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万义兴  孙智  刘亚南 《焊接技术》2012,41(8):6-10,78
"低碳"一词正越来越广泛地影响着当今社会的各行各业,低碳经济时代已不可阻挡地来临。焊接技术如何在低碳经济中更快更好地发展,如何做到低碳发展的问题摆在科学工作者的面前。文章分析了目前焊接技术中关于低碳环保方面的发展状况,找出焊接技术低碳发展的问题和不足,提出低碳焊接概念,并给出低碳焊接的发展模式。  相似文献   

吴月涛 《电焊机》2012,42(3):9-17
通过对直流电焊机发展历程的回顾,逐一分析了传统旋转式直流焊机、硅整流直流焊接电源、电子式的晶闸管直流焊接电源和逆变式直流焊接电源,总结出"高效、节能节材、绿色低碳、清洁环保"是直流焊接电源今后发展的必然方向。通过分析逆变焊机电源主电路中的电源噪声滤波电路、一次侧工频整流电路和中频逆变电路等拓扑结构,归纳出"高效、节能节材、绿色低碳、清洁环保"电源的具体技术方案是:逆变式直流焊接电源加装电磁骚扰滤波器以之降低电磁骚扰信号幅度,使电源清洁环保;采用具有功率因素校正电路的一次侧工频整流电路替代一般的工频整流滤波电路提高功率因素,降低电源对电网的谐波干扰;采用合适的软开关逆变技术降低开关损耗,提高电源的效率。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了CO2气体保护焊在锅炉钢结构立柱焊接中的实际应用,有效地解决了结构件因采用手工电弧焊导致立柱变形的问题,符合当前节能环保、低碳、高效理念。  相似文献   

激光焊接技术作为激光加工技术的研究热点之一,近年来在船舶制造领域的应用引起各国的广泛关注,随着造船工业对节能高效、低碳环保、生产自动化的发展要求逐步提高,激光焊、激光复合焊等新型焊接工艺得到了飞速发展。介绍激光焊接技术在船舶制造领域的发展及应用现状,分析激光复合焊在船用铝合金、防锈铝,船用T型高强钢及不锈钢的焊接优势,提出深入研究激光复合焊接工艺在船用合金材料焊接应用的必要性。  相似文献   

<正>"尽管经济存在下行压力,但我们必须坚持"节能、减排、低碳不动摇",力争走出符合中国国情的绿色低碳发展道路。"——在前不久举行的第八届中日节能环保综合论坛上,国家发展改革委副主任解振华如是说。他表示,当前世界经济形势错综复杂,在应对国际金融危机时,许多国家将"发展绿色经济、推动绿色循环低碳增长"作为突破口。与此同时,中国也把"节能减排、应对气候变化、建设生态文明"作为  相似文献   

冶炼企业发展低碳经济的核心是节能减排,东岭锌业公司以"减量化、再利用、再循环"为基本原则,全面构建并系统实施了"企业能源资源的循环经济模式",实现了物资、二次能源、固体废弃物、水资源的循环利用,初步显现了节能减排、低碳经济的效果。  相似文献   

2012年9月5—7日,第26届中国焊接博览会将在上海光大国际会展中心隆重举行。顺应时代潮流,展会将以"创新、绿色、低碳、节能、环保"为主旨,向与会观众推出众多焊切企业。大会期间,组委会将联合中国电器工业协会、全国电焊机标准化技术委员会、中国职工焊接技术协会、中  相似文献   

焊接方法有多种,本文主要阐述了CO2气体保护焊在焊接锅炉钢结构件方面的优势,通过两年多的实践,感到CO2气体保护焊非常符合当前节能、环保、低碳主题。其实CO2气体保护焊在锅炉压力容器行业不仅仅局限在焊接钢结构件上,如果能够解决行业内一些人为和焊接设备、辅助材料等因素,确实有推广应用的必要,将使行业内产品质量上升一个台阶。  相似文献   

蛇形纯铜管与低碳钢管属于2种不同的金属材质,焊接修复时由于两者的物理性质不同而容易产生焊接裂纹。文中通过焊接预热试验和正交试验法确定了蛇形纯铜管与低碳钢管焊接时的最佳预热温度和工艺参数,并将该焊接方法成功应用于某型装备的机油箱冷却循环水管道的修复。  相似文献   

冶炼企业发展低碳经济的核心是节能减排,东岭锌业公司以"减量化、再利用、再循环"为基本原则,全面构建并系统实施了"企业能源资源的循环经济模式",实现了物资、二次能源、固体废弃物、水资源的循环利用,初步显现了节能减排、低碳经济的效果。  相似文献   

