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Based on the local canning compression, severe plastic deformation (SPD) is able to lead to the almost complete amorphous nickel-titanium shape memory alloy (NiTi SMA), in which a small amount of retained nanocrystalline phase is embedded in the amorphous matrix. Crystallization of amorphous NiTi alloy annealed at 573, 723 and 873 K was investigated, respectively. The crystallization kinetics of the amorphous NiTi alloy can be mathematically described by the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov (JMAK) equation. NiTi SMA with a complete nanocrystalline phase is obtained in the case of annealing at 573 K and 723 K, where martensite phase transformation is suppressed due to the constraint of the grain boundaries. Crystallization of amorphous NiTi alloy at 873 K leads to the coarse-grained NiTi sample, where (001) martensite compound twin is observed at room temperature. It can be found that the martensitic twins preferentially nucleate at the grain boundary and they grow up towards the two different grains. SPD based on the local canning compression and subsequent annealing provides a new approach to obtain the nanocrystalline NiTi SMA.  相似文献   

NiTi形状记忆合金沙蚀磨损的机敏行为   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
研究了Ti 50 .94%Ni(摩尔分数 )形状记忆合金的耐磨性 ,试验温度为 70℃ ,砂水比为 0 .2 ,累计磨损时间 30h。结果表明 ,NiTi合金表现出良好的耐磨性 ,扫描电镜仅观察到轻微的磨损。采用四棱锥金刚石压头模拟砂粒与试样的接触过程 ,并用原子力显微镜对压痕进行定量研究 ,观察发现 ,NiTi合金压痕呈星形 ,反映出明显的弹性变形特征 ,说明材料应力应变非线性关系和伪弹性变形行为对砂蚀磨损耐磨性具有重要贡献 ,进一步证明形状记忆合金的机敏摩擦学特性。  相似文献   

Both sputtering conditions and crystallizing temperatures have great influence on the microstructures and phase transformation characteristics for TislNi44Cus. By means of the resistance-temperature measurement, X-ray diffraction and atomic fore microscopic study, the results indicate that the transformation temperatures of the thin films increase and the “rock candy“ martensitic relief is more easily obtained with promoting the sputtering Ar pressure, sputtering power, orcrystallizing temperature. However, when sputtering Ar pressure, sputtering power, or crystallizing temperature are lower, a kind of “chrysanthemum“ relief, which is related with Ti-rich GP zones, is much easier to be observed. The reason is that during crystallization process, both of the inherent compressive stresses introduced under the condition of higher sputteringpressure or higher crystallizing temperature are helpful to the transition from GP zones to Ti2(NiCu) precipitates and the increase of the transformation temperatures. The addition of copper to substitute for 5 96 nickel in mole fraction can reduce the transformation hvsteresis width to about 10 - 15 ℃.  相似文献   

Fenton's oxidation method was successfully used to synthesize an ideal titania film in situ on NiTi shape memory alloy(SMA) for medical applications. Characterized with scanning electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and electrochemical tests, it is found that the titania film produced by Fenton's oxidation method on NiTi SMA is nanostructured and has a Ni-free zone near its top surface, which results in a notable improvement in corrosion resistance and a remarkable decrease in leaching of harmful Ni ions from NiTi SMA in simulated body fluids. The improvement of effectiveness to corrosion resistance and the reduction in Ni release of NiTi SMA by Fenton's oxidation method are comparable to those by oxygen plasma immersion ion implantation reported earlier.  相似文献   

研究了形状记忆合金线的热电行为。当合金线被加热到温度高于其相变温度时,由于相的转变而产生一个大的机械力。将 SMA 线用作驱动器,并研究了不同的参数及它们之间的关系。在不同的压力水平下,这些变化的参数分别是弹性应变(位移)、温度磁滞和电阻。通过传递热模型得到安全的加热电流并预测了相变温度。在自然空气对流的条件下,采用680 mA的电流加热、冷却合金线796 s。在43 MPa的应力水平下,应变恢复率为4.33%,相应的电阻变化为11.2%。在加热、冷却循环过程中,电阻变化与位移和电流分别呈线性关系。该研究有助于精确控制有、无外部传感器反馈的SMA线驱动器。  相似文献   

