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  目的  压缩空气储能电站在进行主厂房设计时缺少相应规范作为技术支撑,可参照执行的《压缩空气站设计规范》中存在一些有争议和不适用的规定,难以满足当前压缩空气储能电站大规模发展的需要。为了解决在规范执行过程中遇到一些重点问题,找到更优的主厂房设计方案。  方法  对空气储能用压缩机的爆炸危险性进行了分析,将合并厂房设计与分厂房设计做了经济性对比,并对压缩机房内压缩空气的储存容积做了整理和总结。  结果  结果表明:空气储能用压缩机不具备化学危险性,在设备质量达标的前提下也不具备物理爆炸危险性;合并厂房设计较分厂房设计可以节省大量投资;压缩机房内压缩气体的储存容积较主厂房体积占比较小。  结论  从工艺流程、系统集成度、整体经济性、运行维护方便等角度考虑,大规模压缩空气储能电站主厂房推荐采用合并厂房设计;并可根据工艺布置和检修运行需求,采取大平台布置结构;压缩机厂房与其它房间相邻时可设置甲级防火门,并应设置门斗等防护措施。  相似文献   

  目的  储能是发展新能源、实现碳达峰碳中和目标的基础条件,其中抽水蓄能是最主要的储能方式,但是抽水蓄能依赖地理条件,需要占用大量自然资源,优良的厂址资源十分有限。为了缓解抽水蓄能厂址资源需求与自然资源稀缺的矛盾,提出了一种耦合抽水蓄能的压缩空气储能系统,并从研究思路、概念方案和工程可行性进行分析,从而为抽水蓄能产业发展提供创新解决方案。  方法  围绕提高能量密度,以减小水库容量、降低水库高度差为突破点,运用压缩空气排水的方法,将水泵水轮机替换为压缩机和膨胀机,下库改为封闭结构的承压容器。储能时,压缩机将空气压缩至高压充入下库,并推挤下库内的水至上库。释能时,水从上库返回下库,下库内的压缩空气被推挤出,并经膨胀机释放。这可使相同条件下抽水蓄能的能量转换量提高数倍。为了论证耦合抽水蓄能的压缩空气储能电站的储能效果,设置上、下库高度差300 m,按照低性能和高性能两套设备参数,对40 MW/200 MWh的概念方案进行热力学分析和储能效率计算。  结果  结果表明:在低性能参数条件下,储能效率65.68%,在高性能参数条件下,储能效率70.81%;能量密度1.67 kWh/m3。  结论  耦合抽水蓄能的压缩空气储能系统可使水库容量或高度差大幅减小,大大降低厂址要求,并可使发展抽水蓄能受限的地区具备开发条件,且关键设备成熟,单位造价与常规抽水蓄能相近,技术经济上可行。  相似文献   

Cavern storage is a proven energy storage technology, capable of storing energy in the form of compressed air inside a cavern. The Huntorf plant and the Alabama plants use this technology to store electrical energy during the off‐peak load hours by compressing the air inside a cavern and then using this compressed air during gas turbine operation to generate electricity during peak load demand hours. The advantage of doing this is that it increases the efficiency of gas turbine operation while meeting the grid generation and the load balance. The operation of a typical compressed air energy storage (CAES)–based gas turbine plant involves the operation of several components, including the compressor, the cavern storage, the combustor, the turbine, and so on. The dynamics of the plant as a whole depends on the performance of the individual components. The focus of this article is to develop a Simulink‐based models for each of the individual components, which can then be assembled appropriately to design an entire CAES plant. As an illustration, a case study for the Huntorf CAES plant is presented with the developed models. A typical daily operation of the Huntorf plant is simulated and compared with the reported Huntorf plant data. The model accurately captures the reported dynamics of the cavern storage. In addition, the reported quantities like the compressor power consumption, the turbine power generation, and the temperature at different junctions of the CAES plant match well with the simulated results. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

展学平 《节能技术》2004,22(4):50-51
压缩空气作为干灰气力输送的原动力,在不影响输灰系统正常运行的情况下,通过建立压缩空气的空压机站,取消输送空压机单元制,可减少压缩空气生产量,减少空压机数量,达到节电、节能的目的。本文围绕着设计原理、改造依据和改造后节能效益分析三个部分展开讨论。  相似文献   

利用压缩机和透平的变工况模型及填充床蓄热器的非稳态模型,对两级填充床蓄热器式绝热压缩空气储能系统一次完整的充放电循环过程进行模拟,分析系统的热力学性能和各个部件的变工况特性。结果表明,系统的充放电效率可达62.4%。储能时,受洞穴内压力变化影响,两级压缩机压比、效率不断改变,从而引起下游填充床蓄热器进口温度变化;释能时,填充床蓄热器出口温度不断降低,引起透平性能变化。  相似文献   