利用MZ-1000型埋弧焊机进行堆焊试验,研究在线能量相同的情况下,焊接参数变化对堆焊焊缝成形和粗晶区组织的影响。试验线能量35 k J/cm、电弧电压37 V,在厚度为20 mm的钢板上通过改变电流和焊速进行堆焊。研究结果表明:在线能量不变的条件下,随着焊接电流的减小和焊接速度的同时减慢,熔深减小、熔宽增大;粗晶区的晶粒大小、焊缝余高和热影响区宽度先变小,后变大。因此在一定线能量下,可以通过调整电流和焊速来控制焊缝成形,达到提高效率、保证质量的目的。  相似文献   

Kemppi in co-operation with its clients has developed a new MicroTack technology, which eases tack weld of the low-carbon and corrosion-resistant steel, accelerates the process, and improves the quality of the tack welds that results in speeding up of the further main welding. The technology is available on the new MasterTig MLS? 3000/3003 ACDC welding apparatus, which does for welding low-carbon and corrosion-resistant steel, as well as aluminium.  相似文献   

The welding technology using Russian welding materials is described and the nature of formation of residual welding stresses in annular welded joints in pipelines of 3161 low-carbon austenitic steel is outlined. The distribution of stresses in the welded joint at elevated temperatures is simulated.  相似文献   

介绍了日本的低合金耐热钢用焊接材料和埋弧焊焊剂新标准与国际标准接轨的情况。耐热钢用焊接材料包括焊条、药芯焊丝、填充丝和实心焊丝,适于焊条电弧焊、MAG焊、MIG焊、TIG焊和埋弧焊等。埋弧焊用焊剂既适于接头焊接也适于堆焊,适用的钢种有低碳钢、高强钢、铬钼钢、低温钢、不锈钢、耐热钢、镍及镍合金等。堆焊方法既适用于丝极堆焊也适用于带极堆焊,堆焊层适用于耐磨堆焊或耐蚀堆焊。  相似文献   

Application of aluminum alloy, which is a typical lightweight material, has been expected to achieve energy saving and prevention of pollution in many kinds of transportation vehicles. While the structure made of whole aluminum alloy, however, is lightweight, it still has problems, such as low mechanical strength and high cost. Hence, a hybrid or joining structure made of aluminum alloy and steel seems to be reasonable because of its light weight and higher strength.

To make a hybrid structure for transportation vehicles, we examined welding by friction stirring between aluminum alloy and low-carbon steel, which could be welded without melted weld materials. As a result, welding between aluminum alloy and low-carbon steel that had a thin intermetallic compound at the weld interface was obtained.

In recent automobile manufacturing, zinc-coated steel has been used for structural parts in general. On welding between zinc-coated steel and other materials such as aluminum alloy, existence of a Zn layer between aluminum and steel has to be taken into account to get a high-quality joint between the materials.

In this study, spot joining between aluminum alloy and several kinds of zinc-coated steels by friction stirring was carried out, and the effect of the coated layer both on the weld strength and weld interface microstructure was investigated. As a result, the joint between aluminum alloy and zinc-coated steel was stronger than that between aluminum alloy and non-coated steel, when the coated layer was removed at the weld interface by plastic flow of aluminum alloy.  相似文献   

低碳经济是当前产业发展的新模式.本文介绍了百色市铝产业发展的现状,分析了其铝产业向低碳经济发展的必要性,提出了百色发展低碳铝产业链的一些对策,构建了低碳铝产业一体化产品链及其生态网链结构.  相似文献   

由于受电力紧张和电价上涨,以及国家实行低碳经济,中国的铝工业正面临越来越大能源危机和成本危机。本文论述了为降低铝电解槽的能耗,所采取的降低电解槽工作电压的技术措施,即强化电流、优化工艺技术条件,推广应用异型阴极结构电解槽,电解槽节能降耗效果非常明显。  相似文献   


One way of addressing environmental problems is to increase the use of light-weight materials in automobiles, such as the multi-material structure, which improves fuel economy and reduces pollution. However, it is necessary to develop a welding technique to join carbon fibre-reinforced plastic to metals to achieve a multi-material structure. So, this paper aims to shorten the welding time and to clarify the fatigue fracture mechanism of shear type friction stir spot welding joint between aluminium alloy and CFRP experimentally and analytically. As a result, the static and fatigue strength of the joint improved as the welding time increased due to the increase of total joint area to increased resin melting.  相似文献   

The results of investigations of the effect of the welding conditions of manual arc welding on the structure and mechanical properties of the welded joints in low-carbon, low-alloyed pipe steels of the K56 strength grade are presented. It is shown that in welding in different combinations of welding current and welding speed, the superheated zone of the heat-affected zone (HAZ) is characterized by the formation of ferrite and pearlite in the form of grains and Widmanstätten structure. The experiment planning method is used to determine the regression dependences of the hardness and impact toughness of the metal of the superheated zone on the controllable welding parameters.  相似文献   

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