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近几年来,国家大力建设智能电网,促进了智能电网设备的研发与信息技术的创新,显现出智能电网客户端技术具有极大的节能潜力。在客户端技术中,关键概念为"客户能源管理终端",它是连接电网控制中心与终端用电系统或用电设备之间的枢纽与桥梁,是实现智能电网"最后1公里"的基本设备。在阐述客户能源管理终端功能的基础上,重点解读了HES设备互操作性导则(ISO/IEC 18012)、HES家庭网关模型(ISO/IEC 15045)、HES能量管理模型(ISO/IEC 15067-3),为智能电网客户端管理的发展、客户能源管理终端的研发,给出可遵循的技术标准。  相似文献   

文章采用三层架构的方式,对能效管理关键设备、融合通信技术、用能管理主站进行详细描述,结合浙江海盐智能小区示范工程,通过安装能效管理设备,部署主站软件,实现对居民用户的用电设备、微网接入设备等进行用电信息的采集和管理,为用户提供优化的科学用电方案.结果表明,能效管理技术具有实用、高效、节能的特点,实现了电力用户与电网之间...  相似文献   

为实现节能办公,以公共开间为应用场景,建立了智慧楼宇物联网节能管理系统。通过对公共开间子节点多种电器设备的使用情况进行采集与分析,实现了对办公设备用电的远程监控。在此基础上,为了实现节能用电,提出了非线性优化节能模型,并用粒子群算法实现。经算例验证,该算法可有效地达到节能目的,对于能耗管理有很大的意义。  相似文献   

<正>2015年9月10日,中国电力发展促进会智能用电产业联盟在天津召开第二次成员大会。会上,国网天津市电力公司与智能用电产业联盟签署战略合作协议,按照平等互利、优势互补、合作共赢的原则,以建设坚强智能电网、提升家庭智能化、促进节能减排、实现电网与用户的互动为目标,在提高智能用电服务水平、促进电网智能化建设等方面开展技术研究和商业开发合作,实现资源共建、成果共享。  相似文献   

智能小区体现了智能用电技术先进性、经济性、友好开放的特征,能够实现用户与电力部门之间实时交互响应,是未来发展的重要方向。根据《智能用电小区建设导则》的技术要求,充分考虑智能小区的技术试点、前瞻探索、窗口展示、产业对接等需求的前提下,提出了一种智能小区设计方案。详细分析了应用在智能小区的用电信息采集、配电自动化、分布式电源运行控制、智能用电服务互动、智能家居、统一展示平台等智能电网技术。  相似文献   

智能用电技术有效促进了电力需求侧管理的发展,使需求侧管理被赋予了全新的意义,其作用也发生较大的改变.分析探讨高级测量体系(AMI)对自动需求响应项目、智能家居/小区等智能用电系统对能效管理、电动汽车接入对负荷管理和电网电压稳定性、以及分布式能源和微电网接入对节电节能的影响.这些典型技术的应用将有助于实现智能需求侧管理,促进用户主动参与节电,达到削峰填谷、提高系统稳定性和节能减排的目的.  相似文献   

在智能电网中,实时电价(RTP)是解决智能电网供需平衡的理想手段。通过分析国内外实时电价机制发展现状,将家庭用户负荷分为四类,综合考虑用户间的不同用电特性,构建了相应的用电效益优化模型,采用分布式算法,结合某地区的具体数据,并针对不同的需求响应方案、蓄电池成本、系统大小对模型进行仿真。结果表明,基于分布式算法的需求响应实时电价策略可使社会用电效益最大化。  相似文献   

电网作为电力传输的基本途径,是重要的能源基础设施,关系到国民经济命脉和国家能源安全。文章首先介绍了中国交、直流输电电压等级的演变历程和电网技术发展取得的成就,其次从大型能源基地输送需要、分布式能源接入的挑战、节能环保及资源约束、智能化与信息化潮流、用电侧的新要求和电网技术“走出去”等方面分析了当前中国电网技术面临的挑战。最后从大容量远距离输电技术、智能电网、柔性输电、分布式能源接入和配用电及微电网、新形势下的先进调度、设计施工与运维的信息化、节能环保与资源高效利用、设备国产化与标准的国际化等八个方面探讨了现代电网技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

