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准晶Al72Ni12Co16合金在特殊涂层中的深过冷及其凝固组织   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了Si-Zr—B模壳涂层对准晶A172Ni12Co16合金过冷度与凝固组织的影响规律。通过使用Si—Zr—B涂层模壳,在A172Ni12Co16合金中获得了不同大小的过冷度,其最大值达到195K。根据经典形核理论,计算了熔体与涂层内壁间的润湿角。研究结果表明:Si—Zr—B涂层对过冷准晶A172Nil2Co16合金熔体具有较强的抑制形核作用,因而可使大体积合金熔体获得深过冷。  相似文献   

深过冷Al72Ni12Co16合金的组织演化及单相准晶的生成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用惰性形核涂层型壳和氩气保护下循环过热的深过冷方法,系统研究了深过冷条件下Al72Ni12Co16合金的凝固组织演化过程及单相准晶的生成条件。结果表明:在0~200K的过冷度范围内,随过冷度的增大,Al72Ni12Co16合金发生小过冷树枝晶→柱状晶→等轴晶的组织转变,转变的两个临界过冷度分别为ΔT1=60K和ΔT2=120K;此外,当熔体过冷度大于60K时,准晶相在与晶体相的竞争形核中胜出,作为初始相从熔体中析出,并随过冷度的增大,凝固组织逐渐变为单相准晶。  相似文献   

采用熔融玻璃净化与循环过热相结合的方法研究了过冷Ni-2Pb单相偏晶合金的组织粒化机制。在22~280K过冷度范围内,Ni-2Pb合金组织发生两次粒化。当22K<ΔT<66K时,合金组织由普通树枝晶渐变为第一类粒状晶;当ΔT>88K时,合金组织由第一类粒状晶转变为深过冷树枝晶;当ΔT>187K时,合金组织骤然粒化为第二类粒状晶。BCT模型分析表明第一类粒状晶的粒化机制为枝晶熔断再结晶机制;第二类为枝晶碎断再结晶机制。  相似文献   

深过冷Cu50Ni50熔体凝固的定向枝晶组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高真空度下,采用熔融玻璃净化与循环过热相结合的方法,在宽的过冷度范围内,研究了Cu50Ni50合金凝固组织开头演化过程。结果表明,随着过冷度增大,凝固组织发生了3次转变。其中,当120K(ΔT^*2)〈ΔT〈192K(ΔT^*3)时,凝固组织发生第2次转变,由粒状晶演变为定向生长的深过冷枝晶。通过组织观察和过冷熔体枝晶生长过程的计算发现,快速凝固形成的枝晶在再辉和再辉结束后枝晶熟化过程被高度抑制  相似文献   

Fe-Sn偏晶合金的深过冷快速凝固组织   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用3m落管实验装置研究了Fe—Sn偏晶合金深过冷快速凝固组织。结果显示在大的过冷度下,亚偏晶合金,偏晶合金和过偏晶Fe—Sn合金均获得了组织均匀的两相共生组织,表明在过冷条件下偏晶相图具有与共晶相图相似的偏晶共生区。在过偏晶合金中,富Sn液相优先聚集生长,具有调幅分解生长特征;而在亚偏晶合金中,领先形成相为Fe的固溶体,它以形核长大的方式进行。在Fe—26.2%Sn亚偏晶合金中,首次获得了绝对稳定平界面生长单相组织,实际的溶质分配系数kv→l,经计算,获得绝对稳定平界面生长的临界过冷度为588K,ΔT=0.4TL,对应的生长速度为38.3m/s。  相似文献   

利用溶融玻璃净化、循环过热相结合的方法对Ni-31.44%Pb(质量分数)偏晶合金宽过冷区间组织演化规律进行研究。结果表明:随过冷度的增大,凝固组织发生三次转变。其中当△T>242K时,合金组织发生第三次转变,由细密枝晶骤燃粒化为过冷粒状晶。通过组织观察和过冷熔体枝晶生长过程的理论计算发现,快速凝固过程中液相变速率骤然增加,引起枝晶全面碎断,然后在枝晶块表面能和就变能的驱动下,晶界移动,发生碎晶合并-再结晶是形成过冷粒状晶的原因。  相似文献   

