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水分选有机垃圾三种总固体厌氧消化产甲烷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以水分选城市生活有机垃圾(WS-OFMSW)为原料,采用35L厌氧反应器进行中温(30±2℃)批式厌氧消化,研究3种TSr分别为16.0%、13.5%和11.0%的样品对厌氧消化稳定性及性能的影响。结果表明,3种TSr均能实现稳定的产甲烷过程,pH自我恢复调节能力较强,在整个过程中没有产生挥发性脂肪酸抑制。较低的TSr有助于快速启动并缩短发酵周期,3种TSr厌氧消化分别于32、25和12d达到产气高峰。累积产甲烷量分别为273.1、283.0和313.7L·kgVS~(-1),平均甲烷浓度为64.6%、66.3%和65.7%。3种TSr厌氧消化的VS去除率分别为26.08%、35.76%和41.78%。通过该实验,获得相关的WS-OFMSW厌氧消化原始数据,为城市生活垃圾水分选技术的完善以及有机垃圾厌氧消化性能的提高指出了参考方向。  相似文献   

抗生素对猪场废水厌氧生物处理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了阿莫西林对猪场废水厌氧生物处理的影响.试验结果表明,厌氧活性污泥降解模拟废水的最大甲烷产生速率为614mL/(L·d),饱和常数为3236mg COD/L;降解实际猪场废水的最大甲烷产生速率为367mL/(L·d),饱和常数为2760mgCOD/L.在无抗生素的情况下,水解发酵是厌氧消化的限速步骤,存在10mg/L扎阿莫西林时,厌氧活性污泥降解模拟废水的最大甲烷产生速率降低59.1%,饱和常数降低14.6%,阿莫西林对厌氧污泥最大比基质降解速率和饱和常数均产生显著影响.基质COD浓度超过5000mg/L,在阿莫西林抑制作用下,厌氧活性污泥降解蔗糖的最大产甲烷速率稍低于丁酸盐,而两者的最大产甲烷速率远远低于乙酸,水解发酵和产氢产乙酸可能是猪场废水厌氧消化的限速步骤.  相似文献   

为了对秸秆类原料进行厌氧消化制取甲烷,提高底物利用率和甲烷产量,该研究以玉米秸秆为原料,以取自不同环境中的7个样品为接种物,35℃,对玉米秸秆进行厌氧消化,研究其甲烷产量、甲烷产率及发酵时间等。研究结果证明:筛选得到3个转化玉米秸秆并产甲烷的优势菌群,其最高容积甲烷产率分别为0.66、0.62、0.73m~3/m~3·d,底物产甲烷量分别为403、397、410L/kgvs,明显高于报道过的相应数据。该研究为玉米秸秆的高效制取甲烷提供了优势的微生物菌群基础。  相似文献   

白龙  吕喆  吕途 《太阳能学报》2016,37(10):2682-2687
为探究木质纤维素乙醇发酵残留物厌氧消化产甲烷性能,以汽爆柳枝稷高底物乙醇发酵残留物为底物,通过甲烷相出水回流至酸化相的方式进行厌氧消化产甲烷研究。结果表明:乙醇发酵残留物可有效进行甲烷生产,通过回流方式,酸化相内过多的挥发酸注入到甲烷相中,甲烷相的出水回流至酸化相,平衡酸化相及甲烷相内的pH值和挥发酸的浓度,提高系统运行稳定性,进而提高厌氧消化效率和甲烷产量。随着甲烷相出水不断地循环至酸化相,甲烷相内的产甲烷菌群也被加入到酸化相内,产甲烷菌群的不断增加、pH值逐渐升高、甲烷含量逐渐上升,使酸化相内产酸菌与产甲烷菌群逐渐趋于平衡,酸化相逐渐向甲烷化发展,并最终转变为产甲烷相。500 mL发酵残留物经厌氧消化,共产生48 L沼气,其中甲烷28.8 L,甲烷产率277 mL/g COD,COD去除率达90%,甲烷含量约60%。  相似文献   

