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采用透射电子显微镜(TEM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、磁力显微镜(MFM)和原位X射线衍射(XRD)等探讨Sm2Co17型稀土永磁材料的胞状结构、畴结构和相结构及其对磁性能的影响,制备使用温度为500℃的高温稀土永磁材料。结果表明,Sm(CoFe0.11Cu0.10Zr0.03)7.5具有很好的高温稳定性,500℃时的磁性能为:Br=0.708 T,Hci=646.7 kA/m,BHmax=85.4 kJ/m^3;其磁畴宽度远小于晶粒尺寸,但大于胞状结构的尺寸,使用温度较高的磁体具有较小的磁畴和胞状结构;当使用温度小于300℃时,Sm2Co17型磁体内存在的相结构为2:17R、2:17H和1:5相,矫顽力主要受1:5相的钉扎而产生;当300℃〈t〈tc^1:5时,部分1:5相转变成中间相并最终转变成2:7相,磁体的矫顽力将由1:5相钉扎和2:7相形核所控制;当t≥tc^1:5时,磁体的矫顽力将全部由非磁性1:5相和2:7相形核所控制。  相似文献   

Sm2Co17基高温稀土永磁材料的显微结构与磁性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cu含量较高的Sm2Co17基永磁材料在高温下具有较大的内禀矫顽力,而Fe含量较高时其高温下的磁性较差.TEM显示磁体由胞状结构构成,胞内为2:17R相,胞壁为1:5相,在MFM(磁力显微镜)下可观测到片状相(1:7相),畴结构为波纹畴和条状畴,但是在片状相出现的区域并未观察到畴壁钉扎点,而在胞壁相的三角结合区域畴壁的钉扎强度最高,高温X射线衍射分析表明,随着性能的降低观测到材料的相结构发生了较大的变化,由室温下的2:17R主相、1:5相和1:7相变为非晶结构,且最终转变成700℃时的SmCo3主相和2:17R相,相结构的转变直接导致磁体性能的降低。  相似文献   

采用粉末冶金工艺制备了Sm(Co.Fe,Cu,Zr)z(6.5<z<8.5)烧结磁体,通过改变时效处理温度和时效时间等一系列处理方法对同一种成分和烧结工艺的磁体进行回火热处理,并对时效处理的磁体磁性能进行测定,研究发现热处理工艺对磁体的磁性能有较大的影响,剩磁Br在835℃时效处理8h左右达到最高,而矫顽力随着热处理时间和温度的增加是不断增大的.最后对这些影响磁性能的机理进行了讨论.  相似文献   

采用SC工艺和通用的熔炼工艺制备了Sm2Co17型永磁材料。对两种工艺所制备的合金金相组织、永磁材料的磁性能进行了研究。另外,也研究了合金时效处理对永磁材料磁性能和取向度的影响。结果表明,SC工艺制备的合金获得了希望的柱状晶结构,但其制备的永磁材料磁性能却明显偏低,取向度只有通用熔炼工艺的74%;时效处理能明显提高SC工艺制备的永磁材料的磁性能,且其磁性能与通用熔炼工艺制备的永磁材料相当。  相似文献   

采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)结合X射线能谱仪(EDS)对Sm2Co17型钐钴永磁合金时效处理过程中的显微结构与成分的变化进行分析,揭示该类永磁合金的显微结构在时效过程中随着时效温度和时间的改变而变化的规律,明确正常样品的典型显微结构SEM照片。此方法较光学显微镜的显微结构结果更加准确直观,较透射电子显微镜则有制样简单和分析快速的特点,在产品质量控制中应用效果显著。  相似文献   

