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基于快速混合燃烧技术,用试验和数值模拟的方法对某型柴油机的燃烧系统进行了优化。在转速为1 800 r/min的全负荷工况下的研究结果表明:浅ω燃烧室匹配多孔喷油嘴,高压过程指示功比原机高7.65%,NOx和碳烟排放分别比原机增加约10%和降低约80 %;碰撞分流燃烧室匹配传统多孔喷油嘴,高压过程指示功比原机高7.04%,NOx和碳烟排放分别比原机降低约10%与60%;浅ω燃烧室匹配交叉孔型高扰动喷油嘴,高压过程指示功比多孔喷油嘴的高0.43%,能够进一步提高燃油经济性。  相似文献   

基于一台单缸压燃式发动机,研究了正丁醚(di-n-butyl ether, DnBE)/柴油混合燃料的燃烧与排放特性,并与纯柴油的试验结果进行了对比。分别采用平均指示有效压力(indicated mean effective pressure, IMEP)即发动机负荷0.55 MPa、0.65 MPa、0.75 MPa,废气再循环(exhaust gas recirculation, EGR)率0%、15%、30%,喷油正时上止点后-15°、-10°、-5°、0°及正丁醚掺混体积比20%、40%,综合评估了正丁醚/柴油混合燃料在不同发动机运行工况下的特性。台架试验结果表明:相比于纯柴油,正丁醚的添加使得缸内压力上升相位及放热开始时刻提前,并且在30% EGR率工况下更加明显。在所有测试工况下,正丁醚/柴油混合燃料的预混燃烧比例均小于纯柴油,且第一阶段放热率峰值更低。由于十六烷值的差异,40%正丁醚/柴油混合燃料的着火延迟时间与燃烧持续期更短且燃烧重心更早,表明其具有更快的燃烧速率。试验发现大比例正丁醚/柴油混合燃料的燃烧等容度更高,指示热效率高于纯柴油。此外,添加正丁醚后尾气中的NOx与碳烟排放都会降低,而提高EGR率或推迟喷油均能有效减少NOx的生成。综合而言,添加正丁醚可以有效缓解柴油机中NOx排放、碳烟排放与指示热效率之间的权衡关系。  相似文献   

基于一台高压直喷汽油机,将汽油直喷喷射器替换为氢气直喷喷射器,试验研究了发动机燃用氢气与汽油时的燃烧和排放特性差异。采用空气稀释,进一步分析了氢气发动机稀薄燃烧模式下热效率提升潜力及氮氧化物排放特性,明确了氢气燃料对发动机燃烧及污染物排放的影响规律。结果表明,当量燃烧模式下,相比汽油发动机,氢气发动机的燃烧持续期明显缩短,有效热效率降低,NOx排放升高,CO及总碳氢(total hydrocarbon, THC)排放显著降低。提高氢气发动机的过量空气系数有助于改善有效热效率。在中等负荷工况下,过量空气系数为2.7时有效热效率可达43.5%。增大过量空气系数,氢气发动机能够在保持较高燃烧稳定性的情况下显著降低NOx排放。在低负荷工况下,当过量空气系数大于2.3时NOx排放最低可降低至44×10-6。  相似文献   

王迅  刘琦  刘敬平  付建勤 《柴油机》2023,45(4):20-26
为了改善柴油引燃天然气发动机的排放性能,开展废气再循环(EGR)废气组分比例对柴油引燃天然气发动机燃烧过程的影响研究。针对一款直列六缸四冲程柴油引燃天然气发动机进行台架试验,基于试验数据搭建并标定CFD仿真模型,在此基础上研究不同质量比的EGR废气组分(CO2和水蒸气)对柴油引燃天然气发动机燃烧与排放特性的影响。结果表明,引入CO2和水蒸气后缸内压力和温度均出现明显下降, EGR废气组分中水蒸气质量分数越高,缸内压力和温度越低。总体来说,CO2和水蒸气对发动机排放特性的影响明显大于对燃烧特性的影响。当引入EGR废气组分全部为水蒸气时,缸内氮氧化物(NOx)排放最低(920×10-6)。当CO2和水蒸气质量分数相同时,CO排放相较于初始状态下降11%。  相似文献   