智能楼宇能源管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了智能楼宇能源管理的概念和意义,提出了智能楼宇能源管理系统的架构,并进行了系统设计,从而实现楼宇能源的监测与管理。该系统在保证楼宇环境舒适的前提下,同时能够优化能耗系统的运行,降低楼宇能耗。  相似文献   

分布式电源、储能系统等接入电网改变了配电网的能量流,电力公司与用户的双向互动改变了配电网的信息流。在分析智能配用电业务需求基础上,构建智能配用电业务体系架构。从电力公司、用户和社会三个方面出发,探讨了智能配电网规划、智能调度、自愈控制等关键智能配电业务和基于高级量测的关键智能用电业务。  相似文献   

降低配电网损耗、提高电能转换效率及提高资源综合利用率是钢铁企业节电重点,构建钢铁企业智能电网的根本目的是提高企业的电能利用率。钢铁企业智能配电网的关键技术有配电网节电技术、电能转换节电技术、需求侧发电技术、电能管理节电技术及智能电网管理信息技术等。  相似文献   

从标准看智能电网的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前世界各国在什么是智能电网、如何推进智能电网的发展等方面并没有达成一致意见。美国设想的未来电力系统是一个完全自动化的电力传输网络,能够保证从电厂到终端用户整个输配电过程中所有节点之间的信息和电能的双向流动。欧洲智能电网技术平台的目标是提高输配电系统的效率、安全性和可靠性,消除大规模集成配网与可再生能源的障碍。日本将主要以大规模开发太阳能等新能源、确保电网系统稳定作为智能电网建设的主要思路。结合中国的实际情况,我国智能电网业务框架应包含发电、输变电、配电、用户、运行、服务提供者、电力市场及统一信息平台等8个领域。现有标准与智能电网之间存在差距,主要体现在需求响应和电力市场、广域状态测量、电力存储、电力传输、AMI系统、配网管理等6个方面。其中,一部分差距已经有了清晰的发展方向和解决思路;而另一部分的具体发展方向和解决思路尚不明确。智能电网相关标准的开发需要以具体项目实施为载体,标准体系是否完备需要通过具体项目检验和修订,同时具体项目的顺利实施也有赖于标准体系的约束和规范。针对中国某省级电网的特殊性和典型性,建议其智能电网的发展,一是应重点关注标准研究方向,二是由此引出的示范工程项目。  相似文献   

大型工业企业在我国社会和经济中起着十分重要的作用,同时也是我国能耗大户。大型工业企业电网的智能配用电集成技术已纳入我国智能电网重大科技产业化工程“十二五”专项规划。根据大型工业企业电网的特点,围绕提高供电质量和可靠性、节能降耗及生产过程协调等提出了大型工业企业智能电网构建的目标、框架,探索了智能关键设备和智能决策支持系统的构成,并以武汉钢铁(集团)公司电网为例提出典型示范应用构想。  相似文献   

The concept of intelligent electricity grids, which primarily involves the integration of new information and communication technologies with power transmission lines and distribution cables, is being actively explored in the European Union and the United States. Both developments share common technological developmental goals but also differ distinctly towards the role of distributed generation for their future electrical energy security. This paper looks at options that could find relevance to New Zealand (NZ), in the context of its aspiration of achieving 90% renewable energy electricity generation portfolio by 2025. It also identifies developments in technical standardization and industry investments that facilitate a pathway towards an intelligent or smart grid development for NZ. Some areas where policy can support research in NZ being a “fast adapter” to future grid development are also listed.This paper will help policy makers quickly review developments surrounding SmartGrid and also identify its potential to support NZ Energy Strategy in the electricity infrastructure. This paper will also help researchers and power system stakeholders for identifying international standardization, projects and potential partners in the area of future grid technologies.  相似文献   

传统的综合评价方法通常从可靠性、经济性等宏观指标评价智能配电网项目的效益,无法给出不同技术和设备构成各自对项目整体效益的影响程度。在对智能配电网各组成元素的功能和效益进行量化分析的基础上,全面考虑了智能配电网的显性和隐性的投资收益,构建了智能配电网的成本效益模型,并以深圳湾智能配电网示范工程为例,验证了文章所提模型的有效性和合理性,突破了传统方法的应用局限,为智能配电网技术路线的选择提供了定量依据。  相似文献   

