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为了较全面地研究不同运行工况下并网双馈风力发电机组的暂态运行性能,该文基于双馈发电机电磁暂态模型,采用等效集中质量法,建立了考虑风力机和发电机之间传动轴扭转柔性的风力机两个质量块等效模型。在此基础上,基于定子电压定向的矢量控制策略,对风电机组在不同风力机输出转矩、不同电网电压跌落和不同故障持续时间下分别进行了暂态运行性能的仿真,并对风力机不同质量块等效模型的结果进行比较。结果表明,双馈风力发电机组暂态性能与风力机传动链柔性、电压跌落程度和故障持续时间等密切相关。  相似文献   

建立了笼型异步发电机考虑定子电磁暂态的详细模型、忽略定子电磁暂态的简化模型、同时忽略定转子电磁暂态的稳态模型以及一个和两个质量块的风力机轴系模型.针对上述不同组合的5个风力发电机组模型,利用Matlab/Simulink对发电机端部发生三相短路故障情况下的机组暂态行为进行了仿真比较,并通过时域仿真求取了风力机组不同模型下机组故障临界切除时问.结果表明,采用不同风力机组模型对机组暂态稳定性分析结果有很大影响,发电机简化模型和两个质量块的风力机轴系模型较为合适.最后,以提出的合适模型为例,详细研究了风力机模型参数对机组暂态稳定性的影响.  相似文献   

双馈感应发电机(DFIG)动态模型用于反映发生扰动时风电机组的动态特性变化,是研究DFIG并网稳定性的重要基础。通过建立DFIG风机的空气动力学模型、桨距角控制模型、发电机模型、轴系模型、变流器及其控制模型在内的动态模型,分析了各部分模型的控制机理,并且给出了各部分的控制框图,在PSCAD中对DFIG并网模型进行了仿真研究,证实了DFIG动态模型是正确可信的。  相似文献   

介绍了一种在PSCAD/EMTDC环境中建立双馈风电机组模型以用于电磁暂态分析的方法。分析了风力机风速与输出转矩的关系,建立了机侧换流器的定子磁链定向矢量控制模型、网侧换流器的电网电压定向矢量控制模型,并考虑了低电压穿越控制策略。最后在PSCAD/EMTDC环境中建立了双馈风电机组的模型,仿真验证了建模方法的有效性和正确性。仿真结果表明,在PSCAD/EMTDC环境中,双馈风机建模方法能够准确地描述风电机组的电磁暂态特性。  相似文献   

基于DFIG精确暂态数学模型,深入研究了机端三相短路所激起的双馈电机电磁过渡过程产生的机理及定、转子电流中各频率成分之间的依存关系,并详细推导了三相短路电流的解析表达式, 在此基础上,深入分析了定子和转子绕组阻值对短路电流幅值的影响规律,得到抑制短路电流最佳阻值,实际仿真验证了分析结论的有效性。此研究对于深入探索风机crowbar保护的电阻值整定及短路电流抑制措施都有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

翟明  窦正刚 《新能源》2000,22(8):14-16
阐述了双馈风力发电机及其风电系统的工作原理,特性曲线及特点。指出,该系统与普通风力发电系统相比,在风力资源的充分利用方面更具优势,大大拓宽了风速的可利用范围,对提高风电发电能力具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

双馈风力发电机组并网控制策略及性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现双馈风力发电机组无冲击电流并网,基于电网电压定向矢量控制技术,提出了一种考虑转子电流动态调节特性的双馈风力发电机组空载并网控制策略。基于Matlab/Simulink仿真平台,建立了双馈风力发电机系统及其并网控制的数学模型,并对不同初始运行转速的双馈风力发电机组的自动并网运行特性进行了仿真。仿真实验结果证明无论初始转速为同步转速,还是超、亚同步转速,利用提出的并网控制策略,双馈风力发电机组能很好快速地建立定子电压,并网过渡过程定子电流基本没有冲击。  相似文献   

在双馈发电机等值电路的基础上,建立了相应的基本方程,并求出定子电流的解析表达式.通过对定子电流的分析,求得输出电流为额定值时的励磁电压有效值解析表达式及初相位的取值范围.在此基础上,通过对定子电流有功分量及无功分量的分析,得到功率因数超前及功率因数滞后时的励磁电压初相位取值范围.为满足实际工程需要,对电机的参数作进一步简化,最终通过电机的实际参数进行仿真,验证了其理论分析的正确性.  相似文献   

