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试验研究了沼液和NaOH用于药渣堆沤预处理对发酵过程的影响,以及接种量、pH值对于产气量的影响。结果表明:药渣经过沼液堆沤预处理后即可在较短的时间内高效发酵产沼气,发酵高峰为第210天,此阶段产气为总产气量的95%以上;以秸秆沼液预处理后的药渣产气量最高,为11 940 mL,原料产气率为54.4L/kg干药渣。药渣发酵过程中无需添加畜禽粪便调节碳氮比,秸秆沼液中驯化富集的利于秸秆类物质分解的微生物可大大提高药渣的降解率。NaOH预处理可显著提高药渣的产气潜力,发酵持久且总产气量高。以质量分数5%的NaOH预处理10 d,原料(干药渣)产气率达196.8 L/kg。  相似文献   

预处理温度对活性污泥发酵产氢特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为寻求适宜的种泥热处理方法,利用摇瓶发酵实验,考察了城市污水处理厂好氧活性污泥分别经65、80、95、110℃热处理30min后,其利用葡萄糖发酵产氢的特性。结果表明:在初始pH=7.0、葡萄糖浓度10g/L、接种量2gMLVSS/L条件下,35℃培养72h,经65℃和95℃处理的种泥表现出较好的发酵产氢性能,其葡萄糖的氢气转化率分别达到1.08和1.11mol/mol,污泥的比产氢率分别为8.36和9.05mmol/gMLVSS;经65℃预处理的种泥发酵体系,表现为丁酸型发酵,其葡萄糖降解率和最大产氢速率分别高达82%和11.29mL/h,而经95℃预处理的种泥发酵体系则呈现混合酸发酵特征,其葡萄糖转化率和最大产氢速率分别仅为76%和4.45mL/h。  相似文献   

从连续流发酵产氢反应器(ZL9211474.1)中分离筛选出一株高效纤维素降解产氢细菌Clostridium.sp.X9,X9利用微晶纤维素(MC)作为发酵产氢底物,得到最大单位体积产氢量(YH2)、比产氢率(YH2/s)和纤维素降解率分别为780mL H2/L-culture、5.1mmol H2/g-cellulose和69.6%.采用酸、碱、氨水和酸化汽曝4种方式预处理玉米秸秆,结果表明,酸化汽曝方式可以获得最佳的预处理效果.X9利用酸化汽曝预处理的玉米秸秆发酵产氢的YH2、YH2/s和纤维素降解率分别达到730mL H2/L-cuhllre、4.3mmol H2/g-ceulllose和64.0%.这说明新菌种X9在利用玉米秸秆类生物质纤维素发酵产氢方面具有很好的应用潜力.  相似文献   

试验从连续流发酵产氢反应器(ZL92114474.1)中分离筛选出一株高效纤维素降解产氢细菌Clostridium sp.X9.X9利用微晶纤维素(MC)作为发酵产氢底物,得到最大单位体积产氢量(YH2)、比产氢率(YH2/s)和纤维素降解率分别为780 mL H2/L-culture、5.1 mmol H2/g-cellulose和69.6%.采用酸、碱、氨水和酸化汽爆方式预处理玉米秸秆,结果表明,酸化汽爆方式可以获得最佳的预处理效果.X9利用酸化汽爆玉米秸秆(cSES)发酵产氢的YH2、YH2/8和纤维素降解率分别达到730 ml H2/L-culture、4.3 mmol H2/g-cellulose和64%.这说明新菌种X9在利用玉米秸秆类生物质纤维素发酵产氢方面具有很好的应用潜力.  相似文献   