A 〈1 0 0〉 textured polycrystalline FeNiCoAlTa shape memory alloy was recently shown to possess large superelastic strain and stress levels. In this study, the shape memory behavior of a Fe-28Ni-17Co-11.5Al-2.5Ta (at.%) single-crystalline material oriented along the 〈1 0 0〉 direction was studied, for the first time, by thermal cycling under constant stress levels in both tension and compression. When γ′ precipitates with an average size of 5 nm are introduced by an aging heat treatment, the single crystals show fully recoverable transformation strains up to 3.75% in tension and 2% in compression. The change in transformation temperatures for a unit change in applied stress level was higher in compression than in tension, in accord with the lower transformation strains in compression obtained both from theoretical calculations and experimental observations. However, in all specimens, the observed transformation strain levels were lower than theoretically predicted, possibly owing to significant volume fraction of non-transforming precipitates, incomplete martensite reorientation due to martensite variant interactions, and a slightly higher-than-expected martensite c/a ratio in the samples used in this study. The ramifications of relevant structural parameters and microstructural features on reaching theoretical transformation strain and high strength levels are also discussed.  相似文献   

The microstructure of stress-induced martensite(SIM) in the nanocrystalline NiTi alloy was investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy(TEM). The result shows that the multi-variant structure of the martensite is suppressed and only single-variant martensitic twins form after tensile deformation when the grain size is smaller than80 nm. The normal directions of the(001)B190twin planes are all within the range of 45° from the axial direction of the wire. The angle between twin crystals(1"11)Mand(111)Tof the SIM is also found to be smaller than that of thermally induced martensite in nanocrystalline NiTi.  相似文献   

A systematic study on the temperature memory effect (TME) in a polycrystalline NiTi shape memory alloy was presented. The investigation was carded out through a series of differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) tests. Two types of tests were conducted, namely single-step test and multi-step test. The influence of the step temperature on the peak/trough temperatures in the subsequent heating process and the associated energy absorption/release in the phase transformations was investigated. Using a simple theoretical model, the exact mechanism behind TME was studied.  相似文献   

热爆反应合成多孔NiTi形状记忆合金的性能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用热爆方法来制备了多孔NiTi形状记忆合金.研究了在不同热爆温度下制备出的样品与其机械性能之间的关系.结果表明:在1 223 K下热爆反应制备的NiTi合金,具有大的孔隙度,高开孔率和基本各向同性,同时表现出较好的超弹性.对断口分析发现,断裂为脆性断裂和韧性断裂的复合.这表明改善孔洞分布和形态,可以极大地提高多孔NiTi形状记忆合金的机械性能和超弹性.  相似文献   

Electrochemical behaviors of laser-welded Ti-50.6%Ni(mole fraction) shape memory alloy and the base metal in 0.9% NaCl solution were investigated by electrochemical techniques as corrosion potential measurement, linear and potentiodynamic polarization. The results indicate that the laser-welded NiTi alloy is less susceptible to pitting and crevice corrosion than the base metal, which is demonstrated by the increase in polarization resistance(Rp) and pitting potential(φpit) and decrease in corrosion current density(Jcorr) and mean difference between φpit and φprot values. It is confirmed by scanning electron microscope micrographs that pits could be observed on the surface of base metal but not on the surface of laser-welded alloy after potentiodynamic tests. An improvement of corrosion resistance of laser-welded NiTi alloy could be attributed to almost complete dissolution of inclusions upon laser welding.  相似文献   

