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结合陕西省水资源概况及水资源在开发利用和保护中存在的问题,分析问题的成因,提出解决问题的对策.  相似文献   

通过对水库生态环境现状分析,生态环境治理迫切性、有利条件、存在问题及对策的研究探讨,阐述了环境与水资源的关系,依法保护水资源的重要性及人工治理生态环境的必要性与可行性,呼吁沿库各方一齐动手,治理和保护水资源。  相似文献   

膘尔托阔依河是新疆克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州乌恰县境内最主要的河流。为了加强膘尔托阔依河水资源开发与保护工作,分析了膘尔托阔依河概况,对其水资源开发现状及存在的问题进行了探析,基于社会经济发展对水资源开发与保护的需求提出了水资源保护与利用方案,对推进膘尔托阔依河保护具有重要作用。  相似文献   

滨州市水资源短缺,水资源可持续利用存在若干问题。为缓解本市日益加剧的水资源供需矛盾,需要在水资源的可持续利用中,坚持节流与开源并举,节流优先、治污为本,使水资源得到合理开发、优化配置、高效利用和有效保护,逐步建立节水防污型社会。  相似文献   

分析了吉林市水资源开发利用的现状,就如何实现水资源供需平衡展开了讨论。指出,要实现水资源的可持续利用,必须在满足水资源系统,包括水质水量,在自然循环运动规律的条件下,研究解决水资源的供需过程中的各种矛盾冲突,采取行之有效的措施,才能达到水资源的可持续供需动态平衡  相似文献   

分析了阳泉市地理环境、水土保持、水资源使用、水污染的现状,研究讨论了存在的主要问题,就如何保护该地区水资源、防治污染方面提出应采取的一些措施。  相似文献   

GIS在水文水资源领域中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
将GIS在水文水资源的应用领域进行了划分,有针对性地对水资源评价和规划、区域水资源管理、防洪减灾、水环境监测和水资源保护以及水文模拟近来的应用进展进行了综述。探讨了GIS在水文水资源领域研究中存在的问题,并对未来的发展趋势进行了展望,以便为GIS在我国水文水资源领域的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

水是地球最宝贵的资源,人类生存离不开水。叙述了当前饮用水资源存在的问题,结合实际情况,提出了有效开展保护饮用水资源的对策。  相似文献   

1概述 随着社会的快速发展和人口的急剧增长,水资源危机日益加剧、水环境质量不断恶化,水资源短缺已成为倍受大家关注的问题之一.因此,充分保护水资源和积极开展水资源的综合改造利用,具有极其重要的意义.  相似文献   

在人类生存与发展中,水资源起到了非常重要的基础作用,其管理质量不但会影响到人们生活与生产质量,还与社会经济发展之间有非常密切的联系。因此,一定要全面认识到水资源保护工作的重要性,对目前水资源使用中存在的质量问题进行深入分析,在此基础上开展严格的地下水环境影响评价工作,从而在更大程度上提升地下水资源质量。针对地下水资源保护与地下水环境影响评价进行了深入分析,并结合实际情况提出了一些有效的地下水资源保护措施,希望能为相关人员完成工作提供参考。  相似文献   


The classical body-force analogy for static problems of thermoelasticity is extended toward dynamic coupled problems. We consider two dynamic problems, namely, a thermal problem without body forces, but with a given distribution of transient sources of heat, and a force problem without sources of heat but with body forces. Both problems are treated within the coupled theory of thermoelasticity such that temperature must also be taken into account in the force problem. We restrict our considerations to the one-dimensional case, and we show that, given suitable boundary and initial conditions, a distribution of body forces can be constructed such that the dynamic displacements in both problems become equal. This analogy is checked by means of illustrative analytical examples. We also discuss the relations between the stresses and the temperature in both problems, and we mention that a similar analogy can be established, requiring the temperatures in both problems to be equal.  相似文献   