天然气后喷对高压直喷天然气船机燃烧和排放的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于高压直喷天然气发动机,尽管其碳烟排放低于传统柴油机,但由于引燃油和直喷天然气存在扩散燃烧过程,因此其碳烟排放较低压天然气更高,需要进一步降低碳烟排放以满足严格排放法规的要求。本文利用流体动力学软件Converge建立了高压直喷天然气船机的三维仿真模型,基于该模型研究了后喷策略对高压直喷天然气船机燃烧和排放的影响。结果表明:随着后喷比例增大,最高爆压略微升高,燃烧持续期增长;随着喷射间隔的增大,最高爆压不变,但后喷燃烧相位推迟,燃烧持续期增长。与无后喷算例相比,后喷比例增大到10%和20%时,碳烟排放分别降低了7.7-13.5%和1.5-11.5%,NOx排放分别升高了12-15%和5-7%,指示燃油消耗率分别增大了约0.1%和1%;而后喷比例为30%时,碳烟排放升高了2-8%,NOx排放降低了5-7.7%,指示燃油消耗率增大了约2.3%。研究为高压天然气喷射满足更加严格的排放法规提供理论基础。  相似文献   

为改善商用车发动机性能,采用计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics, CFD)模拟、正交设计等方法,针对某商用车的燃烧室结构参数设计了4种新方案,并选取油束夹角、喷雾锥角、主喷正时等3个喷油参数开展多因素影响研究。结果表明:燃烧室形状曲线向内收缩且最大半径增大的方案1燃烧室可提升缸内湍流特性,改善燃油浓度分布,使燃烧速度加快,油气混合更好,为最优方案。在喷油参数研究方案中,以碳烟(soot)排放为优化指标时,油束夹角对排放特性影响最大,最优匹配方案是油束夹角147°、喷雾锥角15°、主喷正时-1°,其缸内碳烟排放较原机下降13.91%,且NOx排放减少13.98%;以氮氧化物(nitrogen oxides, NOx)排放为优化指标时,主喷正时对排放特性影响最大,最优匹配方案是油束夹角160°、喷雾锥角25°、主喷正时-1°,其缸内NOx排放较原机降低37.79%。  相似文献   

基于一台2.0 L柴油发动机,在1 500 r/min、平均有效压力(brake mean effective pressure, BMEP)0.4 MPa~0.9 MPa工况下进行了汽油压燃(gasoline compression ignition, GCI)和柴油压燃(diesel compression ignition, DCI)的燃烧和原始污染物排放的对比研究。此外,基于6个全球轻型车统一测试循环(worldwide harmonized light vehicle test cycle, WLTC)聚类工况点,进行了三元催化器(three-way catalyst, TWC)和稀燃NOx捕集器(lean NOx trap, LNT)或被动选择性催化还原器(passive selective catalytic reduction, PSCR)组合的污染物后处理方案的研究。研究结果表明:在负荷较低时,由于油气过度混合,缸内温度低,GCI的有效热效率低于DCI。随着负荷的提高,相比DCI,GCI的热效率明显改善,有效热效率最多提升至约43.0%。不同负荷下,相比DCI,GCI的NOx排放略微下降,碳烟烟度(filter smoke number, FSN)显著下降;相比DCI,GCI的CO排放和HC排放在低负荷时大幅提高,但随着负荷提高,GCI的CO排放和HC排放与DCI的差距减小。基于某款车型实际测试的WLTC循环的6个聚类点对NOx、HC、CO污染物排放的后处理进行评估,GCI发动机采用TWC+LNT/PSCR的后处理方案在满足国六b排放法规方面具有一定的潜力。  相似文献   