在发酵温度为40℃,发酵底物TS含量分别为12%,16%和20%的条件下,将经过硝化细菌脱氨氮预处理的鸡粪以及未经预处理的鸡粪分别与玉米秸秆进行混合厌氧发酵,并研究发酵过程中沼气日产量、沼气累计产量、氨氮浓度、TS和VS降解率等参数的变化规律。研究结果表明:在发酵过程的前15 d,当发酵底物的TS含量分别为12%,16%,20%时,经过预处理的试验组的沼气日产量平均值分别为593.1,550.9,355.1 mL/d,未经预处理的试验组的沼气日产量平均值分别为420.8,379.2,433.4 mL/d;与未经预处理的试验组相比,经过预处理的试验组的累积沼气产量更高;在整个发酵过程中,各试验组的氨氮浓度均呈现出逐渐上升的变化趋势;脱氨氮预处理能够提高发酵前物料的挥发性脂肪酸浓度;当发酵底物的TS含量分别为12%,16%和20%时,相比于未经预处理的试验组,经过预处理的试验组的TS降解率分别提高了1.9%,7.9%和17.4%,VS降解率分别提高了2.2%,3.3%和28.4%,纤维素降解率分别提高了1.1%,4.6%和26.0%,半纤维素降解率分别提高了0.1%,1.3%和25.5%。  相似文献   

含纤维素类生物质的生物制氢   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
首次报道了以消化污泥为天然产氢菌源,以含纤维素类生物质(脱油花生饼和棉籽饼)为底物,通过批式试验实现生物制氢的研究结果。系统考察了菌种来源、底物预处理、培养时间、发酵反应温度等因素对含纤维素类生物质(脱油棉籽饼和花生饼)产氢能力的影响,考察了液相发酵末端产物组成随培养时间的变化规律。实验结果表明,在脱油花生饼和棉籽饼初始浓度分别为80g/L和100g/L的条件下,经稀盐酸预处理后二者的产氢能力分别从27.37mL/g和9.24mL/g增加至42.4mL/g和15.4mL/g,与未经预处理的脱油花生饼和棉籽饼相比,二者的产氢能力分别提高了54.9%和66.7%。生物气的主要组成为氢气和二氧化碳,发酵液的主要组成为乙醇、乙酸和丁酸,整个发酵产氢过程没有检测到有意义的甲烷气体存在。  相似文献   

一株纤维素降解新菌种发酵玉米秸秆的生物产氢特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验从连续流发酵产氢反应器(ZL92114474.1)中分离筛选出一株高效纤维素降解产氢细菌Clostridilan sp.X9。X9利用微晶纤维素(MC)作为发酵产氢底物,得到最大单位体积产氢量(YH2)、比产氢率(YH2/s)和纤维素降解率分别为780mL H2/L-culture、5.1mmol H2/g-cellulose和69.6%。采用酸、碱、氨水和酸化汽爆方式预处理玉米秸秆,结果表明,酸化汽爆方式可以获得最佳的预处理效果。x9利用酸化汽爆玉米秸秆(cSES)发酵产氢的YH2、YH2/s和纤维索降解率分别达到730mL H2/L-culture、4.3mmol H2/g-cellulose和64%。这说明新菌种X9在利用玉米秸秆类生物质纤维素发酵产氢方面具有很好的应用潜力。  相似文献   

厨余与污泥联合发酵不同预处理产氢特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以厨余垃圾和污泥为反应底物,加热预处理的污泥为发酵接种物,考察了对反应底物进行碱、酸和热3种预处理的发酵产氢特性.试验结果表明:经过预处理的反应底物中的可溶性营养物质(SCOD和还原糖)总量有明显增长;预处理后发酵所产氢气含量、比产氢速率和氢产率都有较大改善,其中以加热预处理提高效果最为明显,最大氢气含量、最大比产氢速率(VS)和最高氢产率(VS)为47.68%,2.89 ml/(h·g)和57.74 ml/g,相对于未经过预处理的发酵样品分别提高了0.89倍,5.14倍和3.16倍.  相似文献   

