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加入WTO与建立政府采购制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府采购制度在国外已经运行了200多年,而我国才刚刚开始试点工作,面对加入世贸日期的临近,我们应该从提高企业国际渐内竞争力,保护国内企业等方面出发,尽快建立一整套和国际惯例接轨,又具有我国特色的政府采购法律体系,为将来在国际政府采购市场中占有一席之地打下良好基础。  相似文献   

自2002年以来,国际原油价格飙升,在高位运行。在我国原油进口依存度不断提高的情况下,国际高油价对社会经济发展会产生些什么影响,应采取哪些应对措施,一直是受到广泛关注的问题。本文将在分析油价走势的基础上,分析国际油价高位对我国社会经济发展的影响,并提出应对措施和政策建议。  相似文献   

1节能是提高企业效益的关键我国在“八五”期间取得了年均节能率5.8%的优异成绩,但我国的GDP能耗仍为国际先进水平的4~6倍,节能潜力仍然很大。由于在能耗上和国外有较大差距,在能源价格理顺的过程中,一些高能耗工业企业在经济上遇到很大困难。突出的如钢铁工业1996年1~3月份厦陷入全行业亏损.经大力狠抓推广邯钢经验和节能降耗,4月份盈亏相抵,5月份以后微利,亏损企业亦逐步减少。石化工业等企业亦发生类似情况。冶金部领导经过总结经验教训和分析预测后认为搞好节能是提高企业效益的关键。因为目前钢材价格已和国际市场持平,…  相似文献   

近年来我国工业锅炉行业取得了长足的发展,行业整体发展水平明显提升。主要表现在行业产业结构不断优化、产品结构随着技术进步和需求变化不断调整、产业和市场规模不断扩大、国际市场潜力日益凸现、企业管理机制和管理水平得到明显转变和提高。为了较全面、客观、权威地反映我国工业锅炉行业及企业发展状况、市场状况、新技术的开发应用状况,总结和记载我国锅炉行业和主要企业每年的发展成果和先进经验,展示我国锅炉行业和相关企业的发展轨迹和趋势,  相似文献   

本文探讨了目前我国从计划经济走向市场经济后国有企业的质量管理现状,以及如何采取改进措施,提高企业城国际市场的竞争力。  相似文献   

王小康 《能源》2011,(9):16-16
问:哥本哈根承诺期又推进了两年,一方面我国的减排指标越来越严格,另一方面国际社会给予的压力也更多,这些是否会增加企业的压力,尤其是以节能减排为主业的央企?  相似文献   

环保总局副局长祝光耀在庆祝《京都议定书》生效高层研讨会上表示,《京都议定书》生效为国际社会对付气候变化问题搭建了一个很好的平台,我国将积极开展清洁发展机制方面的国际合作,推进国际社会减缓和适应气候变化的进程。  相似文献   

加入WTO电力工业将面临严峻的挑战。电力市场的垄断将被打破,竞争的结果,对企业管理电能质量和电价都将有深刻的影响。只要我们适时抓住机遇,重视人才培养,提高科技水平,加快改革开放,促进电力工业发展,就能把我国电力行业整体水平提高到能与跨国公司相匹敌,甚至也可以走向国际市场。  相似文献   

完善企业价格管理的几点措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
价格是社会最普遍的经济现象,只要存在商品、劳务的交换活动,就会有价格出现。价格贯穿企业生产经营活动的始终,价格管理是企业管理的一项重要内容。随着我国市场经济的发展,加强企业价格管理在对提高企业市场竞争力、优化企业管理、降低企业产品成本、提高企业经济效益等方面发挥着  相似文献   

通过对成都发动机(集团)有限公司近20年来进行国际合作的回顾,阐述了国际合作促进企业发展的必然性和必要性,肯定了成绩,并从“市场营销,技术进步和技术改造,资本结构的调整,企业转换机制和建立现代企业制度以及企业员工素质的提高和培养人才”等六个方面,论述了通过国际合作促进成发集团公司发展的主要内容。最后总结了在国际合作过程中“要突出优势,扬长避短,要处理好数量和效益的关系,要创造条件,抓住机遇,抢占市  相似文献   

