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压缩天然气缸内直喷发动机的现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然气作为车用发动机的一种重要的"清洁燃料"日益受到人们的重视,天然气汽车在国内外均获得了较快的发展.本文简述了清洁代用燃料天然气的优缺点,以及直喷发动机的优点和目前的技术难点.最后分析了将两者相结合的天然气缸内直喷技术的特点以及国内外的研究现状和发展趋势.  相似文献   

本文阐述了目前柴油机制动技术中较为先进的缸内压缩释放制动技术,并对缸内压缩释放制动技术的受限因素及风险点进行了分析,为将来的设计、开发过程提供支持并提前预防。  相似文献   

天然气发动机燃烧制动性能仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用GT-Power仿真软件建立某一型号发动机模型,研究点火时刻、转速和减压气门运行参数对发动机燃烧制动性能的影响。研究结果表明:随着点火时刻的提前,发动机制动功率呈线性增加;点火时刻一定时,发动机转速越高制动功率越大,减压气门升程越高制动功率也越大。当转速一定时,每个减压气门升程都对应一个最佳气门提前角使得制动功率的峰值最大,且最佳气门提前角随着气门升程的增大而减小;当升程一定时,每个转速都对应一个最佳气门提前角使得制动功率的峰值最大,且最佳气门提前角随着转速增大而增大。当气门升程为4mm、转速为2 400r/min时,最大制动功率可达137kW,可达发动机标定功率的1.7倍。  相似文献   

天然气缸内直喷发动机燃烧循环变动特性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
开展了天然气高压缸内直喷发动机的燃烧循环变动特性研究。研究结果表明,小当量比工况下(<0.4),会出现失火循环和部分燃烧循环,平均指示压力pmi值低,pmi的循环变动系数大,大当量比工况下pmi的循环变动系数小。最高气缸压力高的循环燃烧速率快、燃烧过程的等容度好。最高气缸压力与其对应的曲轴转角之间、最高气缸压力升高率与其对应的曲轴转角之间、最高气缸压力和pmi之间都存在着一定关系。最高气缸压力与火焰发展期、快速燃烧期也存在很好的对应关系。高的最高气缸压力对应着短的火焰发展期和短的快速燃烧期。循环的累积放热量越大则pmi越大,pmi的大小与累积放热量的大小存在对应关系。  相似文献   

设计开发的天然气发动机压缩着火燃烧系统采用球形涡流室式燃烧室结构及天然气复合供气系统,通过台架试验研究了不同天然气供气方式、进气加热温度、高压供气定时和高、低压供气比例对着火燃烧和排放的影响.结果表明,高压供气定时、高低压供气比例、进气加热温度对天然气压燃和排放的影响均存在最优值;与天然气低压供气方式相比较,复合供气方式实现天然气发动机的着火起动需要较高的辅助加热条件;但是在扩展发动机运转范围方面具有明显优势.  相似文献   

基于单级增压柴油机构建一维热力学仿真模型,模拟了柴油机排气边界参数及不同增压系统的变海拔(0、2和4 km)缸内工作特性及制动功率.结果表明:在压缩上止点前,随着排气门开启持续期的增加,总平均指示压力、平均有效压力及制动功率先升高后略微降低;随着排气门开启时刻的推迟,总平均指示压力、泵气损失压力及平均有效压力先升高后略微降低;在压缩上止点存在最优的开启持续期及开启时刻,使得柴油机制动功率最大.相对单级增压系统,在海拔为0、2和4 km标定转速下,两级增压系统最大总平均指示压力分别提升65%、74%和55%,最大平均有效压力分别提升64%、68%和45%.相对原机(无缸内制动),单级及两级增压系统在海拔为0 km标定转速下,其制动功率分别增加112%、249%;在海拔为4 km时单级及两级增压系统制动功率分别增加164%、238%.  相似文献   

缸内直喷天然气发动机控制系统研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以80C196KC单片机为微处理器,针对火化点火式单缸发动机开发了一种缸内直喷天然气控制系统,本文介绍了控制系统的组成及功能,探讨了控制电路设计、控制参数匹配及控制策略制定等问题。通过发动机台架试验,检验了控制系统设计及控制方法的有效性,其结果达到了预期的要求。  相似文献   

不同喷射时刻下缸内直喷天然气发动机的燃烧特性   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
开展了天然气高压缸内直喷发动机不同喷射时刻时的燃烧特性研究。研究结果表明:燃料喷射时刻对发动机性能及排放有较大影响,喷射太迟会导致天然气和空气混合时间短,混合效果差,燃烧持续期长,放热速率慢。喷射过早会导致充量系数下降,燃料容易进入燃烧室狭缝间隙处,造成较高的HC排放。对于给定转速,发动机存在一个最佳燃料喷射提前角,此时缸内最高压力值最大,最大压力升高率和最大放热率最大,放热速率快,燃烧过程等容度好,火焰发展期、快速燃烧期和燃烧持续期短,发动机热效率高,HC、CO排放也维持较低水平。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种压燃式天然气发动机燃烧系统,并在不同的燃烧室结构参数下对其燃烧特性和缸内流场分布进行了模拟计算.结果表明,半球型副燃烧室着火性能要优于平底型副燃烧室;较小通道直径有利于抑制燃烧敲缸和扩大功率输出;如果将通道进行适当的右偏移后,在不改变着火性能的基础上,可以有效降低燃烧速率,避免燃烧敲缸.  相似文献   