Zr元素对Sm2Fe17合金结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过XRD,SEM,EDX等手段研究了Zr对Sm2Fe17母合金及均匀化热处理后合金的相及微观结构的影响。结果表明:少量Zr元素的加入,能有效抑制铸锭中α-Fe相的生成:改变富Sm相的分布形态,使其在合金中沿基体Sm2Fe17相晶界呈网状分布,同时能部分取代基体Sm2Fe17相中Fe;短时的热处理能进一步降低合金中α-Fe含量在消除富Sm相,并使Zr在合金中的分布趋于均匀,而长时间热处理对加Zr合金不是一个必要的环节。因此,Zr元素的加入有效的降低了成本,有利于制备成分均一的高质量的Sm2Fe17相母合金。  相似文献   

本文报告了轻稀土(Pr、Nd)取代钐对2:17型永磁材料磁性能以及热稳定性的影响。结果表明:在材料中用轻稀土元素取代钐,可以提高材料的乘磁和磁能积,但是其取代量应该小于0.3,否则材料的矫顽力急剧和,不能得到实用化的磁体。  相似文献   

通过XRD,SEM,EDX等手段研究了Sm-Fe合金的凝固和均匀化热处理过程中合金的相及微观结构的变化。结果表明:Sm-Fe合金在凝固中由于包晶反应不完全,母合金中不可避免地含有α-Fe,富Sm相等杂相:1050℃,24h的热处理能有效地消除合金中的杂相和残余应力,成功地制备出成分均一的单相2:17母合金。通过实验观测和分析,建立了Sm-Fe合金凝固过程中微观结构演变的物理模型。  相似文献   

Sm2(Fe1—xCrx)17N~2.7永磁材料的结构与磁性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周寿增  林毅 《金属学报》1994,30(2):B072-B076
研究了Cr部分取代Fe对Sm2(Fe1-xCrx)17N~2.7磁粉磁特性的影响。添加少量Cr(x=0-0.1),该化合物的结构不变化。随Ce含量的增加,它的Curie温度、各向异性场饱和磁化强度、平均Fe原子磁矩和平均超精细场均有所降低。材料的单相性显著改善,矫顽力提高。Sm2(Fe0.95Cr0.05)17N~2.7磁粉的矫顽力iHc达到1592kA/m。  相似文献   

通过XRD分析并结合Rietveled结构精修方法研究Sm2Fe17合金的氮化后粉末的物相组成与含量,单胞的精细结构。结果表明:氮原子优先进入9e晶位,氮原子的引入导致了SmFeN晶胞的不对称畸变,致使稀土Sm的6c和3a晶位以及Fe原子的9d晶位占位过饱和,而Fe原子的6c,18f,18h晶位出现了少量缺位情况;在490℃,0.3MPa氮压力下氮化4h后,氮原子在9e晶位占位率达99.4%,获得主相的含量达97.9%(质量分数,下同),Sm2O3相为0.9%,SmN相为0.5%,α-Fe相为0.7%的高纯高氮含量的SmFeN合金粉末。  相似文献   

The quenching, fracture and aging treatment of radially oriented Sm2Co17 ring magnets were investigated. The results indicate that the ring magnets have obvious anisotropy of thermal expansion, which easily leads to the splits of the magnets during quenching. The fracture is brittle cleavage fracture. The difference (Aa) of the expansion coefficient reaches the maximum value at 800-850 ℃. So, various quenching processes at different steps are adopted in order to reduce the splits. When the magnets are aged, 1:5 phase precipitates from the 2:17 matrix phase and forms a cellular microstructure with 2:17 phase. BHmax and JHc reach the maximum value 226 kJ/m^3 and 2 170 kA/m after being aged at 850 ℃ for 4 h and 8 h, respectively. The aging treatment at 850 ℃ has little influence on remanence(Br), which can always keep a high value (≥1.0 T). Through appropriate heat treatment, the ring magnets have uniform cellular microstructure and excellent magnetic properties: Br ≥ 1.0T, JHc ≥2 100 kA/m, BHmax ≥ 220 kJ/m^3.  相似文献   