In our research, Ti-Ni and Ti-Ni-Cu alloy powders were fabricated by mechanical alloying, and then phase transformation behaviours were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis and transmission electron microscopy. The size of the Ti-Ni-Cu alloy powders decreased as Cu-content increased. The powders of as-milled Ti-Ni and Ti-Ni-Cu alloys with Cucontents less than 5at.% were amorphous, whereas those of as-milled Ti-Ni-Cu alloys with Cu-content more than 10at.% were crystalline. These characteristics indicate that Cu addition tends to suppress amorphization of Ti-Ni based alloy powders. The monoclinic B19’ martensite is formed in the Ti-Ni-Cu alloy powders with Cu-content less than 10 at.%, whereas the orthorhombic B19 martensite is formed in the Yi-Ni-Cu alloy powders Cu-content more than 10 at.%. The Fe contamination is reduced by decreasing rotation speed from 350 rpm to 250 rpm.  相似文献   

采用Gleeble-3500热模拟试验机对NiTi形状记忆合金进行了等温恒应变速率压缩试验,研究其在变形温度为700~900℃、应变速率为0.001~10 s-1和最大高度下压量为70%下的高温热变形行为;建立了引入物理参量的应变补偿本构模型.结果 表明:合金的流变应力具有负温度相关性和正应变速率敏感性,在应变速率为0...  相似文献   

采用超声波焊接方法对添加铜箔中间层的NiTi形状记忆合金进行搭接焊,研究接头的表面形貌、界面形貌、相变行为、抗拉性能和断裂特点. 结果表明,超声波焊接能实现添加铜箔中间层的薄片状NiTi形状记忆合金的有效连接. NiTi焊缝表面存在明显压痕,界面处结合良好,无金属间化合物生成. NiTi形状记忆合金超声波焊缝呈可逆单相转变过程,接头强度达到母材的65%,断裂位置在母材区,断口形貌呈现韧性断裂特征. 超声波焊接方法将有效解决NiTi形状记忆合金采用传统熔焊方法时产生脆性金属间化合物的这一问题,为NiTi记忆合金的连接提供了新的解决途径.  相似文献   

Although it is known that the plastic deformation after transformation could stabilize martensite and make the transformation irreversible, there lacks a systematic research on the effect of plasticity on phase transformation behavior of NiTi shape memory alloys (SMAs). Therefore, the present study focuses on this aspect of NiTi SMAs. A series of tensile cycling experiments are performed on a NiTi SMA at room temperature. Attention has been paid to the characteristics of the phase transformation stresses, the residual and recoverable strain and the dissipated and recoverable energy density as functions of deformation cycles and maximum strain amplitude. With the increasing of plastic strain amplitude at the first loading cycle, the stress–strain curves reach a stable state sooner during cycling. It is concluded that a small amount of plastic strain at the first loading cycle is helpful to get good stable mechanical properties.  相似文献   

通过真空自耗电极熔炼法制备等原子比镍钛形状记忆合金。为了研究其断裂力学性能,进行铸态镍钛形状记忆合金的拉伸和压缩实验。为了更好地理解镍钛形状记忆合金的组织演变及断裂行为,分析铸态镍钛形状记忆合金及其断裂样品的显微组织。在拉伸加载下,镍钛形状记忆合金在750°C时具有较高的塑性,表现为韧性断裂,但在室温和-100°C时表现出较差的塑性,具有解理断裂和穿晶断裂的特征。在-100°C的压缩加载下,铸态镍钛形状记忆合金发生剪切断裂,剪切断裂面法线与压缩轴呈45°,具有解理断裂的特征,裂纹经由穿晶断裂而扩展。  相似文献   

采用电阻法和OM等手段研究了不同温度区间的热循环对Fe-14Mn-5.5Si-8Cr-5Ni合金微观组织和形状记忆效应的影响。结果表明:298 K~353 K、520 K、773 K和77 K~773 K热循环1次后,合金形状回复率均大幅度提高;298~773 K循环5次后的形状回复率提高了26%,77~773 K热循环5次后的形状回复率提高了36%。热循环显著减少了因淬火热应力导致的热诱发ε马氏体量,并且热诱发ε马氏体的逆转变向基体引入了大量的堆垛层错。与固溶态相比,热循环后再变形不仅使α’马氏体的数量显著减少,而且应力诱发ε马氏体以区域化的方式形成,因而合金的形状记忆效应显著提高。77~773 K的热循环比298~773 K的热循环更能显著提高合金形状记忆效应的原因是由于其引入了更多的堆垛层错。  相似文献   

