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国家重点工业性试验项目——金属纤维及其制品一期工程.1998年10月30日在西北有色金属研究院竣工投产.该项目的建成,形成了年产20t金属纤维、15000m2金属纤维毡生产线及纤维毡检测中心.这标志着我国金属纤维及纤维毡生产向产业化迈出了新步伐,使我国成为世界上第四个能能规模生产金属纤维及其大型金属纤维毡的国家.金属纤维及其制品是近对年来发展起来的新型工业材料和高新技术、高附加值产品,由于其既具化纤、合成纤维及其制品的柔软性,又具有金属本身优良的导热、导电、耐蚀、耐高温等特性,被广泛用于导电织物、导电塑料、电磁波…  相似文献   

受国家计委委托,由陕西省计委主持的,由西北有色金属研究院承担的“金属纤维及其制品”项目于2002年8月27日在西安进行了验收。 由傅恒志院士、邱爱慈院士等11位材料方面的专家组成的验收委员会认真听取了项目负责人奚正平博士对项目完成情况的汇报,并实地考察了金属纤维厂、纤维毡厂及检测中心,对该项目所做的工作给予了很高评价。 金属纤维及其制品是近20年发展起来的新型材料,属高附加值产品,它既有化纤合成纤维及其制品的柔软性,又具有金属本身优良的导热、导电、耐蚀和耐高温等性能,广泛应用于航空、汽车、化工、医药等领域,…  相似文献   

西北有色金属研究院不锈钢纤维研究取得重要进展不锈钢纤维具有良好的导电性、导热性、高强度、高弹性模量、耐磨性、耐蚀性及耐高温性等优点,在金属纤维中,它的应用最广,目前已在纺织物制品、多孔纤维冶金制品及纤维增强复合材料等方面获得应用。为满足国内对不锈钢纤...  相似文献   

<正> 金属纤维及其制品是近20年来发展起来的新型工业材料。金属纤维不但具有金属材料本身固有的一切优点,还具有非金属纤维的一些特殊性能。金属纤维表面积非常大,使得在内部  相似文献   

我国金属纤维及制品的应用研究状况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于金属纤维材料及制品具有良好的导电性、导热性、耐蚀性以及强度高、弹性模量高等独特的物理性能,在许多领域都有广泛应用。本文详细介绍了金属纤维及制品在过滤、吸声材料、表面燃烧器、纺织、电极材料、增强复合材料、导电材料等领域的应用研究状况,并对其应用前景做出了展望。  相似文献   

我国高端钨制品发展有关问题的思考与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从我国钨工业发展的现状、存在的问题和与国外发展水平存在的差距等方面,分析了我国在高端钨制品研发领域需要从资源高效利用、产品结构和附加值、设计和生产模式等方面进行革新和突破,以解决我国高端钨制品发展的瓶颈问题。阐述了高品质硬质合金对钨资源高值利用、硬质合金回收再生对钨资源循环利用等的重大意义,讨论分析了推动硬质合金高端发展在应用基础研究和技术开发方面的主要发展方向。  相似文献   

周良  安小雪 《轧钢》1990,(1):47-49
目前,我国线材工业取得了迅速发展,改建和引进了十几套高速线材轧机,因此,每年可生产约400×10~4t大盘重线材。这就要求制品行业进一步改革生产工艺和设施,实现大盘重连续生产作业线,以充分利用大盘重线材,使制品行业产品在产量、质量等方面均有迅速的发展。  相似文献   

徐寅  费绿叶 《轧钢》1993,(6):37-42
1 前言我国线材制品行业拥有650多家生产企业,其中生产中高碳钢丝、钢丝绳的约有150多家,具有相当规模的80多家。由于线材制品属深加工、劳动密集型产品,具有相对投资少、建设周期短、投资回收期短、经济效益好的特点。10几年来,线材制品行业取得了很大发展,全国生产能力已达300×10~4t/a,特别是长期供不应求的中高碳制品,产量已从1980年的35.8×10~4t,提高到1991年的83.3×10~4t,年递增8%,生产能力达到93×10~4t;  相似文献   

粗直径钢丝绳的生产现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缑庆林 《轧钢》2003,20(5):22-25
概述了国内外线材制品企业粗直径钢丝绳的生产、研发情况。分析了我国该类产品在生产、研发方面与工业发达国家的差距;指出该类产品结构优化及生产高质量粗直径钢丝绳的技术攻关方向。  相似文献   

酚醛塑料具有优良的电绝缘性能,较好的机械强度,制品尺寸稳定,耐热性好,易于成型,外表美观,价格低廉等优点,它广泛地用于电器、电机、电讯、仪表及日用工业等各方面。 目前酚醛塑料粉的成型方法已由压制成型、传递成型发展到注射成型,其生产能力提高近8至10倍,给酚醛塑料产品生产全部  相似文献   