针对柴油催化氧化系统(diesel oxidation catalyst,DOC)、颗粒捕集器(diesel particulate filter,DPF)、选择性催化还原(selective catalytic reduction,SCR)系统应用于轻型车时面临的催化剂布置困难和SCR催化剂温度低等问题,将SCR催化剂涂覆到DPF载体(简称SDPF),实现NOx减排和PM捕集功能,同时可显著减小后处理催化剂的体积。分别考察SDPF在200、300和400 ℃时不同碳烟加载量下的台架测试背压,测试结果表明SDPF催化剂加载碳烟在0~4.0 g/L范围内背压增长显著,在4.0~6.0 g/L范围内背压增长不明显。选取体积类似的SDPF和SCR催化剂进行新鲜态NOx转化性能对比测试,测试结果表明:SDPF催化剂仅需相同体积SCR催化剂约2/3的涂覆量即可达到相当的NOx转化能力,碳烟加载主要影响230 ℃以下的低温段NOx转化。SDPF载体积炭量达到6.0 g/L后进行快速升温,以测试催化剂的积炭再生性能。测试结果表明:SDPF积炭再生时高温区域集中在出气端中心区域,可探测最高温度低于650 ℃,较充分的碳烟再生时间应大于15 min。  相似文献   

基于CY4102BG四冲程自然吸气柴油机,利用GT-POWER一维仿真计算软件建立柴油机工作过程仿真模型,研究高原和水下工作环境对柴油机性能的影响。仿真结果表明:随着海拔的增高,柴油机有效功率有所下降,NOx排放上升,排气温度增加;随着水下排气背压的增高,柴油机有效功率下降,NOx排放显著上升。针对柴油机在非标况环境下NOx排放性能的恶化,通过调节喷油参数来优化柴油机综合性能。经优化,在不同工作环境下柴油机NOx排放降低7.3%~21.4%,优化效果较为明显。  相似文献   

为进一步提升柴油转子发动机的性能,对柴油转子发动机缸内燃烧过程进行了研究。此外,考虑到转子发动机在实际工作过程中难以避免的径向泄漏,建立了一种考虑径向密封泄漏的周边进气转子发动机三维动态计算模型,并对模型进行了验证。结合该计算模型,研究了柴油喷射时刻和喷射持续期对燃料分布及燃烧过程的影响。结果表明:当喷射时刻为上止点前80°曲轴转角且喷射持续期为50°曲轴转角时可获得较好的燃烧和排放特性。与原方案相比,缸内峰值压力提升了11.38%,碳烟和CO生成量分别降低了78.71%和92.72%,NOx和CO2生成量有所增加。  相似文献   

张玉军 《节能》2001,(4):9-11
通过对利用燃油点火方式、木柴点火方式、热渣点火方式点燃循环流化床锅炉的经验总结,对利用这三种方式点燃循环流化床锅炉的方法进行了简述,剖析了这三种点火方式的优缺点,并指出了较佳的点火方式。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of turbulence on the temperature of a heated air jet required to ignite a counterflowing cold hydrogen/nitrogen jet. In contrast to pseudo-turbulent flows, where turbulence was generated by only a perforated plate on the fuel side, resulting in little effect on ignition in a hydrogen system, fully turbulent flows with perforated plates on both sides of the flow were found to produce noticeable effects. The difference was attributed to the fact that in fully turbulent flows, a significantly larger range of turbulent eddies extend to smaller scales than in pseudo-turbulent flows. At atmospheric pressure, the lowest turbulence intensity studied had ignition temperatures notably lower than laminar ones, while further increases in turbulence intensity resulted in rising ignition temperatures. As a result, optimal conditions for nonpremixed hydrogen ignition exist in weakly turbulent flows where the ignition temperature is lower than can be obtained in other laminar or turbulent flows at the same pressure. Similar trends were seen for all fuel concentrations and at all pressures in the second ignition limit (below 3-4 atm). At higher pressures, turbulent flows caused the ignition temperatures to continue to follow the second limit resulting in ignition temperatures higher than the laminar values. The extension of the second limit ends at the highest pressures (7 to 8 atm) where evidence of third limit behavior appears. Three mechanisms were noted to explain the experimental results. First, turbulent eddies similar in size to the ignition kernel can promote discrete mixing of otherwise isolated pockets of gas. Second, this mixing can promote HO2 chain branching pathways, which can account for the enhanced ignition noted in the second limit where reaction is governed by crossover temperature chemistry. Third, turbulence limits the excursion times available for reaction, inordinately affecting the slower HO2 reactions. This is responsible for the increasing ignition temperature with turbulence intensity and pressure.  相似文献   