在分析传统压缩空气储能(CAES)技术的工作原理和技术特点的基础上,介绍了压缩空气储能技术的发展,包括非绝热压缩空气储能技术(D-CAES)、绝热压缩空气储能技术(A-CAES)、液化空气储能技术(LAES)和超临界压缩空气储能技术(SC-CAES)等,并给出了评价不同系统性能的技术参数。以国际上第一座压缩空气储能电站——德国Huntorf电站的运行参数和相关情况为例,分析了D-CAES技术的应用情况;对压缩空气储能技术在美国及其他国家和地区的应用和发展现状进行分析。通过对比不同的压缩空气储能技术方案,分析了A-CAES、LAES、SC-CAES及LCES储能系统的先进性、竞争优势与不足,分析了未来CAES技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

压缩空气储能是解决当前我国遇到的环境问题和能源问题的重要方式之一,其未来的发展方向至关重要。本文综述了不同压缩空气储能系统,通过能量循环效率公式分析了各系统的效率,简要介绍了等温压缩空气实现技术,并结合我国新能源利用率低的现状,提出了一种耦合可再生能源的等温压缩空气储能系统,该系统可作为未来我国压缩空气储能系统可持续的、清洁环保的发展方向。  相似文献   

通过建立压缩机能耗数学模型,编写VB程序进行模拟,最后加以实验验证得出利用压缩机能耗分析法进行冷库除霜控制可以达到库温波动小,压缩机能耗较小,节省能源的目的。  相似文献   

为了更好地理解CO2作为储能工质在热力学方面的特性,基于跨临界压缩二氧化碳储能系统(TC CCES),结合CO2易液化的特性,采用Aspen Plus软件构建了冷热电联产(CCHP)系统热力学模型,分析了回热器热水流量、低压节流阀压降及第一级压缩机出口压力对CCES CCHP系统性能的影响。结果表明:在基础运行工况下,CCES CCHP系统电效率为41%,能量效率为1.16;当回热器热水流量、第一级压缩机出口压力变化时,系统电效率与能量效率变化趋势相反;当低压节流阀压降增大时,系统电效率和能量效率均呈下降趋势;CCES CCHP系统与TC CCES系统相比,能量利用效率提升19.50%。  相似文献   

To evaluate the impacts and capabilities of large-scale compressed gas energy storage for mitigating wind intermittency, dynamic system models for compressed air energy storage and compressed hydrogen energy storage inside salt caverns have been developed. With the experimental data from air storage in a salt cavern in Huntorf, Germany, the cavern model has been verified. Both daily and seasonal simulation results suggest that with the same size wind farm and salt cavern, a compressed hydrogen energy storage system could better complement the wind intermittency and could also achieve load shifting on a daily and seasonal time scale. Moreover, the hydrogen produced in the compressed hydrogen energy storage system could also be dispatched as a fuel to accommodate zero emission transportation for up to 14,000 fuel cell vehicles per day while achieving seasonal load shifting.  相似文献   

Two small size second-generation compressed air energy storage (CAES) systems have been investigated. Both plants are based on a 4600 kW Mercury recuperated gas turbine (GT) and on an artificial air storage system. In CAES air injection (CAES AI) plant, the stored compressed air is mixed with the air flow exiting the GT compressor and fed after a recuperative heating to the GT combustion chamber. A topping air expander is included in the CAES air injection/expander (CAES AI/E) plant scheme. Preliminary evaluations have been carried out to assess the maximum achievable GT power augmentation taking safety of operations and plant life duration into consideration. Plant performance has been evaluated during the overall operational cycle (charging, storage and discharging phases). CAES AI plant allows a 30% maximum extra power delivery (some 1500 kW) in respect to the nominal design GT power. The introduction of the topping air expander in CAES AI/E plant allows an additional power production of some 300 kW. Both plants have shown storage efficiency improvements by reducing the discharge period duration. Satisfactory values around 70% have been found in the best operating conditions.  相似文献   

压缩空气储能系统被认为是最具发展前景的大规模电力储能技术之一,具有广阔发展前景。本文建立了压缩空气储能系统的技术经济性计算模型,并针对蓄热式压缩空气储能系统应用于工业用户的情景,在有无补贴的两种计算条件下,进行了技术经济性分析。研究结果表明,在无补贴条件下,系统内部收益率为16.3%,投资回收期为9.2年;计算补贴时,系统内部收益率为23.8%,投资回收期为6.2年。同时本文还对该系统进行了盈亏平衡、敏感性等不确定性分析,找出影响系统经济性的敏感因素;并得出政策扶持对提高压缩空气储能电站的财务收益水平和抗风险能力具有重要的作用。本文的研究可以为压缩空气储能系统的研究和工程应用提供理论参考和工程指导。  相似文献   

