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Adding the product of water electrolysis (i.e. 2:1 volume of H2 and O2) is an effective strategy to enhance the combustion intensity of NH3/air mixtures. In this work, the laminar burning velocity (LBV) of the obtained NH3/H2/O2/air mixtures was measured at 303 K, 0.1 MPa and compared with the values predicted by seven mechanisms. To improve the prediction performance, a new mechanism is developed based on the existing mechanism and adopted for numerical simulation. The results of this study show that the LBV of NH3 is significantly increased by additional H2 and O2. By comparison, it is found that H2 shows a more significant promoting effect on LBV when the volume ratio of additional H2 and O2 is 2. The concentration of key radicals and the flame temperature increase remarkably due to the addition of H2 and O2, which promote the flame propagation. Furthermore, the experimental results also indicated that the additional H2 and O2 make the burned gas Markstein length decrease on the lean side and increase on the rich side.  相似文献   

Ammonia (NH3) is a carbon-free fuel that shows great research prospects due to its ideal production and storage systems. The experimental data of the laminar burning velocity of NH3/H2/air flame at different hydrogen ratios (XH2 = 0.1–0.5), equivalent ratios (φ = 0.8–1.3), initial pressures (P = 0.1–0.7 MPa), and initial temperatures (T = 298–493 K) were measured. The laminar burning velocity of the NH3/H2/air flame increased upon increasing the hydrogen ratios and temperature, but it decreased upon increasing the pressure. The equivalent ratio of the maximum laminar burning velocity was only affected by the proportion of reactants. The equivalence ratio value of the maximum laminar burning velocity was between 1.1 and 1.2 when XH2 = 0.3. The chemical reaction kinetics of NH3/H2/air flame under four different initial conditions was analyzed. The less NO maximum mole fraction was produced during rich combustion (φ > 1). The results provide a new reference for ammonia as an alternative fuel for internal combustion engines.  相似文献   

The freely-propagating laminar premixed flames of CH4–N2/CO2/H2O/Ar-O2 mixtures were conducted with the PREMIX code. The effects of the equivalence ratio and various oxidant atmospheres on the basic combustion characteristics were analyzed with the initial pressure and temperature of 1 atm and 398 K, respectively, O2 content in the oxidant of 21%. The chemical reaction mechanism GRI-Mech 3.0 was chosen to determine the effects of the oxidant atmospheres of N2/O2, CO2/O2, H2O/O2, and Ar/O2 on the adiabatic flame temperature, laminar burning velocity, flame structure, free radicals, intermediate species, net heat release rate and specific heat of the fuel/oxidant mixtures. The numerical results show that the maximum adiabatic flame temperatures and laminar burning velocities are at Ar/O2 atmosphere. The mole fractions of CO and H2 increased fastest at CO2/O2 atmosphere and H2O/O2, respectively. The mole fractions of CH3 and H follow the order Ar/O2> N2/O2>H2O/O2>CO2/O2. In addition, for 4 oxidant atmospheres, the peak mole fraction of C2H2 is following the order H2O/O2>Ar/O2>N2/O2>CO2/O2 and the net heat release rate is following the order Ar/O2>N2/O2>H2O/O2>CO2/O2 for all equivalence ratios.  相似文献   

通过拓展层流火焰消耗速度的概念,将其定义与反应进程变量(progress variable)的定义相结合,给出了一个积分层流燃烧速度的广义定义。在准一维稳态系统中,分析了积分层流燃烧速度,以及其与未燃气体的位移速度和已燃气体的位移速度之间的关系。对甲烷-空气和丙烷-空气拉伸层流预混火焰在常温常压下进行了数值计算,研究了在不同当量比下,火焰拉伸对层流燃烧速度的影响,并得出了马克斯坦长度。对基于通过火焰前锋放热率的积分层流燃烧速度和基于燃料消耗率的积分层流燃烧速度进行了比较。结论表明低拉伸火焰的马克斯坦数与渐进分析一致,也与球形火焰获得的实验数据吻合。  相似文献   

The laminar burning velocities of hydrogen–methane/air mixtures at NTP conditions were calculated using the CHEMKIN PREMIX code with the GRI kinetic mechanism. The equivalence ratio and the fuel composition were varied from lean to rich and from pure methane to pure hydrogen, respectively.  相似文献   