A review of spray ignition phenomena: Present status and future research   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Theoretical and experimental studies dealing with the spray ignition phenomena are reviewed. Two major topics covered are external-source ignition of liquid fuel sprays and spontaneous spray ignition. Experimental and theoretical investigations of external-source ignition of sprays employing different configurations are discussed first. Three major topics included here are: (i) ignition of quiescent and flowing fuel sprays; (ii) ignition of monodisperse and polydisperse sprays; and (iii) ignition of single-component and multicomponent fuel sprays. Then, experimental studies of autoignition of sprays employing constant-volume enclosures, injection in a uniform air flow, and shock tube techniques, are discussed. Theoretical investigations dealing with spray autoignition phenomena range from phenomenological models to one-dimensional numerical models using global one-step as well as detailed multistep chemistry, and to multidimensional simulations with reduced mechanisms. These models are also discussed in the review. Finally, some advanced topics which are common to both external-source ignition and spontaneous ignition are identified and discussed. An attempt is made to provide a common link between the three dominant ignition modes in sprays, namely individual droplet ignition, droplet cluster ignition, and spray ignition. In a similar manner, common features of external-source ignition and spontaneous ignition of sprays are identified. A general spray ignition model along with important numerical and physical issues are presented. The effect of pressure on spray ignition processes is also discussed. Potential topics for further research are suggested.  相似文献   

在一座小型煤粉燃烧试验台上,对不同条件下,两种煤粉气流的强迫点火特性进行了试验研究。结果表明,用火炬引燃煤粉气流,存在一个对应于最低煤粉浓度的最佳点燃速度;煤粉气流的着火界限主要受初始温度、点火源温度、煤种和煤粉细度的影响;提高煤粉气流的初始温度、点火源温度和煤粉细度均可使着火范围变宽,挥发份含量高的煤种点火容易。在相同条件下,直流煤粉气流比旋转煤粉气流容易点燃。  相似文献   

An experimental study on the ignition of single coal particles at low oxygen concentrations ( XO2<21%) was conducted using a tube furnace. The surface temperature (Ts) and the center temperature (Tc) of the coal particles were obtained from the images taken by an infrared camera and thermocouples respectively. The ignition processes were recorded by a high-speed camera at different XO2 values and furnace temperatures Tw. Compared with literature experimental data obtained at a high XO2 value, the ignition delay time ti decreases more rapidly as XO2 increases at the low XO2 region. The responses of Ts and Tc to the variation of X O 2 are different: Ts decreases while Tc remains nearly constant with increasing XO2 at a low XO2 value. In addition, ti is less sensitive to Tw while the ignition temperature Ti is more sensitive to Tw at a low XO2 value than in air. Observations of the position of flame front evolution illustrate that the ignition of a coal particle may change from a homogeneous mode to a heterogeneous or combined ignition mode as XO2 decreases. At a low XO2 value, buoyancy plays a more significant role in sweeping away the released volatiles during the ignition process.  相似文献   