复合稀土对CuZnAl形状记忆合金力学性能的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
采用定量金相、拉伸试验、电子探针和扫描电镜等方法,研究了复合稀土对CuZnAl合金晶粒尺寸、晶粒生长动力学、力学性能的影响。结果表明:复合稀土可明显细化合金晶粒,改善合金的力学性能,合金的拉伸断口形貌由未加复合稀土的沿晶断裂变为韧窝状塑性断口,同时保持合金的记忆性能。微观分析表明:复合稀土富集在CMZnAl合金的晶界上,阻碍晶粒长大。讨论了晶粒细化机制以及合金力学性能提高的原因。  相似文献   

Effects of thermomechanical treatment of cold rolling followed by annealing on microstructure and superelastic behavior of the Ni50Ti50 shape memory alloy were studied. Several specimens were produced by copper boat vacuum induction melting. The homogenized specimens were hot rolled and annealed at 900 °C. Thereafter, annealed specimens were subjected to cold rolling with different thickness reductions up to 70%. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the severe cold rolling led to the formation of a mixed microstructure consisting of nanocrystalline and amorphous phases in Ni50Ti50 alloy. After annealing at 400 °C for 1 h, the amorphous phase formed in the cold-rolled specimens was crystallized and a nanocrystalline structure formed. Results showed that with increasing thickness reduction during cold rolling, the recoverable strain of Ni50Ti50 alloy was increased during superelastic experiments such that the 70% cold rolled–annealed specimen exhibited about 12% of recoverable strain. Moreover, with increasing thickness reduction, the critical stress for stress-induced martensitic transformation was increased. It is noteworthy that in the 70% cold rolled–annealed specimen, the damping capacity was measured to be 28 J/cm3 that is significantly higher than that of commercial NiTi alloys.  相似文献   

张春华  张卓  张松  韩忠  文效忠 《焊接学报》2008,29(7):22-24,28
采用高功率连续波固体Nd:YAG激光器,对NiTi形状记忆合金进行激光表面熔凝处理,利用SRVⅢ摩擦磨损试验机考察激光熔凝处理对NiTi形状记忆合金微动磨损性能的影响.采用扫描电子显微镜及能谱仪分析NiTi形状记忆合金表面磨痕形貌及磨损产物成分;用形貌仪测量样品表面磨痕深度,并对磨损体积进行计算.结果表明,与NiTi合金相比,熔凝层摩擦系数,磨损体积均显著降低,表明激光熔凝处理提高了Ni-Ti合金的耐微动磨损性能.NiTi合金微动磨损机理主要表现为氧化和磨粒磨损,而Ni-Ti合金激光熔凝层磨损机制主要以疲劳剥层理论及磨粒磨损为主.  相似文献   

Laser surface alloying technique was applied to fabricate a metallic porous coating on a solid NiTi shape memory alloy. By laser surface alloying a 40%TiH2-60%NiTi powder mixture on the surface of NiTi alloy using optimized laser process parameters, a porous but crack-free NiTi layer can be fabricated on the NiTi substrate. The porous coating is metallurgically bonded to the substrate NiTi alloy. The pores are uniformly distributed and are interconnected with each other in the coating. An average pore size of less than 10μm is achieved. The Ni content of the porous layer is much less than that of the original NiTi surface. The existence of the porous coating on the NiTi alloy causes a 37% reduction of the tensile strength and 55% reduction of the strain as compared with the NiTi alloy. Possible biomedical or other applications for this porous surface with good mechanical strength provided by the substrate are prospective.  相似文献   

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