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利用并联式气动/柴油混合动力试验台架,采用柴油机循环冷却水加热气动发动机进气的混合动力形式,研究了混合动力中气动发动机性能的变化以及柴油机冷却系统的变化.试验结果表明:与气动发动机单独工作时相比,采用混合动力形式后其动力性和经济性得到了提高,尤其高转速下的性能改善更加明显;试验用柴油机冷却系统无需散热器、风扇等装置,也达到了冷却要求,从而简化了结构,减少了发动机的功率消耗.不同试验方案的研究结果表明:柴油机工况点固定,气动发动机进气压力保持恒定,更适合于该形式混合动力.混合动力中回收的能量约占燃料燃烧总能量的5 %,节能效果明显.  相似文献   

为探索提升气动发动机能量转化效率的途径,提出了一种基于采用内燃机冷却水加热气动发动机缸壁的混合动力模式,利用气动/燃油混合动力试验台架,对该混合动力模式进行了试验研究。研究结果表明:混合动力模式下,气动发动机的动力性能及经济性能均比其单独工作时有所改善;此外,利用压缩空气膨胀过程会从环境吸收热量的特点,可以同时实现内燃机冷却水散热,从而降低冷却系统功耗。试验过程中,内燃机冷却水温度在大部分工况下保持在80~90℃之间。此外,混合动力系统总能效率呈现低转速下较高而高转速下较低的趋势。  相似文献   

在一台国Ⅴ排放高压共轨柴油机上燃用20%生物柴油-柴油混合燃料,通过调节共轨压力、主喷定时、预喷定时、预喷油量、后喷定时、后喷油量6个喷油控制参数研究生物柴油发动机的多因素多目标优化方法。采用混合试验设计方法分别针对低、中、高转速下的低、中、高负荷9个工况点设计试验方案,并进行台架试验采集发动机性能及排放数据。根据试验结果用混合径向基函数神经网络模型(Hybrid RBF)拟合发动机各项性能指标数学模型,设计优化方程并利用组合优化算法求解以比油耗(BSFC)最小和氮氧化物(NO_x)排放最小为目标的全局多目标最优解,弥补了传统发动机优化标定方法单因素逐一优化的局限性。优化结果使得所选取的9个工况点的BSFC平均降幅为1.31%,同时NOx排放平均降幅高达24.59%。  相似文献   

V型两缸柴油机作为水田机的动力输出,有结构与重量的优势,但也有振动较大的劣势。以发动机的六阶振动频率为目标,对该V型两缸柴油机与水田机开展悬置系统的匹配计算,得到最优的三点布置方式;并基于此三点布置方式,选取了不同硬度的橡胶悬置开展实车振动测试。测试结果表明:在避开发动机共振的前提下,优化后的悬置起到了很好的隔振效果。  相似文献   

将风力机翼型气动性能与气动噪声同时作为翼型优化目标,建立了低速翼型的多目标优化设计方法,包括利用Bezier曲线对翼型几何结构进行参数化建模,使用位势流动与边界层迭代(IBL)的流动分析方法计算翼型流场,采用Brooks-Pope-Marcolini翼型自噪声半经验模型预测气动噪声,利用Powell优化方法求得优化翼型.以naca0012翼型为例,对多种目标权重分配方案的优化目标进行设计和计算.结果表明:与原始翼型相比,在设计工况下,优化翼型的升阻比提高,噪声降低,可以获得更好的气动性能和声学性能.  相似文献   

在AVL标准试验台架上研究了掺混不同比例生物柴油混合燃料对DW10TD四缸电控柴油机动力性、经济性及排放性的影响.研究结果表明,发动机在不作任何改动的前提下,可实现稳定运转;发动机燃用B10的动力与原柴油机相当,燃用B20,B30时动力与燃用B0时相比下降幅度在3%以内.随着柴油中生物柴油添加比例的增大,发动机有效燃油消耗率增大,但发动机燃烧有效热效率有所改善.发动机燃用掺混生物柴油混合燃料对发动机碳烟排放有显著的改善作用;CO和NOx排放在中小负荷与原柴油机相当,大负荷时CO排放随着混合燃料中生物柴油添加比例的增高而减少,而NOx排放则随着生物柴油添加比例的增大而升高;THC排放在中小负荷随着生物柴油添加比例升高而下降.大负荷下燃用各种燃料THC排放基本相当.  相似文献   

为了提升气动-内燃混合动力系统的动力、经济和排放性能,充分利用气动发动机排气能量,提出了一种利用气动发动机排气辅助实现内燃机进气增压的方法。基于热力学理论建立了气动-内燃混合动力系统数学模型,并对模型进行了试验验证。利用建立的模型分析了气动发动机排气压力和流量变化规律,分别计算了混合动力系统在定转速和定进气压力工况下的性能。计算结果表明:在定转速工况下,随着气动发动机进气压力升高,内燃机平均指示压力升高,混合动力系统输出功率增加,总能效率比同条件的非增压系统最大提高了11%;在定进气压力工况下,随着混合动力系统转速升高,受循环进气量的影响,混合动力系统功率呈先增加后减小的趋势,总能效率则不断降低,但相比同条件下非增压系统提高了5%~15%;气动-内燃混合动力系统在中、低速时,采用辅助增压效果较好,可提升系统的动力性及经济性。  相似文献   