无油直接点火燃烧器在煤粉锅炉上应用的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李文蛟  李琳琅 《锅炉技术》2002,33(12):18-20
无油直接点火燃烧器在常规煤粉锅炉中的应用 ,是一个重要的科技改进。同时 ,这一技术在不断的完善。点火燃烧器的功能 ,在开始的若干工程实践中 ,使其仅具有点火与稳燃功能 ,应该是比较客观的 ,待该技术日益成熟之后 ,使其具有主燃烧器的功能。需从点火器本身功能的加强与合理的点火器布置、形成一个良好的空气动力场两个方面强化点火燃烧器的点火能力。无油直接点火燃烧器在锅炉启动过程中 ,与以前的油枪点火有很大的不同 ,需要对启动程序以及相应的设备进行调整  相似文献   

When a droplet is suddenly injected into a high‐temperature environment, the droplet self‐ignition phenomenon occurs. A simple model, based on the temperature history of target gas mixture of which the equivalent ratio is equal to 1, was proposed to predict the droplet ignition delay time in this paper. This approach clearly divides the droplet self‐ignition delay into two parts, the physical delay and the chemical delay. The predicted droplet ignition times agree well with the experimental data and numerical simulation results. In addition, the influence of droplet diameter on the droplet ignition delay was discussed in detail using this approach. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/htj.20240  相似文献   

我国电站燃煤锅炉节油点火技术的分析及现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孙峰  姚毅 《节能》2010,29(11):12-16
针对现阶段我国电站燃煤锅炉运行状况,分析微油点火技术和等离子点火技术的工作原理、系统组成及应用,从技术和经济的角度指出其各自的特点,并对节油及运行中出现的问题提出改进措施。  相似文献   

In addition to the traditional spark ignition (SI), premixed, gasoline-like and compression ignition (CI), diffusion, Diesel-like operation of internal combustion engines, premixed, homogeneous charge, compression ignition (HCCI) operation has also been proposed to improve the fuel conversion efficiency and reduce the pollutant formation. To be attractive, the operation in HCCI mode has to be coupled with the other traditional operations, being HCCI in general difficult to be controlled and limited to values of the air-to-fuel equivalence ratio λ within a narrow windows set by the lean burn limits with large λ and the peak pressure limits with small λ. Furthermore, the specific kinetics of hydrogen makes this fuel more difficult than other hydrocarbons to work in an engine operating HCCI without assistance. In a recent paper, the design of a 12.8 L in-line six cylinder turbo charged directly injected heavy duty truck Diesel engine fuelled with hydrogen has been discussed. Conversion of a latest Diesel engine with a novel power turbine has been studied replacing the in-cylinder Diesel injector and glow plug with a hydrogen injector and a jet ignition pre-chamber. The pre-chamber is a small volume accommodating another hydrogen injector and a glow plug being connected to the in-cylinder through calibrated orifices. This design permits to operate the engine in four different modes:
diffusion with jet ignition M1 - an injection occurs in the jet ignition pre-chamber before the main chamber fuel is injected and the engine operates therefore Diesel-like;
mixed diffusion/premixed Diesel/gasoline like M2 - an injection occurs in the jet ignition pre-chamber after only part of the main chamber fuel is injected and mixed with air;
premixed with jet ignition M3 - an injection occurs in the jet ignition pre-chamber after the main chamber fuel is injected and mixed with air and the engine operates gasoline-like;
premixed without jet ignition M4 - no injection occurs in the jet ignition pre-chamber and the engine operates HCCI-like.
While only the Diesel-like operation was previously considered full load, all the modes including the operation HCCI-like are considered here over the full range of loads where the power turbine is either connected to the crankshaft or disconnected and the exhaust gases pass through this turbine or bypass the turbine.This paper deals with computational rather than experimental work. Computations are made with the latest predictive HCCI model using detailed kinetics of GT-POWER and the well established correlative Wiebe models for Diesel and gasoline combustion. HCCI-like operation is considered over a range of air-to-fuel equivalence ratio λ much wider than usually considered with other fuels being perhaps even more suitable than hydrogen to this operation thanks to the jet ignition assistance.  相似文献   

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