The present work reports experimental investigations on laminar burning velocity variation of CH4+H2+air mixtures at elevated temperatures (300–650 K) using an externally heated diverging-channel method. The effect of mixture equivalence ratio (? = 0.7–1.3) and H2 fraction (0–50% by volume) on burning velocity have been reported at elevated temperatures. The experimental measurements are compared with numerical simulations using GRI Mech 3.0 and FFCM-1 kinetic models. The obtained results exhibit an increase in the laminar burning velocity with H2 fraction due to the formation of H-atom as an intermediate. The temperature dependency is established through a power-law correlation. The temperature-exponent shows a parabolic variation with a minimum value at ? = 1.1. Reaction pathway diagram interprets the major oxidation paths followed by reactants for higher carbon-consumption with varying H2 fraction. The P2 pathway involving ethane breakdown plays a major role in enhancing the burning velocity at rich mixture conditions.  相似文献   

The enhancement effect of ozone addition for H2/CO/N2/Air premixed flames at ambient condition is investigated both experimentally and computationally. Adiabatic laminar velocities under different amount of O3 addition were directly measured using the Heat Flux Method. The ozone concentration in the oxidizer is monitored online to ensure the precise control and stability of ozone injection. Experimental data shows significant enhancement of the burning velocities due to O3 addition. With 8500 ppm ozone seeded, maximum 18.74% of burning velocity enhancement is observed at equivalence ratio Φ = 0.7. Kinetic modeling works were conducted by integrating ozone sub-mechanism with three kinetic mechanisms: GRI-Mech 3.0, Davis mechanism and USC Mech II. The modeling results were compared with experimental data. GRI-Mech 3.0 + Ozone mechanism demonstrated the ability to reproduce the experimental data. Extra OH radicals promoted by ozone was found in the pre-heat regime which initiates the chain-branching reaction and results in the combustion enhancement.  相似文献   

Ammonia is considered as a promising hydrogen carrier, which is seen as a reliable carbon-free fuel. Improving the combustion properties of ammonia is the focus of current research. The hydrogen could be dissociated from the ammonia in real applications. For purpose of combustion, partially dissociated ammonia could be combusted directly without using extra hydrogen. Laminar burning velocity is an important combustion parameter, but there are only a few data of partially dissociated ammonia are reported. To fill the data gap, the laminar burning velocity was measured at various equivalence ratios and dissociation degrees of ammonia by the constant pressure spherical flame method in this study. Besides, fifteen kinetic models were compared with experimental data, and the model with the best consistency was obtained. The experimental results show that the laminar burning velocity increases monotonically with the increase of the dissociating degree. When ammonia is completely dissociated, the maximum laminar burning velocity increases from 7.9 cm/s to 228 cm/s, and the equivalence ratio corresponding to the peak value also shifts from 1.1 to 1.6. The laminar burning velocity predicted by the model constructed by Stagni is in best agreement with the experimental data. Moreover, data calculated by the five correlations for predicting laminar burning velocity were compared with the numerical data to verify that whether they are suitable for the mixtures with additional nitrogen. The results show that the correlation based on the activation temperature is the most accurate. However, it still has a maximum relative error of ±20% within the calculated range.  相似文献   

Ammonia is one of the most promising alternative fuels. In particular, ammonia combustion for gas turbine combustors for power generation is expected. To shift the fuel for a gas turbine combustor to ammonia step-by-step, the partial replacement of natural gas by ammonia is considered. To reveal the turbulent combustion characteristics, CH4/NH3/air turbulent premixed flame at 0.5 MPa was experimentally investigated. The ammonia ratio based on the mole fraction and lower heating value was varied from 0 to 0.2. The results showed that the ratio of the turbulent burning velocity and unstretched laminar burning velocity decreased with an increase in the ammonia ratio. The reason for this variation is that the flame area decreased with an increase in the ammonia ratio as the flame surface density decreased and the fractal inner cutoff increased. The volume fractions in the turbulent flame region were almost the same with ammonia addition, indicating that combustion oscillation can be handled in a manner similar to that for the case of natural gas for CH4/NH3/air flames.  相似文献   

The combustion characteristics of ammonia/methanol mixtures were investigated numerically in this study. Methanol has a dramatic promotive effect on the laminar burning velocity (LBV) of ammonia. Three mechanisms from literature and another four self-developed mechanisms constructed in this study were evaluated using the measured laminar burning velocities of ammonia/methanol mixtures from Wang et al. (Combust.Flame. 2021). Generally, none of the selected mechanisms can precisely predict the measured laminar burning velocities at all conditions. Aiming to develop a simplified and reliable mechanism for ammonia/methanol mixtures, the constructed mechanism utilized NUI Galway mechanism (Combust.Flame. 2016) as methanol sub-mechanism and the Otomo mechanism (Int. J. Hydrogen. Energy. 2018) as ammonia sub-mechanism was optimized and reduced. The reduced mechanism entitled ‘DNO-NH3’, can accurately reproduce the measured laminar burning velocities of ammonia/methanol mixtures under all conditions. A reaction path analysis of the ammonia/methanol mixtures based on the DNO-NH3 mechanism shows that methanol is not directly involved in ammonia oxidation, instead, the produced methyl radicals from methanol oxidization contribute to the dehydrogenation of ammonia. Besides, NOx emission analysis demonstrates that 60% methanol addition results in the highest NOx emissions. The most important reactions dominating the NOx consumption and production are identified in this study.  相似文献   

