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一 生物学和生态学特性 山桐子(Idesia polycarpaMaxim)为大风子科,山桐子属落叶乔木,别名山梧桐、水冬,树高可达16m.  相似文献   

一续随子生物学特性 续随子(Euphorbia lathyris)大戟科,大戟属植物,别名千金子、小巴豆、一把伞.为二年生草本,高约1m,全株无毛,有白色乳汁,细嫩时表面被白粉.根短,呈圆锥状而稍弯曲,乳白色,老时木质化.  相似文献   

一生物学、生态学特性 黄连木(Pistacia chinesis Bunge)为漆树科(Anarcardiaceae)黄连木属(Pistacia)落叶乔木,因其木材色黄而味苦,故名"黄连木"或"黄连树",俗称药木、药树、楷木.其树高可达30m,胸径1.5~2.0m;树皮灰褐色、粗糙;冬芽红色,各部分都有特殊气味;树冠近圆球型、浑圆开阔;叶互生,偶数羽状复叶,小枝有细柔毛,互生小叶10~14对,披针形或卵状披针形,长5~8cm,宽约2cm,先端渐尖,基部斜楔形,入秋后可变成深红色或橙红色,繁茂而秀丽;花单性,雌雄异株,雄花成密总状花序、淡绿色,长5~8cm;雌花成疏松的圆锥花序、紫红色,长18~22cm;花期3~4月,果实9~10月成熟,果实呈倒卵状圆球形,顶端有小尖、直径5~6mm,初为黄白色,后变红色或蓝紫色.种子可在-20℃长期贮藏,其含水量保持在4%~9%[1].  相似文献   

一生物学与生态学特性 光皮树为山茱萸科株木属落叶灌木或乔木.树冠伞形,树皮呈紫红色或灰白带绿色,光滑斑状脱落.一年生树枝,绿色有棱,被白色柔毛.叶交互对生,椭圆形,长3~9cm、宽1.5~5.8cm,正面绿色,背面青白色,被白色贴伏状短柔毛;聚伞花序,着生于一年生枝条上,花白色或淡黄色;核果球形,成熟时呈黑褐色,有白色贴伏短柔毛种子黄白色,千粒重60~85g.2月芽开放,3月为展叶期,4月上旬至5月上旬为开花期,10月下旬至11月上旬为果实成熟期,11月上旬至翌年1月为落叶期.  相似文献   

一生物学和生态学特性 石栗(Aleurites moluccana(Linn.)Willd)属大戟科石栗属,又名烛果树和黑桐油树,是一种多年生常绿阔叶野生树木.石栗树高可达15m,树皮灰色,具浅纵裂,幼枝被星状短柔毛;叶卵形至心形,长10~20cm,宽5~17cm,有时掌状3裂,两面被锈色星状短柔毛,叶柄长6~12cm,顶端有2枚小腺体.石栗花期4~7月,果期9~11月.圆锥花序生于枝顶或近顶叶腋,长10~15cm,花序分枝及花梗均被稠密的短柔毛及混杂的锈色星状毛;花萼不规则3裂,裂片镊合状,花瓣5;雄花有雄蕊15~20枚;花丝在花芽内弯曲;雌花子房2室.花后结核果,果实卵彤或球形具木质种皮,十分坚硬,直径5cm,被锈色星状毛,内藏种子1~2粒[1,2].  相似文献   

能源植物系列讲座(12)生物柴油原料油植物——白檀   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一生物学与生态学特性[1,2] 白檀(Symplocos paniculata(Thunb.)Miq.)为山矾科山矾属落叶灌木或小乔木,又名碎米子树、乌子树等.  相似文献   

一生物学特性 油莎豆(Cyperus esculeurus L.)别名油莎草、洋地栗,属莎草科多年生草本植物,生产上作为一年生作物栽培,全生育期110~130天.株高30~100cm,单叶互生,叶片狭窄细长.多出聚伞花序,顶生,花两性,白色,但大多不开花或开花不结实.  相似文献   

从油料作物到能源植物的转换   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
油料作物作为食品、化工、医药、纺织等工业的重要原料,在各国的国民经济中起着不可或缺的作用。近年来,随着能源短缺,特别是原油供应的紧张,各国开始寻求石油的可再生替代物。用生物油脂生产生物柴油是一条较受关注的思路,除了进行油菜、大豆等传统油料作物转化生物柴油的研究外,选育和栽培产量高、出油率高、易生长的植物作为新型能源植物也是研究的主要方向。研究表明,一些生存能力强、产油量高的木本植物和藻类有可能成为专门的能源植物,有助于人类解决原油短缺的问题。  相似文献   