Temperature resistant fibre reinforced laminates Containers for liquids and pressurized gases as well as reaction vessels and autoclaves are made preferentially of steel even nowadays. Because of the relatively high specific weight of steel such containers have often a weight of several tons and require expensive and heavy su ports or suspensions. In order to save weight and thus also cost, materials are required which have higher tensile strength and lower specific weight than steel. Such materials are the fibre reinforced materials with plastic or light metal matrix. In addition to glass fibre reinforced materials, steel wire reinforced plastics will probably gain on importance. Because of the higher strength of the steel wires by comparison to conventional glass fibres the metal reinforced materials have the same tension length (i.e. the ratio strength: specific weight) as glass fibre reinforced materials. Aluminium alloys reinforced with steel wire yielded strength values up to five times the value measured on the base material. With a view to low weight construction the reinforcement of aluminium by boron fibres is of particular interest, the specific weight of the latter (2.7 glcm3) being about equal to that of the matrix material. A feature of particular importance to chemical industry is the fact that the mechanical properties of glass, too, can be improved by steel wire reinforcement. The flexural strength of glass specimens has been increased by steel fibres to 9 times the original value. The glass coated steel wire used for manufacturing reinforced glass is obtained according to a special process developed by Battelle Institute.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic welding process can be used for bonding metal foils which is the fundament of ultrasonic consolidation (UC).UC process can be used to embed reinforcement fibres such as SiC fibres within an aluminum matrix materials.In this research we are investigating the phenomena occurring in the microstructure of the parts during ultrasonic welding process to obtain better understanding about how and why the process works.High-resolution electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is used to study the effects of the vibration on the evolution of microstructure in AA3003.The inverse pole figures (IPF) and the correlated misorientation angle distribution of the mentioned samples are obtained.The characteristics of the crystallographic orientation,the grain structure and the grain boundary are analyzed to find the effect of ultrasonic vibration on the microstructure and microtexture of the bond.The ultrasonic vibration will lead to exceptional refinement of grains to a micron level along the bond area and affect the crystallographic orientation.Ultrasonic vibration results in a very weak texture.Plastic flow occurs in the grain after welding process and there is additional plastic flow around the fibre which leads to the fibre embedding.  相似文献   

Due to their outstanding specific mechanical properties, carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) exhibit a high application potential for lightweight structures. With respect to multi-material design and to avoid drilling of structural CFRP parts to join them to other components, embedded metal elements, so called inserts, can be used. The inserts consist of a shaft and a baseplate which is embedded between the fibre layers. So far, only punctiform inserts have been subject to research. One feasible geometry are linear inserts which have not been studied yet. In this work, the performance of two different types of linear inserts will be investigated. The shapes are based on a punctiform insert which is made out of a threaded shaft welded onto a baseplate whose performance under different types of loading has been investigated before. The first type of linear inserts has the same cross-section as the reference punctiform insert but is of a linear form. The second type is a quasi-linear insert which consists of a baseplate with the same dimensions as the first linear inserts and three threaded shafts welded onto it. All samples are manufactured by resin transfer moulding (RTM). Depending on the geometry of the insert and the preforming concept it is potentially possible to maintain the fibre continuity. For the inserts with a continuous shaft and in the proximity of the insert, it is necessary to cut fibres of the top layers which are aligned perpendicular to the shaft. For the quasi-linear insert, it is possible to maintain the fibre continuity as the fibres are guided around the circular shafts. Additional to mechanical tests that are carried out, mould-filling and curing simulations are performed for different inserts to analyse the influence of the process parameters onto the part quality. In the main series of tests, the specimens are characterized regarding their failure behaviour and load bearing capacity under quasi-static loads. The results of the experiments show that, compared to the punctiform reference insert, the linear load introduction elements exhibit higher load bearing capacity. However, the linear load introduction elements are inferior regarding specific load bearing capacity and furthermore increase process complexity during preforming and production.  相似文献   

烧结金属纤维多孔材料是一种优质高效新型功能材料。通过浸泡试验、动电位极化扫描、金相分析及SEM扫描电镜等试验对316L不锈钢纤维多孔材料的腐蚀机理进行了系统的研究。研究发现:晶界腐蚀和蚀坑对材料的腐蚀过程均有影响;纤维烧结点处比纤维杆处耐蚀;随着孔隙率的增大,纤维毡的腐蚀失重量增大,腐蚀程度更严重。  相似文献   

