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INTRODUCTIONThe ejector system is a device which employs ahigh-velocity primary motive fluid to enirain and accelerate a slower moving secondary fluid. The resulting kinetic energy of the mixture is subsequently usedfor self-compression to a higher pressure, thus performing the function of a compressor. The ejectorsystem has lOng been applied to jet pumps, vacuumpumps, high-altitude simulators, V/STOLs, etc[lrv4],because of the major advantages of its structural simplicity and reliabili…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONUnsteadycompressiblegasflowthroughaductisoftenencoullteredinmanyengineeringapplicationsandhasbeeninvestigatedbymanyresearchers.Whenapressurewavegeneratedinsideaductisdischargedfromanopenendoftheduct.animpulsivewave,whichcanbefrequentlycha...  相似文献   

The paper deals with experimental and numerical results of investigation into supersonic and transonic flow past a two-dimensional model ejector. Results of optical measurements show a flow structure and flow parameter development in the entrance part of the mixing chamber of the ejector. Numerical results are obtained by means of both the straight solution of shock waves in supersonic flow field using classical relations of parameters of shock waves and the Fluent 6 program. Results of numerical solutions are compared with experimental pictures of flow fields. Flow structure development in the mixing chamber is analysed in detail.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTwomethodsarepresentedhereforthecalculationoftransonicfiowsarotmdairfoilsincludingshock-controldevices.Theuseofblowingandsuction,tIiroughaperforatedplatebelowtheshock-boundarylayerioteractionzone3ispresentinordertominidrizethewavedrag,duetothepresenceoftheshock,topreventtheshock-inducedseparationandinordertoalleviatetheoccurrenceoftheannoyingbthetphesnomenon.Theaimofthispaperistoinvestigatewaysofpredictingthecomplicatedphenomenapreseotintheshock-boundarylayerillteractionregion…  相似文献   

hit~onVortex methodsll-n Provides convenient algorithmsfor the sholation of inviscid or high Reynolds nUmberflows. They consist in concentration the voracity fieldon a dis~ nUInber of prides, which evolve, with thelocal velocity Of the flOW computed in a self-consistontway. Inffesion is handied by either adding a atomwalk to this dete~stic motion, or by exchangingvoracity between navy pndcles. For inviscid flows,their main characterishcs is that they do not in~cenUmerical diffusion and are…  相似文献   

The variational principles for 1-D unsteady compressible flow in a deforming tube derived in a previous paper are improved essentially by reconstructing the initial/final-integral terms according to a new method suggested in a recent paper. As a result, the inherent shortcoming of variational principles of being unable to admit physically rational initial/final-value conditions in initial/boundary-value problems is successfully eliminated. Thus, a new theoretical basis for the time-space finite-element analysis is provided.  相似文献   

A boundary element method for simulating thermocapillary convection in a two-layer immiscible fluid systemwith flat and free interface has been developed.The divergence theorem is applied to the non-linear convectivevolume integral of the boundary element formulation with the pressure penalty function.Consequently,velocitygradients are eliminated and the complete formulation is written in terms of velocity.This avoids the difficultyof convective discretizations and provides considerable reductions in storage and computational requirementswhile improving accuracy.In this paper,we give the influence of different parameters(Marangoni number,Reynolds number)on thermocapillary convection in cavity with two-layer immiscible fluids.As shown by thenumerical results,when the physical parameters between liquid encapsulant and melt are chosen appropriately,the detrimental flow in the bottom melt layer can be greatly suppressed.The influence of the free interface onthermocapillary convection is also shown.  相似文献   

An advanced control concept, Predictive Functional Control (PFC), is applied for temperature control of a bench-scaled batch reactor equipped with monofluid heating/cooling system. First principles process models are developed. Based on achieved models, significant process variables, which are difficult or impossible to measure online, are estimated from easily measured variables, and cascade PFC control strategy has been projected and implemented in Matlab RI 4. The dynamics of individual subunits is explicitly taken into consideration by internal model in the control algorithms, and model uncertainty, various process disturbances are compensated by modifi- cation of internal model. The experimental results present an excellent capability of tracking the set point, and the success of PFC technique as a process control paradigm is illustratively demonstrated.  相似文献   

IntroductionFundamental stUdies of losses in tUrbomachinery in-dicate that, besides giving rise to losses of work, leakageflows contribute to the overall creation of entropy andkinetic encrgy losses. Some entropy is created in thelabyrinth seals and in passages between the fixed androtating pats of turbomachinery. CFD computations inlabyrinth seal geometries enable the evaluation of theentropy ereation PrOCesses there. CFD-based analysis canm1nindze the mass fiow rates of the tip leakage a…  相似文献   