The effects of variations in the fuel composition on the characteristics of H2/CO/CH4/air flames of gasified biomass are investigated experimentally and numerically. Experimental measurements and numerical simulations of the flame front position and temperature are performed in the premixed stoichiometric H2/CO/CH4/air opposed-jet flames with various H2 and CO contents in the fuel. The adiabatic flame temperatures and laminar burning velocities are calculated using the EQUIL and PREMIX codes of Chemkin collection 3.5, respectively. Whereas the flame structures of the laminar premixed stoichiometric H2/CO/CH4/air opposed-jet flames are simulated using the OPPDIF package with the GRI-Mech 3.0 chemical kinetic mechanisms and detailed transport properties. The measured flame front position and temperature of the stoichiometric H2/CO/CH4/air opposed-jet flames are closely predicted by the numerical calculations. Detailed analysis of the calculated chemical kinetic structures reveals that the reaction rate of reactions (R38), (R46), and (R84) increase with increasing H2 content in the fuel mixture. It is also found that the increase in the laminar flame speed with H2 addition is most likely due to an increase in active radicals during combustion (chemical effect), rather than from changes in the adiabatic flame temperature (thermal effect). Chemical kinetic structure and sensitivity analyses indicate that for the stoichiometric H2/CO/CH4/air flames with fixed H2 concentration in the fuel mixture, the reactions (R99) and (R46) play a dominant role in affecting the laminar burning velocity as the CO content in the fuel is increased.  相似文献   

This paper presents experimental data on the flame structure of laminar premixed ammonia and ammonia/hydrogen flames at different equivalence ratios (φ = 0.8, 1.0 and 1.2) and the laminar flame speed of ammonia/hydrogen flames (φ = 0.7–1.5) at 1 atm. Experimental data were compared with modeling results obtained using four detailed chemical-kinetic mechanisms of ammonia oxidation. In general, all models adequately predict the flame structure. However, for the laminar burning velocity, this is not so. The main nitrogen-containing species present in the post-flame zone in significant concentrations are N2 and NO. Experimental data and numerical simulations show that the transition to slightly rich conditions enables to reduce NO concentration. Numerical simulation indicate that increasing the pressure rise also results into reduction of NO formation. However, when using ammonia as a fuel, additional technologies should be employed to reduce NO formation.  相似文献   

The effects of steam addition on the laminar burning velocity of premixed oxygen-enriched methane flames are investigated at atmospheric pressure. Experiments are carried out with an axisymmetric burner on which laminar conical flames are stabilized. A newly devised steam production system is used to dilute the reactants with water vapor. The oxygen-enrichment ratio in the oxidizer, defined as O2/(O2 + N2) (mol.), is varied from 0.21 (air) to 1.0 (pure oxygen). The equivalence ratio ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 and the steam molar fraction in the reactive mixture is varied from 0 to 0.50. For all compositions examined, the reactive mixture is preheated to a temperature Tu = 373 K. Laminar flame speeds are determined with the flame area method using a Schlieren apparatus. The deviations induced by stretch effects due to aerodynamic strain and flame curvature are assessed using Particle Imaging Velocimetry measurements and flame images, and these data are used to estimate the uncertainty of the flame speed measurements. The experiments are completed by numerical simulations conducted with the PREMIX code using different detailed kinetic mechanisms. It is shown that the laminar flame speed of CH4/O2/N2/H2O(v) mixtures features a quasi-linear decrease with increasing steam molar fraction, even at high steam dilution rates. Numerical predictions are in good agreement with experimental data for all compositions explored, except for low dilution rates XH2O<0.10 in methane–oxygen mixtures, where the flame speed is slightly underestimated by the calculations. It is also shown that steam addition has a non-negligible chemical impact on the flame speed for methane–air flames, mainly due to water vapor high chaperon efficiency in third-body reactions. This effect is however strongly attenuated when the oxygen concentration is increased in the reactive mixture. For highly oxygen-enriched flames, steam can be considered as an inert diluent.  相似文献   