Several metals, Ag, Cu, Pb, Hg and Au, have been electrodeposited on carbon fibre electrodes after cation exchange of their salts with the acidic functional groups of oxidized fibres.Oxidation of carbon fibres was performed by thermal, photochemical and electrochemical treatment. The uptake of the metal cations is greater in the case of anodically oxidized and partially re-reduced carbon fibres, since this procedure leads to the formation of functional groups not only on the carbon surface, as in the case of thermal or photochemical oxidation, but also in the bulk of the fibres.The above-mentioned metals are deposited on the carbon support in a highly dispersed state, which decreases the hydrogen overvoltage and catalyses the reduction of nitroalkanes. These reactions take place on the metal-modified carbon electrodes at much more positive potentials than on carbon and at slightly more positive potentials than on the respective plain metallic electrodes.  相似文献   

In-mould superficial carburising of steel castings has been carried out by two methods. The first is based on the use of carbon fibres, which are applied to the surface of the mould cavity. These are readily wetted and impregnated by liquid steel. During solidification and cooling the carbon fibres dissolve and produce a layer with the structure of a high-carbon steel or white iron. The use of carbon powders is not efficient as their capillary properties are lower than those of carbon fibres. In the second method, soot can be used instead of carbon fibres because the liquid phase is generated inside the layer following a reaction between carbon and metal particles. Alloying the powder mixture with particles of ferroalloys or metals leads to the formation of a liquid + solid slurry that “stabilises” the formation of a carburised and alloyed layer. Use of a cheap brand of carbon fibre felt is preferable in all cases.  相似文献   

类金刚石纤维砂轮的开发及其磨削特性   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了获得高精度加工表面,最近磨具市场上有一种Al2O3纤维砂轮问世^[1]。该砂轮克服了磨粒砂轮中磨粒易于脱落的缺点,但其硬度仍受到一定限制。近十年来,由于类金刚石薄膜具有接近金刚石的硬度、高耐磨性和很低的摩擦系数等优良的机械、物理、化学和光电特性,因而被广泛地应用于精密零部件和涂附刃具的制造^[2]。如果能将类金刚石薄膜形成类金刚石纤维,然后将其代替Al2O3纤维作为磨料,就可以满足纤维砂轮的硬度要求。因此,1999年以来,日本山口胜美教授和中国魏源迁教授成功地将类金刚石纤维植入基体并与树脂结合剂结合,开发了一种类金刚石纤维砂轮^[3-5]。该砂轮中的类金刚石纤维按同一方向排列且与砂轮磨削面相垂直,纤维的端部可用作为切削刃。为了考察这种新型砂轮的磨削特性,本文作者对难加工材料如模具钢SKD11及硬脆材料如硅片、光学玻璃、石英和大理石进行了大量的磨削试验。试验结果表明能获得纳米级加工表面,例如被磨硅片和模具钢的表面粗糙度分别为Ra2nm(Ryl5nm)和Ra2nm(Ry23nm)。  相似文献   

Carbon fibre electrodes (residual graphite oxide fibres) electrochemically oxidized and partially rereduced in concentrated H2SO4 have excellent cation-exchanging properties. Chemically modified carbon fibre electrodes have been prepared by Na+-exchange of residual graphite oxide fibres and subsequent action of chlorocompounds in methanolic solutions (the Williamson reaction).The attachment of the various reagents on to the carbon fibres is reflected through the corresponding cyclic voltammograms obtained in aqueous buffer solutions. When modified with iron phthalocyanine, carbon fibre electrodes show a significant catalytic effect on the electrochemical reduction of oxygen in aqueous and methanolic solutions.  相似文献   

半固态成形轻合金的发展状况   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
赵大志  路贵民 《铸造》2007,56(6):572-577
半固态成形技术以其高效、节能、近净形生产以及成形件性能高等诸多优点,已成为21世纪最具发展前景的金属成形工艺之一,但是半固态成形轻合金应用品种的局限性,制约了半固态成形技术的发展。文中介绍了国内外半固态成形轻合金的研究、应用状况以及新型半固态轻合金的设计开发,并分析了半固态成形轻合金的发展前景。  相似文献   

When an electric current is conducted through a short fibre reinforced polyetheretherketone composite, being in contact with a stainless steel electrode, carbon fibre corrosion occurs. Surface analysis shows that structural defects range from debonding events and fibre cracking in the early stage of the corrosion process to the final disintegration of the fibre. The extent of fibre corrosion is quantified by atomic force microscopy, and the influence of fibre type, fibre volume content and the aqueous medium on the fibre corrosion is reported. Overall, polyacrylnitrile based fibres have a higher corrosion resistance than pitch based ones.  相似文献   

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