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1 INTRODUCTIONThesolidificationprocessofbinaryAl Fealloyundercentrifugalcastingiscontrolledbythemass,momentum ,heatandchemicalspeciestransporta tion .Therefore,itisanimportantmeanstoknowthemicrostructureandthesegregationofbinaryAl Fealloyundercentrifugalc…  相似文献   

U-6%Nb二元合金凝固过程中显微组织与显微偏析的模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出一个改进的计算固相分数的模型,利用该模型及元胞自动机方法根据相图计算将固/液界面区域内固相分数表示为一个一元二次方程,不需假设界面的位置和形状.对U-6%Nb(质量分数)二元合金的凝固组织和显微偏析的模拟结果表明:初始形核部位Nb浓度最高,随着凝固的进行,该部位Nb浓度不断下降;凝固后期晶界区贫Nb,Nb浓度最低可达3%以下.  相似文献   

Al-Si-Mg-Y合金消失模铸造振动压力凝固的组织与性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用消失模铸造振动压力凝固成形技术制备了Al-7Si-0.8Mg-0.3Y(ASMY)合金。通过SEM、XRD、DSC和TEM等测试方法对其铸态和T6组织进行分析,研究其对力学性能的影响。结果表明:在ASMY合金铸态组织的晶界处生成有少量Al3Y短棒状颗粒相;在T6热处理过程中,稀土Y或Al3Y阻碍Mg2Si相的析出和扩散聚集,使析出相Mg2Si呈弥散分布;Mg2Si相与晶界稳定相Al3Y对合金同时起到钉扎强化作用;采用消失模铸造振动压力凝固技术后,铝合金的孔隙率显著降低,从1.1%降低0.18%;ASMY合金消失模铸造振动压力凝固试样T6态的抗拉强度达到308MPa,比A356普通消失模试样T6态的抗拉强度提高29%。  相似文献   

离心铸造Al-Fe合金凝固过程中的固相迁移运动   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
离心铸造Al-Fe合金凝固过程中的先析出相与合金液之间具有较大的密度差,在离心力场作用下,先析出相将沿径向由内向外迁移,致使初生相沿铸件向呈梯分布,根据离心铸造Al-Fe合金过程中固相迁移运动的特点,建立了描述这一运动过程的数学模型,并提出采用求平均速度的方法对固相迁移速度进行数值求解,求出了凝固过程中时刻固相迁移运动速度的分布情况,揭示了离心铸造Al-Fe合金过程中的固相迁移运动规律 。  相似文献   

电子束冷床熔炼TC4钛合金连铸凝固过程数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用PROCAST有限元软件对电子束冷床熔炼TC4钛合金连铸凝固过程进行数值模拟,研究不同工况条件下的温度场分布规律、熔池形状以及组织分布特征.结果表明:在相同的浇注温度条件下,随着铸造速度的增加,熔池加深,糊状区域变浅,初生枝晶半径和二次枝晶臂间距逐渐增加,凝固组织变得粗大.而在铸造速度相同的条件下,随着浇注温度的提高,过热度增大,熔池加深,糊状区域变浅,合金的晶粒尺寸增大.在本实验条件下,选择铸造速度10 mm/min以及浇注温度1 760 ℃作为最佳工艺参数,这有利于在保证较高生产效率的同时,获得组织细小、冶金质量优良的钛合金铸锭.  相似文献   

采用真空吸铸及离心真空吸铸工艺生产了铝合金叶轮铸件,并研究了不同工艺对铸件凝固组织与力学性能的影响。结果表明,与真空吸铸相比,离心真空吸铸有利于提高金属液的充型流动和凝固补缩能力,获得完整的铸件;真空吸铸时施加离心旋转,可在铸件凝固期间促进枝晶的断裂和游离,抑制枝晶的生长,减小二次枝晶间距并使枝晶尺寸具有较好的均匀性,所获得铸件具有良好的力学性能。  相似文献   