在转速为1,900,r/min、平均指示压力为0.8,MPa的工况下,通过一台单缸高压共轨柴油机进行了不同参数对汽油/柴油双燃料低温燃烧过程影响的试验,结果表明:在给定的试验工况及边界条件下,通过调整汽油和柴油的混合比例、EGR率、柴油喷射压力及喷射正时,可以实现燃烧过程的控制和优化,发动机热效率显著提升,氮氧化物(NOx)和碳烟(soot)排放大幅降低.在汽油比例为90%,、EGR率为40%,的条件下,发动机热效率随柴油喷射压力的升高有所改善,HC排放呈降低趋势,soot排放则一直保持极低水平,但NOx排放升高.在此基础上进一步对柴油喷射正时进行了试验,结果表明:柴油喷射正时对该工况下的低温燃烧过程有明显影响,若柴油喷射靠近上止点,其燃烧过程受柴油传统扩散燃烧影响;若喷射正时过于提前,其燃烧过程受预混燃烧控制.通过优化第二次柴油喷射正时,发动机指示热效率达到了53.2%,.  相似文献   

钻井用柴油/天然气双燃料发动机的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文通过对钻井用柴油/天然气双燃料发动机的特性分析,指出了钻井用双燃料发动机必需具备的一些特征.提出了一种智能的柴油/天然气双燃料发动机控制方案,并对该控制方案进行了阐述,一种以柴油的最低燃油位置曲线为目标以控制燃气阀开度为手段的闭环控制.通过控制程序的MAP图参数的设置,使燃油和燃气供应量逐渐逼近期望值.实现了燃气和燃油供应的动态调整.最后通过试验,验证了该方案的可行性,该双燃料发动机动力性好,动态响应快,抗负荷冲击能力强,运行可靠,操作方便,柴油替代率达到了75%以上,完全能适应钻井动力的需求.通过该技术,降低了石油天然气钻探成本,降低了机组排放,有助于石油天然气钻探行业节能减排的目标实现.  相似文献   

将柴油机改装成沼气发动机的目的是把农村中持有量较大的柴油机改装成沼气——柴油混燃发动机,并使其效率尽可能地高,且确定发动机最佳使用工况。在这项试验中,采用福特4000型3缸柴油机。缸径、冲程均为111.75毫米,气缸排量为3,294厘米~2,压缩比16.5:1,在1,900转/分时,发动机功率是40千瓦。沼气与空气的混合由专门设计的DG200—4型气化器完成。配有阀门的另一条进气道,设计用来在必要时提高空气/燃料比,以使燃料浓度比仅由气化器供气时低一些。为了控制发动机的柴油供给量,并防止  相似文献   

To investigate the feasibility and outlook of air-powered vehicles including compressed air-powered vehicle and liquid nitrogen-powered vehicle, thermodynamic analysis and experiment data were used to analyze the energy density, performance, safety, running efficiency, fuel circulation economy and consumer acceptance, etc. The results show that compressed air and liquid nitrogen have similar energy density as Ni-H battery; the characteristics of an air-powered engine is suitable for driving a vehicle; the circulation efficiency of liquid nitrogen is 3.6%–14% and that of compressed air is 25%–32.3% in practice, and existing technology can assure its safety. It is concluded that though the performance of an air-powered engine is inferior to that of the traditional inert combustion engine, an airpowered vehicle is fit for future green cars to realize the sustainable development of society and environment.  相似文献   

Design of a hybrid system composed of a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC), gas turbine (GT), and an advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage (AA-CAES) based on only energy analysis could not completely identify optimal operating conditions. In this study, the energy and exergy analyses of the hybrid fuel cell system are performed to determine suitable working conditions for stable system operation with load flexibility. Pressure ratios of the compressors and energy charging ratios are varied to investigate their effects on the performance of the hybrid system. The hybrid fuel cell system is found to produce electricity up to 60% of the variation in demand. A GT pressure ratio of 2 provides agreeable conditions for efficient operation of the hybrid system. An AA-CAES pressure ratio of 15 and charging ratio of 0.9 assist in lengthening the discharging time during a high load demand based on an electricity variation of 50%.  相似文献   

为缩短枸杞干燥时间,提高干制枸杞的质量,减少能源消耗,本文提出了一种新型太阳能–空气源热泵联合干燥系统。该系统主要由太阳能集热器和空气源热泵机组等设备组成,可以实现太阳能单独干燥、热泵单独干燥和太阳能–空气源热泵联合干燥三种工作模式。本文根据枸杞的干燥特性,分段设定最佳的干燥温度,进行了热泵单独运行和太阳能–热泵联合运行两种工作模式下干燥枸杞的对比实验。结果表明,干燥50 kg枸杞,太阳能–热泵联合运行比热泵单独运行节省了2.9 kW?h电能,若同时除去系统本身的耗能,节省的电能占热泵单独运行耗电量的29.5%。同时,与太阳能单独干燥相比,太阳能–热泵联合干燥具有较高的除湿能耗比,两者最大差值为0.71 kg/(kW?h)。本文提出的太阳能–热泵联合干燥系统具有提高干燥产品的品质、缩短干燥时间和节约干燥成本等优点,适宜推广。  相似文献   