以190型天然气发动机为对象,采集了发动机的示功图,分析了点火提前角及负荷对燃烧过程的影响规律。试验结果表明,在BTDC28℃A到BTDC36℃A范围内,最高燃烧压力和最大瞬时放热率以及缸内最高燃烧温度随点火提前角的增大而增大;BTDC33℃A点火提前角下最高燃烧压力和最大瞬时放热率以及缸内最高燃烧温度随负荷的增大而增大;火焰发展期随点火提前角增大而增大,随负荷增加而减小;50%燃烧相位角随点火提前角、负荷的增加而减小,速燃期随点火提前角的增大先增大后减小,随负荷增加呈减小趋势。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of various hydrogen ratios in HCNG (hydrogen enriched compressed natural gas) fuels on combustion and emission characteristics of a turbocharged spark ignition natural gas engine at idling conditions. The experiments were taken at hydrogen fractions of 0%, 30%, 55% and 75% by volume and were conducted under various operating conditions including different excess air ratio λ and spark timing θig. It is found that under various λ and θig, the addition of hydrogen can significantly reduce CH4 emission and CO emission, although NOx emission increased with the hydrogen addition, it was relatively low at idle conditions compared to other emissions. Meanwhile the addition of hydrogen can significantly reduce COVimep (coefficient of variation of the indicated mean effective pressure), extend the lean burn limit, decrease the combustion duration, achieve higher thermal efficiency and reduce fuel consumption.  相似文献   

Experimental and numerical studies on the effect of spark ignition engine fueled with different fractions of CNGCO2H2 blend were conducted. The results show that with the increase of CO2 fraction, the effect of vortex on the flame wrinkle is weakened, and the flame development period increases. With the increase of the volume fraction of hydrogen in the mixture, the flame development period shortens and the flame instability trend increases. With the increase of engine speed, the turbulence intensity in the cylinder increases. The different ignition positions have great influence on the development form and combustion efficiency of the flame surface. The reasonable selection of ignition position will be beneficial to optimize and improve the performance of the whole machine.  相似文献   

In order to analyze the effect of hydrogen addition on natural gas (NG) engine's thermal efficiency and emission, an experimental research was conducted on a spark ignition NG engine using variable composition hydrogen/CNG mixtures (HCNG). The results showed that hydrogen enrichment could significantly extend the lean operation limit, improve the engine's lean burn ability, and decrease burn duration. However, nitrogen oxides (NOx)(NOx) were found to increase with hydrogen addition if spark timing was not optimized according to hydrogen's high burn speed. Also found when spark timing was set at constant was that hydrogen addition actually increases heat transfer out of the cylinder due to smaller quenching distance and higher combustion temperature, thus is not good to improve thermal efficiency if combined with the effect of non-ideal spark timing. But if spark timing was retarded to MBT, taking advantage of hydrogen's high burn speed, NOxNOx emissions exhibited no obvious increase after hydrogen addition and engine thermal efficiency increased with the increase of hydrogen fraction. Unburned hydrocarbon always decreased with the increase of hydrogen fraction.  相似文献   

In the future, hydrogen will be required to supplement and eventually replace a rapidly diminishing natural gas resource for stationary type combustion engines. Combustion properties, knock rating, engine performance and emissions of methane (the chief constituent of natural gas) and hydrogen are different as engine fuels. In the present work, investigations were carried out to obtain data on engine performance, fuel economy and emissions, using natural gas, hydrogen-supplemented natural gas (methane) and hydrogen in AVL2 research engine. Investigations were also carried out to suppress flashback and to reduce nitric oxide emissions at different operating conditions, by water induction into the hydrogen-air mixture in the intake manifold for a hydrogen fueled engine.  相似文献   

In this experimental study, hydrogen was inducted along with air and diesel was injected into the cylinder using a high pressure common rail system, in a single cylinder homogeneous charge compression ignition engine. An electronic controller was used to set the required injection timing of diesel for best thermal efficiency. The influences of hydrogen to diesel energy ratio, output of the engine and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on performance, emissions and combustion were studied in detail. An increase in the amount of hydrogen improved the thermal efficiency by retarding the combustion process. It also lowered the exhaust emissions. Large amounts of hydrogen and EGR were needed at high outputs for suppressing knock. The range of operation was brake mean effective pressures of 2–4 bar. The levels of HC and CO emitted were not significantly influenced by the amount of hydrogen that was used.  相似文献   