本文主要阐述了亚临界锅炉集箱水压试验的难度及解决方案 ,如集箱上小管接头、大管接头密封问题 ,集箱上三通、弯头、敞口集箱的密封问题 ,水压试验场地问题 ,集箱水压后三通、弯头、敞口集箱的机加问题 ,制造成本和生产周期问题。此项研究的成功 ,使我公司的集箱制造水平有了很大的提高 ,保证了所有集箱焊缝不泄露 ,使我公司的产品质量进一步得到用户的认可  相似文献   

This article employs the continuous-time analog Hopfield neural network (CHNN) to compute the temperature distribution in one- and two-dimensional transient heat conduction problems. The relationship between the CHNN synaptic connection weights and the governing equations of the problems is established and a corresponding network connectivity circuit design scheme proposed. The CHNN algorithm is initially applied to the solution of conventional problems and is then used to solve more complicated problems involving time-varying heat flux profiles. The results confirm that the CHNN scheme provides an accurate means of solving the transient temperature distributions of heat conduction problems on a real-time basis.  相似文献   

A unified approach for solving convection-diffusion problems using the Generalized Integral Transform Technique (GITT) was advanced and coined as the UNIT (UNified Integral Transforms) algorithm, as implied by the acronym. The unified manner through which problems are tackled in the UNIT framework allows users that are less familiar with the GITT to employ the technique for solving a variety of partial-differential problems. This paper consolidates this approach in solving general transient one-dimensional problems. Different integration alternatives for calculating coefficients arising from integral transformation are discussed. Besides presenting the proposed algorithm, aspects related to computational implementation are also explored. Finally, benchmark results of different types of problems are calculated with a UNIT-based implementation and compared with previously obtained results.  相似文献   

提出了常压锅炉的一些水循环问题及供暖系统中一些部位负压等问题 ,找到了解决这此问题的方法  相似文献   

对生物质直接燃烧过程中的灰熔融粘结问题进行了总结,分析了生物质直接燃烧过程中生物质灰分熔融粘结的预测方法、解决途径,为生物质灰熔融粘结问题的进一步解决提供技术参考。  相似文献   

This review presents when and how Genetic Algorithms (GAs) have been used over the last 15 years in the field of heat transfer. GAs are an optimization tool based on Darwinian evolution. They have been developed in the 1970s, but their utilization in heat transfer problems is more recent. In particular, the last couple of years have seen a sharp increase of interest in GAs for heat transfer related optimization problems. Three main families of heat transfer problems using GAs have been identified: (i) thermal systems design problems, (ii) inverse heat transfer problems, and (iii) development of heat transfer correlations. We present here the main features of the problems addressed with GAs including the modeling, number of variables, and GA settings. This information is useful for future use of GAs in heat transfer. Future possibilities and accomplishments of GAs in heat transfer are also drawn.  相似文献   

直接甲醇燃料电池的研究进展及关键问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了直接甲醇燃料电池的工作原理和各研究机构目前取得的最新进展,对其发电过程中存在的电催化剂、甲醇渗透等关键技术问题进行了分析,接着探讨了DMFC数学模型的建立和控制方案的实现问题。指出直接甲醇燃料电池在小型移动电源方面有着广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

中央空调变流量水系统分析及改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析常规空调变流量一级/二级泵分布式冷水系统存在的小温差和低效率(特别是部分负荷工况下)的问题及其原因,并提出改进设计方案——全变速一级/加压泵分布式冷水系统,并阐明改进系统的技术可行性及其优点。  相似文献   

介绍了世界能源结构的现状及发展趋势,指出了能源消耗与环境、人类发展之间的矛盾.在概括目前人类缓解这一矛盾的主要措施时,提及了形成能源现状的某些因素.提出了解决上述矛盾的新方法-构建全球能量平衡体系,并建立了该平衡体系的模型,分析了其优缺点和可行性.简要介绍了目前生物质能的利用状况,给出了该平衡体系的关键环节-仿生型能量转换装置的概念,并进行了该装置与传统热机的优缺点对比.最后,简单分析了构建全球能量平衡体系需要解决的技术和其它关键问题。  相似文献   

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