提高合金的抗拉强度.能最大限度的发挥镁合金的塑性变形潜力,但降低其阻尼性能;退火后,合金的强度降低,塑性提高,阻尼性能大幅提高。  相似文献   

研究AZ31合金在非对称挤压腔循环膨胀挤出(CEE-AEC)过程中的显微组织、织构演化和力学性能.结果表明,在CEE-AEC过程中发生连续动态再结晶(CDRX)和不连续动态再结晶(DDRX).经过3道次变形后,变形试样的显微组织得到细化,非对称型腔区域合金的平均晶粒尺寸为6.9μm.随着道次的增加,基体织构的最大强度增...  相似文献   

AZ31镁合金热成形及退火过程的组织与织构   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
研究了热轧板及不同挤压比的热挤压棒的组织和织构特征 ,确定了热挤压时 <110 0 >织构随应变的加大取代 <112 0 >织构的原因。分析了退火对热成形组织及织构的影响 ,确定了 <110 0 >织构的消失与残余形变晶粒再结晶的联系。估算了退火时两类样品的平均晶粒长大速度并讨论了其与织构的关系。综合分析表明 ,AZ31镁合金热成形后总产生较强的织构 ,织构提高了热成形后的力学性能。高温退火虽使织构减弱 ,但伴随晶粒的明显长大。  相似文献   

Magnesium alloys, as a new generation temporary biomaterial, deserve the desirable biocompatibility and biodegradability, and also contribute to the repair of the damaged bone tissues. However, they do not possess the required corrosion resistance in human body fluid. Hot mechanical workings, such as extrusion, influence both the mechanical properties and bio-corrosion behavior of magnesium alloys. This review aims to gather information on how the extrusion parameters (extrusion ratio and temperature) influence the bio-corrosion performances of magnesium alloys. Their effects are mainly ascribed to the alteration of extruded alloy microstructure, including final grain size and uniformity of grains, texture, and the size, distribution and volume fraction of the second phases. Dynamic recrystallization and grain refinement during extrusion provide a more homogeneous microstructure and cause the formation of basal texture, resulting in improved strength and corrosion resistance of magnesium alloy. Extrusion temperature and extrusion ratio are reported as the influential factors in the degradation. The reports reveal that the increase in extrusion ratio and/or the reduction in extrusion temperature cause a decrease in the final grain size, leading to intensification of basal texture, in parallel side of the samples with extrusion line, and to lower volume fraction and size of precipitates in magnesium alloys. These all lead to improving the bio-corrosion resistance of the magnesium alloy implants.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets processed by different extrusion strain paths were examined in correlation with concurrent microstructure and texture evolution. The conventional extrusion(CE) and asymmetric extrusion(ASE) paths were performed on Mg alloy sheets. The textures at near surface and mid-layer of ASE sheets were various throughout sheet thickness direction as a result of extra asymmetric shear strain. This can stimulate the orientation of(0002) basal planes to incline approximately 12° toward the shear direction. Moreover, the basal texture of ASE sheet was weakened compared with CE one. Enhancing the ambient formability of extruded Mg alloy sheet fabricated by ASE path was accomplished by the tilted weak basal texture.  相似文献   

In order to determine the deformation modes in AZ31 magnesium alloy at room temperature, computer simulations of deformation texture development and calculation of formability have been carried out. The simulation results were compared with the measured texture results. Based on agreement between the experiments and simulations the active deformation modes were determined. A Visco Plastic Self Consistent model was employed for the simulation of plastic deformation. Simulations and experiments were performed for different initial textures. The goal of the study was to develop the understanding of deformation texture evolution and its effects on mechanical properties of magnesium, with an ultimate goal of improving room temperature formability of magnesium alloys. This article was presented at Materials Science & Technology 2006, Innovations in Metal Forming symposium held in Cincinnati, OH, October 15-19, 2006.  相似文献   

程青鹏  黄秀玲  张凡 《表面技术》2023,52(4):112-123
总结了近年来经剧烈塑性变形加工后的超细晶镁合金的腐蚀与防护研究。镁合金的初始成分可能对剧烈塑性变形加工后样品耐蚀性的变化起主导性作用。对于纯镁及含有铝或稀土等致钝性元素的合金,如AZ系和WE系镁合金,绝大多数剧烈塑性变形加工会促进生成更致密的保护膜,因而可以提升镁合金的耐蚀性。对于不含此类元素的镁合金体系,如Mg-Zn系合金,由于生成了更多的腐蚀微电偶,等通道转角挤压或高压扭转加工引起的第二相颗粒的细化和分布会加速镁合金的腐蚀,但多轴等温锻造可以提升此类合金的耐蚀性,该技术值得更多的关注。在成分相似的情况下,组织的均匀性或者第二相变化情况的影响可能较晶粒尺寸和织构演变的影响更大。对加工后的镁合金进行热处理或者表面改性是进一步提升其耐蚀性的有效手段。相对于粗晶基体,超细晶基体表面改性后的涂层的耐蚀性往往更好,值得更多的研究关注。  相似文献   

Grain size and texture distributions have great influences on the mechanical properties of extruded rods. In order to study grain size and texture evolution during the hot extrusion process, direct extrusion tests were carried out with a variety of extrusion parameters (extrusion ratio, temperature and velocity) for commercial as-cast AZ31 magnesium alloys. Extruded specimens were investigated by optical microscopy (OM) and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). Experimental results show that extrusion ratio is the most important parameter for grain size refinement. Basal fiber textures with various (0 0 0 2) pole intensities are observed in extruded rods. Maximum intensities increase with the decreasing extrusion ratio and the increasing velocity, while the influence of temperature depends on the value of extrusion ratio and velocity.  相似文献   

The AZ31 Mg alloys were processed by 6% pre-compression and frustum shearing extrusion at various temperatures, and the microstructure, texture and mechanical properties of the resulting alloys are systematically investigated. The results show that the grain size monotonically increases from 6.4 to 12.6 lm and the texture intensity increases from 6.7 to 9.6with the increase in the extrusion temperature. The combining effect of the pre-twinning and the frustum shearing deformation is found to contribute to the development of the weak basal texture in Mg alloys. The Mg alloy sheet produced at the extrusion temperature of 563 K exhibits excellent mechanical properties. The yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and elongation for the extruded alloys are 189.6 MPa, 288.4 MPa and 24.9%, respectively. Such improved mechanical properties are comparable or even superior to those of the alloys subjected to other deformation techniques, rendering the pre-compression and frustum shearing extrusion a promising way for further tailoring properties of Mg alloys.  相似文献   

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