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南宁日本友好太阳房夏季热性能的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“南宁日本友好太阳房”是国内第一栋引入日本OM太阳房技术,根据南宁气候条件和建筑资源条件以及利用周围的自然环境资源建造的实验性太阳房。本太阳房于1998年5月投入试运行。文章根据太阳房的实测数据,对太阳房的夏季排热、隔热和降温效果进行了分析。  相似文献   

本研究设计了一种可转换冬季与夏季功能的太阳空气集热器,该集热器的集热板为一组叶片,叶片由传动装置联接在一起,吸热板叶片可以转动,并且能够跟踪太阳能运行,最大限度吸收太阳辐射。吸热板背面涂以热反射涂层,夏季叶片翻转180,°反射红外辐射隔热降温。文章分析了影响太阳空气集热器的瞬时集热效率的各种因素,并对其热性能进行了试验。  相似文献   

太阳能采暖降温净化器,不需要任何常规能源,冬季为建筑物供暖、夏季为其降温,还能起到净化室内空气的作用。1原理和作用如图1所示,太阳能采暖降温净化器是在阳光的作用下,利用冷热空气的密度差所形成的动力进行循环,起到冬季为建筑物供暖、夏季为建筑物降温的作用。(1)冬季供暖冬季,太阳高度角小,太阳能采暖降温净化器在太阳的照射下,主要起到供暖的作用。它不断向室内提供热风,房屋的构件和室内的物品不断吸收、储存热量。经实测,装置向室内提供热风的温度为45~65℃,冬季的平均室温保16℃以上。冬季的晴天,装置每…  相似文献   

南京地区不同季节水泥下垫面辐射特征的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2005年夏季与2006年冬季在南京进行的城市边界层外场观测资料,初步分析了水泥下垫面的辐射特性.结果表明:①由于城市上空大气透明度小于郊区,因此太阳总日射辐照度的夏季观测值表现为城区观测值比郊区小约8%;②水泥地表的反照率明显大于草地,而且随着太阳高度角的季节变化,水泥地表反照率也略有差异,夏季平均值为0.34,冬季为0.31;③夏、冬两季水泥下垫面净辐照度白天差异较大,通常约有100W·m-2,但峰值差异较小;在夜间净辐照度均为负值,且夏季观测值略大于冬季观测值,表明夏季夜间净辐照度对地表和大气的冷却作用小于冬季.  相似文献   

针对目前被动式太阳房普遍存在的夏季室内过热现象,提出一种浅层地热能联合太阳能集热墙系统。并在石河子地区对采用该系统的被动式太阳房进行试验测试,对比分析3种通风模式和3种通风时间的降温效果。试验结果表明:采用浅层地热能联合太阳能集热墙系统的通风模式C3的室内平均温湿度明显优于其他模式,平均温度降低了2.64℃;通风时间为12 h的C5模式,其被动降温效果优于其他两种模式,且随着通风时间的延长,被动降温效果出现下降的趋势。  相似文献   

一、前言被动式太阳房(简称太阳房)是通过建筑朝向和周围环境的合理布置、内部空间和外部形体的巧妙处理以及建筑材料和结构的恰当选择,使其在冬季能集取、蓄存和分配太阳热能的一种建筑。它不仅能在不同程度上满足建筑物在冬季的采暖要求,而且也能在夏季达到降温的目的。TIM材料(TransparentInsulationMate-rial)是一种新型透过性绝热材料,同时具有良好的光学透过率和绝热性能。它是由透明薄膜组成的蜂窝结构,蜂窝形状是正方形smmXsinmo本文是应用德研制的TIM材料用于太阳房上并研究其热工性能特性,这种太阳房称为TIM太阳…  相似文献   

北方地区办公建筑夜间通风适用性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据我国北方严寒和寒冷地区167个气象台站典型气象年气象数据,定量分析夜间通风降温技术在我国北方严寒和寒冷地区的气候适宜性,以"气候降温潜力"作为指标量化分析夜间通风的适用性,得出各台站夜间通风气候降温潜力值,并结合地理信息系统(GIS)的分析软件给出夜间通风气候降温潜力分布图,将分析结果可视化。  相似文献   

