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基于澜沧江流域1960~2010年31个气象站点的逐日降水资料,采用百分比阈值法定义了不同站点极端降水事件的阈值,应用Mann-Kendall检验方法分析了极端降水事件的降水量、降水频率、降水强度和严重干旱频率等的时空变化特征。结果表明,澜沧江流域极端降水阈值的空间分布呈西北至东南逐渐增大的分布趋势;极端降水事件整体上呈显著上升趋势,且在空间上存在差异,各指标均呈西北向东南逐渐增加的趋势,尤其是德钦站以南的澜沧江中下游地区为干湿事件发生较频繁的区域;极端降水事件在气候的长期变化过程中还存在突变现象。  相似文献   

基于Copula函数的赣江流域气象干旱特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赣江流域是我国粮食主要产区之一,也是干旱灾害频发的区域。基于流域内39个站点1960~2018年的逐月降水和气温资料,计算逐月标准化降水蒸散发指数,通过游程理论提取干旱历时和烈度,分析其逐年变化趋势,对干旱历时进行边缘分布拟合前预处理,利用Copula函数计算‘或’和‘且’两种情境下不同等级干旱的重现期,分析干旱历时与烈度的时空特征。研究结果表明,赣江流域干旱历时和烈度两变量均呈减少趋势,跨季节干旱为主要类型;干旱历时的最优边缘分布函数中威布尔分布居多,Frank-Copula函数能很好地描述大部分站点的联合分布状况;重旱及以上两种重现期均小于7年,表明干旱严重且多发。  相似文献   

为全面评价长江上游流域的气象干旱状况,利用该流域1953~2012年的气温、降水资料,选取标准化降水指数(SPI)、连续无雨日(CDD)、相对湿润度指数(M)3种气象干旱指标,建立可变模糊数学模型,并应用Mann-Kendall检验法和小波分析方法分析了该流域长期气象干旱的时空变化特征。结果表明,流域气象干旱程度总体呈加重趋势;季节上冬、春连旱较为严重,秋旱有显著加重趋势,预计今后出现秋、冬、春连旱的可能性大;气象干旱存在20年左右的长周期以及6~8年左右的短周期;年际及季节空间分布规律均为自东向西逐渐加重。研究成果可为深入认识区域长期气象干旱演变特征提供参考,对西南等地区的抗旱减灾工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为了更明确、具体地了解淮河流域降水的时空分布特征,基于1959~2016年淮河流域170个高密度站点逐日降水资料,采用Spearman秩次相关和对趋势分析较准确的成对斜率回归中值等统计方法,分析了流域不同级别降水的降水量、降水日数和降水强度等指标的时空分布特征。结果表明,淮河流域年降水南北差异较显著,由西北向东南递增,年降水量和降水日数最大的地区均位于流域最南部大别山地区,其值为最小值的2倍左右;平均日降水强度及年暴雨量和暴雨日数的分布相似,东部沿海地区和西南部山区为大值区,西北部海拔流域最高的地区为最小值分布区,在流域中部由西北向东南方向逐渐增多;平均暴雨强度的一个大值区位于流域中部偏西的河南驻马店地区,淮河流域极端强降水的发生地也集中在此地周围;流域整体年降水量有轻微下降趋势,降水日数明显减少(东北部地区尤其显著,干旱风险增加),导致平均日降水强度显著增加。这主要是由10mm以下的小雨尤其是0.1~1mm的微量降水的频数显著减少导致的,而50mm以上的暴雨各指标在流域整体上均无显著的变化趋势;流域春秋两季降水量呈减少趋势,夏冬两季降水量呈增加趋势,属于春秋变干、冬夏变湿的地区。  相似文献   

针对钦江流域近年来的干旱及水资源短缺问题,以钦江流域1970~2007年的降水资料为基础,利用标准化降水指数、Z指数、干旱站次比、干旱强度等指标分析了流域干旱的时间分布特征,并利用ArcGIS中的地统计分析方法研究了流域干旱的空间分布情况。结果表明,钦江流域发生干旱的时期主要集中在20世纪80年代、90年代初期和2006年以后,干旱强度多为中度,达到重度干旱强度的只有1989年,钦江流域中部地区是干旱的频发区。  相似文献   

