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用挤压铸造方法制备Mullite/Al—Cu复合材料及其基体合金。用硬度测试(HB)、差示扫描量热仪(DSC)和透射电镜(TEM)等手段,研究了温度和溶质原子浓度对复合材料及其基体合金时效行为的影响。结果表明:复合材料和基体合金具有相似的时效硬化曲线及相同的时效析出序列,随时效温度的升高,峰值硬度降低、析出过程加快;溶质浓度升高,峰值硬度升高、析出过程同样得到加快;纤维除了能明显提高Al—Cu合金的时效硬度外,还能加速其时效析出过程,但对GP区的形成具有明显的抑制作用,而对θ相的析出影响不大。  相似文献   

用挤压铸造方法制造Mullite/Al-3.5Cu复合材料及其基体合金,用硬度测试(HB),差示扫描量热仪(DSC)和透射电镜(TEM)等手段,研究了温度对复合材料及其基体合金时效和为的影响。结果表明:复合材料和基体合金具有相似的时效硬化曲线及相同的时效析出序列,随时效温度的升高,峰值硬度降低,时效析出过程加快;莫来石纤维除了能明显提高Al-3.5Cu合金的时效硬度外,还能加速其时效析出进程,但对GP区的形具有明显的抑制作用,而对θ相的析出影响不大。  相似文献   

选用挤压铸造法制备mullite/Al-4.5Cu复合材料,采用硬度测试(HB)、差示扫描量热(DSC)、透射电镜(TEM)等手段研究了mullite/Al-4.5Cu复合材料的时效特性。结果表明:莫来石纤维的引入明显提高了基体合金的时效硬度,加速了基体合金的时效硬化速度,对SSS→GPI反应有抑制作用,但没有改变基体合金的时效析出序列。复合材料具有和基体合金相似的时效硬化曲线。温度对两类材料时效硬化行为的影响基本一致。  相似文献   

用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)对Al-3.5Cu合金和莫来石(Mullite)短纤维增强Al-3.5Cu复合材料的时效析出行为进行了研究。结果表明,Al-3.5Cu合金和Mullite/Al-3.5Cu复合材料固溶淬火试样的DSC扫描曲线存在较大不同,GP区形成的溶解的信息在基体合金的DSC曲线上清晰可见,但在复合材料固溶淬火试样的DSC曲线上则很难确认,表明纤维推延或抑制了GP区的形成。θ^〃相和θ′相的析出过程由于纤维的引入而得到明显加快,峰值温度降低,激活能减小,时效析出过程加快。但是,扫描参数选择不当时,容易对析出相的析出过程产生错误判断,应引起重视。  相似文献   

选用挤压铸造法制备Mullitel/Al-Mg-Si复合材料,采用扫描电镜、透射电镜等手段.研究了莫来石短纤维增强不同镁硅比Al-Mg-Si复合材料及其基体合金的时效行为。结果表明:复合材料具有和基体合金相似的时效硬化曲线,相同的析出序列;Mullite纤维的引入提高了基体合金的时效硬度,并一定程度地加速了基体合金的时效硬化过程.但对CP区的抑制不明显;Si或Mg元素的富余都加速了复合材料及其基体合金的时效硬化过程,且两类材料的时效峰明显提前。Mullite短纤维与富余的Si或Mg元素对复合材料的时效硬化过程具有交互促进作用。  相似文献   

采用挤压铸造方法制备mullite/Al-4.0Cu-1.85Mg铝基复合材料。用硬度测试(HB),差示扫描量热仪(DSC)和分析透射电镜(ATEM)等手段,研究了复合材料及其基体合金的时效硬化特性,时效相的析出序列,析出相和位错的微观形貌特征以及界面结构,结果表明:mullite纤维的引入抑制了GPB区的形成,提高了基体合金的时效硬度,但纤维加速复合材料时效硬化的作用不明显,这是由于Mg元素在纤维/基体界面处发生了界面反应,生成镁铝尖晶石(MgCl2O4),使复合材料中非纤维区内实际Mg含量降低所致。  相似文献   

用挤压铸造方法制备Mullite/Al-0.95Mg-0.85Si复合材料。用硬度测试、差示扫描量热仪(DSC)和透射电镜(TEM)等手段,研究了莫来石短纤维增强Al-0.95Mg-0.85Si复合材料及其基体合金的时效行为。结果表明:无论是复合材料还是基体合金,它们都具有相似的时效硬化曲线及相同的析出序列;Mullite纤维的引入明显提高了基体合金的时效硬度,并一定程度地加速了Al-0.95Mg-0.85Si合金的时效硬化过程,但对低温下由空位扩散控制的SSS→GP反应无明显抑制;温度对复合材料及其基体合金时效硬化行为的影响基本一致。  相似文献   

研究了挤压铸造短纤维/铝基复合材料中纤维体积分数以及预制件的预热温度对复合材料力学性能的影响。结果表明:纤维加速了复合材料的时效强化过程,随着纤维体积分数的增加,复合材料的硬度、强度、弹性模量增大,而塑性下降;随着预制件预热温度的升高,冷却速度减慢,复合材料的力学性能下降。  相似文献   