建筑物白天被太阳晒热,而夜间又逐渐冷却下来——从这个意义上来说,每一座建筑都被动地利用了太阳能。被动式太阳能采暖,降温系统正是由此设计而来。被动式太阳能系统大致可分为“直接收益”、“间接收益”和“隔离收益”等形式。本文就被动式太阳房系统发展状况作一简单介绍。  相似文献   

平行太阳房这座建筑物由通商产业省资助建造。置于平屋顶上的真空管太阳能集热器与南墙垂直。用水—溴化锂致冷装置进行降温。贮水箱安装在室内,这个水箱的换热器既可以用于降温,又可以用来采暖。骏马太阳房这是日本第一座使用太阳能空气集热器的房屋,用卵石床进行蓄热。本系统内有两个集热器通道。一个用空气集热器对房屋进行供热,另一个用来给家庭供应热水。空气循环式热泵不依靠太阳热进行工作。绫濑太阳房通商产业省资助的这座绫濑房,是为试验改建房屋的采暖、降温以及供应热水而建造的。这座房  相似文献   

李栋  吴洋洋  刘昌宇 《太阳能学报》2018,39(11):3049-3052
基于搭建的含石蜡层玻璃幕墙传热实验装置,在大庆地区室外环境开展幕墙填充石蜡前后及在不同熔点石蜡等条件下幕墙动态传热实验,获得秋季和初冬季节典型天气下幕墙填充石蜡前后夹层温度、房内温度动态变化规律。实验结果表明:太阳的辐照度对环境温度升降有明显的促进作用;幕墙夹层填充石蜡使其温度显著降低,太阳辐照度越高,其降温效果越明显,而实验房内夜间温度升高、日间温度降低,使房内热舒适性明显改善。  相似文献   

Utilisation of solar energy and the night ambient (cool) temperatures are the passive ways of heating and cooling of buildings. Intermittent and time-dependent nature of these sources makes thermal energy storage vital for efficient and continuous operation of these heating and cooling techniques. Latent heat thermal energy storage by phase-change materials (PCMs) is preferred over other storage techniques due to its high-energy storage density and isothermal storage process. The current study was aimed to evaluate the performance of the air-based PCM storage unit utilising solar energy and cool ambient night temperatures for comfort heating and cooling of a building in dry-cold and dry-hot climates. The performance of the studied PCM storage unit was maximised when the melting point of the PCM was ~29°C in summer and 21°C during winter season. The appropriate melting point was ~27.5°C for all-the-year-round performance. At lower melting points than 27.5°C, declination in the cooling capacity of the storage unit was more profound as compared to the improvement in the heating capacity. Also, it was concluded that the melting point of the PCM that provided maximum cooling during summer season could be used for winter heating also but not vice versa.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the landscape design considerations, rationale for the selection of specific hard and soft landscape elements and initial observations of their influence in controlling the microclimate in detached residential buildings in the Arabian Gulf region. This experiment is part of a wider research programme in the field of passive solar cooling strategies at the King Faisal University, sponsored by the Joint United States-Saudi Arabian Programme for Cooperation in the field of Solar Energy (SOLERAS). The objective is to identify the comfort enhancement potential of a carefully planned and executed integrated landscape design in a full-scale prototype passive solar cooling test house. Conventional concrete-block load-bearing construction with external insulation and heavy internal thermal mass was used. Fanger Predicted Mean Vote, as a function of dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, air velocity and mean radiant temperature, was calculated and recorded continuously. These values have been averaged to evaluate hourly comfort conditions in various zones of the test house. Outdoor solar radiation and heat transferred through walls, openings and roof were similarly recorded before landscape layout and during the initial growth process of the plant material. The full potential of an integrated landscape design towards comfort enhancement can only be assessed after several years of continuous monitoring during the growth period of the plant material. Initial observations, nevertheless, tend to confirm results obtained by other researchers in their studies of the effects of specific individual landscape elements.  相似文献   