研究淮河流域极端降水时空演变规律对流域防洪减灾、水资源规划等意义重大。基于淮河流域24个气象站1961~2011年汛期逐日降水资料,建立极端降水序列,并对极端降水频度和强度的趋势、突变及周期变化特征进行了年尺度和年代尺度的时空变化分析。结果表明,极端降水频度和强度均呈较显著的上升趋势,且均在2000年代出现大幅提高,时间变化的第一主周期为4年;频度和强度的空间分布基本符合右岸强、左岸弱,南部强、北部弱,从上游内陆至下游沿海逐渐增加的分布规律;各年代极端降水空间分布发生变化,沿海与内陆的频度差异逐渐缩小,左右岸的强度差异越来越显著。研究成果可为水资源规划管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解海河流域极端降水时空变化规律,基于海河流域40个气象站1960~2016年逐日降水资料,采用线性回归、M-K趋势检验法、Pearson相关性分析法,分析了海河流域近57年来10个极端降水指数的时空变化及其与大气环流的相关性。结果表明,除了持续干期(CDD)和持续湿期(CWD)外,大多数极端降水指数多年平均值在空间上呈自东南向西北减少的分布规律,CDD呈现自北向南减少的规律,CWD呈现自东南向西北增加的规律;在时间变化上,所有极端降水指数均呈下降趋势,只有最大一日降水量(RX1day)的下降趋势显著;在空间变化上,除中雨日数(R10mm)和降水强度(SDII)呈上升趋势的站点与呈下降趋势的站点个数相同外,多数站点各极端降水指数呈下降趋势;除CDD与其他极端降水指数相关性较弱外,各极端降水指数的变化具有较好的一致性;除CWD外,极端降水指数与厄尔尼诺—南方涛动(ENSO)现象关系密切,而AO(北极涛动)和NAO(北大西洋涛动)是CWD变化的重要因素。研究成果对于海河流域水灾害防治及水资源配置有重要意义。  相似文献   

为研究气候变化背景下海河流域的极端降水事件变化规律,基于流域内30个气象台站1960~2008年的逐日降水资料,选取不同的降水指标,应用M-K趋势检验和滑动t检验方法分析了海河流域极端降水的时空变化特征。结果表明,海河流域的极端降水事件的发生频率和强度在年际变化中均呈减小趋势;在空间大部分范围内,降水频率和强度指标也均呈负趋势,仅滦河上游山区、子牙河山区和胶东沿海部分地区呈微弱上升趋势,但趋势并不显著。总体而言,海河流域趋向于干旱化,流域内洪涝灾害发生的概率有所减小。  相似文献   

鉴于长江上游秋汛对三峡等水库的蓄水调度有重要影响,以长江上游秋汛期降水为例,基于长江上游流域内1961~2016年降水资料,分析流域秋汛期降水特征及其可能影响因子。经M-K检验发现,流域降水的变化约在1983年前后存在趋势突变,因此取1983~2016年降水资料进行时空异常分析。基于EOF方法,长江上游流域降水第一模态空间分布呈南北反相型,其方差贡献达到31%,通过North检验,与之对应的时间序列呈现出明显的年际和年代际演变特征。进一步利用NCEP/NCAR的大气环流资料和NOAA_ERSST海温资料与EOF第一模态时间序列进行回归分析。结果表明,当西风急流偏南、副热带南印度洋偶极子(SIOD)为正位相或赤道中东太平洋海温负距平时,长江上游秋汛期降水南多北少。  相似文献   

淮河流域1960~2011年干湿时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析淮河流域26个气象站1960~2011年降水变化的基础上,计算了流域年尺度和季尺度降水距平百分率和标准化降水指数(SPI),并分析了淮河流域近52年干湿时空变化。结果表明,淮河流域年尺度降水距平与SPI较为一致,季尺度降水距平较SPI变化敏感;干旱多发生于春季,且2000年后发生频次减少;空间尺度上,流域中西部地区有变湿润趋势,东部沿海地区有变干旱趋势,变化趋势呈现近似纵向分带。  相似文献   

Performance assessment of some ice TES systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a performance assessment of four main types of ice storage techniques for space cooling purposes, namely ice slurry systems, ice-on-coil systems (both internal and external melt), and encapsulated ice systems is conducted. A detailed analysis, coupled with a case study based on the literature data, follows. The ice making techniques are compared on the basis of energy and exergy performance criteria including charging, discharging and storage efficiencies, which make up the ice storage and retrieval process. Losses due to heat leakage and irreversibilities from entropy generation are included. A vapor-compression refrigeration cycle with R134a as the working fluid provides the cooling load, while the analysis is performed in both a full storage and partial storage process, with comparisons between these two. In the case of full storage, the energy efficiencies associated with the charging and discharging processes are well over 98% in all cases, while the exergy efficiencies ranged from 46% to 76% for the charging cycle and 18% to 24% for the discharging cycle. For the partial storage systems, all energy and exergy efficiencies were slightly less than that for full storage, due to the increasing effect wall heat leakage has on the decreased storage volume and load. The results show that energy analyses alone do not provide much useful insight into system behavior, since the vast majority of losses in all processes are a result of entropy generation which results from system irreversibilities.  相似文献   