为了提升污泥的厌氧消化效率,文章从改善原料碳氮比入手,在温度为35℃,挥发性固体(VS)浓度为4%条件下,将果蔬废弃物与污泥按不同VS比例复配,并进行协同厌氧消化产甲烷潜力实验。实验结果表明:在厌氧消化过程中,不同配比实验组的pH值、氨氮浓度和挥发性脂肪酸浓度均在适宜的范围内;不同配比实验组的累积产甲烷量由高到低依次为6∶4,5∶5,4∶6,3∶7,8∶2,7∶3,2∶8,1∶9和9∶1,其分别比纯污泥组提高了516%,485%,430%,360%,335%,330%,290%,144%和-64%。通过Gomperzt修正方程拟合发现,果蔬废弃物与污泥协同厌氧消化的最佳VS配比为6∶4,此时体系的单位VS理论甲烷产率和单位VS最大甲烷日产量分别为114.05mL/g和14.61 mL/(g·d),分别比纯污泥组提高了422%和353%。  相似文献   

李佳  陈泽兵  李云  杨秀山 《可再生能源》2011,29(3):43-45,49
为了提高玉米秸秆类原料厌氧消化的产气率和底物利用率,从环境中筛选出了厌氧降解玉米秸秆产酸和产甲烷的优势菌群,该菌群的最高容积甲烷产率为0.73 m3/(m3.d),气体中的甲烷含量达到85%左右,底物产甲烷量为410 L/kg;以15%高浓度玉米秸秆为原料,该菌群的最大产酸能力为10 g/L,最高容积产气率为3.10m3/(m3.d),平均容积产气率为1.7 m3/(m3.d),平均甲烷含量为55%。研究结果明显高于报导过的相应数据。为高浓度玉米秸秆的高效厌氧消化利用提供了良好的微生物菌群应用基础。  相似文献   

采用全自动甲烷潜力测试系统(AMPTS)考察中温(37℃)和常温(25℃)条件下餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵产沼气的潜力,同时建立其动力学模型。研究结果表明:相比于常温,中温下餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵日甲烷产量峰值提高116.8%,累积甲烷产量提高143.9%,且产气周期缩短,物料降解率提高;利用Cheynoweth方程对中温厌氧发酵产甲烷过程进行动力学分析,所建模型相关系数R20.95,拟合结果与试验数据较为接近,说明Cheynoweth方程能够较好地反映餐厨垃圾产甲烷的规律。研究结果为餐厨垃圾厌氧发酵处理提供设计和运行依据。  相似文献   

针对鸡粪厌氧发酵产甲烷过程中的氨抑制问题,采用生化产甲烷潜力(BMP)装置在中温(35±1)℃条件下进行以鸡粪为底物,沸石为添加物的厌氧消化试验,探究不同沸石添加量(添加沸石体积占发酵液体积的百分比2.5%、5.0%、10.0%和0%)对鸡粪厌氧发酵产沼气特性的影响。结果表明:当沸石添加量为10.0%时,总产气量最大,达到3340 mL。沸石添加量5.0%的试验组在发酵第21天时甲烷含量达到最大值73.06%,比对照组提高4.86%。采用一级动力学模型、Transfer模型和Cone模型进行累积产气率的动力学分析,其中Cone模型与实际累积产气率拟合度最高(R2为0.9837~0.9964)。  相似文献   