In extremely hot and dry climates, like northwestern Mexico, solar gain reduction in houses using solar passive techniques is important for improving comfort inside the construction and to save costs in electrical cooling during the whole year, because the winter season is also hot in those regions. A new one-dimension method is proposed to analyze the interaction between two common shading devices: awnings and external walls to reduce insulation on the facade and inside the house due to fenestration. The method is demonstrated by optimizing a typical dwelling with an azimuth of 90° (east), which, achieves 45% reduction in direct solar insulation during the summer solstice on the profile of the facade. Results showed that this method is simple and reliable in increasing the shadow on the facade and to block completely the solar beam radiation on the windowpane with optimal relations between these shading devices.  相似文献   

By proper passive design concepts which essentially consist of collection, storage, distribution, and control of thermal energy flow, an energy saving of 2.35% of the world energy output is possible. The basic methods of heating and cooling of buildings are solar radiation, outgoing longwave radiation, water evaporation, and nocturnal radiation cooling. A Trombe-Michel wall consists of a large concrete mass, exposed to sunlight through large, south-facing windows; it is used for heating buildings. Solar absorption cooling and solar dehumidification and evaporative cooling are two approaches that utilize solar energy for the generation of the working fluid and the cooling of dwellings. Outgoing longwave radiation is the most practical way of cooling buildings in desert climates and is effective on roof surfaces, emitting the radiations from the surface of earth to the atmosphere and to outer space. Water evaporation in desert coolers is the usual method of cooling in arid regions. Nocturnal radiation both heats in winter and cools in summer, in suitable climates, and does so with no nonrenewable energy other than a negligible amount required to move the insulation twice a day. The study of 24 different locations in Libya divides the country into regions with distinct passive strategies. The northern region and the Mediterranean coast need passive heating. The buildings in this region should restrict conductive heat flow, prevent infiltration and promote solar heat gains. The southern region, a part of the Sahara desert, needs passive cooling. The buildings in this region need high thermal mass and should promote natural ventilation, restrict solar heat gains and encourage evaporative and radiant cooling. The difficulties encountered in passive solar design are the large exposed area required with suitable orientation for the collection of energy and the large space requirement for the storage of thermal energy. This paper reviews these passive systems and discusses suitable strategies to be adopted for Libya.  相似文献   

A new type of residence with solar heating, earth cooling and air circulation(the SEA House) has been proposed by the authors. In winter, the house is heated by solar energy. Thermal insulation, heat storage and air circulation are used to maintain the room temperature at a comfortable level and to reduce the energy demands for air-conditioning. In summer, the cooling tubes are used for the purpose of cooling the proposed house. In this paper, the energy savings of the SEA House are analyzed quantitatively. Comparing to the energy used for the air-conditioning of the existing residential houses in Hokkaido, Sendai, Tokyo and Kagoshima, it is estimated that only 19%, 18%, 14% and 24% of energy are needed for the airconditioning of the SEA House respectively.  相似文献   

A solar-regenerated liquid desiccant ventilation pre-conditioning system has been installed and experiments were carried out for a period of nine months covering rainy, cold, and hot seasons in a hot and humid climate (Thailand). A heat exchanger was used to cool the dehumidified air instead of typical evaporative cooling to maintain the dryness of the air. The use of solar energy at the regeneration process and cooling water from a cooling tower makes the system more passive. The evaporation rate at the regeneration process was always greater than the moisture removal rate at the dehumidification process indicating that the concentration of the desiccant in the system would not decrease and so the performance would not drop during continuous operation. The system could reduce the temperature of the delivered air by about 1.2 °C while the humidity ratio was reduced by 0.0042 kgw/kgda equivalent to 11.1% relative humidity reduction. The experimental results were also compared with models in literature.  相似文献   