Mixtures of hydrogen and carbon monoxide were used to simulate the fuel component of synthesis gas and operate a single cylinder engine in homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) mode. The engine was originally an air-cooled direct injection (DI) compression ignition (CI) engine. The original diesel fuel injection system was removed and a port fuel injection (PFI) system with intake air heating was added. The engine speed was maintained at a constant 1800 RPM.  相似文献   

Hydrogen added to natural gas improves the process of combustion with the possibility to develop engines with higher performance and lower environmental impact. In this paper experimental and numerical analyses on a multi cylinder stoichiometric heavy duty engine, fuelled with natural gas–hydrogen blends, are reported. Some constrains on hydrogen content and maximum load achievable have limited the scope of investigation. A specific modelling of the reference engine was developed to extend the study at full load condition and at higher hydrogen content. The results showed a higher combustion speed when hydrogen content in the fuel is increased. However, the positive effect of shorter combustion duration on thermal efficiency is mitigated by higher wall heat loss, due to higher combustion temperatures. Therefore lower CO2 emissions are due only to the substitution of natural gas with hydrogen, making crucial the way of hydrogen producing to have a benefit on well-to-wheel CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

The production of hydrogen and syngas from natural gas using a homogeneous charge compression ignition reforming engine is investigated numerically. The simulation tool used was CHEMKIN 3.7, using the GRI-3 natural gas combustion mechanism. This simulation was conducted on the changes in hydrogen and syngas concentration according to the variations of equivalence ratio, intake temperature, oxygen enrichment, engine speed, initial pressure, and fuel additives with partial oxidation combustion. The simulation results indicate that the hydrogen/syngas yields are strongly dependent on the equivalence ratio with maxima occurring at an optimal equivalence ratio varying with engine speed. The hydrogen/syngas yields increase with increasing intake temperature and oxygen contents in air. The hydrogen/syngas yields also increase with increasing initial pressure, especially at lower temperatures, yet high temperature can suppress the pressure effect. Furthermore, it was found that the hydrogen/syngas yields increase when using fuel additives, especially hydrogen peroxide. Through the parametric screening studies, optimum operating conditions for natural gas partial oxidation reforming are recommended at 3.0 equivalence ratio, 530 K intake temperature, 0.3 oxygen enrichment, 500 rpm engine speed, 1 atm initial pressure, and 7.5% hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

With the increasing concern regarding diesel vehicle emissions and the rising cost of the liquid diesel fuel as well, more conventional diesel engines internationally are pursuing the option of converting to use natural gas as a supplement for the conventional diesel fuel (dual fuel natural gas/diesel engines). The most common natural gas/diesel operating mode is referred to as the pilot ignited natural gas diesel engine (PINGDE) where most of the engine power output is provided by the gaseous fuel while a pilot amount of the liquid diesel fuel injected near the end of the compression stroke is used only as an ignition source of the gaseous fuel–air mixture. The specific engine operating mode, in comparison with conventional diesel fuel operation, suffers from low brake engine efficiency and high carbon monoxide (CO) emissions. In order to be examined the effect of increased air inlet temperature combined with increased pilot fuel quantity on performance and exhaust emissions of a PINGD engine, a theoretical investigation has been conducted by applying a comprehensive two-zone phenomenological model on a high-speed, pilot ignited, natural gas diesel engine located at the authors' laboratory. The main objectives of the present work are to record the variation of the relative impact each one of the above mentioned parameters has on performance and exhaust emissions and also to reveal the advantages and disadvantages each one of the proposed method. It becomes more necessary at high engine load conditions where the simultaneous increase of the specific engine parameters may lead to undesirable results with nitric oxide emissions.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a rapid transition from internal combustion engines to hybrid and electric vehicles. It is an inevitable fact that the dominance of internal combustion engines in the market will continue for many years due to the charging and battery problems in these vehicles. Therefore, it is an important issue to improve the performance and emissions of internal combustion engines by making them work with alternative energy sources. In this study, hydrogen-diesel dual fuel mode was used in a dual-fuel compression ignition single cylinder engine with common rail fuel injection system and electronically controlled gas fuel system. The study was carried out at constant speed (1850 rpm), different load (3-4.5-6-7.5-9 Nm) and different hydrogen injector opening amounts (1.6-1.8-2.0 ms). The effects of hydrogen energy ratios obtained with different hydrogen injector opening amount on engine performance and emissions were examined. According to the results, it was determined that the in-cylinder pressure values increased at medium and high loads, and the specific energy consumption decreased. When the emission values were examined, it was determined that there was an increase in NO emissions and a significant decrease in other emissions. However, increasing the hydrogen energy ratio above 14% adversely affected engine performance and emissions.  相似文献   

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