以汽爆狼尾草的高底物浓度乙醇发酵全残留物为底物,进行甲烷潜力测试(BMP)以及单相全混式连续搅拌反应器(CSTR)厌氧消化实验,以验证乙醇发酵全残留物的产甲烷特性及残留物中各组分在生产清洁能源甲烷时的底物贡献率。经过50 d的BMP实验,甲烷产量最终达到884 mL,相应的甲烷产率为390.6 mL/g VS,其中纤维素和半纤维素在第10天达到产气高峰,累计产气量占全残留物累计产气量的48.2%,小分子酸和酶与酵母在第2天达到产气高峰,其产气量分别占全残留物累计产气量的22.4%和26.4%。随后使用CSTR反应器进行单相厌氧消化,有机负荷从1.5 g VS/(L·d)逐渐提升至3.5 g VS/(L·d),最终获得457.1 L/kg VS的甲烷产率和47.3%的挥发性固体(VS)去除率。结果表明:狼尾草作为一种木质纤维素原料,在获得满足工业蒸馏需求的乙醇浓度后,其发酵全残留物仍可作为良好的底物通过厌氧消化制取甲烷,不仅减少工艺的环境排放负荷,而且可提高原料的利用率。  相似文献   

猪粪沼液预处理麦秸厌氧消化性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以麦秸为原料,猪粪沼液为预处理剂,在温度为35℃,时间为1,2,3 d和5 d,含水率为30%,50%,70%,85%和90%预处理条件下,研究了不同猪粪沼液预处理条件对麦秸厌氧消化产甲烷性能的影响。研究结果表明:沼液添加量和预处理时间是影响厌氧产甲烷性能的主要因素。预处理时间为1 d、含水率为85%时厌氧消化性能最佳,累积产甲烷量为258 m L/g(VS计),较未预处理麦秸提高了43.20%;T80、氨氮和碱度分别为19 d,1 104.13 mg/L和7 316.67 mg/L,厌氧系统性能稳定。由此可见,猪粪沼液可以作为一种有前景的预处理剂应用于厌氧消化工程,并为解决沼液处理难题提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The hydrogen production from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) by anaerobic mixed culture fermentation was investigated using batch experiments at 37 °C. Seven varieties of typical individual components of OFMSW including rice, potato, lettuce, lean meat, oil, fat and banyan leaves were selected to estimate the hydrogen production potential. Experimental results showed that the boiling treated anaerobic sludge was effective mixed inoculum for fermentative hydrogen production from OFMSW. Mechanism of fermentative hydrogen production indicates that, among the OFMSW, carbohydrates is the most optimal substrate for fermentative hydrogen production compared with proteins, lipids and lignocelluloses. This conclusion was also substantiated by experimental results of this study. The hydrogen production potentials of rice, potato and lettuce were 134 mL/g-VS, 106 mL/g-VS, and 50 mL/g-VS respectively. The hydrogen percentages of the total gas produced from rice, potato and lettuce were 57–70%, 41–55% and 37–67%.  相似文献   

The co-production of biodiesel and methane gas from grease trap waste (GTW) was evaluated and compared against theoretical predictions of methane production from sole anaerobic digestion of GTW. The GTW was first processed into two separate phases comprised of fats, oil, and grease (FOG) and high strength wastewater (GTW wastewater). The GTW wastewater was then anaerobically digested in biochar packed up-flow column reactors to produce methane gas and a low-strength wastewater effluent while the FOG phase was set aside for conversion into biodiesel. Anaerobic digestion efficiencies that yielded chemical oxygen demand (COD) reductions up to 95% and methane headspace concentrations between 60 and 80% were achieved along with FOG to biodiesel conversion efficiencies of 90%. Methane production yields (m3 per kg COD reduced) achieved theoretical maximums with near total depletion of the volatile organic acids. High resolution images of biochar samples confirmed extensive coverage with thick biofilm communities. Microbial analysis revealed broad spectrum populations of anaerobic bacteria that ferment organic substrates to produce acetate, ethanol, and hydrogen as major end products as well as archaeal populations that produce methane gas. Energy calculations validated the co-production of biodiesel and methane gas from GTW as a competitive option relative to its co-digestion with sewage sludge.  相似文献   