电磁搅拌法连铸半固态铝合主其凝固组织分析   总被引:28,自引:3,他引:28  
采用电磁搅拌连续铸造装置,制备具有触变性非合晶组织的兰固态铝合金圆棒。棒料内部组织形貌为具有类圆形轮廓的初生相晶粒浸润在细共晶体中,与传统的凝固枝晶组织有显著差异。对兰固态非枝晶组织的演化机理进行了探讨,结果表明处于交变电磁场中的金属液体,可视为导电介质流,它与磁场交互作用,在导电介质充中产生彻体力。半固态非枝晶组织是在晶体正常的形核和长大过程中,受彻体力强烈的混合抑制作用而形成的。  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of Centrifugal Counter-gravity Casting(C3) process on the solidification microstructure and mechanical properties of the casting, A357 aluminum alloy samples were produced by different process conditions under C3. The results show that C3 has better feeding capacity compared with the vacuum suction casting; and that the mechanical vibration and the convection of melts formed at the centrifugal rotation stage suppress the growth of dendrites, subsequently resulting in the refinement of grains and the improvement of mechanical properties, density and hardness. A finer grain and higher strength can be obtained in the A357 alloy by increasing centrifugal radius and rotational speed. However, casting defects will appear near the rotational axis and the mechanical properties will decrease once the rotational speed exceeds 150 r·min-1.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to predict the morphologies in the solidification process for Cu-0.6Cr (mass fraction, %) alloy by vacuum continuous casting (VCC) and verify its accuracy by the observed experimental results. In numerical simulation aspect, finite difference (FD) method and modified cellular automaton (MCA) model were used to simulate the macro-temperature field, micro-concentration field, nucleation and grain growth of Cu-0.6Cr alloy using real data from actual casting operations. From the observed casting experiment, the preliminary grain morphologies are the directional columnar grains by the VCC process. The solidification morphologies by MCAFD model are in agreement with the result of actual casting experiment well.  相似文献   

A thin wall Al–9 wt.% Si alloy casting was made in a sand mold prepared by CO2 process. The thermal history obtained from the experiment was used to solve an inverse heat conduction problem (IHCP). The IHTC was estimated by an iterative algorithm based on the function specification method. Acquired IHTC values are given as a function of time and as a function of the casting surface temperature at the interface. It has been found that pattern of IHTC variation with casting surface temperature can be described by an equation which has been proposed as a new correlation model. In order to verify broader applicability of the proposed correlation, its use is demonstrated on the IHTC results taken from the literature.  相似文献   

Models for predicting interdendritic cavity defects, from which cracks can easily propagate, are necessary for the advancement of casting processes. This article shows that the location and severity of interdendritic cavity defects can be predicted using methods based on thresholds for interdendritic liquid metal flows. A short review on cavitation phenomena is presented and future directions are identified. For more information, contact A.S. Sabau, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Metals and Ceramics Division, MS 6083, Building 4508, PO Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6083; (865) 241-5145; fax (865) 574-4358; e-mail sabaua@ornl.gov  相似文献   

A cellular automaton model for simulating grain structure formation during solidification processes of Ti45% Al(mole fraction) alloy ingot was developed, based on finite differential method for macroscopic modeling of heat transfer and a cellular automaton technique for microscopic modeling of nucleation, growth, solute redistribution and solute diffusion. The relation between the growth velocity of a dendrite tip and the local undercooling,which consists of constitutional, thermal, curvature and attachment kinetics undercooling is calculated according to the Kurz-Giovanola-Trivedi model. The effect of solidification contraction is taken into consideration. The influence of process variables upon the resultant grain structures was investigated. Special moving allocation technique was designed to minimize the computation time and memory size associated with a large number of cells. The predicted grain structures are in good agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work is to compute feed-paths and hot-spots by combining level-set-method based sharp interface and feed-path model. The model is based on the solution of energy and level-set equations in solid and liquid, with Stefan condition on the interface. The energy and level-set equation are discretized using finite-volume and finite-difference method, respectively. Feed-path is computed by tracking mass-less particles along the liquid-solid interface during solidification using combined Eulerian-Lagrangian framework. The proposed model is benchmarked on six test cases, where temperature contours and solidification time are compared with a finite-element-method based commercial software. The capability to predict the temporal evolution of interface and to identify multiple hot-spots is validated with an industrial aluminum-alloy lug casting. The numerical as well as experimental validations demonstrate the effectiveness of level-set-method for feed-path calculation.  相似文献   