Natural gas is a fossil fuel that has been used and investigated extensively for use in spark-ignition (SI) and compression-ignition (CI) engines. Compared with conventional gasoline engines, SI engines using natural gas can run at higher compression ratios, thus producing higher thermal efficiencies but also increased nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, while producing lower emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), unburned hydrocarbons (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO). These engines also produce relatively less power than gasoline-fueled engines because of the convergence of one or more of three factors: a reduction in volumetric efficiency due to natural-gas injection in the intake manifold; the lower stoichiometric fuel/air ratio of natural gas compared to gasoline; and the lower equivalence ratio at which these engines may be run in order to reduce NOx emissions. High NOx emissions, especially at high loads, reduce with exhaust gas recirculation (EGR). However, EGR rates above a maximum value result in misfire and erratic engine operation. Hydrogen gas addition increases this EGR threshold significantly. In addition, hydrogen increases the flame speed of the natural gas-hydrogen mixture. Power levels can be increased with supercharging or turbocharging and intercooling. Natural gas is used to power CI engines via the dual-fuel mode, where a high-cetane fuel is injected along with the natural gas in order to provide a source of ignition for the charge. Thermal efficiency levels compared with normal diesel-fueled CI-engine operation are generally maintained with dual-fuel operation, and smoke levels are reduced significantly. At the same time, lower NOx and CO2 emissions, as well as higher HC and CO emissions compared with normal CI-engine operation at low and intermediate loads are recorded. These trends are caused by the low charge temperature and increased ignition delay, resulting in low combustion temperatures. Another factor is insufficient penetration and distribution of the pilot fuel in the charge, resulting in a lack of ignition centers. EGR admission at low and intermediate loads increases combustion temperatures, lowering unburned HC and CO emissions. Larger pilot fuel quantities at these load levels and hydrogen gas addition can also help increase combustion efficiency. Power output is lower at certain conditions than diesel-fueled engines, for reasons similar to those affecting power output of SI engines. In both cases the power output can be maintained with direct injection. Overall, natural gas can be used in both engine types; however further refinement and optimization of engines and fuel-injection systems is needed.  相似文献   

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cc124 and Azotobacter chroococcum bacteria were co-cultured with a series of volume ratios and under a variety of light densities to determine the optimal culture conditions and to investigate the mechanism by which co-cultivation improves H2 yield. The results demonstrated that the optimal culture conditions for the highest H2 production of the combined system were a 1:40 vol ratio of bacterial cultures to algal cultures under 200 μE m?2 s?1. Under these conditions, the maximal H2 yield was 255 μmol mg?1 Chl, which was approximately 15.9-fold of the control. The reasons for the improvement in H2 yield included decreased O2 content, enhanced algal growth, and increased H2ase activity and starch content of the combined system.  相似文献   

The thermal decomposition of limestone has been selected as a model reaction for developing and testing an atmospheric open solar reactor. The reactor consists of a cyclone gas/particle separator which has been modified to let the concentrated solar energy enter through a windowless aperture. The reacting particles are directly exposed to the solar irradiation. Experimentation with a 60 kW reactor prototype was conducted at PSI's 90m2 parabolic solar concentrator, in a continuous mode of operation. A counter-current flow heat exchanger was employed to preheat the reactants. Eighty five percent degree of calcination was obtained for cement raw material and 15% of the solar input was converted into chemical energy (enthalpy).The technical feasibility of the solar thermal decomposition of limestone was experimentally demonstrated. The use of solar energy as a source for high-temperature process heat offers the potential of reducing significantly the CO2 emissions from lime producing plants. Such a solar thermochemical process can find application in sunny rural areas for avoiding deforestation.  相似文献   

