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该文研究太阳光照条件、环境温度、风速、风向等因素对塔式太阳能热发电熔盐吸热器整体热效率和散热损失的影响规律,讨论吸热器的运行策略及其对系统效率的影响.吸热器的运行受风速和入射能量的影响较大,受风向和环境温度的影响较小.额定出口温度模式下,当风速超过7m/s时,对流散热损失超过辐射散热损失.风速对吸热器局部对流散热损失的...  相似文献   

针对外置式熔盐吸热器保温防护问题,搭建熔盐吸热器实验系统,通过调节氙灯模拟云遮工况,研究加装保温防护结构前后吸热器在辐射消失后的温降特性。发现采用6 cm厚硅酸铝保温棉作为防护材料,与吸热器表面间隔3 cm布置时,吸热器温度降低到熔盐凝固点附近的时间由120 s延长至560 s,运行操作时间增加3.5倍。通过增加保温防护结构可有效减缓云层遮挡后吸热器的温降速度,在熔盐凝固前争取更多操作时间,为我国多云气候特征下熔盐吸热器的安全运行提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文对非均匀辐射热流密度太阳能熔盐吸热器传热过程进行了模拟研究,得到了熔盐吸热器内部的温度、传热性能等特征参数。结果表明在轴向和径向上熔盐流体温度和管壁的温度都非常不均匀,同时其综合传热性能要高于按照Sieder-Tate公式的计算值。并对10 MW塔式太阳能热发电的熔盐吸热器进行了设计和分析。  相似文献   

在塔式太阳能光热发电技术中,非均匀受热吸热管内熔盐流动与传热过程是光-热能量转换的关键环节。建立了周向非均匀加热的吸热管物理模型,通过Fluent软件开展数值计算。采用标准的k-ε,RNG湍流模型求解三维流动N-S方程及能量方程,获取吸热管内熔盐传热特性。结果表明,吸热管周向壁温和努赛尔数呈现明显的非均匀分布特性。对比了数值结果与经验公式计算结果,建议采用Gnielinski公式计算周向非均匀加热条件下吸热管内熔盐对流传热。  相似文献   

上海锅炉厂有限公司自主开发了塔式太阳能热发电吸热器性能设计程序。该程序可同时适应水工质和熔盐工质太阳能吸热器的设计计算要求。针对美国Solar Two工程吸热器,将Boeing North American,Inc.的计算结果和其试验数据与自主开发程序的计算结果进行比较,结果吻合良好。以某个塔式太阳能热发电吸热器为例,对其蒸发段和过热段的设计方案进行了详细的校核计算,重点在吸热器蒸发段的循环流量、干度、鳍端温度和鳍端温差、过热段的管子正面点温度以及吸热器的吸热效率分布等多个方面进行了分析。该校核计算的结果可为后续进行性能评价提供重要的基础数据。  相似文献   

哈密熔盐塔式50 MW光热发电项目的熔盐吸热器系统由东方锅炉自主设计和供货,其中,电伴热系统在吸热器系统的设备和管线中得到广泛应用。结合哈密光热项目,文中介绍了电伴热系统的选型原则及在光热电站吸热器系统上的应用,并对电伴热系统在吸热器管屏、集箱、出口缓冲罐和熔盐管道上的布置及注意事项等进行了总结。  相似文献   

半周加热半周绝热的熔盐吸热管传热特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立了描述半周加热、半周绝热的不均匀热流边界条件下熔盐吸热管内热传导与热对流换热的数值模型,模型考虑了管壁导热和熔盐的变物性.采用Fluent软件,通过求解三维N-S方程和能量方程,对熔盐吸热管的传热过程进行了模拟,并在熔盐吸热传热实验平台上进行了试验研究.模拟计算与实验结果基本一致.揭示了熔盐吸热管在高温、高热流密度条件下的管内流速和温度分布规律及其换热特性,为塔式太阳能热发电熔盐吸热器的设计和运行控制提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

在塔式光热发电站中,太阳能吸热器是实现太阳能热发电最为关键的核心设备之一。除有效受热区域外,其上下及周边布置有高温隔热防护装置,其功能为保证吸热器内部支撑结构、系统设备或运行期间维护人员的绝对安全性,避免其受到镜场反射的溢出光斑的高温辐射。因此,高温隔热防护装置的设计、选材及结构是否合理直接关系到吸热器的安全、稳定及高效运行。  相似文献   

一种新型腔式吸热器的设计与实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据碟式聚光镜聚光后的焦平面处辐射能能流分布图以及关键尺寸对各种热量损失的影响,设计出一种新型高效腔式吸热器,专门用于太阳能中高温热利用与热发电。利用数学模型模拟出吸热器的热效率,并运用实验手段加以论证。计算与实验结果表明,该吸热器热效率在内部壁面温度达到400℃,热效率能达到85%以上,且工作性能稳定,完全达到预期的设计要求。  相似文献   