邢法财  徐政 《太阳能学报》2022,43(4):324-332
为评估双馈风电场经串补送出系统的振荡风险,该文重点对双馈风力发电机的负电阻效应进行研究.首先,结合双馈风力发电机常用的控制结构,通过分析其扰动响应特性建立端口导纳模型.在此基础上,通过等效电路分析建立异步发电机转子回路的等效阻抗模型.进一步地,对转子回路的负电阻特性进行研究,并定义2个特征指标来定性评估系统的振荡风险....  相似文献   

矩阵式变换器励磁的双馈风力发电机系统   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
该文建立了基于双馈电机的变速恒频风力发电系统模型。该系统采用矩阵式变换器作为交流励磁电源,利用定子磁场定向的矢量变换控制实现有功功率和无功功率的独立调节,采用最佳风能控制策略,使系统能够在不同风速下跟踪最大风能曲线,实现风能的有效利用。仿真结果展现了系统的优良特性,在一定程度上验证了该方案的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

An assessment of the impact that the representation of rotor structural dynamics has on the electrical transient performance of fixed‐speed induction generators (FSIGs) and doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) wind turbines is presented. A three‐mass model that takes into account not only the shaft flexibility but also the blade flexibility in the structural dynamics is developed and used to derive an effective two‐mass model of the drive train dynamics, which represents the dominant natural frequency of vibration of the rotor structure. For the purposes of this investigation, the dynamic performance of both FSIG and DFIG wind turbines is evaluated during electrical transients such as a three‐phase fault in the network. The studies are conducted in the software code Bladed, where a detailed representation of the structural dynamics is used to derive the three‐mass model and the effective two‐mass model. Simulation results which illustrate how these representations of the rotor dynamics affect the response of the wind turbine during the fault are presented and discussed. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

含变速双馈风电机组风电场的等值问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在研究含变速双馈风电机组的风电场对电网的影响时,需要建立合理的风电场模型.文章介绍了大型风电场的等值建模的主要特点,探讨了含变速双馈风电机组的风电场等值方法和在等值过程中应注意的问题,为今后变速双馈风电机组在大型并网风电场中的应用提供参考.  相似文献   

Libao Shi  Zheng Xu  Jin Hao  Yixin Ni 《风能》2007,10(4):303-320
This paper shows a model of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) including a simplified model of a wind turbine for the purpose of transient stability analysis of large‐scale power systems with great wind farms penetration. The wind turbine model and the DFIG model are systematically deducted in this paper. Specially, the improved model of rotor‐side converter and the simplified grid‐side converter model are considered in our work. The corresponding machine–network interface solution based on the synchronously rotating common x‐y reference frame is elaborately issued in this paper. Furthermore, a method is proposed to calculate the DFIG initial conditions as well. A simplified model of the turbine is used excluding among other components the pitch control. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For the representation of wind farms in transient stability studies of electrical power systems, reduced models based on aggregating identical wind turbines are commonly used. In the case of a wind farm with different wind turbines coupled to the same grid connection point, it is usual to aggregate identical wind turbines operating in similar conditions into an equivalent one. However, in the existing literature, there are not any references to the aggregation of different wind turbines (same wind turbine technology but different rated power or components) into a single one. This paper presents a comparative study of four reduced models for aggregating different DFIG wind turbines, experiencing different incoming winds, into an equivalent model. The first of them is the classical clustering model, in which each equivalent model experiences an equivalent wind. The other reduced models have the same equivalent generation system but different equivalent mechanical systems. Thus, the second and third ones are compound models with a clustering aggregated mechanical system and individual simplified models, respectively, to approximate the individual mechanical power according to the incoming wind speeds. The fourth is a mixed model that uses an equivalent wind speed, which is applied to an equivalent mechanical system (equivalent rotor and drive train) in order to approximate the mechanical power of the aggregated wind turbines. The equivalent models are validated by means of comparison with the complete model of the wind farm when simulated under wind fluctuations and grid disturbances. Finally, recommendations with regard to the applicability of models are established. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