研究了Si Zr B模壳涂层对准晶Al72Ni12Co16合金过冷度与凝固组织的影响规律。通过使用Si Zr B涂层模壳,在Al72Ni12Co16合金中获得了不同大小的过冷度,其最大值达到195K。根据经典形核理论,计算了熔体与涂层内壁间的润湿角。研究结果表明:Si Zr B涂层对过冷准晶Al72Ni12Co16合金熔体具有较强的抑制形核作用,因而可使大体积合金熔体获得深过冷。  相似文献   

亚偏晶Cu-Pb合金的深过冷快速凝固   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘申全  郝维新  杨根仓 《铸造》2006,55(5):444-447
用熔融玻璃净化与循环过热相结合的方法,研究了亚偏晶Cu-Pb合金过冷熔体凝固组织演化规律。研究表明:在试验过冷度10~302K的范围内,其凝固组织形态经历了两次变化过程:第一次是在10~207K过冷度范围,由粗大的枝晶重熔形成了第一类粒状晶;第二次发生在207~302K过冷度区间,合金组织中的第一类粒状晶转变为高度细化的细枝晶,组织因细枝晶再结晶向准球状晶粒转变。  相似文献   

采用玻璃熔体净化与循环过热相结合的深过冷凝固技术实现了Co80Pd20合金的深过冷,获得了高达415 K的最大过冷度.采用OM观察了不同过冷度下凝固合金的微观组织,分析了枝晶形成的过冷度区间及过冷度对枝晶形貌的影响.运用BCT模型对深过冷凝固Co80Pd20中的枝晶生长进行了理论分析,获得了深过冷凝固过程中的枝晶生长速...  相似文献   

深过冷Al72Ni12Co16合金熔体中的相选择   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用惰性形核涂层型壳和氩气保护下循环过热的方法,使Al72Ni12Co16合金获得200K的大过冷度,在此基础上从实验和理论两方面研究了深过冷Al72Ni12Co16合金熔体中的相选择规律。实验和理论计算表明:熔体过冷度是决定Al72Ni12Co16合金中准晶相与晶体相竞争形核的主要因素,且存在一临界过冷度,其值约为60K,当Al72Ni12Co16合金的初始过冷度大于临界过冷度时,十面体准晶相将作为初生相从熔体中析出;反之,当Al72Ni12Co16合金的初始过冷度小于临界过冷度时,熔体初生相为β晶体相。  相似文献   

The electromagnetic melting and cyclic superheating method was applied to undercool the Al72Ni12Co16 alloy melt, and a maximum undercooling, 180K was obtained. Growth morphologies were characterized by using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscope(SEM) and transmission microscopy(TEM). The microstructural morphologies indicate that a continuous growth mode of D-phase along the periodic orientation of ten-fold axis is preferred at large undercoolings. According to the Toner's step growth mode of quasicrystal, the preferred continuous growth along the periodic orientation of ten-fold axis is caused by the loss of potential barrier for nucleating steps along this direction.  相似文献   

Non-isothermal devitrification phase transformations in amorphous Al85Ni7Gd8 over the temperature range from 100 to 1300 °C were systematically investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential thermal analysis (DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) techniques. Continuous heating DSC scans revealed that the crystallization proceeds through multiple stages. The only crystalline phase formed in the first two stages is fcc-Al, appearing exclusively as dendritic single crystals. A metastable phase (τn) is formed in the 3rd stage, and another metastable phase (τu) is formed in the 4th stage, together with the equilibrium ternary compound τ1. The equilibrium “binary” compound M3Gd (M=Al, Ni) with 0.4 at.% Ni solubility is formed only in the 5th stage. Further heating initiates eutectic melting at 635 °C, followed by other melting events at higher temperatures, until fully liquid when T>919 °C. Isothermal annealing at 260 °C readily induces formation of another metastable phase (τm) and fcc-Al. Fcc-Al nanocrystal development and interpretation of isothermal DSC technique is discussed.  相似文献   

A new phase has been synthesized in the ternary phase diagram Al–Ni–Zr: its nominal composition is Al33Ni16Zr51. For the Al33Ni16Zr51 compound obtained by mixing the three components in suitable proportions, a study has been carried out by direct synthesis (calorimetry) and mechanical alloying in our laboratory. With the first method we know directly the enthalpy of formation of this alloy. For the amorphous alloys prepared by mechanical alloying we can determine the crystallisation enthalpy with the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) method. So it is possible to determine a fundamental piece of information: the amorphous alloy formation enthalpy.  相似文献   