一生物学与生态学特性 灯台树(Cornus controversa Hemsl),山茱萸科(Cornaceae),灯台树属,落叶乔木,又名女儿木、六角树,瑞木.树高可达15~20m,树冠近圆锥形.树皮光滑、灰色,老时浅纵裂;树干端直,树枝层层平展,抽出新枝条时,轮生一圈,形成一层,如碗状张开,层间非常分明、规整,形如灯台,饶有风韵.枝条紫红色,无毛.  相似文献   

③柔性CIGS电池的卷-卷(Roll-to-Roll)制备工艺CIGS薄膜电池制备在柔性衬底上,使其可能采用卷绕式(Roll-to-Roll)生产工艺。几百米甚至上千米长的电池一次完成[9],卷对卷工艺可降低设备造价和占地面积,同时有效提高生产效率。卷对卷工艺设备局部示意图如图16所示。在CIGS薄膜电池工艺流程中,在分切成外联要求的单个电池  相似文献   

This paper presents a rigorous study and characterization of seven Mexican Ricinus communis L. seeds and its respective extracted oil. Several physical–chemical properties were measured in order to know moisture, total lipid content, fiber content, starch presence, morphology, acidity, free fatty acid profile, ricinoleic acid content, viscosity and crude oil density. Three different methodologies were implemented for the oil extraction in each variety (extraction with chemical solvents and mechanical compression heated and non-heated). The yield percentage of the oil extraction was evaluated as well as the extraction method influence over the oil's nature.  相似文献   

The upcoming energy sources of Jatropha curcas and Ricinus communis promise to mitigate the energy crisis and environmental pollution belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. Both of them have been researched in terms of availability, cost, and biochemical parameters. The seed oils of various jatropha and castor biotypes were screened out and evaluated for their physiochemical parameters viz. oil content (34–49%), biodiesel yield (30–81%), density (0.875–0.971 g/cm3), viscosity (0.6032–2.004 mm3/s), iodine value (75–450.45 mg/g), free fatty acid value (0.986–3.400 mg/g), saponification value (59.29–93.79 mg/g), flash point (133–218°C), fire point (163–262°C), fatty acid composition, and ash content (0.065–0.398%), and were estimated for comparison between jatropha and castor biotypes. Various combinations of auxins with cytokinins were used for a regeneration study. The best shoot regeneration (70%) was observed in MS medium supplemented with NAA (0.5 ppm) and BAP (2.5 ppm). Root induction (95%) was successfully obtained in plane MS. Acclimatization and hardening was quite successful with a survival rate of 70%.  相似文献   

概述了塔河油田的燃气轮机发电机组运行中存在的问题,介绍了电气设备改造及集中控制/监测方案。  相似文献   

牛永贺 《太阳能》2009,(12):43-44
一前言 太阳能烟囱发电技术是通过集热棚吸取太阳热能使棚内空气温度升高,根据烟囱的原理,在烟囱内将形成强大的气流,利用这股气流形成的风力驱动风机,带动发电机发电。太阳能烟囱发电系统主要由透光的采光大棚、烟囱及风力涡轮机构成,如图1所示。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature of the stationarity of financial time series and the literature on oil and macroeconomics in several ways. First, it uses Kejriwal and Perron (2010) sequential procedure to endogenously determine multiple structural changes in real oil prices without facing the circular testing problem between structural changes and stationary assumptions of previous tests. Second, it performs a diagnostic check to detect the significance and magnitude of the potential breaks. Third, it uses the above information to test for the existence of stochastic trends in real oil prices, and fourth, it speculates about possible explanations for the break dates found in order to encourage further work and discussions. The exercise uses monthly data from January 1861 to August 2011.  相似文献   

In a seminal article, Ross (2008) reports a negative correlation between oil production and women's representation in the labour force and politics across countries. This article re-examines these relationships exploiting variations in oil endowments to address endogeneity concerns. We confirm that oil production causes decline in women's representation. Additionally we show that, consistent with Dutch disease effects, oil production decreases women's employment in the traded sector. However, it also leads to an increase in women's employment in the nontraded sector. We explore some social consequences of oil production and show that it results in women marrying earlier and having more children.  相似文献   

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