针对太阳能碟式聚光器,设计了一种工质为超临界二氧化碳的圆台形腔式吸热器,建立了腔式吸热器的光热模型。采用蒙特卡洛光线追踪法分析了腔式吸热器的光学特性,并基于相关理论,将热边界条件导入Ansys Fluent软件中,对腔式吸热器的光学特性及流动传热特性进行了计算流体力学(CFD)仿真模拟,得到腔式吸热器内工质出口温度、工质流动压降、光学效率、热效率以及散热损失随着工质进口温度(100~200℃)和太阳光辐射强度(400~1 200 W/m2)的变化规律。结果表明:不同太阳光辐射强度下,吸热器的光学效率基本不变;太阳光辐射强度对腔式吸热器热效率的影响不明显;工质进口温度越高,吸热器的热效率越低;腔式吸热器散热损失中,自然对流散热损失最大,其次是辐射散热损失及导热散热损失。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interaction between the heat transfer performance and the thermal efficiency of a molten salt receiver used in the solar power tower plant. A test-bed is built, and a series of experiments of heat transfer enhancement for two types of molten salt receiver tubes, including smooth and spiral tubes, have been carried out under the high temperature and the high heat flux conditions. The experimental results show that the Nusselt numbers of spiral tube with heat transfer enhancement are in the range of 400–1200, which is about 3 times than that of the smooth one on average. The wall temperature of the spiral tube is decreased by about 30 °C comparing with that of the smooth tube under the identical heat transfer conditions. The results of the experiment show that, by using the spiral tube as the heat transfer tube, the heat transfer performance of the molten salt receiver is obviously improved, and the radiation and convection losses are significantly reduced. The results will be helpful for the design of the molten salt receiver.  相似文献   

Y.B. Tao  Y.L. He  Z.G. Qu 《Solar Energy》2012,86(5):1155-1163
Based on enthalpy method, numerical studies were performed for high temperature molten salt phase change thermal energy storage (PCTES) unit used in a dish solar thermal power generation system. Firstly, the effects of the heat transfer fluid (HTF) inlet temperature and velocity on the PCTES performance were examined. The results show that although increasing the HTF inlet velocity or temperature can enhance the melting rate of the phase change material (PCM) and improve the performance of the PCTES unit, the two parameters will restrict each other for the fixed solar collector heat output. Then three enhanced tubes were adopted to improve the PCTES performance, which are dimpled tube, cone-finned tube and helically-finned tube respectively. The effects of the enhanced tubes on the PCM melting rate, solid–liquid interface, TES capacity, TES efficiency and HTF outlet temperature were discussed. The results show that compared with the smooth tube, all of the three enhanced tubes could improve the PCM melting rate. At the same working conditions, the melting time is 437.92 min for the smooth tube, 350.75 min for dimpled tube which is reduced about 19.9% and 320.25 min for cone-finned tube which is reduced about 26.9% and 302.75 min for helically-finned tube reduced about 30.7%. As a conclusion, the thermal performance of PCTES unit can be effectively enhanced by using enhanced tube instead of smooth tube. Although, the HTF pressure drops for the enhanced tubes are also larger than that of the smooth tube, the largest pressure drop (1476.2 Pa) is still very lower compared with the working pressure (MPa magnitude) of the dish solar generation system. So, the pressure drops caused by the enhanced tubes could almost be neglected.  相似文献   

The design of a global steady-state thermal model of a 100 kWt molten salt cavity receiver was developed as part of the key project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of People's Republic of China (MOST). In the design process, the following factors were analyzed: receiver area, heat loss (convective, emissive, reflective and conductive), number of tubes in the receiver panel, tube diameter and receiver surface temperature. The model was also used to calculate the receiver performance of the Sandia National Laboratories' molten salt electric experiment (MSEE). In addition, the thermal performance of the designed molten salt cavity receiver is presented for a fixed outlet flow rate and a fixed output temperature.  相似文献   