The economy of China keeps increasing at high rate, although a bit slower recently than in the past due to the international economic turmoil. The Chinese economic performance affects the world economy in many ways (from increased primary resource and commodity imports to a more active financial role of China worldwide). Not unexpectedly, several and diverse environmental problems are coupled with economic growth, linked to resource availability, competition for energy resources and the overall carrying capacity of the environment as a source and a sink. Monodimensional assessments of either economic growth or environmental aspects are unlikely to provide the needed understanding of development opportunities and potential environmental loading. We suggest in this paper an assessment of the evolution of Chinese Economy based on the Emergy Accounting method, developed by H.T. Odum in the Eighties and further refined more recently. The emergy approach is being increasingly applied worldwide, and in China as well, to study individual production processes, sectors and whole economies and provides a comprehensive picture of the interaction of economic growth and the environment, much useful for economic and environmental policy making. A set of emergy-based performance indicators was calculated with reference to the year 2009 and compared with previous studies from literature, by means of a standardization procedure to ensure consistency. The 2009 national Emergy/GDP ratio, an indicator of the emergy investment per unit of economic product generated, has been calculated respectively as 8.61E+11 solar equivalent joules/Yuan RMB (equivalent to 5.88E+12 sej/US$), showing a decreasing trend from 1975 up-to-date, similar to other countries over their development path. The Emergy Sustainability Index (ESI), an aggregate measure of economic performance and environmental load, also shows a decreasing trend signaling that the Chinese economic development is strictly coupled to non-negligible environmental stress and lower sustainability.  相似文献   

Confronted with the rising costs of environmental degradation associated with rapid economic growth, the top Chinese leaders have gradually recognized that the conventional path of encouraging economic growth at the expense of the environment had to be changed. In order to avoid the situation that its rampant environmental pollution problem will only worsen before it gets better, China's environmental regulatory agency is trying to change the incentive structure and establish an institution for fundamentally ensuring local officials to be more environmentally responsible for their decision making.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from the MIT China Energy Group's first-of-its-kind, independent nationwide survey of Chinese coal-fired power plants. It is well understood that developments in China's energy sector now have global environmental implications. It is also well understood that this sector has in recent years experienced rapidly rising fuel costs. The MIT survey, by delving into technology choice, pricing, fuel sourcing, and environmental cleanup at the firm level, provides insights into how the Chinese power sector as a whole responds, and what the environmental implications are. The findings suggest rapid uptake of advanced combustion technologies across the system, largely in response to rising fuel costs. Environmental cleanup systems, particularly for sulfur dioxide, have also spread rapidly, in large part due to regulatory enforcement. Yet, operationally, plants pollute substantially. Price hikes encourage them to source low-grade fuel and idle cleanup systems. On the whole, the Chinese system infrastructurally has a proven capacity for rapid technological upgrading in the face of new market and regulatory pressures. Operationally, however, in part due to exposure to market forces, and in part due to limited state capacity for monitoring operations, even the most advanced power plants remain major polluters.  相似文献   

In order to assess the environmental efficiency of power industry in China, this paper first proposes a new non-radial DEA approach by integrating the entropy weight and the SBM model. This will improve the assessment reliability and reasonableness. Using the model, this study then evaluates the environmental efficiency of the Chinese power industry at the provincial level during 2005–2010. The results show a marked difference in environmental efficiency of the power industry among Chinese provinces. Although the annual, average, environmental efficiency level fluctuates, there is an increasing trend. The Tobit regression analysis reveals the innovation ability of enterprises, the proportion of electricity generated by coal-fired plants and the generation capacity have a significantly positive effect on environmental efficiency. However the waste fees levied on waste discharge and investment in industrial pollutant treatment are negatively associated with environmental efficiency.  相似文献   

China is now the largest CO2 polluter in the world. However, the renewable energy policies in China are controversial and one can easily draw the wrong conclusions that Chinese renewable energy development has taken off from a surface assessment of the policies. By investigating and summarizing the first-hand experiences of participation in the Chinese renewable market (mainly wind farm development) in the past five years, this paper provides another dimension of policy analysis and independent review of the current issues facing the market. An investigation of policy changes and consequences clearly demonstrates the transformation of the Chinese renewable market. The domestic manufacturing quality and unprofessional design of wind farms made most developers’ financial returns unrealistic in the wind market. Despite the difficulties and inconsistency in the system, China is tackling environmental issues seriously and heading in the right direction. With centrally controlled management, the Chinese strategies do not have to be justified financially. It is envisioned by the authors that re-organizing over 70 existing Chinese wind turbine manufacturers is unavoidable. Establishment of an internal renewable market, such as Renewable Obligation Certificate (ROC) system in the UK whose effectiveness is another subject of debate, would be an effective means by which the Chinese government in their post-2012 strategy could make the wind market more financially viable.  相似文献   