根据废热驱动的吸收式制冷循环特点以及对汽车制冷系统的技术要求,提出了一种采用直接风冷的,以汽车发动机废热和动力联合驱动的新型吸收/压缩混合制冷循环.在设计工况(空气温度35℃,冷凝温度55℃,制冷剂蒸发温度3℃,制冷负荷30kW)下,对采用R124-DMAC工质的混合制冷循环进行热力计算,其综合性能系数(COPint)为14.85.通过热力循环分析发现发生器负荷率和环境温度变化对混合制冷循环工作特性有较大的影响.  相似文献   

Solar gas turbine systems: Design, cost and perspectives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The combination of high solar shares with high conversion efficiencies is one of the major advantages of solar gas turbine systems compared to other solar-fossil hybrid power plants. Pressurized air receivers are used in solar tower plants to heat the compressed air in the gas turbine to temperatures up to 1000 °C. Therefore solar shares in the design case of 40% up to 90% can be realized and annual solar shares up to 30% can be achieved in base load. Using modern gas turbine systems in recuperation or combined cycle mode leads to conversion efficiencies of the solar heat from around 40% up to more than 50%. This is an important step towards cost reduction of solar thermal power. Together with the advantages of hybrid power plants—variable solar share, fully dispatchable power, 24 h operation without storage—solar gas turbine systems are expected to have a high potential for market introduction in the mid term view.In this paper the design and performance assessment of several prototype plants in the power levels of 1 MW, 5 MW and 15 MW are presented. Advanced software tools are used for design optimization and performance prediction of the solar tower gas turbine power plants. Detailed cost assumptions for the solarized gas turbine, the solar tower plant and further equipment as well as for operation and maintenance are presented. Intensive performance and economic analysis of the prototype plants for different locations and capacity factors are shown. The cost reduction potential through automation and remote operation is revealed.  相似文献   

压缩空气储能被公认为是一种比较适合大规模系统的储能技术.本文对压缩空气储能的技术原理和发展现状进行了简要讲解,包括工作原理,工作过程,关键技术,发展现状,应用领域等.  相似文献   

通过建立空调系统测试实验台,就直接蒸发式与串联式独立新风空调系统进行性能研究。研究影响系统性能各因素,并分析两种空调系统在各因素下的运行性能,以及室内盘管保持干工况下运行的适用条件。得出当室内负荷显热比低于0.8,或者室外温度升高到35℃、相对湿度增大到65%的工况下,串联式系统比直接蒸发式系统更具结露的风险。且适当增加新风量有利于改善室内温湿度过高的现象,但新风量过大,容易造成室温偏高。  相似文献   

We present a theoretical study of a solar photovoltaic-thermal (hybrid) system consisting of a flat-plate solar air heater mounted with solar cells and a plane booster. A conventional flat-plate collector is converted into a hybrid system by mounting solar cells directly on the absorber plate. A hybrid system is self-sufficient in the sense that the electrical energy required by the pump is supplied by the panel. Such systems are well suited to applications such as solar drying. The combined system is analysed for the case when the radiative and absorptive properties of the cell surface and the absorber plate are nearly the same. The solar cell efficiency is a linearly-decreasing function of the absorber plate temperature. The performance of the system has been evaluated for various combinations of boosters. The minimum area of the solar cells required to run the pump at a given flow rate has been calculated as a function of time, with and without boosters. The minimum cell area required decreases with the use of boosters. High cost cells may be replaced by low cost reflectors. The solar air heaters presently available on the market are not suitable for direct conversion to hybrid systems.  相似文献   

Idle performance of a hydrogen rotary engine at different excess air ratios   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rotary engine has flat chamber and longs for fuel with high flame speed and small quenching distance. Hydrogen has many excellent characteristics that are suitable for the rotary engine. In this paper, the performance of a rotary engine fueled with pure hydrogen at different excess air ratios was experimentally investigated. The investigation was carried out on a single-rotor hydrogen-fueled rotary engine equipped with port fuel injection system. An online electronic control module was used to govern the hydrogen injection duration and excess air ratio. In this study, the engine was operating at the idle speed of 3000 rpm and different excess air ratios varied from 0.993 to 1.283. The test results demonstrated that the fuel energy flow rate of the hydrogen rotary engine and engine stability were reduced with the increase of excess air ratio. When the excess air ratio increased from 0.993 to 1.283, the hydrogen energy flow rate was decreased from 14.91 to 11.55 MJ/h. Both the flame development and propagation periods were increased with excess air ratio. CO emission was negligible, but HC, CO2 and NOx emissions were still detected due to the evaporation and possible burning of the lubrication-used gasoline, and oxidation reaction of nitrogen of the intake air.  相似文献   

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