以硫酸钠、硫酸钾和硫酸镁为原料,采用在硫酸钠-硫酸钾二元共晶盐中加入硫酸镁的方法制备三元硫酸熔盐。应用TG-DSC联用分析仪、热常数分析仪、X射线衍射仪以及热循环法对复合熔盐的熔点、相变潜热、热导率、比热容、分解点以及热稳定性进行表征。结果表明:所制备的三元硫酸熔盐熔点分布在667.5~669.7 ℃之间,较二元熔盐熔点降低了160 ℃左右,硫酸镁含量为30%(质量分数)的三元硫酸熔盐相变潜热值最大为94.3 J/g,比热容最大为1.13 J/(g·K)(720℃≤T≤800℃),导热系数为0.41 W/(m·K),分解温度为1070 ℃,经50次热循环后,相变潜热值降低约4.34%,熔点和物相保持基本恒定,具有良好的热稳定性。该研究为硫酸盐作为高温传热蓄热介质提供了依据。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the steady heat transfer characteristics of a porous media solar tower receiver developed in China, this paper applies the steady heat and mass transfer models of the porous media to solar receivers, chooses the preferable volume convection heat transfer coefficient model, solves these equations by using the numerical method, and analyzes the typical influences of the porosity, average particle diameter, air inlet velocity, and thickness on the temperature distribution. The following conclusions have been drawn: in the same position or relative position along the downstream, the bigger the average particle diameter is, the higher the solid matrix dimensionless temperature is, the higher the air dimensionless temperature is. The bigger the porosity is, the lower the solid matrix dimensionless temperature is, the bigger the porosity is, the higher the air dimensionless temperature is. The bigger the thickness is, the lower the solid matrix dimensionless temperature is, the higher the air dimensionless temperature is. In a certain depth, the bigger the air inlet velocity is, the higher the solid matrix dimensionless temperature is. After a certain depth, the bigger the air inlet velocity is, the lower the solid matrix dimensionless temperature is, and the bigger the air inlet velocity is, the higher the air dimensionless temperature is. The paper can provide a reference for this type of receiver design and reconstruction.  相似文献   

本文介绍了国际现有高温太阳能热发电接收器的类型、结构、性能、应用状况,并结合我国研究现状指出我国开展太阳能接收器研究需解决的问题。  相似文献   

Test methods for estimating the thermal performance of the molten salt receiver are a matter of ongoing concern. To date, test methods in the literature require receiver to be operated in steady state or quasi-steady state. However, the receiver is always operating in the unsteady state with ongoing changes in power absorption and flow rate. Therefore, research into dynamic test method for the molten salt cavity receiver is required. The Transfer Function Method (TFM) is a successful dynamic test method for solar collectors. In this paper, a theoretical analysis of the TFM was applied to the molten salt cavity receiver and then verified by indoor transient experiments. The TFM predicted outlet temperature of the receiver was compared with experimental data. The results showed that the TFM accurately predicted the outlet temperature trends despite some errors between predicted and measured outlet temperature. The errors may have originated from the changing flow rate. The TFM is a good candidate as a dynamic test method for the concentrated solar receiver.  相似文献   

This article presents the analytical evaluation of a central tower receiver solar thermal power plant with air‐cooled volumetric receiver using exergy analysis. The energetic and exergetic losses as well as the efficiencies of a typical central tower receiver‐based solar thermal power plant have been carried out under the specific operating conditions. The enhancement in efficiency of the plant from the variation in power input to constant power input achieved by thermal storage backup condition has been determined. It is found that the year round average energetic efficiency can be increased from 24.15% to 25.08% and year round average exergetic efficiency can be increased, from 26.10% to 27.10% for the selected location Jodhpur. The unit cost of electric energy generation (kWhe) is found to be INR 10.09 considering 30‐year lifespan of the solar plant along with a 10% interest rate. The present study provides a base for the development of future solar thermal power plants in India. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dynamical and thermal performances of molten salt pipe during the filling process are numerically investigated using volume of fluid model. The whole filling process has three main stages, or the developing stage with the interface width quickly increasing, the fluctuating stage with the interface width fluctuating and the fully developed stage with stable interface, and then associated interface structures, flow and temperature fields are described in detail. Before the molten salt flows through a certain position, the fluid temperature will jump within a short time, while the wall temperature only linearly increases after that. The heat transport during the filling process is mainly dependent upon the pipe wall and molten salt flow, while natural convection outside can almost be ignored. The dimensionless interface temperature has similar evolution process under different surrounding temperatures, but it will apparently increase with the flow velocity rising. In addition, the pipe will be blocked when the interface temperature drops below the freezing point, so a model of penetration distance is derived by correlating the interface temperature evolution process, and it has a good agreement with available experimental results.  相似文献   

将电磁感应加热技术应用到低谷电加热熔盐储热供暖领域,搭建熔盐电磁感应加热实验系统,以感应加热器为研究对象,探究熔盐以及线圈冷却水在不同熔盐流速和线圈电流工况下的温度变化规律,计算加热效率和冷却水热损失率。结果表明:电磁感应加热器可以快速加热熔盐,熔盐温升主要集中在开始加热80~240 s之间,温升速率在100 s时最大;改变线圈电流或熔盐流速,可以产生不同终温的熔盐,流速0.177 m/s时,熔盐在不同电流下出口温度分别为201.452 ℃、203.891 ℃、207.599 ℃、212.975 ℃和221.454 ℃;熔盐流速一定,熔盐和线圈冷却水吸热量随线圈电流的增加而升高;线圈电流不变,熔盐吸热量随流速的增加而升高、线圈冷却水吸热量随流速增加而降低;熔盐流速0.296 m/s、线圈电流600 A时,熔盐加热效率为69.28%,线圈冷却水热损失率为16.45%。  相似文献   

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