用挤压铸造方法制备了Mullite/Al Cu Si复合材料。用硬度 (HB)测试仪、差示扫描量热仪 (DSC)和显微镜研究含Si量变化和Mullite纤维对Al Cu Si合金时效硬化行为的影响 ;元素Si、Mullite纤维以及二者同时存在对Al Cu Si合金时效析出序列的影响。结果表明 :Si和Mullite纤维明显抑制了Al Cu合金GP区的形成 ;随着含Si量增加 ,Al Cu Si合金的时效硬化过程加快 ;Mullite纤维对Al Cu和Al Cu Si合金的时效硬化过程都具有加速作用 ,同时提高了基体合金的时效硬度 ,但相对而言 ,Mullite纤维对无Si的Al Cu合金的时效硬化加速作用更为明显一些。  相似文献   

Mullite/ZL101复合材料的组织及时效特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用挤压铸造制备Mullite/ZL101复合材料。用光学显微镜及透射电镜(TEM)观察复合材料及其基体合金的微观组织,用硬度测试及差示扫描量热仪研究Mullite/ZL101复合材料及其基体合金的时效特性。结果表明:采用挤压铸造法可获得复合良好的Mullite/ZL101复合材料,Mullite纤维对ZL101合金有明显的强化作用;在整个时效过程中,复合材料的时效硬度明显高于基体合金,纤维的引入没有改变基体合金时效析出序列,对低温下由空位扩散控制的SSS-GP反应无明显的抑制作用;复合材料中β″析出反应的峰值温度及活化能较基体合金的低,时效硬化过程得到一定程度的加速。  相似文献   

Al2O3短纤维/SiC颗粒混杂增强铝合金复合材料   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
研究了Al2O3 短纤维和SiC 颗粒混杂增强铝合金复合材料在制动过程中的摩擦磨损性能。结果表明复合材料在制动过程中的摩擦系数较稳定, 磨损量较小, 与传统的制动材料铸铁相比, 复合材料的表面温升较低, 铸铁由于表面温升较高而产生了大量的裂纹。复合材料由于增强体的存在, 制动过程中表面易形成致密连续的转移膜, 该转移膜的出现保证了复合材料在制动过程中摩擦系数的稳定, 降低了复合材料的磨损量。与铸铁相比, 复合材料的密度较低, 更适用于作制动材料  相似文献   

Al2O3 short fiber reinforced AI-Cu composites containing 1%, 3%, 5% and 7% Cu were fabricated by a squeeze casting technique. The as-cast Al2O3/Al-Cu composites were solution treated at 535 ℃ and then aged at 170, 190 and 210 ℃, respectively. Age hardening behavior of the Al2O3/Al-Cu composites was analyzed by measuring the hardness of the samples at different aging temperatures and aging time. Microstructures of the composites were observed by transmission electron microscope(TEM). The results indicate that the hardness of the Al2O3/Al-Cu composites containing 7% Cu is much higher than that containing 1%-5% Cu because of the large amount of CuAl2 precipitant in the Al2O3/Al-Cu composite. With the increase of Cu content from 1% to 7%, the time needed for the appearance of peak hardness shortened, indicating that the addition of Cu can accelerate the kinetic of CuAl2 precipitation in the Al2O3/Al-Cu composites. The Al2O3/Al-Cu composite containing 7% Cu shows the highest increment of hardness by aging treatment. Therefore, in order to get a higher peak hardness, the Al2O3/Al-Cu composites need more Cu addition as compared with the un-reinforced Al-Cu alloys.  相似文献   

To prepare the three-dimensional braided carbon fiber reinforced mullite (3D C/mullite) composites, an Al2O3-SiO2 sol with a solid content of 20% (mass fraction) and an Al2O3/SiO2 mass ratio of 2:1 was selected as the raw material. Characteristics and mullitization of the sol were analyzed throughly. It is found that the formation of mullite is basically completed at 1300 °C and the gel powders exhibit favorable sintering shrinkage. The 3D C/mullite composites without interfacial coating were fabricated through the route of vacuum impregnation-drying-heat treatment. Satisfied mechanical properties with a flexural strength of 241.2 MPa and a fracture toughness of 10.9 MPa·m1/2 are obtained although the total porosity reaches 26.0%. Oxidation resistances of the composites at 1200, 1400 and 1600 °C were investigated. Due to the further densification of matrix, the 3D C/mullite composites show tiny mass loss and their mechanical properties are well retained after oxidation at 1600 °C for 30 min.  相似文献   

Mullite short fiber reinforced Al-4.0Cu-1.85Mg composite and its base alloy were fabricated by squeeze casting. The age-hardening behavior, precipitation procedure, microstructure of dislocation and precipitates, and the interfacial structure have been studied by means of hardness measurement (HB), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and analytical transmission electron microscope (ATEM), respectively. The short mullite fiber in the composite induces high dislocation density in the near vicinity of the interface after it is solutionized and quenched in ice water, and suppresses or delays the formation of GPB zones. The aged hardness of the composite is always higher than that of its base alloy, but there appears little difference between the time needed in the composite and in the base alloy to reach the peak hardness, which means that the acceleration effect of mullite fiber in the precipitation of Al-Cu-Mg alloy is not great enough. Mg also reacts with Al and SiO2, resulting in the formation of spinel (MgAl2O4), which depletes Mg in the matrix and finally hinders the aging acceleration in the testing composite.  相似文献   

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