Limits to leapfrogging in energy technologies? One of the most attractive notions in the field of sustainable energy development is the concept of energy-technology “leapfrogging”. Leapfrogging through international technology transfer can be especially problematic because often developing countries do not have the technological capabilities to produce or integrate the advanced energy technologies themselves. Until they have acquired the capabilities to produce the advanced technologies themselves, most late-industrializing countries buy their new technologies from industrialized countries, usually through licensing or joint-venture arrangements. Empirical case studies of the three main Sino-US passenger-car joint ventures reveal that until the late 1990s, little energy or environmental leapfrogging occurred in the Chinese automobile industry as the result of the introduction of US automotive technology. An improvement in Chinese capabilities and more stringent Chinese energy and environmental policies are needed to induce energy leapfrogging in the Chinese automobile industry. Foreign firms also have a social responsibility to contribute to China's sustainable industrial development. In order to realize the promise of the leapfrogging, the limits to leapfrogging must be identified and acknowledged so that strategies can be devised to surmount the barriers to the introduction of advanced energy technologies in developing countries.  相似文献   

China has world class wind resources and a future need for electricity to justify large-scale grid connected wind power development. It is also the second largest emitter of CO2 after the United States, and has seven of the ten most polluted cities in the world [1]. The Chinese Government encourages renewable energy development to reduce the country's reliance on coal and its consequential environmental impacts. Despite this, in 1998 70% of China's electricity was generated by coal-fired power stations, with hydropower generating 23%, oil 6%, and nuclear 1% [2]. Another impetus behind Chinese wind power development is the opportunity to compete in a highly technical and expanding industry [3], with one target that has been mentioned set at 10 % of the global wind power market within the next 20 to 30 years [4]. For environmental and commercial reasons, the Chinese wind power market is not one to be ignored. Carol-Ann Brown, Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford describes the current conditions for commercialising wind power in China and the implications for the international community.  相似文献   

A review of the biogas industry in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article presents an overview of the development and future perspectives of the Chinese biogas industry. The development of the industry has the potential to improve the rural environment and produce significant amounts of sustainable energy for China. Barriers to the development are the relatively weak environmental policies, imperfect financial policies and lack of long-term follow-up services. The rapid economic development of China has also seen a development in the scales of biogas plants constructed. Although the technology has been improved, this review has identified problems in the construction and operation of Chinese biogas plants, particularly in the efficiency of household systems. All levels of China's government acknowledge this and recent biogas projects have more focus on quality and less on the quantity. The intention is to gradually introduce stricter environmental policies, to provide better service systems, improve the financial policies that support the construction and follow-up service of biogas projects, promote the use of standardized engineering equipment and materials and standards for plant construction and production. This will promote the development of biogas projects at various scales further, and reduce the dependency on fossil fuels and emissions of greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

我国的电力工业中,火电是主要的发电方式,而燃料又以煤为主,这种格局要长期存在。火电对环境的污染日益严重,发展超临界压力机组,再加烟气净化,可降低煤耗率,减少污染排放物,必然成为我国电力工业的发展方向。  相似文献   

The development of traditional urbanisation has generated environmental problems, so the Chinese Government has proposed a new-type of urbanisation path with uniquely Chinese characteristics. How does this new-type of urbanisation affect CO2 emissions? Based on panel data from 29 provinces in China (2005 to 2016), we apply an exploratory spatial data analysis model, a spatial econometric model, and a threshold model to analyse the spatial autocorrelation of CO2 emissions, the direct and indirect effects of new-type urbanisation on CO2 emissions, and the threshold characteristics produced by technological progress, respectively. The key results are: (1) CO2 emissions show significant positive autocorrelation in China, and the spatial distribution of CO2 emissions is HH (High-High) or LL (Low-Low) clustered in most provinces; (2) new-type urbanisation has a paradoxical effect on CO2 emissions. Energy-saving technology has a rebound effect on CO2 emissions, but environmental technology inhibits CO2 emissions; (3) by eliminating the rebound effect of energy-saving technology on CO2 emissions and promoting environmental technology, new-type urbanisation indirectly inhibits CO2 emissions; (4) new-type urbanisation exhibits a threshold effect on CO2 emissions due to the different levels of energy-saving technology and environmental technology. Finally, policy recommendations for CO2 emissions reduction are proposed from the perspective of new-type urbanisation, energy-saving technology, and environmental technology.  相似文献   

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