以啤酒糟为底物的厌氧发酵产氢技术可以同时实现废物资源再利用和清洁能源生产。为提高啤酒糟的产氢能力,探讨微波-盐酸预处理底物对厌氧发酵产氢的影响,将啤酒糟置于质量体积分数为的1%HCl中,在微波下辐射加热10 min,以未处理和微波-盐酸热处理啤酒糟为底物进行批式厌氧发酵产氢试验研究。结果表明:微波-盐酸预处理能显著提升啤酒糟的糖化与产氢能力;预处理后,啤酒糟的初始还原糖浓度是未处理啤酒糟的30倍,最大氢气浓度由23.18%提高到34.18%,产氢率由25.76 m L/g提高到52.81 m L/g;修正的Gompertz方程可以很好地拟合累积产氢量随时间的变化;啤酒糟发酵过程中的挥发性脂肪酸以乙酸和丁酸为主。  相似文献   

以粒度小于0.088 mm秸秆粉的酶解液为底物与热预处理活性污泥(其中TS%为6.77%,VS%为47.90%,COD为36.665 g/L)进行厌氧发酵产氢实验,以累积产氢量和产氢速率为考察指标,研究不同热预处理(100℃水浴)时间、初始p H值、酶解液浓度、发酵温度对厌氧发酵产氢的影响,并利用修正的Gompertz方程对产氢过程进行回归分析,优化出最佳玉米秸秆酶解液厌氧发酵产氢的工艺参数。结果表明:活性污泥利用玉米秸秆酶解液进行厌氧发酵产氢时,当活性污泥热预处理时间为15 min、初始p H值为5.0、玉米秸秆粉酶解液浓度为22.34 mg/m L、发酵温度为40℃时,产氢效果最佳,此时最大累积产氢量达到653.98 m L,最大产氢速率为15.89 m L/h。  相似文献   

This study provided an estimate of the potential of bio-hydrogen production from dark fermentation of crop residues on a worldwide scale. The different crop residues reviewed included sugarcane tops, leaves and bagasse, corn straw, corn cob and corn stover, wheat straw, rice straw and husk, soybean straw, oil palm trunk and empty fruit bunch, sugar beet pulp, cassava residue, barley straw and sweet sorghum bagasse. Among these crop residues, wheat and rice straws are produced in the highest amount although sugarcane dominates crop production on a worldwide scale. Based on the bio-hydrogen yields reported in literature, estimated worldwide bio-hydrogen potential is highest for untreated rice straw at 58,002 Mm3/year followed by untreated wheat straw at 34,680 Mm3/year. This corresponds to a bio-energy potential of 623 PJ/year and 373 PJ/year for raw rice straw and wheat straw respectively while pre-treatment of the crop residues significantly increases the bio-hydrogen and bio-energy potential. While dark fermentation of crop residues offers a huge bio-energy potential, the process suffers from several constraints that hinder its implementation. As such, coupling of the dark fermentation process with the anaerobic digestion process as a two-stage process seems the most economically viable option for large-scale implementation.  相似文献   

玉米秸秆预处理对厌氧发酵制氢影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为提高玉米秸秆的产氢能力,实验研究了蒸汽爆破预处理、硫酸预处理、氢氧化钠预处理、盐酸预处理和酸化(碱化)气爆预处理5种预处理方法对玉米秸秆发酵产氢能力的影响。结果表明,预处理可以将秸秆中相当一部分纤维素和半纤维素水解生成还原糖,其中质量分数为0.8%的H2SO4酸化汽爆预处理对秸秆的水解效果最好。在固-液比1∶10、H2SO4质量分数0.8%、保持微沸状态30min的处理条件下,秸秆的糖含量达到最大值24.57%,最大氢气产量为141mL/g。  相似文献   

Straw is an abundant natural bioresource, especially in developing and agricultural countries. Bio-hydrogen production from this renewable biomass through biological methods is an active research area. Because of its distinctive characteristic of being rich in cellulose, straw has been extensively considered as a promising raw material for clean energy production. In this paper, the recent progress of bio-hydrogen production from straw was reviewed with the emphasis on the advances in pretreatment and hydrolysis technologies. The future development of straw-based biohydrogen production was also analyzed. Based on the physicochemical properties of straw biomass and mechanisms of bio-hydrogen fermentation, various pretreatment procedures have been developed to make the straw substrate more available for hydrogen-producing bacteria to realize large-scale bio-hydrogen production from straw. This review summarized the recent technologies of straw pretreatment and hydrolysis as well as elaborated on the bottlenecks in the field of straw biotransformation in great detail. Furthermore, based on the current technology status and potential, the challenges, prospects and future directions of the production methods were further proposed.  相似文献   