The maximum segregation zone and microstructure formation during the solidification of thin walled ZA8 zinc–aluminum alloy produced by centrifugal casting are investigated. From the results obtained, it is seen that the maximum segregation zone of the eutectic through the part section corresponds to the zone of final solidification point. The concentration of eutectic through the section changes depending on the initial mold temperature, pouring temperature, and cooling rate. A high cooling rate reduces the rate of change in eutectic concentration across the section. The distance separating the maximum segregation zone from the inner and outer faces of the casting can be controlled by controlling the ratio between the speeds of the solidification fronts advancing from opposite sides. The microstructure obtained becomes finer as the cooling rate increases. The structure of eutectic changes according to the cooling rate, and may be granular or lamellar.  相似文献   

The effect of synergistic action of ultrasonic vibration and solidification pressure on tensile properties of vacuum counter-pressure casting ZL114 A alloys was studied systemically through testing and analyzing the tensile strength and elongation subjected to different ultrasonic powers and solidification pressures. The results indicate that the synergistic action of ultrasonic vibration and solidification pressure can result in the refinement of grains and improvement of tensile properties. Both the highest tensile strength and elongation of aluminum alloy were obtained under synergistic action of 600 W ultrasonic power and 350 kPa solidification pressure. Moreover, the tensile fracture morphology shows obvious ductile fracture characteristics. When the solidification pressure is lower than 300 kPa, the effect of ultrasonic power on tensile strength and elongation is more obvious, but when the solidification pressure is higher than 300 kPa, the effect of solidification pressure on tensile strength and elongation is greater. Meanwhile, the size and morphology of the eutectic silicon were improved significantly by the ultrasonic vibration and pressurized solidification. The strip and massive eutectic silicon phase are completely converted into small short rod-like and evenly distributed Si phases at the grain boundary of primary α-Al.  相似文献   

Sn-Sb包晶合金的快速凝固   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
设计了一种用于Sn-Sb等滑动轴承合金的无容器接触深过冷快速凝固装置.并以热流分析为基础,利用传热模型和物理模型计算了Sn-16%Sb(质量分数)过包晶合金在本装置中的冷却速度.结果表明:在粒子直径为4mm时,粒子的冷却速度为3.1×102K/s;当粒子直径为0.1mm时,冷却速度达到了105K/s.Sn-Sb包晶合金组织显著细化,初生相SnSb化合物高度弥散化.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional simulation model for melt flow and solidification in centrifugal precision casting has been developed based on experimental results on melt flow in a precision casting tree for Ti-6A1-4V alloy castparts. The amount of liquid alloy is intentionally adjusted to be less than that required for complete filling and is poured under a centrifugal force. The melt flows into mold cavities keeping contact with the vertical inside walls of the cavity in the anti-rotation side, and solidifies directionally by accumulating a solidified layer from the far end of the cavity to the gate according to the gradient of centrifugal force. The model reproduces melt flow observed in casting trials and directional solidification during centrifugal casting. In addition, it has been confirmed that the centrifugal force imposed on the melt enhances removal of defects caused by entrapment of gas bubbles or by solidification shrinkage and improves mechanical properties of the castparts. Formerly Graduate School of Iron and Steel Technology Pohang University of Science and Technology San 31 Hyoja-dong, Namku, Pohang 790-784, Korea  相似文献   

在研究双辊连铸纯铝薄带凝固过程的基础上,基于金属凝固的基本原理,并运用现代计算机仿真技术建立双辊连续铸轧纯铝薄带凝固的异质形核,枝晶尖端的生长动力学(KGT),柱状晶向等轴晶生长的转变(CET)的解析模型;建立基于元胞自动机(CA)的双辊连铸纯铝薄带凝固组织的仿真模型,为双辊连铸薄带凝固组织的仿真模拟奠定基础,从而为双辊薄带连铸工艺提供一定的理论指导。同时,利用双辊薄带连续铸轧纯铝凝固微观组织过程验证数学模拟的可行性。  相似文献   

铝铸件凝固模拟边界热交换系数的测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
铸件/铸型边界热交换系数的准确性是凝固模拟精度的关键因数之一。在实验研究基础上,应用非线性估算法确定了铝铸件凝固模拟边界热交换系数变化规律,并通过数学分析建立了一种近似求解边界热交换系数的通用数学模型。通过实际铝铸件进行的模拟验证,证明了该模型的正确性和通用性。  相似文献   

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