为探讨稀土尾矿区修复用皇竹草的厌氧发酵特性和发酵过程稀土元素溶出情况,开展不同发酵浓度(总固体浓度分别为2%、4%、6%、8%、10%)的中温(37±1℃)批式厌氧发酵实验。结果表明,总固体(TS)浓度为4%条件下皇竹草产甲烷性能最佳,日产甲烷率和累积产甲烷率分别为25.56 mL/g和197.33 mL/g。采用修正Gompertz方程能较好地模拟不同TS下皇竹草发酵累积产甲烷率的变化。分析发酵液中稀土元素浓度变化,结果表明,皇竹草内的稀土元素在厌氧发酵过程中只发生小部分溶出,主要包括La、Ce、Nd、Sc、Y等,各处理发酵液中稀土元素浓度并未超出文献报道的抑制浓度。相关性分析结果表明,稀土元素溶出率与发酵体系的TS浓度、化学需氧量(COD)呈负相关,与pH呈正相关。研究可为稀土矿区皇竹草沼气工程应用和发酵剩余物的肥料化利用提供指导。  相似文献   

This work is focused on evaluating kinetic models of complex organic matters hydrolysis and volatile fatty acids degradation in anaerobic digestion process, simulated using SuperPro design software. Kinetic model evaluation was also carried for simulated integrated system of liquid anaerobic digestion (LAD) of dairy manure and solid state anaerobic digestion (SS-AD) of corn stover. Already developed hydrolysis and volatile fatty acid (VFA) degradation kinetic constants were used to simulate anaerobic digestion processes of dairy manure and corn stover separately and in the integrated process as well. Hydrolysis of complex soluble organic matters such as protein, carbohydrate and fat was modelled using first-order kinetics. Monod model was tested for the VFAs such as acetic, propionic and butyric acid degradation and biogas production. Comparative study has been done between the experimental data published already and results obtained from SuperPro simulated processes. The simulated results were well comparable with the experimental results.  相似文献   

对餐厨垃圾、污水厂污泥以及餐厨垃圾与污泥混合甲烷发酵的产气能力与动力学特性进行了实验分析,餐厨垃圾在中温和高温发酵的产甲烷潜能分别是400和426 mL CH4?gVS−1,经过120℃、20 min蒸煮除油后的餐厨垃圾在中温和高温发酵的产甲烷潜能分别是418和531 mL CH4?gVS−1。经Gompertz模型计算,除油后餐厨垃圾的最大产甲烷速率Rmax比除油前提高了49.8%(中温)和19.0%(高温),但餐厨垃圾中固体有机物的产甲烷速率变化不明显。在餐厨垃圾机械破碎匀浆过程中,部分固体有机物被液化,中、高温发酵产气过程的一级动力学呈现两阶段特征,液相有机物在中温发酵的产甲烷速率(速率常数k = 0.1955 d−1)略快于高温(k = 0.1543 d−1);而固体有机物在高温条件下的产甲烷速率(k = 0.0804 d−1)快于中温(k = 0.0388 d−1)。除油后餐厨垃圾中的固体有机物和污泥高温发酵的产甲烷速率也快于中温发酵,表明高温发酵有利于提高固体有机物的产气速率。污泥的产气潜能较低,产气速率慢,与餐厨垃圾共发酵有助于调节碱度和防止发酵体系的酸化。  相似文献   

A two-stage anaerobic digestion process intended for biohydrogen and bio-methane combined production from organic fraction of municipal solid wastes was investigated. In thermophilic conditions blocking of methanogenesis at the first stage of the anaerobic fermentation was achieved at pH 9.0. Cumulative hydrogen production made 82.5 l/kg volatile solids. Pretreatment of organic fraction of municipal solid wastes and exploitation of mixed cultures of anaerobic thermophilic cellulolytic and saccharolytic bacteria of Clostridia sp resulted in the increase of hydrogen cumulative production up to 104 l/kg volatile solids. Content of methane in biohydrogen didn’t exceed 0.1%. Cumulative bio-methane production made 520 l/kg volatile solids. Methane percentage in produced biogas was 78.6%. Comparison of energy data for two-stage anaerobic digestion with those for solely methane production shows the increase in energy recovery from biodegradable fraction of municipal solid wastes. Results obtained make a foolproof basis for the development of cost-effective technological process providing hydrogen and methane combined production from solid organic wastes. Technology can be implemented at large scale biogas plants improving economical and ecological characteristics of the overall process.  相似文献   

Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is a wastewater effluent that is generated from palm oil milling. Treatment of POME, especially using biological treatment methods, is a challenge as it contains high amounts of organic and sulfur compounds, and it is highly acidic. In this research, the effects of zero-valent iron (ZVI) on the enhancement of methane production from POME via anaerobic digestion were investigated. Furthermore, to identify the reactor operation modes that were suitable for the addition of ZVI, anaerobic digestion of POME was tested in three reaction configurations: batch reactor, fed-batch reactor, and continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR). In the batch mode, where acidic POME was fed with 16 g/L of ZVI dose just once, methane production increased by 74%. However, as the oxidation of ZVI under anaerobic conditions led to the production of hydroxyl ions, the pH of the medium continuously increased from approximately 7 to 9, which is not suitable for methanogenesis. In the fed-batch mode that involved intermittent feeding of acidic POME, the pH of the culture media was maintained at 6.8. This is because the extra hydroxyl ions generated from the oxidation reaction of ZVI tended to neutralize the acids in the feeding substrate. In addition, ZVI promoted the production of methane from POME and increased the average methane content in biogas from 62% to 76%. In the CSTR mode, which involved continuous feeding of acidic POME, ZVI increased methane production by 86% (from 1.79 to 3.32 L/day), methane content in biogas from 60 to 75%, and total chemical oxygen demand (tCOD) removal efficiency from 78 to 89 to 88–95%. Thus, the addition of ZVI can be a potential strategy for in-situ methane enrichment of biogas by anaerobic digestion of POME. This is because ZVI acts as a buffer for acid generation and provides extra electrons, ferrous ions, and ferric ions, which promote key microbial activities in the anaerobic digestion process.  相似文献   

针对玉米秸秆厌氧发酵产沼气过程中难降解问题,选用尿素对玉米秸秆进行预处理,并进行批次厌氧发酵产沼气试验研究。结果表明:经过45 d厌氧发酵,累积产气量最高为757.83 mL/g VS,最低为588.64 mL/g VS,厌氧发酵进行到25 d时达到45 d累积产气量的85%。分析联合预处理对累积沼气产气量影响得出,尿素质量浓度、预处理时间和玉米秸秆粒径3个因素对累积沼气产气量的影响程度是:玉米秸秆粒径>尿素质量浓度>预处理时间。通过2种动力学模型分析产气规律,对比模型的检验参数,得出Cone模型拟合预处理玉米秸秆厌氧发酵产气规律的适合度较高。  相似文献   

Blue mussels and reeds were explored as a new biomass type in the Kalmar County of Sweden to improve renewable transport fuel production in the form of biogas. Anaerobic digestion of blue mussels and reeds was performed at a laboratory-scale to evaluate biogas production in a two-stage dry digestion system. The two-stage system consisted of a leach bed reactor and an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. The two-stage system was efficient for the digestion of blue mussels, including shells, and a methane yield of 0.33 m3/kg volatile solids (VS) was obtained. The meat fraction of blue mussels was easily solubilised in the leach bed reactor and the soluble organic materials were rapidly converted in the UASB reactor from which 68% of the methane was produced. However, the digestion of mussels including shells gave low production capacity, which may result in a less economically viable biogas process. A low methane potential, 0.22 m3/kg VS, was obtained in the anaerobic two-stage digestion of reeds after 107 days; however, it was comparable to similar types of biomass, such as straw. About 80% of the methane was produced in the leach bed reactor. Hence, only a leach bed reactor (dry digestion) may be needed to digest reed. The two-stage anaerobic digestion of blue mussels and reeds resulted in an energy potential of 16.6 and 10.7 GWh/year, respectively, from the estimated harvest amounts. Two-stage anaerobic digestion of new organic materials such as blue mussels and reeds can be a promising biomass resource as land-based biomass start to be limited and conflict with food resources can be avoided.  相似文献   

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