The “smart grid” represents one of the greatest potential advances in electricity delivery infrastructure in the past century. While the technologies that collectively comprise the smart grid have existed for decades, the potential for changing the way that electricity is generated, delivered, utilized and priced is revolutionary. Not surprisingly, many countries have undertaken initiatives to rollout smart grid infrastructure at an aggressive pace. Understanding the fundamental changes that the smart grid is likely to introduce is important for the development of future energy scenarios and the environmental, social and economic implications of these scenarios. Here we present an overview of the emerging smart grid and outline a few implications for the energy modeling community. Specifically, we discuss the potential for the smart grid to act as an enabling technology for renewable energy integration, price-responsive electricity demand, electrified transportation and distributed energy production as examples of how the smart grid may fundamentally change future energy system scenario development. The smart grid is being deployed and implemented much faster than we are able to fully consider its implications, and in some cases public policy has a long way to go before it catches up with the pace of smart grid technology deployment.  相似文献   

The smart grid is an important but ambiguous element in the future transition of the European energy system. The current paper unpacks one influential national vision of the smart grid to identify what kinds of expectations guide the work of smart grid innovators and how the boundaries of the smart grid are defined. Building on data from a scenario exercise within a large Danish smart grid project, we examine how the smart grid and the conditions for its realization are defined and delimited. Our findings show that the smart grid hype embodies several implicit expectations that serve to guide research and investment and to attract new players into the field. A scenario process such as that demonstrated in this article can serve to articulate some of these implicit assumptions and help actors to navigate the ongoing transition. On the basis of our analysis, European policymakers might consider how their (intentional or unintentional) choices serve to create or maintain certain boundaries in smart grid development: for example, an exclusive focus on electricity within the broader context of a sustainable energy system. As serious investment starts being made in the smart grid, concepts like the supergrid, flexible demand and a broader smart energy system will start competing with each other.  相似文献   

智能配电网自愈控制技术体系框架研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
智能配电网是智能电网的重要组成部分,自愈作为智能配电网的"免疫系统",是智能配电网最重要的特征.首先阐述智能配电网自愈控制主要解决的问题及其作用,然后分析智能配电网自愈控制体系的结构及其技术组成,包括基础层、支撑层和应用层.其中,电网及其设备为基础层,数据和通信为支撑层,监测、评估、预警,分析、决策、控制、恢复为应用层.通过研究应用智能配电网自愈控制技术将使电网的供电可靠性明显提高,停电时间显著减少.尤其是在极端天气情况下,配电网将充分发挥它的自我预防、自我恢复能力,优先保障人们的生活,最大限度地为人们提供电力.  相似文献   

As many countries and regions have started large-scale deployment of smart meters, there is a growing amount of data on electricity use available for energy efficiency services. We have developed a novel tool that, based on smart meter data, automatically generates customised energy-saving advice to commercial and industrial customers. This type of audit tool could enormously expand the target of energy audits to almost all small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with smart metering at a low cost per customer. In this paper, we explain the structure of and approaches that we used in our prototype tool, such as fault detection, energy disaggregation, social comparison and benchmarking and selective visualisation. We also show test case results for the tool by using smart meter data from 34 public buildings in Japan. While the prototype tool presented in this paper has some limitations, the approach and the basic structure of the tool are valuable and provide the basis for more sophisticated tools.  相似文献   

Demand response, defined as the shifting of electricity demand, is generally believed to have value both for the grid and for the market: by matching demand more closely to supply, consumers could profit from lower prices, while in a smart grid environment, more renewable electricity can be used and less grid capacity may be needed. However, the introduction of residential demand response programmes to support the development of smart grids that includes renewable generation is hampered by a number of barriers. This paper reviews these barriers and categorises them for different demand programmes and market players. The case study for the Netherlands shows that barriers can be country specific. Two types of demand response programmes have been identified as being the most promising options for households in smart grids: price‐based demand response and direct load control, while they may not be beneficial for market players or distribution system operators. © 2016 The Authors. International Journal of Energy Research Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

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