以并网笼型异步风电机组为例,分析了利用串联动态制动电阻提高并网异步风电机组在电网故障下暂态稳定性的作用机理以及效果.建立了并网异步风电机组的数学模型,基于Matlab/Simulink仿真平台,对比分析了采用串联动态制动电阻、并联动态制动电阻以及无功补偿装置的作用效果.仿真结果表明,采用串联动态制动电阻可以有效改善并网异步风力发电机组的暂态稳定性;同时,采用串联动态制动电阻和无功补偿装置,可显著提高机组的暂态稳定性,减少对无功补偿的需求,降低风电场的运行成本.  相似文献   

Reactive power control strategy for a wind farm with a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) is investigated. Under stator flux-oriented (SFO) vector control, the real power of the DFIG is controlled by the q-axis rotor current Iqr and the reactive power is mainly affected by the d-axis rotor current Idr. To examine the effect of Idr on stator reactive power Qs and rotor reactive power Qr, the DFIG is operated under five different operating modes, i.e, the maximum Qs absorption mode, the rotor unity power factor mode, the minimum DFIG loss mode, the stator unity power factor mode, and the maximum Qs generation mode. In pervious works, stator resistance Rs was usually neglected in deriving the d-axis rotor currents Idr for different DFIG reactive power operating modes. In the present work, an iterative algorithm is presented to compute the d-axis rotor currents Idr for the five reactive power control modes. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed iterative algorithm, the rotor current, rotor voltage, stator current, real power and reactive power of a 2.5 MW DFIG operated under the five different operating modes are computed.  相似文献   

潘克强  谌鑫 《可再生能源》2020,38(7):911-915
文章考虑了叶片的刚柔耦合作用,利用仿真技术对某5 MW风电机组柔性叶片进行了非线性振动特性分析,揭示风力机叶片振动时的相互耦合规律。以风电机组刚柔耦合动力学效应为基础,对风电机组在多载荷耦合作用下,结合柔性叶片变形基本原理,探索风电机组刚柔耦合系统动力学参数变化规律。结果表明,叶尖出现位移的偏移量为17 mm,叶根的偏移量较小,保持与轮毂的刚性连接,该结论为风电机组的状态监测与稳定运行提供了参考。  相似文献   

This paper presents the structural model development and verification process for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Phase VI wind which consists of the blades, rotor, nacelle, and tower. The mass and stiffness properties of all parts had to be clearly defined to develop the structural model for the entire turbine. However, it was difficult to define the geometries and material properties of the blade structure and power generating machinery because of their complexity. To perform a FSI analysis, fluid and structural models that shared the associated interface topology had to be provided. With the help of an eigen-value analysis, the structural stiffness and mass properties were verified in comparison with the values reported by NREL. A finite element (FE) model that included the blade, nacelle, and tower was developed based on the NREL's reported data. The commercial FE software ANSYS was used to develop the geometry and mesh, and to perform the eigen-value analysis. The various material properties and configurations of the entire turbine system were tested to obtain the proper material properties to determine this value. Overall, the proposed geometry, material, and mass properties were in good agreement with the measurements, but need to be discussed further.  相似文献   

曹娜  李治萍  于群 《水电能源科学》2021,39(4):161-164,145
为研究具备低电压穿越(LVRT)性能的双馈感应风力发电机(DFIG)对系统频率稳定性的影响,首先利用转子运动方程和等效导纳模型对故障穿越期间和故障恢复期间系统频率与风机馈入系统的有功功率之间的关系进行理论推导,建立含双馈风电机组的电网频率响应解析模型,在此基础上分析了低电压穿越特性对系统频率稳定性的影响;然后基于PSC...  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to propose a simple approach to solve the steady state of a wind turbine (WT) equipped with a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG), which can be used to initialize dynamic studies of the machine. The idea is to model the rotor‐side converter (RSC) as a constant current source connected to the rotor of the DFIG. The resulting equivalent circuit consists of a voltage source in series with a reactance, which makes it possible to obtain simple phasor expressions that can be used to obtain the Park components of the variables. The proposed method is compared with the traditional Newton–Raphson algorithm, showing that it is easier and faster to implement, as it makes use of the phasor expressions and it does not require an iterative process to obtain the final solution. Finally, the results of the proposed method are used to simulate a 2‐MW DFIG‐based WT under three‐phase faults, considering three different WT‐operating points. In these simulations, the idea of constant rotor current is extrapolated to the entire event. The simulated results show that both current at torque peaks are reduced. The analytical study and the simulations have been carried out in Matlab ?.  相似文献   

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