T. S. Saitoh   《Applied Energy》1999,64(1-4):215-228
A unique energy-independent house (‘HARBEMAN house’; HARmony BEtween Man And Nature) incorporating solar thermal, underground coolers, sky radiation cooling, photovoltaic electricity generation and rain-water collection was built in Sendai (latitude; 38° 17′00″ north and longitude; 140° 50′14″ east), Japan during July, 1996. The average solar energy received on a horizontal surface there in January is 7900 kJ/m2/day. This paper reports the experimental results since September 1996 to date. The annual variations of water temperature in the underground main tank, heating /cooling/domestic hot water demands, collected and emitted heats by solar collector and sky radiator, were measured. The paper also clarifies the method of computer simulation results for the HARBEMAN house and its results compared with the annual experimental data. The proposed HARBEMAN house, which meets almost all its energy demands, including space heating and cooling, domestic hot water, electricity generated by photovoltaic cell and rainwater for standard Japanese homes. The proposed system has two operational modes: (i) a long-term thermal energy storage mode extending from September to March and (ii) a long-term cool storage mode extending from April to August. The system is intended to utilize as little energy as possible to collect and emit the heat. This paper also clarifies the primary energy consumption, the external costs (externalities) and the means for the reduction of carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions. The primary-energy consumption and carbon-dioxide emissions of the proposed house are only one-tenth of those of the conventional standard house. Moreover, the thermal performance of this house will be compared with the results of the IEA solar low-energy house TASK 13. Finally, this paper validates the external costs of this house, which have been intensively discussed in recent years in European countries. The present energy-sufficient house will be attempting in 21st century to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which will be one of the key factors for mitigating global warming.  相似文献   

An energy-independent residential house (‘HARBEMAN house’; Harmony BEtween Man And Nature), incorporating sky radiation cooling, solar thermal, and photovoltaic energies was built in Sendai, Japan during July, 1996. This paper reports monitored results of this house since September 1996 to date. The paper also presents simulation results for the HARBEMAN house and its results compared with the annual experimental data. The HARBEMAN house, which meets almost all the energy demands, including space heating and cooling, domestic hot water, electricity generated by photovoltaic cell and rainwater for standard Japanese homes. Sky radiation cooling, solar thermal/photovoltaic (PV), and underground coolness as well as rainwater and waste heat are utilized in combination. Annual variations of water temperature in the underground main tank, heating/cooling/domestic hot water demands, collected and emitted heats by the solar collector and sky radiator have been monitored.  相似文献   

冬季特朗贝墙内置卷帘对墙体热性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大连地区某被动式太阳实验房进行实验研究,通过对玻璃幕墙内壁面温度、夹层内空气温度、特朗贝墙墙体温度等相关参数及室外气象参数等的实测,定量地分析了冬季夜间特朗贝墙采用卷帘保温的效果。并且通过有限空间自然对流换热理论计算分析,提出了更为合理的卷帘安装位置,最后根据围护结构响应因子BER指标,讨论了使用卷帘对提高室内热舒适性的影响。  相似文献   

Buildings represent nearly 40 percent of total energy use in the U.S. and about 50 percent of this energy is used for heating, ventilating, and cooling the space. Conventional heating and cooling systems are having a great impact on security of energy supply and greenhouse gas emissions. Unlike conventional approach, this paper investigates an innovative passive air conditioning system coupling earth-to-air heat exchangers (EAHEs) with solar collector enhanced solar chimneys. By simultaneously utilizing geothermal and solar energy, the system can achieve great energy savings within the building sector and reduce the peak electrical demand in the summer. Experiments were conducted in a test facility in summer to evaluate the performance of such a system. During the test period, the solar chimney drove up to 0.28 m3/s (1000 m3/h) outdoor air into the space. The EAHE provided a maximum 3308 W total cooling capacity during the day time. As a 100 percent outdoor air system, the coupled system maximum cooling capacity was 2582 W that almost covered the building design cooling load. The cooling capacities reached their peak during the day time when the solar radiation intensity was strong. The results show that the coupled system can maintain the indoor thermal environmental comfort conditions at a favorable range that complies with ASHRAE standard for thermal comfort. The findings in this research provide the foundation for design and application of the coupled system.  相似文献   

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