利用HAU-M1光合细菌对玉米秸秆同步糖化生物制氢工艺进行实验研究,提出了同步糖化生物制氢工艺中玉米秸秆底物质量浓度与pH值、还原糖质量浓度、氢气体积分数和累积产氢量等因素之间的相关关系,探讨了底物质量浓度对玉米秸秆同步糖化生物制氢工艺的影响规律。实验结果表明:当玉米秸秆底物质量浓度为25g/L时,玉米秸秆同步糖化生物制氢工艺的累积产氢量达到最高,为186mL;当玉米秸秆底物质量浓度为15g/L时,玉米秸秆同步糖化生物制氢工艺的氢气体积分数达到最高,为48%;玉米秸秆同步糖化制氢工艺的产氢高峰期为12~48h,48h后逐渐停止产氢,可为进一步优化和完善以生物质为基质的同步糖化生物制氢工艺理论与技术提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Physico-chemical pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass is critical in removing substrate-specific barriers to cellulolytic enzyme attack. Alkaline pretreatment successfully delignifies biomass by disrupting the ester bonds cross-linking lignin and xylan, resulting in cellulose and hemicellulose enriched fractions. Here we report the use of dilute alkaline (NaOH) pretreatment followed by enzyme saccharifications of wheat straw to produce fermentable sugars. Specifically, we have assessed the impacts of varying pretreatment parameters (temperature, time and alkalinity) on enzymatic digestion of residual solid materials. Following pretreatment, recoverable solids and lignin contents were found to be inversely proportional to the severity of the pretreatment process. Elevating temperature and alkaline strengths maximised hemicellulose and lignin solubilisation and enhanced enzymatic saccharifications. Pretreating wheat straw with 2% NaOH for 30 min at 121 °C improved enzyme saccharification 6.3-fold when compared to control samples. Similarly, a 4.9-fold increase in total sugar yields from samples treated with 2% NaOH at 60 °C for 90min, confirmed the importance of alkali inclusion. A combination of three commercial enzyme preparations (cellulase, ??-glucosidase and xylanase) was found to maximise monomeric sugar release, particularly for substrates with higher xylan contents. In essence, the combined enzyme activities increased total sugar release 1.65-fold and effectively reduced cellulase enzyme loadings 3-fold. Prehydrolysate liquors contained 4-fold more total phenolics compared to enzyme saccharification mixtures. Harsher pretreatment conditions provide saccharified hydrolysates with reduced phenolic content and greater fermentation potential.  相似文献   

The conversion of wheat straw to fermentable sugar for bioethanol production typically involves a thermal pretreatment step, followed by enzymatic hydrolysis. In this study we have investigated the effect of steam explosion parameters on wheat straw digestibility using a newly designed steam explosion unit and a process without acid impregnation. The wheat straw was steam pretreated using 18 different conditions in the temperature range of 170-220 °C and the resulting material was used directly (i.e. without washing) for enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation in either a separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF)-type or a simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF)-type set-up. Maximum glucose yields upon enzymatic hydrolysis were obtained after pretreatment at 210 °C for 10 min and yields were similar at harsher conditions. Xylose yields increased with temperature and residence time up to 190 °C, but decreased at harsher pretreatment conditions since these led to xylan degradation and concomitant production of furfural. In an SHF-type set-up ethanol formation did not follow enzymatic glucose release and was inversely correlated with furfural levels. An SFF-type set-up displayed a straightforward correlation between the expected amount of released glucose and the ethanol yields. The highest saccharification yields corresponded to about 90% of the cellulose in the substrate. Overall, this study shows that steam explosion without an acid catalyst is a good pretreatment method for saccharification of wheat straw. Optimal steam explosion conditions need to be a compromise between sugar accessibility and sugar degradation.  相似文献   