The melting problem in a semi-infinite region with constant heat flux boundary condition is solved by a semi-expect method and an integral approximate method. Effect of subcooling on the transient solid-liquid interface location and surface temperature are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONUnloosetheconvenhonalfluidmachineryinwhichusuallyhavesomerotatingormovingparts,theejectorisadevicewhichemploysahigh-velocityprimalmotivefluidtoentrainandaccelerateasecondalsuctionfluidwhichmovesslower.Theresulhngkinehcenergyofthefutureissubsequentlyusedforself-compressiontOahigherPressure,thusPerformingthefunchonofacompressor.TheejectorsystemhaslongbeenappliedtOjetpumps,vacuumPumps,high-altitUdesimulators,V/STOLs,etc['-'l;becauseofthemajoradvantagesofitsstrUcturalsimplicit…  相似文献   

Shock train and pseudo-shock phenomena in supersonic internal flows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When a normal shock wave interacts with a boundary layer along a wall surface in supersonic internal flows and the shock is strong enough to separate the boundary layer, the shock is bifurcated and a series of shocks called "shock train" is formed. The flow is decelerated from supersonic to subsonic through the whole interaction region that is referred to as "pseudo-shock". In the present paper some characteristics of the shock train and pseudo-shock and some examples of the pseudo-shocks in some flow devices are described.  相似文献   

Hysteretic Phenomenon of Shock Wave in a Supersonic Nozzle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, hysteretic phenomena in fluid flow systems drew attention for their great variety of industrial and engineering applications. When the high-pressure gas is exhausted to atmosphere from the nozzle exit, the expanded supersonic jet with the Mach disk is formed at a specific condition. In two-dimensional expanded supersonic jet, the hysteresis phenomenon for the reflection type of shock wave is occurred under the quasi-steady flow and the transitional pressure ratio between the regular reflection and Mach reflection is affected by this phe- nomenon. However, so far, there are very few researches for the hysteretic phenomenon of shock wave in a supersonic internal flow and the phenomenon has not been investigated satisfactorily. The present study was concemed with the experimental and numerical investigations of hysteretic phenomena of shock wave in a supersonic nozzle, and discussed the relationship between hysteresis phenomenon and rate of the change of pressure ratio with time.  相似文献   

To clarify the characteristics of gas flow in high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) thermal spray gun, aerodynamic research is performed using a special gun. The gun has rectangular cross-sectional area and sidewalls of optical glass to visualize the internal flow. The gun consists of a supersonic nozzle with the design Mach number of 2.0 followed by a straight passage called barrel. Compressed dry air up to 0.78 MPa is used as a process gas instead of combustion gas which is used in a commercial HVOF gun. The high-speed gas flows with shock waves in the gun and jets are visualized by schlieren technique. Complicated internal and external flow-fields containing various types of shock wave as well as expansion wave are visualized.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe phenomena of the impingement of a supersonicjet on a solid obstacle is very interesting and importantin relation to the aeronautical and other industrialengineerings[']-l']. A large number of papers hadconcerned with the impingement on a perpendicularplate and evidenced the flow phenomena and thepressure distribuhon on a plate and so on. However, theinvestigation of the impingement on an inclined platecan only be found in merely several papers['-']. Ih thesestudies, it is menti…  相似文献   

In the present study,a computational fluid dynamics work was performed to investigate the occurrence of the shock wave by condensation in supersonic moist air jet.The unsteady,compressible axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equation is solved by TVD(Total Variation Diminishing) scheme in this study.The numerical simulations have been performed for low pressure ratio and various humidities.The results show the occurrence of the shock wave in supersonic moist air jet for a low pressure ratio when Mach disk does not occur,depending on humidity of the air.  相似文献   

In this paper,some preliminary calculations and the experiments were performed to figure out the flow field,inwhich some rods were normally inserted into the main flow surrounded by a porous cavity.As a result,it is foundthat the starting shock wave severely interacts with the rods,the bow shock wave,its reflections,and the porouswall,which are numerically well predicted at some conditions.Moreover,inserting the rods makes the pressureon the upper wall in the porous region increase when the main flow in the porous region is completely supersonic.The calculations also suggest that three rods cause the widest suction area.  相似文献   

This paper deals with experimental study of flow field of starting process in two-dimensional, single-stage supersonic ejector on different air total pressure. Schlieren pictures of flow field were taken, static pressure distribu-tions on side wall were measured. The obtained results show that, on critical pressure, the starting main shock waves in ejector oscillated back and forth between the second throat and the middle section of the mixing chamber, it causes the pressure in the second half of the mixing chamber acutely fluctuated .When the working pressure of the active flow is higher than the critical starting pressure, ejector starts normally and the inner flow-field of the mixing chamber keeps stable and the shock waves in the second throat have a certain degree of oscillation . After ejector starts, the operating pressure of the active flow may be lower than the starting pressure .  相似文献   

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