The research on the sintered Sm2Co17 permanent magnets prepared by metal injection molding is still at the exploratory stage. Carbon and oxygen are two key factors that influence the magnetic properties. In this article, the effects of oxygen and carbon on the properties and microstructure of the magnets have been studied. The results indicate that oxygen consumes the effective Sm content of the magnets and forms Sm2O3-the non-magnetism phase, which result in the deterioration of the magnetic properties. Besides, the magnetic properties decrease in evidence with increasing carbon content. The main factor that affects the magnetic properties is the deterioration of the microstructure of the magnets. The Sm(Co, Cu)5 phase decreases, whereas the cell size increases with the increase of the carbon content. When the carbon content is above 0.43 wt.%, the Sm(Co, Cu)5 phase is not enough to form a uniform cellular microstructure. Thus the magnetic properties disappear. ZrC is detected in the magnets by XRD when the carbon content is above 0.21 wt.%. ZrC also reduces the properties of the magnets.  相似文献   

The isotropic Sm2Fe17Nx magnetic powders were prepared by Hydrogenation-Disproportion-Desorption-Recombination (HDDR) process. The phase and microstructure evolutionary process of Sm-Fe alloy during the solidification, homogenization, HDDR and nitration processes were investigated by means of XRD, SEM, EDX and AFM. The results show that the homogeneous Sm2Fe17 alloy wassuccessfully obtained and the impurity phases and residual stress were well removed by heated at 1050 ℃ for 24 h. When heated at 800 ℃ for 1h in H2 of 0.1 Mpa, the alloy turns into SmHx and α-Fe with plenty of nanocrystals. After vacuumized at 800 ℃ for 2h the alloy recombines into Sm2Fe17 with a crystal grain size of about 85 nm.The lattice constant of the alloy increases and the expanding of the crystal cell reaches 6.28% after nitrified at 500 ℃ for 5 h. The magnetic property of isotropic bonded Sm2Fe17Nx magnets is Br=0.6704 T, Hcj = 1015 kA·m-1,( BH )max =73.7 kJ·m-3 with a density of 6.04 g·cm-3 .  相似文献   

高矫顽力2:17型SmCo永磁合金的时效处理与磁性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜、X射线电子能谱分析以及磁性测量的方法,研究了高矫顽力2:17型钐钴稀土永磁合金在等级时效过程中磁性能的变化与时效处理条件及显微组织结构的关系。试验结果表明:合金一经时效,就由单相固溶体分解为2:17相和1:5相,在随后降低温度的等级时效过程中,内禀矫顽力Hci的提高可以认为是由两相成分的变化进而导致畴壁能差的变化引起的,另外时效过程中产生的晶界析出物对矫顽力的提高也起了一定的作用。  相似文献   

Microstructure of Sm2Co17 magnets and its influence on coercivity   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Sm(CobklFe0.197Cu0.049Zr0.026)7.5 magnet with Hci of 2105 kA/m and β18-200℃ of - 0.17 % /℃ was made by sintering processing. The magnet has uniform celluler structure. The cell interior is a rhombohedarl 2 : 17 phase,and the boundary is a hexagonal 1 : 5 phase. The average cell size is 93 nm and the cell boundary thickness is 20 nm.The cells are enriched in Fe, and the cell boundaries are enriched in Cu. More Cu-riched 1 : 5 cell boundary phase would be helpful to obtain a higher coercivity and lower temperature coefficient. White secondary phase mainly consisting of Sm can decrease the coercivity of the magnets, but the closely paralleled grooves can increase coercivity.  相似文献   

HDDR法生产Sm2Fe17Nx磁粉的关键是获得细小的晶粒。通过XRD,SEM,EDX等手段研究了Sm2Fe17合金粉在脱氢-再化合过程中的相及微观结构的演化规律。结果表明:在真空条件下,650℃时,已经歧化为SmHx和α-Fe的合金粉的脱氢-再化合开始,先形成非稳定的TbCu7结构的SmFe7相,随着再化合温度的升高,SmFe7相逐渐向稳态相Sm2Fe17转变,在850℃时转变完全;在再化合过程中,合金粉的颗粒大小不发生变化,但内部晶粒已经明显细化;850℃脱氢-再化合lh。晶粒大小约50nm。  相似文献   

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