Ground wheat powder solution (10 g L−1) was subjected to combined dark and light fermentations for bio-hydrogen production by fed-batch operation. A mixture of heat treated anaerobic sludge (AN) and Rhodobacter sphaeroides-NRRL (RS-NRRL) were used as the mixed culture of dark and light fermentation bacteria with an initial dark/light biomass ratio of 1/2. Effects of wheat starch loading rate on the rate and yield of bio-hydrogen formation were investigated. The highest cumulative hydrogen formation (CHF = 3460 ml), hydrogen yield (201 ml H2 g−1 starch) and formation rate (18.1 ml h−1) were obtained with a starch loading rate of 80.4 mg S h−1. Complete starch hydrolysis and glucose fermentation were achieved within 96 h of fed-batch operation producing volatile fatty acids (VFA) and H2. Fermentation of VFAs by photo-fermentation for bio-hydrogen production was most effective at starch loading rate of 80.4 mg S h−1. Hydrogen formation by combined fermentation took place by a fast dark fermentation followed by a rather slow light fermentation after a lag period.  相似文献   

Rice straw was pretreated by microwave-assisted alkali to improve saccharification in enzymatic hydrolysis and hydrogen yield in combined dark- and photo-fermentation in this paper. A maximum reducing sugar yield of 69.3 g/100 g TVS was obtained when 50 g/l rice straw was pretreated by microwave heating for 15 min at 140 °C in 0.5% NaOH solution and then enzymatically hydrolyzed for 96 h. When hydrolyzed rice straw was used for hydrogen production by anaerobic bacteria in dark-fermentation, a maximum hydrogen yield of 155 ml/g TVS was obtained. The residual solution (mainly acetate and butyrate) from dark-fermentation was reutilized for hydrogen production by immobilized photosynthetic bacteria in photo-fermentation. By combination of dark- and photo-fermentation, the maximum hydrogen yield was greatly enhanced to 463 ml/g TVS, which is 43.2% of the theoretical hydrogen yield.  相似文献   

使用碱性双氧水对玉米秸秆进行预处理,可以有效提高秸秆的酶解效果。实验表明,最优预处理参数为使用分别占秸秆质量16%的 H2O2和25.6% 的NaOH,于40℃下预处理秸秆24 h。对经不同预处理剂处理后的秸秆进行酶解,发现NaOH及碱性双氧水预处理秸秆的酶解还原糖产量为7.48 g/L和8.26 g/L,而经H2O及H2O2预处理秸秆的还原糖产量仅为1.35 g/L和1.59 g/L。通过木质纤维素含量及SEM分析发现,氢氧化钠主要作用为溶解秸秆中的木质素及半纤维素,而双氧水的存在则会破坏秸秆表面结构。计算秸秆预处理前后质量损失发现,双氧水的存在不能显著提高秸秆预处理后的质量损失,但会氧化分解被氢氧化钠溶解的大分子物质,对此过程机理及产物还需进行深入的研究。  相似文献   

In lignocellulose-to-hydrogen bioconversion, reducing the concentration of chemical agents in pretreatment is of great interest. In this study, rice straw (RS) pretreated at reduced NaOH and urea (NU) concentrations was evaluated. Results showed that the composition of RS exhibited excellent pretreatment performance at a reduced concentration of NU. When the concentration of NaOH was decreased to 3 wt% in combination with 6 wt% urea, the lignin was reduced by 59.52% with a cellulose and hemicellulose loss of less than 17%. Moreover, extending the pretreatment time at a low concentration of NU could effectively promote the biodegradability of RS. Upon fermentation by Thermoanaerobacterium thermosaccharolyticum M18 for H2 production, the H2 production increased up to 213.06 mL/g with a substrate treated by 3 wt% NaOH/6 wt% urea at low solid loading for 15 d, which was 16.31% higher than the counterpart subjected to a 7 wt% NaOH/12 wt% urea pretreatment. The present results suggest the NU pretreatment can be carried out at low concentrations to improve the conversion of RS into bio-H2 production.  相似文献   

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