An experimental and numerical study on laminar burning velocities of hydrogen/air flames was performed at low pressure, room temperature, and different equivalence ratios. Flames were generated using a small contoured slot-type nozzle burner (5 mm × 13.8  mm). Measurements of laminar burning velocity were conducted using the angle method combined with Schlieren photography. Numerical calculations were also conducted using existing detailed reaction mechanisms and transport properties. Additionally, an analysis of the intrinsic flame instabilities of hydrogen/air flames at low pressure was performed. Results show that the behavior of the laminar burning velocity is not regular when decreasing pressure and that it depends on the equivalence ratio range. The behavior of the laminar burning velocity with decreasing pressure can be reasonably predicted using existing reaction mechanisms; however changes in the magnitude of the laminar burning velocity are underestimated. Finally, it has been found experimentally and proved analytically that the intrinsic flame instabilities are reduced when decreasing the pressure at sub-atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

The initial temperature distribution of the combustible mixture has a significant effect on the measurement accuracy of the laminar burning velocity using the outwardly propagating spherical flame method. In the present study, the initial temperature fields inside the constant-volume combustion vessel were obtained by different arrangement methods of heater. Further, the effects of the non-uniformity of initial temperature field on the propagation processes of two-dimensional premixed H2-air laminar flames were numerically studied. The results show that when the initial temperature field inside the vessel heated by heating tapes reaches a stable state, the temperature of H2-air mixture tends to descend first and then rise along the gravity direction, which indicates that the non-uniformity of the temperature field increases with the actual delivered power. Compared with the uniform initial temperature field, the maximum relative deviation of laminar burning velocity of H2-air mixture obtained in the non-uniform initial temperature field is 7% when the vessel is heated by heating tapes under the power of 669 W. However, the non-uniformity of the initial temperature field of the H2-air mixture in the vessel obviously decreases and the maximum relative deviation of laminar burning velocity is only 2% when a simulated evenly arranged heater is employed to heat the vessel. Consequently, it is quite necessary to evaluate the non-uniformity of the initial temperature field inside the constant-volume combustion vessel before using the outwardly propagating spherical flame method to determine the laminar burning velocity.  相似文献   

In order to obtain the precise predicted values of methane/hydrogen/air burning velocities from simulations, the performances of GRI mech 3.0, Aramco mech 1.3, USC mech 2.0 and San diego mech mechanisms were systematically studied under various conditions by PREMIX code and compared with experimental data from literature. The conditions where each mechanism gave their good performance are obtained and concluded. The flowrate sensitivity and rate constants of key elementary reactions were analyzed to insight the different behavior of each mechanism. The results showed that all these widely used small hydrocarbon mechanisms could gave reasonable predictions for pure methane and methane hydrogen blends. Nevertheless, they lack sensitivity for rich hydrogen at elevated pressures due to their complex reactions competitions controlled by hydrogen sub model. USC mech 2.0 was found more suitable for being used at low hydrogen contents while San diego mech gained better results at high hydrogen contents. GRI 3.0 gave good predictions for methane hydrogen blends except for high initial pressures. Generally, Aramco mech 1.3 showed the best performance for all testing conditions. Moreover, there was relatively large deviation from the predicted results and experimental data in the transition regime where the hydrogen fractions were between 60% and 80%, it may could be optimized by tuning the rate constants of reactions.  相似文献   

Laminar burning velocities of four biomass derived gases have been measured at atmospheric pressure over a range of equivalence ratios and hydrogen contents, using the heat flux method on a perforated flat flame burner. The studied gas mixtures include an air-blown gasification gas from an industrial gasification plant, a model gasification gas studied in the literature, and an upgraded landfill gas (bio-methane). In addition, co-firing of the industrial gasification gas (80% on volume basis) with methane (20% on volume basis) is studied. Model simulations using GRI mechanisms and detailed transport properties are carried out to compare with the measured laminar burning velocities. The results of the bio-methane flame are generally in good agreement with data in the literature and the prediction using GRI-Mech 3.0. The measured laminar burning velocity of the industrial gasification gas is generally higher than the predictions from GRI-Mech 3.0 mechanism but agree rather well with the predictions from GRI-Mech 2.11 for lean and moderate rich mixtures. For rich mixtures, the GRI mechanisms under-predict the laminar burning velocities. For the model gasification gas, the measured laminar burning velocity is higher than the data reported in the literature. The peak burning velocities of the gasification gases/air and the co-firing gases/air mixtures are in richer mixtures than the bio-methane/air mixtures due to the presence of hydrogen and CO in the gasification gases. The GRI mechanisms could well predict the rich shift of the peak burning velocity for the gasification gases but yield large discrepancy for the very rich gasification gas mixtures. The laminar burning velocities for the bio-methane/air mixtures at elevated initial temperatures are measured and compared with the literature data.  相似文献   

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