This paper presents the exergy analysis results for the production of several biofuels, i.e., SNG (synthetic natural gas), methanol, Fischer–Tropsch fuels, hydrogen, as well as heat and electricity, from several biowastes generated in the Dutch province of Friesland, selected as one of the typical European regions. Biowastes have been classified in 5 virtual streams according to their ultimate and proximate analysis. All production chains have been modeled in Aspen Plus in order to analyze their technical performance. The common steps for all the production chains are: pre-treatment, gasification, gas cleaning, water–gas-shift reactions, catalytic reactors, final gas separation and upgrading. Optionally a gas turbine and steam turbines are used to produce heat and electricity from unconverted gas and heat removal, respectively. The results show that, in terms of mass conversion, methanol production seems to be the most efficient process for all the biowastes. SNG synthesis is preferred when exergetic efficiency is the objective parameter, but hydrogen process is more efficient when the performance is analyzed by means of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics. The main exergy losses account for the gasification section, except in the electricity and heat production chain, where the combined cycle is less efficient.  相似文献   

液压系统常见的故障诊断及处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任何工程机械式液压设备使用时出现故障是不可避免的。但是怎样确定故障的原因及找到好的解决方法,这是使用者最关心的问题。讲述了液压系统常见的故障及其排除方法。  相似文献   

Increasing awareness of environmental problems caused by the current use of fossil fuel-based energy, has led to the search for alternatives. Hydrogen is a good alternative and the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 is naturally able to produce molecular hydrogen, photosynthetically from water and light. However, this H2 is rapidly consumed by the uptake hydrogenase.This study evaluated the hydrogen production of Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 wild-type and mutants: hupL (deficient in the uptake hydrogenase), hoxH (deficient in the bidirectional hydrogenase) and hupL/hoxH (deficient in both hydrogenases) on several experimental conditions, such as gas atmosphere (argon and propane with or without N2 and/or CO2 addition), light intensity (54 and 152 ??Em−2s−1), light regime (continuous and light/dark cycles 16 h/8 h) and nickel concentrations in the culture medium.In every assay, the hupL and hupL/hoxH mutants stood out over wild-type cells and the hoxH mutant. Nevertheless, the hupL mutant showed the best hydrogen production except in an argon atmosphere under 16 h light/8 h dark cycles at 54 ??Em−2s−1 in the light period, with 1 ??M of NiCl2 supplementation in the culture medium, and under a propane atmosphere.In all strains, higher light intensity leads to higher hydrogen production and if there is a daily 1% of CO2 addition in the gas atmosphere, hydrogen production could increase 5.8 times, related to the great increase in heterocysts differentiation (5 times more, approximately), whereas nickel supplementation in the culture medium was not shown to increase hydrogen production. The daily incorporation of 1% of CO2 plus 1% of N2 did not affect positively hydrogen production rate.  相似文献   

Trigeneration is defined as the production of three useful forms of energy—heat, cold and power—from a primary source of energy such as natural gas or oil. For instance, trigeneration systems typically produce electrical power via a reciprocating engine or gas turbine and recover a large percentage of the heat energy retained in the lubricating oil, exhaust gas and coolant water systems to maximize the utilization of the primary fuel. The heat produced can be totally or partially used to fuel absorption refrigerators. Therefore, trigeneration systems enjoy an inherently high efficiency and have the potential to significantly reduce the energy-related operation costs of facilities. In this paper, we describe a model of characterization of trigeneration systems trough the condition of primary energy saving and the quality index, compared to the separate production of heat, cold and power. The study highlights the importance of the choice of the separate production reference system on the level of primary energy saving and emissions reduction.  相似文献   

La–Fe–B hydrogen-storage alloys were prepared using a vacuum induction-quenching furnace with a rotating copper wheel. The thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the La–Fe–B hydrogen-storage alloys were investigated in this work. The P–C–I curves of the La–Fe–B alloys were measured over a H2 pressure range of 10−3 MPa to 2.0 MPa at temperatures of 313, 328, 343 and 353 K. The P–C–I curves revealed that the maximum hydrogen-storage capacity of the alloys exceeded 1.23 wt% at a pressure of approximately 1.0 MPa and temperature of 313 K. The standard enthalpy of formation ΔH and standard entropy of formation ΔS for the alloys' hydrides, obtained according to the van't Hoff equation, were consistent with their application as anode materials in alkaline media. The alloys also exhibited good absorption/desorption kinetics at room temperature.  相似文献   

The mineralogical composition of intraseam layers from Lofoi lignite deposits (northwest Greece) is the subject of the present study. The samples were examined by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermo-gravimetric (TG/DTG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA), and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometry. The clay minerals prevail in most samples, with illite-muscovite being the dominant phase, and kaolinite and chlorite being the other major clay components. No smectite was found. Quartz and feldspars, dominate in two cases. The studied materials are characterized as clays to clayey sands, showing significant similarities with the intraseam layers of the adjacent Achlada lignite deposits.  相似文献   

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