Effects of cold rolling followed by annealing on microstructural evolution and superelastic properties of the Ti50Ni48Co2 shape memory alloy were investigated. Results showed that during cold rolling, the alloy microstructure evolved through six basic stages including stress-induced martensite transformation and plastic deformation of martensite, deformation twinning, accumulation of dislocations along twin and variant boundaries in martensite, nanocrystallization, amorphization and reverse transformation of martensite to austenite. After annealing at 400 °C for 1 h, the amorphous phase formed in the cold-rolled specimens was completely crystallized and an entirely nanocrystalline structure was achieved. The value of stress level of the upper plateau in this nanocrystalline alloy was measured as high as 730 MPa which was significantly higher than that of the coarse-grained Ni50Ti50 and Ti50Ni48Co2 alloys. Moreover, the nanocrystalline Ti50Ni48Co2 alloy had a high damping capacity and considerable efficiency for energy storage.  相似文献   

The Cu-containing Al13Fe4 phase was studied by X-ray diffractometry, electron microscopy and thermal analysis. The increase in the Cu concentration results in a decrease in the melting temperature. No structural variations were observed in this compound up to a limiting Cu concentration of about 6 at.%. The increase in the Cu content is realized by the permanent replacement of the Al atoms by Cu in the (xOz) plane of the binary Al13Fe4 structure at the (0.5, 0, 0.5) and (0.919, 0, 0.216) positions as determined for the 4 at.% Cu phase. The effect of the substitution of Cu for Al is discussed with respect to the absorption of electrons by Fe atoms in (Al, Cu)13Fe4.  相似文献   


Although icosahedral quasicrystal phase (denoted as I-phase) has been verified as an outstanding reinforcing phase, the mechanical properties of quasicrystal-reinforced Mg-Zn-Y alloys fabricated by traditional casting processes are still unsatisfactory due to the serious segregation of intermetallic compounds. In this study, the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-12Zn-2Y alloy fabricated by different casting processes, including permanent mold casting, squeeze casting and rheo-squeeze casting with ultrasonic vibration, were systematically investigated and compared. The results show that massive, large-sized I-phase and Mg7Zn3 phase gather together in the permanent mold cast sample, while the squeeze casting process leads to the transformation of I-phase into fine lamellar morphology and the amount of Mg7Zn3 decreases. As to the rheo-squeeze casting process, when the ultrasonic vibration is exerted with power from 800 W to 1,600 W, the α-Mg grains are refined and spheroidized to a large extent, and the lamellar spacing of the eutectic structure is significantly reduced, accompanied by some tiny granular I-phase scattering in the α-Mg matrix. However, when the ultrasonic power continuously increases to 2,400 W, the eutectic structure becomes coarse. The best mechanical properties of the rheo-squeeze cast alloy are obtained when the ultrasonic power is 1,600 W. The microhardness, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength and elongation are 79.9 HV, 140 MPa, 236 MPa, and 3.25%, which are 44.1%, 26.1%, 25.5%, 132.1% respectively higher than the corresponding values of the squeeze casting sample, and are 47.6%, 44.3%, 69.8%, and 253.3% respectively higher than the corresponding values of the permanent mold casting sample.


The microstructures and evolution mechanism of the undercooled Ni-20%Pb(molar fraction) alloy were investigated systematically by high undercooling solidification technique. The experiment results indicate that the morphology of α-Ni phase and the distribution of Pb element in undercooled Ni-20% Pb alloys change with the in-crease of undercooling. The main evolution mechanisms of α-Ni are dendrite remelting and recrystallization. Pb phase in the microstructure of Ni-20% Pb hypermonotectic alloy originates from L2 phase separated from the parent melt during the cooling process through immiscible gap and L2 phase formed at the temperature of monotectic trans-formation. The solubility of Ph element in α-Ni phase under high undercooling condition is up to 5.83% which is ob-viously higher than that under equilibrium solidification condition. The real reason that causes the solubility difference is distinct solute trapping.  相似文献   

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