压缩空气储能系统通过压缩空气存储多余的电能,在需要时,将高压空气释放通过膨胀机做功发电,在电力的生产、运输和消费等领域具有广泛的用途,是目前大规模储能技术的研发热点。综述了压缩空气储能技术的研究与应用现状,包括工作原理、功能和应用情况,分析了压缩空气储能系统的类型和技术特点,并对压缩空气储能系统的关键部件和系统性能进行了分析比较,最后指出了压缩空气储能技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper gives a broad overview of a plethora of energy storage technologies available on the large‐scale complimented with their capabilities conducted by a thorough literature survey. According to the capability graphs generated, thermal energy storage, flow batteries, lithium ion, sodium sulphur, compressed air energy storage, and pumped hydro storage are suitable for large‐scale storage in the order of 10's to 100's of MWh; metal air batteries have a high theoretical energy density equivalent to that of gasoline along with being cost efficient; compressed air energy storage has the lowest capital energy cost in comparison to other energy storage technologies; flywheels, super conducting magnetic storage, super capacitors, capacitors, and pumped hydro storage have very low energy density; compressed air energy storage, cryogenic energy storage, thermal energy storage, and batteries have relatively high energy density; high efficiencyin tandem with high energy density results in a cost efficient storage system; and power density pitted against energy density provides a clear demarcation between power and energy applications. This paper also provides a mathematical model for thermal energy storage as a battery. Furthermore, a comprehensive techno‐economic evaluation of the various energy storage technologies would assist in the development of an energy storage technology roadmap. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

空压机是一种通用机械,是工业领域中最为广泛应用的第四大工业设备。在大多数生产厂家中,压缩空气的能源消耗占全部能源消耗的10%~35%。对于空压机来说,空压机从环境中吸入空气,经过压缩后将高压空气排出,这一过程不但提高了压力势能,同时产生了大量的压缩热。有效控制企业的生产成本成为企业决策层的议题。  相似文献   

为了研究储热罐内热量的分配和利用对先进绝热压缩空气储能系统性能的影响,提高系统在可再生能源并网应用中的效率与经济性,提出5种热量分配方案。采用数值模拟的方法,比较系统5种方案下的热力学与经济学特性,并研究关键参数对不同方案下系统性能的影响。结果表明:热量分配比越大,循环效率越高,而年利润率越小。对于5种热量分配方案,循环效率和年利润率随储气室最大压比的增大均存在最小值,且存在最佳的换热器效能,使得循环效率和年利润率具有最大值。压缩机入口温度的变化对5种热量分配方案的循环效率和年利润率的影响各不相同。系统年利润率随着燃料价格的升高而减少,而随着产品价格的升高而增加。  相似文献   

Air compressor efficiency in a Vietnamese enterprise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Compressed air systems in a Vietnamese footwear manufacturing enterprise consume about 10% of enterprise's total electric power supply. Energy efficiency of these air compressor systems, either equipped with new and efficient compressors or old and inefficient ones, can only reach between 5% and 10%. In other words, regardless whatever air compressors were installed, energy loss from the compressor systems was over 80%. This study discovered that energy loss was due to non-optimized operations of the air compressor systems and air leakages. The objectives of the paper are to uncover energy saving potential in Vietnamese air compressor systems, demonstrate methodologies used in the auditing and assessment, share auditing and assessment results, and serve a guide on how to analyze energy efficiency in a compressed air system. This paper concludes that energy efficiency investment in air compressor systems in the Vietnamese enterprise could be extremely cost-effective. If the enterprise invests USD 84,000 in the air compressors to improve efficiency performance, the investment capital will be recovered in about six months. The net present value of the investment will be about USD 864,000 at a discount rate of 12%.  相似文献   

压缩空气储能技术是目前储能技术的研究热点之一。水下压缩空气储能利用水的静压特性实现压缩空气的等压存储,具有系统效率较高、受地形限制小、储能规模灵活可变的特点,尤其适合于海上风能等可再生能源的规模化存储。本文简要介绍了压缩空气储能技术的工作原理与发展,通过对比分析阐明了水下压缩空气储能所具有的优势,全面分析了水下压缩空气储能技术的研究进展,对采用柔性储能包的水下压缩空气储能技术进行了重点分析,并对水下压缩空气储能系统开发的关键技术进行了总结和展望。  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to develop and evaluate a mathematical model for the process of storing hydrogen obtained from hydroelectricity via electrolysis, for use as an energetic vector in rural areas of Venezuela. Following an exhaustive bibliographical review of the subject, pressurized containers were chosen as the most appropriate means of storage. The components of the compressed H2 gas storage systems to be modelled are 1) the Compression Unit, CU, and 2) the Storage Unit, SU. With this information and by using non-linear regression methods, we developed a mathematical model with which to study the behaviour of the main variables involved in the storage process: the quantity of H2 to be stored, the storage pressure, energy consumption, the size of the compressor, and the unit cost of the containers. In structural terms, the mathematical model comprises an energy model and a financial model. The results show that there is a range of operating conditions with a minimal overall cost, as a result of the behaviour of the investment cost, which define how the total costs evolve.  相似文献   

Large-scale energy storage methods can be used to meet energy demand fluctuations and to integrate electricity generation from intermittent renewable wind and solar energy farms into power grids. Pumped hydropower energy storage method is significantly used for grid electricity storage requirements. Alternatives are underground storage of compressed air and hydrogen gas in suitable geological formations. Underground storage of natural gas is widely used to meet both base and peak load demands of gas grids. Salt caverns for natural gas storage can also be suitable for underground compressed hydrogen gas energy storage. In this paper, large quantities underground gas storage methods and design aspects of salt caverns are investigated. A pre-evaluation is made for a salt cavern gas storage field in Turkey. It is concluded that a system of solar-hydrogen and natural gas can be utilised to meet future large-scale energy storage requirements.  相似文献   

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